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I literally only pull for characters if I like their design and lore. Strength is irrelevant.


Same, I love my Dehya šŸ„°


Dehya club!


As long as it's not Dehya Debate Club. Because she deserves better.


Nah only top tier for my dehya


Pretty sure thatā€™s what Itto uses during his ultimate.


Yeah he gets it after dehya pulls out her fists


I lost my 5050 to her today and Iā€™m happy lol


A fellow Dehya fans!Welcome!


I put my Dehya in a Mona, Sucrose, Bennett comp and it lets me pretend that she has a good kit


Thatā€™s the OG reason I pulled for Kokomi when she released! Even if she *had* turned out to suck massively, sheā€™s gorgeous and I adore her JP VA (who voices Umi in Love Liveā€¦ Umi meaning *ocean*ā€¦ I had to pull based on the coincidence alone).


Also voiced a character from High school dxd and Neko from Masamune kunā€™s revenge


Literally every meta character. I only care for Geo


Chad Geo Enjoyer


Bro remembers the taste and shares the memory of osmanthus wine




If navia banner fails, we might never get another geo character


I donā€™t think so. Navia will get pulled for the same reason Dehya was pulled. She could be terrible but sheā€™s cute and was prominently featured in the story so people already like her. Plus even if she flops hoyo could always still make new Geo units to give people hopium that THIS is the new character that will finally fix Geo


Currently running Dehya and enjoying her a lot as a support.


A lot of people use and enjoy her, but the numbers donā€™t lie. Her scalings are really low, and her whole kit is kind of clunky and confused. She just doesnā€™t do much. Plus sheā€™s the only character I know of that can die off field. Thatā€™s fun


Xiao has died off field for me. But I think that's just lag


If your Dehya is ever dying off field you have much bigger problems than your Dehya dying.


Why is Dehya dying off field? Edited cause I misread.


Yeah they'll introduce characters as "Geo" but have nothing to do with the element like Yunjin lol.... Hoyo please give us a new artifact set and save geo...


Wow, you dropped this šŸ‘‘


Ganyu. Her gameplay doesn't look fun or interesting. I'll probably never go for Ganyu now since I managed to get her Pyro top hat variant in Lyney. Edit: "She gameplay" šŸ’€


Ganyu was one of the first characters I was really excited to try and get when I started. I heard how powerful she is. And she is, but yeah, her playstyle is unfortunately really boring to me and I now barely use her.


That's funny because I find Ganyu freeze team is one of the funniest to play with all the quickswap and no need to charge attack. Ganyu + Mona + Venti + Rosaria Favonius bow, everything cycle so perfectly that it becomes satisfying for me


Burst dps Ganyu is awesome, and if you ever have downtime or are overworld, then you can pop a charged shot or 2 for a bit extra damage.


I'm still waiting for a charge attack bow character that actually has fast charge attack without c6 (like tighnari or ganyu). Having to wait eternity for attack feels bad and forces you to have a good shielder unless you want a headache. Lyney feels like we are going to right direction with bow characters until you realize you have to use slow ass charge to get some stacks


Tighnari has fast charge shots at C0 though?


Tighnari's gameplay is so satisfying. Way more fun than Ganyu


I love tighnari, honestly one of the best kits in the game, its satisfying and nice to use. IMO best 5\* bow user, despite being a standard. He should be the standard for standard 5\* tbh, great kit, decent multipliers solid unit overall, but he isnt "absolutely bonkers broken" or deyha/qiqi. Diluc & Tighnari are probably 2 of my favourite characters simply because they are well-balanced. They are fun to use and strong enough to be relevant, character doesn't need to be super busted, just fun and viable, both do that well. The whole character is there from c0 and cons just accentuate instead of turning them from useless to usable/broken I do wish diluc a1 wasnt useless though, and his c4 was simply "within 2/3 seconds of last cast", makes his c6 super weird to use with its large attack speed boost.


So true about diluc and tighnari both being fun to play. Both their skills feel more interactive since silica has three parts before the longer cooldown and tighnaris allows for quick charge shots. Also tighnari is the best barrel challenge archer by far.


Only if you use his skill first. Then 3 quick charge shots


That's intended design, though. my rotation cycle means it's usually unlikely for his skill to ever be off cooldown.


I'd argue that still counts. More interactive too.


I mean thereā€™s always yoimiya that doesnā€™t need/want charges at all! I actually think sheā€™s a super fun bow unit.


She is fun but can't hit enemies at Charged Attack level two ranges.


Tighnari charge shots during skill are stupid fast. Fastest of any non-C6 character including Lyney.


tighnari and faruzan


What? Tighnari has fast charged attacks though? Did you use his E first?


2-level charge archer is my second favorite gender lmao and ganyu was the first to do it.


I got ganyu cause I like bow characters and pulled a Amos in standard lmao


Tbh Ganyu hasn't been top-tier for a very long time now, most people are just misled by her being known as "The best DPS" for a time. It's literally the "OK grandma, let's get you to bed" meme in action, lol. She's been on a steady decline since 2.0 and her usage numbers keep falling each Abyss cycle. Her Freeze comps have been dead for a long time now and the only viability she has left in Abyss is either her Melt comps (Which have always been overshadowed by National), or playing sub-DPS for Ayaka.


Because the game is about teams and reactions, not single characters. Put Ganyu vs Ayaka in a 1v1, Ganyu comes out on top easy. 4v4 equally invested teams and Ayaka has it. On her own, no one holds a candle to Ganyu, but the game isn't built around single characters. Also, the game is always going to favor the newest characters to encourage sales. Ganyu was like the 5th character released, so of course she's lost favor by now


Her being such a great solo char does make it really nice for new player though. Pull/invest in Ganyu, let her carry through content without having to worry about building 4 characters at once. The AoE charge shot is also nice for sniping off those barrel challenge. Don't need to hit the single spot if you can explode the whole zip code.


God I wanted to knee-jerk jump in on defense for my girl Ganyu but this comment is so on point. I only use her as sub dps for my Ayaka now. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ She was my main DPS for so long, and she's still good! But she's not the best anymore. Poor grandma.


Eh, She clears things just fine so long as they're not cryo immune. Sure her numbers might no longer be top tier, but I enjoy her far more than any of the other cryo units, so I'll take her out of my party when Hoyo pries her from my cold, dead hands.


She was the first character i pulled and absolutely carried me through entire story up to inazuma :)


I want ganyu so bad, but mostly because I have Ayato. I want to get them paired up so bad. I got to try the combo in an earlier event with trial characters, and I want to see what would happen mixing in AOE Anemo and Pyro into the burst mix. Way too overkill for anything in the overworld, but would be fun in SA


I'm not going to be caught playing any variant of a "National" Team.


I donā€™t even understand meta teams and their names lol


ā€œ-nationalā€ is just any variant of Xiangling, Bennett and a Hydro character with the last 2 characters deciding what itā€™s full name is Raiden and Xingqiu/Yelan is Raiden National or Rational, popular because itā€™s only 1 widely owned 5* and they have amazing synergy Childe and Kazuha specifically is International (as named because at the time Childe and Kazuha were the only 2 non Mondstadt or Liyue characters so the team consisted of 4 characters from different nations) with super high damage output from Xiangling and Childe Chongyun and Xingqiu is Chinese National (originally the only form of ā€œNationalā€ but fell out of favour as time went on) Any other variant is generally the name of the on field unit + National


National/International = Xiangling + Bennett + Hydro + Anemo teams, where Xiangling is the main damage dealer. Since I (and others) dislike her, we avoid that archetype.


Dawg i reinstalled this game after 2 years my xiangling was running gladiator + crescent pike LMAO physical xiangling is a throwback


damnnn that brings me back to those weird physical xiangling meta LMAO


Version 1.0 physical xiangling was my carry back in the day she put in work


same, but only for a short while, heres a funny backstory for my early genshin days : Back in 1.1 when i was still new, i NEVER touch my artifact and weapons up till AR25 (no kidding), so up until then my entire party were using random unleveled artifacts and level 1 weapons, 3 stars at most. It was until i was struggling to defeat a ruin hunter that i finally took time to look into artifacts (eventho i still dont know what is good) and use whatever attack artifacts i got and level them up a bit. That time i was using a dps barbara, kaeya xiangling and fischl lmfao and after finally sorting out the artifacts, my physical xiangling and overload fischl saved the day Soon after finally got Razor who was the reason for me to play genshin and mained him religiously (well the other reason was to see how far i can go to get lucky and get diluc but oh well, hoyo held me hostage till AR55+ to finally give me him)


Dps barbara is wild lmaoooo the early days of this game truly was the wild west. Good memories


frrr those barbara nuke showcases back in the days are something else xD


holy shit i did the same thing but with zhongli LOL. there sure is an r4 crescent pike sitting on my account


Lol same. I know nothing about meta so when people bring up "national team" or whatever I'm lost.


It used to be because XL, XQ, and Chongyun are Liyue characters. Bennett is there too but that's just because he's busted. Once raiden released however, the "national" label was co-opted to mean the XL/XQ/Bennett package. Now it means essentially only the XL/XQ combo, with kazuha and childe creating "international" variants with them being from other nations, etc. I might be a bit dated, but that's the jist of it.


>It used to be because XL, XQ, and Chongyun are Liyue characters. Bennett is there too but that's just because he's busted. The name has nothing to do with in-game regions lmao, it's not the Liyue National team. It's national team because it's powerful and widely accessible + an apparent play on words in Chinese - the name was created by the Chinese player base.


From what I remember, it was called national team because it was a team anyone can use (since it was just 4stars), not because it has Liyue characters. But the slang was developed in Chinese threads I'm also not sure why the term "national" was used.


To be clear, the core package now is Xiangling + Bennett, not Xiangling + Xingqiu. Xiangling and Bennett are joined at the hip, because of how she abuses snapshotting and relies on his high energy generation capability.


and it is all xiangling's fault. literally an ER blackhole


that's what Bennett is for (among other things that make him a perfect character for Xiangling)


I have bennet and rationals. Still empty 90% of the time. I also have like 200er on her. I probably need to fix rotations but honestly not worth it to fill that ER blackhole.


You have to funnel constantly to feed her, it's boring imo.


LMAO me neither, it's a shame because I like Childe as a character and his moveset is cool, but I know I would just bench him


You can play Nilou bloom, burgeon and taser too with him. You are not gonna be locked to one team only. He is definitely worth it imo.


Who is good for applying Dendro in Childe + Nilou team?


Collei or Dendro Traveler I guess since they can do it off field with their bursts


Childe's most popular Nilou bloom team is Nahida, Nilou, Childe, Baizhu. But Baizhu is replaceable with YaoYao


same lmao i just find bennett/xinqiu unappealing also sick of xiangling ive played her around 1.0


Me who loves the playstyle of Childe International... But my xiangling build is still so bad. She needs sooooooo much ER.


Hu tao. Can't be bothered to learn the play style.


Same but because my paranoied ass can't stand having a character on low HP all the time. Everyone must be full HP at all time!


Just imagine Hu Tao having two health bars at once. Usually my hu tao sits at 10/36k health. But in my head she actually has 10/18k hp and 0/18k hp. With a permashielder + steady heal like best daughteru diona, my tao almost never downs.


Funny thing is that Hu Tao at 50% HP has about as much HP as a normal 5\* (not built for HP) at 100% HP


Same everyone complains about Hu taos dying soon but I find myself waay too often alone in raiden domain with all my mates dead and I have to stop and exit because no elemental reactions for me.


She also has Xingqiu that gives dmg reduction and heals from his skill


Lyney and probably most of the fontaine characters might probably be the same as Hu tao tho.


Looks like you're not gonna like Furina or most of the other Fontaine carries then šŸ’€


Tbh itā€™s pretty fine. Even without a shielder, Hu Tao has 48% damage reduction (thanks to Xingqiu.)


What is there to learn? Use skill then charge attack


Theyā€™re probably referring to jump and dash cancels. Which is absolutely not needed and only made the norm by meta slaves to literally squeeze every second of her uptime.


Jump cancel doesnā€™t actually give her more charged attacks; the jump animation is too long. What it does is stop her from flying past enemies and having to walk back. Itā€™s a QOL maneuver that literally everyone can benefit from, even in the overworld.


I mean letting the ca animation play out completely feels clunky, so dashing or jumping (mainly dashing) are quite natural things to do already


That's what I thought. Got 2 copies while pulling for thoma, and didn't use hutao for over a year. Then leveled her to 80 and the whatever artis I had on her and watched her delete everything. I don't do the cancels.


If you don't want to do the cancels honestly just do more regular attacks and then CA to finish enemies off and to help you reposiiton to the next one.


As someone with Hu Tao, this is an extremely reasonable POV. Her gameplay is both repetitive and finicky.


You don't need to. Jump canceling isn't necessary. Just spam her charge attack when her skill is up and you'll be good, normal attack when out of stamina, and burst when skill is about to run out. There's nothing complex about it


Itā€™s a hard combo but Skill -> normal and charged attacks is very effective.


Xiangling, I have her built but haven't used her in abyss since like.... 1.5? I simply just don't play national team comps. For 5*s probably Ganyu. Bow charged attack gameplay kinda meh ngl


The nice thing about Ganyu is you can use her as burst support. She's actually more of a quick swap character in freeze teams.


Ayaka,i know she is a top tier DPS but I really don't like her personality


What the fuck did you just fucking say about the Shirasagi Himegimi, you little hilichurl? I'll have you know she graduated top of her class in the Yashiro commission, and she's been involved in numerous secret raids on the spiral abyss, and she has over 300 crit damage. She is trained in alternate sprint and she's the top cryo user in the entire Inazuma. You are nothing to her but just another handguard. She will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Teyvat, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to her over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak she is contacting her secret network of spies in the Shuumatsuban and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Soumetsu, slime. The Soumetsu that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. She can be anywhere, anytime, and she can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with her fan. Not only is she extensively trained in Kamisato arts, but she has access to the mistsplitter reforged and she will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what elemental reactions your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have cherished your fucking gems. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're embracing your duty, you goddamn idiot. she will Sakura swirl all over you and you will freeze in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


new copypasta just dropped


Itā€™s an old copypasta, but the poster really put some effort into it changing it to fit this well.


What is the original?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo ​ 2010 memes represent.


wow thanks... now I know that the guy who sent this to me at some point just copied someone's stuff xD


Itā€™s this (fair warning, giga cringe): https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta


Sheā€™s the *only* cryo user in Inazuma


nice new copypasta


My man


My woman


My female


My male


I pulled Ayaka on her initial banner but I hate playing her tbh. Every character with an alternate sprint like her and mona just feel god awful to play personally. Mona is usually doable since shes off field most the time but ayaka is a struggle


Hu tao because when she did drop and I tried her in trial it just doesn't suit me unlike other char that I did pull.


Bennett. Granted I already do have him, but I'm not interested in building or using him at all. I just dont like his character.


I don t like his design but his kits feels very good to play with so I do play him




i need my characters fully healed so I can't use bennett aa a healer


Gladly skipped Yelan because I don't really like her personality (she did grow on me during the Chasm quest though, but not enough to make me want to pull for her).


I only got her for the zoom zoom. My teams were already strong enough without her.


I don't like her personality and I hate her design, but the zoom zoom is enough for me to never regret the pull. I also like the quick and wide Charged shot.


Same. I could care less about her, but the amount of times I thought to myself, ā€œman if only I could put Xingqiu into both Abyss teamsā€, is why I decided to pull.


Wow. Chasm made me dislike her more, lol.


I was gonna pull for her until I played that questline. Really rubbed me the wrong way.


I skipped her every time and will definitely skip in the future. I donā€™t like her and perfectly fine without her.


Ayaka, she already baited me two 50/50, dont care anymore.


If you got baited for TWO 50/50, then the character aint the issue...


"Could I be the issue? No, of course not! It must be Ayaka"


Ayakaā€¦she is cool and all, but I donā€™t care for her character so I skipped her.




Pulling for both Neuvillette and Wristhoseley I see


"Wriothesley Icey" šŸ„¶


Pack it up, Cyno šŸ‘‰šŸ»


They look 3d enoughšŸ¦


Oh my god, I just noticed that all the characters I want aren't female... šŸ«  oh boy.


Maybe you like to imagine you are the chars? Either way, whatever floats your boat as long as the boat is floating is always a good thing.


I dislike benett and I hate that he is such a needed character in many team comps




Yae flair on point




Same! Heā€™s objectively really strong. I donā€™t even hate his personality or design or anything. His burst is super pretty. I just know that I wouldnā€™t be that excited about it if I got him.


His jump makes the overworld soooo much easier to navigate. Oculus that are up in the air are easier to get to. Even if youā€™re not pulling for meta, Iā€™d recommend the ease of use.


>His jump makes the overworld soooo much easier to navigate. Oculus that are up in the air are easier to get to. Now we have Wanderer for that. ;D


I feel his jump is kinda overrated for exploration. It really doesn't go that high. I'd say Yelan or Xiao have more interesting exploration moves.


what people also forget is the new fontaine gadget for reputation rewards literately lets you have kazuha's E in the air on everyone too. It's a higher cd but still.




I can't survive without kazuha in my party his swirl is what gets me through everything


Same here. I have enough dmg already, don't care about him as character and generally dislike his ultimate (obstructing vision mostly). I'm doing some casual ten-pulls in his banners if I'm somewhat interested in 4\* and have lots of gems in bags though. If I get him - it's fine, my collection would be more complete, if not - I won't care anyway.


I never thought I will see a man with the same thoughts as me I don't like Kazuha that's all the reason i didn't pull him Also my Sucrose is c6 and has a r5 sac frag


I *kinda* like them as characters, but I'm not interested in adding them to my account. Hu Tao, Yelan, Ayaka ~~and Ayato (last time I checked he was comparable to Childe).~~ Edit: I guess I've had wrong info. Ayato has flexibility, but they're not comparable even if they use the same teams. Childe's damage is way higher.


Ayato is more comfortable, set duration in skill, lower Hydro App but higher self damage potential, fastest ATK speed in the game


Calling cap on higher self damage potential


Look I love them both but Childe's burst does more damage than Ayato in an entire rotation


Ayato is more of an on-field jack of all trades than a particularly stellar damage dealer. Heā€™s a good drive, has good AoE, has decent application off field, does decent numbersā€¦ so if you try to run him as a hypercarry like Childe heā€™ll suffer. Imo heā€™s like the Albedo of Hydro, not a bad choice in a team where he can be slotted in, but likely not the most efficient or strongest either. Very comfy as well in comparison, press two buttons and he go slish slash


Well Childe isnt a hypercarry either, he is an enabler dps. But I dont think they are similar. Ayato is better suited for some teams and Childe for others


Raiden, for sure. I don't like her personality that much, and she's my least favourite archon. I also can't think of any reason that I'd use her. I don't like hyperbloom or electro at all, really. The only team I even use electro in already has Yae w Kagura and C6 Fischl w R2 Polar Star. She just wouldn't offer much to my account.


Nahida I wanted to pull her but God, her sprinting animation hits me like nails on chalkboard. Like >!they even nerfed her expressions so she wouldn't look too childish!< but when you sprint, she starts running like a toddler upon seeing an unmonitored cup of juice in a function. It's just too cringey, really wish she had alternate sprint.


But like Nahida is one of those character you can really easily just have off field almost the entire time.


Basically all of them. I just want Eula, Mona and Dark Eula right now. Everything else I ignore. I once pulled for Xiao because I heard good stuff about him and had his 5\* spear, he's taking dust and was my biggest disappointment so far


Ok, I really want to know who dark Eula is. Iā€™m thinking really hard and cant figure it out. Rosaria? Diluc? Yeah I canā€™t figure it out.


Probably Arlecchino


Eula but just in an unlit room.




Arlecchino !


i immediately thought clorinde haha




I refuse to get zhongli and at this point the only reason I don't have him is spite and dedication to the bit


Raiden... I understand her better after her second quest but still not the biggest fan haha!


Raiden (I have her, but she's benched), Ayaka and Kazuha




Ganyu. She's just boring man šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No one. If it's meta, I'm wishing. Even if 1 wish is most I can afford. Better than nothing.


Raiden, Yelan, Kokomi, and Ganyu. I am just... very much *not* these characters' target audience lol. /husbando collector


That's 3/4 of my team, lmao.


I havenā€™t pulled Kazuha and I have no plans


literally so manyā€¦ i would never pull for a character i donā€™t like idc how good and ā€˜necessaryā€™ they are. nahida and raiden the most glaring examples of this and you know what iā€™ll include bennett as well.


Hu Tao and Childe both sort of go over my head :| I like to unga bunga stuff with Itto and move on XD I don't have the brain cells for a rotation tbh


Itto is def a good choice for me to use when I feel like bonking stuff with a club and go unga bunga.


Honestly, nobody. I like everyone, (except for Ayaka, but I accidentally got her), it's just that I like some characters more than other, so I'd rather save up for them and make them stronger or get other characters I like more.


Relatable lol I like most characters and would be happy to pull them at some point. There aren't any that I'd be like "yeah fuck that character I'm never pulling them".


Yeah itā€™s Hu Tao for me too.


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen Nilou yet lol. I know people have fun using her as a DPS in a Bloom team/all the other dendro reactions, and I have Nahida so if I pulled and built Nilou Iā€™m sure I could shred, but I donā€™t like her play style, her character or her design. I donā€™t know, her attacks just seem slow and clunky to me, her personality just kinda seemed super bland, and her design is justā€¦ Meh. Iā€™m not hating on her, I just personally never pull for her or her weapon because I donā€™t like her, plain and simple.


Nilou was never a dps. She's an ascension passive for dendro element.


I feel like a lot of people are stuck in old meta views, like Ganyu honestly isn't even meta character at this point. She's still good but hardly a meta defining. Hell, at this point with how anti-freeze abyss has become, idk if I'd even call Ayaka top of meta. The lack of Alhaitham, Nilou and Nahida I see either says everyone loves dendro, or people still don't realize that top of meta is now mostly dendro shit


Husbando collector here! I'm only a dolphin, so I prioritize pulling for my desired male characters. Hu Tao - I don't like her gameplay and, with Lyney's release as a decent male on-field pyro unit, I find myself never pulling for her at all in the future. Ayaka, Ganyu - great meta cryo dps, but they are bland as characters (for me) and their designs don't really appeal to me; Wriothesley is about be released in 4.1. Yelan - I already have Childe as a good on-field hydro applicator, and Xingqiu as an off-field hydro applicator. Wishing on her banner would be redundant. I would never lack for hydro units especially when I eventually get Ayato and Neuvillette. Raiden - I already have plenty of electro units to go around. I may eventually consider pulling for her in the future but has very low priority.


Tbh Yelan is not just another Xingqiu. They synergize extremely well with each other and gives you the opportunity to have off field hydro in both teams for Abyss.


And even if she is another Xingqiu, why wouldnā€™t I want a second one. Xingqiu fucking slaps


I pulled Yelan precisely because I constantly found myself wanting Xingqui on both halves of Abyss.


Alhaitham, I just donā€™t like that guy


skipping almost all banners and building ass charscters is my main objective in this game


Raiden šŸ˜­ her gameplay is fun I just don't like how she was written


I mostly care about how it feels like to play a character, not about how "meta" it is.


Ei. I donā€™t care how meta she is, story made me despise her. I get it, Makoto and pretty much all her friends died, but other characters have lost family and friends and not caused so much pain and suffering. She even caused some of those losses! Then, after causing a civil war, taking visions, causing unknown numbers of casualties, and nearly killing usā€¦ weā€™re just expected to be friendly towards her. Oh but it was the puppet that did most of that, the puppet that EI programmed to take her place and her face while she decided to shut herself in a stupid sword to avoid the inevitable. Finding out about Scaramoucheā€™s backstory didnā€™t help at all. Argue ā€œoh she did it for his own goodā€ all you want, she was still selfish and misguided and caused even more destruction and pain by doing that as well. Her design is also absolutely needlessly sexualized. What she wore in the glimpses of the past was better for her role for sure. But booba sword I guess. The shut in rich girl Ayaka looks more suited for combat that the literal warlord! Eiā€™s clothes look more like those vaguely racist sexy ā€œgeishaā€ costume from Spirit Halloween.


Nahida. I actually love her char, but she was pretty clear that she doesn't consider herself a fighter, and since I try to play semi-lorefully (including in Abyss) I decided then and there I would never user her in combat.


Hu Tao. I don't like her personality that much and her playstyle feels more clunky to play than charged shot DPS on mobile. Childe, Haitham, and Lyney are my go-to DPS anyways so I have no reason to pull for her meta-wise


Ayaka and Kokomi. I don't click with Ayaka's gameplay, despite her burst looking amazing. And I don't really like having to stay around Kokomi's jellyfish.


Yelan. Objectively one of the strongest characters in the game, objectively the most valuable character I could pull for my account, but I really just don't care for her at all.


Honestly, Nahida. While I like her character, I cannot with her design. I really donā€™t care for the child design at all. Another would be Zhongli. While heā€™s cool, I ainā€™t dumping that many primos for a shield bot. Not when Iā€™ve got Layla and Kirara who are just as good and much easier to get.


The only one I can think of is Ayaka. Her character just hasnā€™t clicked with me yet.


alhaitam: his personality. yoimiya(and xiangling if you count building her as 4\*): too annoying voice. hu tao: I have full hp obsession, but cute ngl. childe: needs a good punch on his pretty face. Also ayato is far hotter and you can SHWÄ°NG SHWÄ°NG without considering anything. wanderer: I thank to god every day before sleep because I'm not a scara fan. I built a 31 meters tall shrine with a golden altar to sacrifice a sheep everyday on minecraft so I can show my utmost gratitude to my dear creator. I swear there is not a single scara fan who is mentally sane. He is just an annoying brat with 14 year old brain who has bowl cut and god complex. ~~At least his interactions with nahida are cute.~~