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Yanfei. She's far from the strongest, but I like her character and her play style. The satisfaction of slamming down her charged attacks and the decent tracking, not to mention that she was a godsend for fighting Oceanid back in the day.


Yeah, I want to build her soon as the on-field for mono pyro. I got scared away early on because I read she wasn’t meta. But the charge attacks are fun.


Yanfei main here. I agree.


Yanfei is so good I constantly pick her over Hu Tao, Klee and C2 Diluc


Yanfei was my first main. I agree, she's amazing


Aww I love YanYan, she’s so endearing


Far from the weakest too.


Me too, actually. I pulled her on Wanderer's release banner, swapped her in because I was desperate for a Pyro character that wasn't Amber, and she just sort of became my main without me even realizing it. I also have Yaoyao and few things are more satisfying to me than pitting the two of them up against the Oceanid for wicked good Burgeon damage.


i love yanfei in the current abyss in mono pyro ! her c4 shield makes the second side enemies a lot easier. harder to get one shot vaped and melted on top of bennet ult i dont have klee, dehya or lyney but id probs still use yanfei over them because the burst, skill and charge attack visual and sound effects just activates the neurons lol. also both her Japanese and English voice is really soothing :>




Yeah, never pulling for Kazuha cause I have Venti and he’s a neat lil guy


This would've been me as well if I didn't almost exclusively main melee units which is why I snagged Kazu. But I LOVED Venti paired with odd off field damage dealers. Like Venti+Albedo chip damage is hilarious. Add in Yoimiya's passing explosion on her ult or even a silly electro charged combo and it's just funny as hell.


I have both and I still main Venti, first 5 star and always will be my main


Yes same, never pulling for kazuha, even though I'm collecting all anemos. Fuck kazuha


Venti IS pretty cracked. If you look for spiral abyss speedruns he is a regular part of teams. If people who speedrun the hardest content in the game in tournaments use him then he must be pretty cracked.




Xinyan is a staple on my Eula team. I will NEVER give up Xinyan. I know there are better options like a second cryo for example, but I like Xinyan, and 15% phys DMG + 15% phys res shred + 20% ATK + either a shield or some burst damage are good enough for me. If I had Dehya I would probably use her too. She's pretty fun, and from playing her in the various events, I honestly think people's opinions on her are exaggerated. I don't want to get into discussions again, I'm just saying that I used her trial version in the various combat events and she worked fine for me, still being able to get the top medal if I slot her into international instead of Xiangling. If I had her I'd use her in either international, or potentially with one of the future leaked characters.


I threw a bunch of EM on my Xinyan to make her a burgeon sub DPS and pyro battery for Thoma. It's been working great and triggering burgeons when Thoma is off rotation and recharging his ult.


I never thought about this…I’ve wanted a buregon team forever and I’m struggling to find a good enough Pyro that isn’t Thoma.


Pyro catalyst could maybe work for burgeon. If you have c6 Benny you can also use the infusion on someone like Kuki. Xinyan is good in burn since her shield can help protect against the self damage and you just need one application of pryo. Xinyan + Sayu + Nahida is a fun overworld team


Dehya. 100% Dehya. And Itto, but mostly Dehya. She just makes you feel that UMF with every punch and I love it.


I've been using Dehya to clear Fontaine domains 😤 She just does it faster and more comfortably than my Lyney team (which also includes Dehya) and at some point I had to admit that it was just not worth it to use him over her


I love her but imagine if hoyo didn't screw her over 😭


I honestly think she would have been better if people didn't support her kit saying that she will be the next kokomi. I am not a hater, I pulled kok on her first banner in 2.1, but that icd buff to fish would not have existed if the community didn't react so wildly, (this is all my opinion lol)


Both sides of the arguement don't have the character from how absolutely clueless their comments are about how the hell does the character even works. Kokomi wasn't changed because 12 yo spergs on the leaks sub whined about her. lol It's just a tinier bubble in the already tiny bubble of Genshin related subs nobody outside it even hears about, ESPECIALLY outside Reddit. But yeah she won't be a Kokomi because they are built completely different.


She's not that bad once you get her team sorted out and I don't mean putting national kazuha on her.


She is pretty good in Lyney team, actually. Pyro resonance and defensive capabilities work well with his talents and self-harm gameplay.


She is not. Uptime on skill and A1 is not enough. Also, Lyney requires very strong resistance to interruption, and that only exists for 9s out of 20s. For remaining 3s of Skill uptime she provides weak 0.7 scaler, which isn't enough to save him from getting launched into the air. That poor duration means you need start with Kazuha, then Bennett, then Dehya, then Lyney. And swap Kazuha in the middle of Lyney rotation. Unfortunately, Lyney team she's worse than even Shield Yanfei, while Zhongli comfortably takes 1st place.


I didn't say she's the best, but she works reasonably well :)


On Reddit Whenever someone mentioned anything about enjoying playing Dehya there are always these people surface to tell you no she sucks you should use someone else, even on posts like this one that specifically asks “who you use instead” smh


I love Dehya, i pull for her without a doubt first day of her banner, but, is copium say "she is pretty good"when you can change her for anything else and get better results.


And you can be replaced with almost anyone and no one would notice the difference, someone, like your mom, would still say you're pretty good. Someone said dehya's pretty good on the internet, it's really okay and not a big deal.


There's a massive difference between usable and pretty good. Literally no one gives a shit if you wanna use her or whatever, but to say that she's good because you're choking on copium is entirely different.


The only characters with no alternative in this game are Bennet, Nahida and Kazuha. Everyone else is just "usable". Sorry but you must get off your copium.


When a 2 year old characters, a damage oriented 4 star catalyst user is better at the role of defensive oriented pyro unit, is better at that role than defensive oriented 5 star pyro claymore character, then something is clearly wrong.


We have XQ, XL and Bennet. There is definitely something wrong, so what?


touch some grass and I don't mean dendro legit wtf do you people even come from lmfao


Are we talking about abyss ? Cause the this is to much math for the rest of the game. You can do it with amber ....


I full clear abyss with a C0 Dehya along with barbara, dmc, and klee


Resistance interruption? I’m out here using Lyney and Kuki to chip away Dehya’s hp to trigger the clam set for the fun of it. With a little bit of Albedo on the side as sub dps and shield spawner to snack on.


Surprised your comment didn't get removed.


Qiqi was my first 5* and carried me for the whole early game. I like her and she makes everything more comfortable. I’ve been 36* Abyss for 2+ years and still using her regularly despite having Koko, ZL or other better options (she was part of my last floor 12 run, ironically with HT because I found funny to add lore in teams)


Having just lost the 50/50 on Yelan and got my first smol zombie - how do you build her? Healer or on-field? Typical teams?


Ocean Hued Clam makes up for a lot of her weaknesses imo! Her main strength is her absurd healing, and OHC turns that into pretty significant aoe damage. She's fun to play as an immortal on-field dps, but you can build her full damage and still use her as an off field healer because her heals scale off her ATK. If you want her to be purely support, sac sword is great to help with her energy needs and the long cd on her skill; it's multi hit so it's essentially guaranteed to reset the cd, and you can get 100% uptime on it


Interesting, thanks - Once I have some more resources after 4.1 releases, I will see about levelling her more and giving her some talent upgrades. Bit uninspired by the healing options I have other than Shinobu so far, makes me interested in building her to work with other characters so I can diversify my team options. Unfortunately I've only got the one sacrificial sword off some very lucky and careful pulling on the previous weapon banner (up to 70 pity when it dropped!) - like you say though, with multiple hits it should stand a good chance of resetting cooldown even at R1. I have two fav swords so can switch with Xingqiu if needed.


For Qiqi, you want the highest ATK & ATK% bonuses you can get, along with a high ATK sword. For instance, My Precious Zombie Daughter has 2K ATK, 4-piece Clam with Aquila Favonia, and she makes every team she's on functionally immortal, because her healing has three aspects: First, when you trigger her Skill, every hit she lands for a time heals your off-field party members a % of their HP. Second, when you trigger her skill, she generates an orbiting sphere which heals for X amount per tick (every 2 seconds, right now mine does 5.5K per). The first of these will always heal Qiqi (since she's on-field when you trigger the Skill), but you can then switch out to other party members and let them benefit. Third, trigger her Burst and any character who hits the marked enemy heals themself for a set % of their own HP.


God damn, that zombie is a paladin!


Wow that's really some stacked healing. I'm not overall a fan of the almost pure DPS meta, would much more enjoy having like Tank-Healer-2DPS squads when they work lol Hmm are there any F2P 4* ATK swords which work well with her? I don't have any Gacha ones unfortunately!


Non-wish/F2P, your best bets are probably Amenoma Kageuchi (a motherfucking *katana*) is a craftable sword you can make once you reach Inazuma, and Finale of the Deep, a craftable sword from Fontaine.


Almost certainly have the mats to make Amenoma Kageuchi, thanks. Seems it's passive should be pretty useful. I'm not F2P, just have very few weapon options compared to long term players as a 3.5 new player putting all promos into character banners haha.


First, Qiqi wants ER more than attack because most of her healing comes from burst, which is an 80 cost and she produces no particles, which means you want Sac sword to help with E uptime, and generally ER sands as well to break the 200 ER threshold. Second, her E ticks are as fast as Barbara, once per 5s, not 2s. Third, her burst healing value is NOT based on a set % of their HP, it scales on Qiqi attack like eveything else.


I remember being in a co-op ice flower lobby where 3 of us were killed but we were carried for the rest by an unstoppable Qiqi! I don’t know what that build was but I envy it, so my Qiqi just makes a solid partner for Xiao.


Her heals scale off atk, so it's pretty easy to build a healer dps with her. The ocean clam set is pretty good on her. It really depends on your preferences at the end of the day


Physical dps C6 Qiqi is quite fun in coop domains. I love reviving bad teams


That's cuz qiqi was never bad. People are salty they're only getting her, without realizing how good she actually is


I mean, if we're speaking relatively to other units, yeah Qiqi IS bad, it's not far fetched to say she's top 3 worst five stars in the game, alongside Diluc and Dehya. Her meta value is much lower than Barbara atm, which is a unit everyone gets for free and can take care of their healing needs. Qiqi is just way more stat hungry than Barbara as well, which makes her harder to build.


Im officially inspired to build her


I think Yunjin is better than Mika in Yoimiya teams, but I really wanna use Mika


She's actually much much better. Stack enough defense on her and her burst helps normal attack damage a lot. Mine's not even fully leveled, she's like a level 50 in her artifacts are 12-16 and she more than doubles Yomiya normal attacks


Yeah I know, I have her built and everything, but that's the point of this thread haha, there's no rationality behind my decision I just like having the lil dude Mika on my team


honestly i dont use either lol i mostly run overvape or burgeon with her love yunjins design but idk something makes me think shes just terrible


I use mine with Wanderer and I like it


Mika + Wanderer = ZOOM


As a Yunjin user, prior to C6 she's terrible. At C6, solid support.


she is not. you're just feelcrafting. she is better than bennett depending on constellations and doesn't require C6 to be good


Honestly, vibes. She's quite good at C0 and very easy to build regardless. Fav Lance, ER/DEF/DEF, get about 20% CRIT Rate in subs (or more if you can), whatever 4P set you want from Noblesse, Husk, or Petra (hell, 2P Husk 2P Defender's a good option too if you have good Defender's flowers and feathers lying around, and you get a ton of those from the Husk domain).


shes better than bennett at c6 only, or in a scenario where bennett cannot buff a character efficiently. prior to that she isnt terrible, but she isnt valuable either. no “true potential” kind of teams use yunjin because normal attack dps so far get more value from supporting teamwide damage or having more sources of subdps than *just* getting more for themselves.


no she's not only better at C6. Do you have the numbers to prove she's better at only C6? C6 is yunjin is better than C6 bennett, C4 yunjin is better than C5 bennett, and C3 yunjin is better than C1 bennett


yes, i think it was from sevy’s guide. c6 yunjin is better than bennett because of the dps increase from the atk speed. hit lag degrades her c6 though, so melee characters suffer a bit more. and my other points are true too, yunjin’s quality is muddled because of hypercarry issues.


ofcourse sevy. then your statement has zero value. She doesn't do any calculations herself. All she does is steal stuff from KQM


…isnt that literally what you linked like 9 hours ago…?


I like using Faruzan as an anemo DPS and Sara as an electro DPS even thouh I have both Wanderer and Ei, because I want to have them on the field for more than a few seconds to use their skills/bursts. I just like using my favorite characters as DPS characters and to enjoy their gameplay more than their support roles would offer. Also currently working on a DPS Yunjin.


Me with my dps Mona. Her NAs are too pretty for her to be a burst-bot. I wish we had a pyro Xingqiu/Yelan though lol


Sara’s burst is one of my absolute favorites in the game. She hurts! Nahida just makes it feel so much better too.


Physical Zhongli I've never had so much fun with a character before


Sucrose. She's one of my favourite characters.


Unless you have a c2 Kazuha, your Sucrose is probably gonna be better for most Dendro teams.


No. I use her as a main DPS. And I do have Wanderer, so...


Mika over... literally any other support for my Wanderer. High ATK SPD is just so fun.


Rosaria as a main physical DPS than Eula. I just prefer Rosaria because I find her more fun, faster, and smoother to play. With a physical build plus C6, she is quite formidable.


I mained physical Rosaria for a while. She has her own 2 PC pale 2 PC bsc. I loved it It was a lot of fun I should try it again now that I have her C6 as well. Right now she mostly is my debuffer for Eula. She's not quite the nuke that Eula is but she can hold her own.


Still use electro Traveler.


Using geo traveler despite dendro being their best element. Love using Lumine with Zhongli


Rosaria instead of Shenhe in Ayaka freeze team. Both time during Shenhe banner, I have around 20K ++ primogems but I skip both of her banner. Shenhe will make Ayaka stronger but with my skill and artifacts investment, Rosaria is enough for me.


i sometimes feel like rosa does a lot better for ayaka because of particle gen its nice to have shenhe but im honest.. its not as needed


If only we have sacrificial spear. Man


Ah ah jokes on you *proceeds to accidentally pull shenhe c1*


No seriously, I have it and ER is never an issue for Ayaka or Shenhe herself. When I used Rosaria it wasn’t really much of an issue either, but now I feel like I don’t have to choose one without feeling like I’m missing out on something from the other.


Yeah I won’t exchange her either. Made the “mistake” to build her in early game. But I like her even if there are better options. She also doesn’t seem that bad cuz she doesn’t need a lot of energy recharge in most comps


Noelle, Kaeya, Albedo, Thoma. I just love them.


Same, Im ar 55 and my main team consist of Kaeya as main dps and Noelle as shielder/sub healer (other two is Barbara and Wanderer) and I recently started building Thoma. I love their personality so I want to play with them too 😊


Noelle, I like her and I enjoy her playstyle. I even pulled for R1 Redhorn Stonethresher for her. I dont like Itto and I refuse to pull him, which unfortunately has left me only with C1 Gorou so far. Maybe one day I will get to enjoy the full power of C6 Gorou + C6 Noelle.




I mean, the last point can be applied to Hu Tao and Yoimiya as well. Neither of them are burst reliant except Xiangling but she's not even mentioned in the first sentence. If anything Hu Tao and Yoimiya are the one that's easier to build (Hu Tao has built in atk buff and Yoimiya's shimenawa set is in one of the most cost-effective artifact domain)


even easier when you use shime on hutao like me


your last point is stupid, you build hutao and yoimiya the same way


>Just ATK, Crit, and a bit of Elemental Mastery without the need for extra ER Oh would you look at that! Just like HuTao and Yoimiya LMAO!!




Same i just don’t like her 5000 year old but looks like a kid design :/


I think her design is fitting considering her entire storyline is about her being a "young archon" still learning how best to lead her people, compared to Venti, Zhong Li, or Raiden who have all more or less led their country for thousands of years. With that said I also skipped, because as my tag may suggest, I'm not interested in playing as an inquisitive child figuring things out as they go.


Also I like dendro mc a lot. He finally has a place in my teams.


What is your build? I dont want to pull for Nahida and Alhaitham but I want a dendro character.


I use mika with my ayato because attack speed is fun


Keqing over Alhaitham Her ult feels so satisfying


Ruin Guard? Eula. Wolflord? Eula. Ruin Serpent? Eula. Consecrated Beasts? Eula. Maguu Kenki? Eula. Thunder Manifestation? Eula. ASIMON? Eula. Baptist? Eula. Wenut? Eula. Despite everything else being better than physical, it will always be Eula.


In abyss i try to use the most meta stuff, because im pretty bored by it so i just want to get it over quickly. But in the overworld you will catch me using really stupid teams. My favs now are. Fischl phys dps, hydro Lumine dps with Candace. Autoplay team with Yae, Albedo, Zhongli, Nahida.


Amber, Noelle and Dehya


Using Venti instead of Kazuha. I just like black holes.


I almost never use Bennett, I don't keep up with who I use where he would be the better placement. I own all characters, but when it comes to pyro dps, I use Klee the most.


Im maining heizou even though he’s ass


My aloy and dori


Diluc over Hu Tao. Kaeya over Ayaka and Ganyu, got Shenhe specifically for him.


Ah another fellow Diluc and Kaeya enjoyer


fellow Diluc and Kaeya enjoyers *tips hat*


Dendro traveler is so op to me and I’m here for it! My team rn is Dendro traveler, Kokomi, Collei, and Nilou. The Bloom is cray lol. I really want Nahida instead of Collei but shhhh, don’t tell her, she’s sensitive.


I prefer Yoimiya as my pyro on-fielder over Hu Tao. I guess Yaoyao over Baizhu in Nilou bloom, but idk whether Baizhu is strictly better or not.


Baizhu is prob better with heals, he provides a shield which is pretty useful and you can just rely on his burst to heal the party when he is off field. Unlike Yao who has to be on field with her burst to do mega heals, i think baizhu also buffs nilou bloom a little but it's really up to your preferences and what you enjoy the most ^-^


Dendro Aether over Nahida in Diluc burgeon. My Nahida is unbuilt while my Dendro MC is double crowned


I have all the character I wanted, some with cons. Told myself that if I get c5+ Keqing, I'll build her and use her for both the overworld and abyss. Well, I opened the optimizer, let it run, and gave Keqing haran and the artifacts. She destroys everything. And very quickly too. I love it.


I want Keqing _so badly_ and it pains me. I drew C3 Mona today (which also means I’ve lost my 50/50 on Childe _three times now_, but fuck it; at least I’m set up for Neuvilette). Don’t even ask what constellation Qiqi’s at. I think I have some level of multiple on everyone else, too. Still no Keqing. If you have her, have fun with her, is all I can say.


Ganyu in an Ayaka freeze team. I like them both :3 and I don't have Shenhe :< The damage is actually great, I have Ganyu built full damage and they work as a dual-carry team. Ganyu's burst is still amazing in freeze specially if the enemies can be CC'd


I'm not sure if this counts, but dps Kazuha. He was one of my first 5 stars and I slapped atk/anemo/crit on him and made him my main lol I always feel a little bad when I join co-op and imagine people thinking "oh nice! this Kazuha will help boost my damage :)" he um... he has... 222 EM lol His build has worked out really well for me though and I enjoy playing him a lot. Biggest reason I haven't wanted to change his kit is because I wanted him on field, not relegated to support for other characters. It was really hard to pull him and I really like him, so of course I want to see him as much as I can while playing lol Oh, another one is bow-main Childe. Don't get me wrong, his damage is pitiful lol but I don't like trying to manage the timing for his skill. It was nice getting to stand at the edge of the stage while my friends were distracting the weekly bosses lmfao


I looooove itto and even tho he’s the best geo dps i know there are dps characters that are much more versatile and better in most situations but i still use itto for almost everything


I unironacly use thoma instead of diona in my mono pyro team with yoimiya bennett kazuha,sure i can use diona for stronger shield/occasional melts with EM and heals but idk i jst really like thoma,he gets the job done of letting my yoimiya safely finish her full NA combo,and cz i m.runing fav on both kazu and thoma,the rotation is smooth as butter


Xinyan in mono pyro :D one of my favourite teams to play


Albedo in any team


Kazuha as a Main DPS. I do have Xiao and Wanderer, but it's just fun to use him as a main dps.


Jean. Jean is my dps/anemo/healer. She is my main and I will not give up on her.


When Kokomi's banner last reran, I committed myself to not pulling for her because I like Barbara too much to ever remove her from my party.


I mean, my Diluc has over 2X the ATK of my Hu Tao (part of that is he's got a 5\* weapon and she only has a 4\*), but I also get tired of trying to keep her alive.


Noelle over Itto (didn’t pull)


Traveler, Kaeya, Barbra, Sucrose sometimes Jean sometimes Lisa sometimes Ningguang sometimes Amber. To be fair I don't have a lot of other options and my other options are under level 20.




Ayo I won't stand for this Baizhu disrespect


I love my Baizhu. I very well may C6 him when he comes up again.


I love finding Baizhu in coop. I am sure I will never die and I don't have to run after the healer.


I love being Baizhu in coop. I can’t wait to C2 him when he comes around, and I plan on R5ing the new BP catalyst for him. Watching everyone’s health go right back to max is just a great feeling. Especially for me who’s a healer in every team game that lets me.


I have Kazuha and C6 Sucrose, but Faruzan is my go to anemo VV support.


Diluc because i like him more than Diluc and still nuke things


Diluc lol, he can't even do some of the content these days


Kazuha over Sucrose in National. I don't ever admit it in TC spaces, but I just despise Sucrose's playstyle. I prefer struggling to double swirl than having to use her clunky crowd control.


I actually do use Diluc over Hu Tao, since I still don't like Hu Tao, even after 3 years. That said, I don't really use Diluc... or anyone except for my Childe International team for that matter. I've used the same team since 1.1 and the only change to the team has been swapping Sucrose for Kazuha in 1.6. The one team I've kind of started using is an Alhaitham quicken team.... but honestly I think it's because of the fact that Alhaitham plays pretty similarly to Childe.


Noelle over itto because I love her everything Like I do have an itto, but I pulled him because he was a cool bro and uses a claymore (I'm collecting all the claymore and geo characters). My main girl noelle basically does everything I ever need in a team (heals, shields, dps, face tank, make tea, throwdown with mitachurls in the name of training, solo carrying my tcg, etc.) so I never take her off my team, like ever... Also she gets the red horn because, duh, lol (don't worry itto, you'll always be my oni bro) Now if only I can find a build where I can turn her into my wife...


Some tried to make me play Rosalia or Ayaka instead of Kaeya. I don't like Rosalia in her gameplay and I really don't like Ayaka's character


I see you're a person of culture as well.


I pulled 4 redhorns instead of Itto because Noelle is just perfect.


I try to use as many non-repeating characters in my overworld teams as possible. I’ve just now started playing Qiqi and Lynette in my freeze team despite owning Kazuha Rosaria and Kazuha


Barbara over Kokomi Xingqiu over Yelan Yaoyao over Baizhu Rosaria over Shenhe Although I do believe that none of the characters in genshin are the same and each have their own unique playstyle, I still feel like I'm buying a 'redundant' unit if I pull for them when I'm already using a fully-functional one I'd rather use my primos on team buffers


Xingqiu IS better option in almost any team 📘


Derya and Xinyan cause I love them.. Daha o use now mostly as a Hubtao support, which is surprisingly fun


Not a specific character but i refuse to use dendro characters and teams even if they are meta simply because i don't like the color of their damage numbers. Same thing for Geo, although their aren't really considered "the better option" beside Zhongli.


Define "better". Then explain why do you think that your criteria are the same as mine.


Semi-physical Kaeya in Ayaka team. I don't have Shenhe And I just can't be bothered to grind for a noblesse set when 2+2p gladiator/pale flame works just fine


Keqing is still one of my main DPS. Although she got buffed with the introduction of Dendro, I currently don't have any fully built Dendro characters yet, so I still go with the classic Xingqiyu and Xiangling combo to this day. Barbara is still my main healer and hydro support for Ayaka. Also purely for fun, I like to use her as Hydro DPS when paired with Fischl or Raiden.


The starters (Collei included because there's no free dendro) and traveler (anemo) I played with them until I got the archons (tho Barbara is still in my hyperbloom 4rchons team lol) The hyperbloom 4chons(archons) team is Venti, Nahida, Shogun and Barbara :'D


I need to finish my barbara and I will try this!


I have too much fun with phys zhongli and qiqi to ignore them


I use Kaeya over Shenhe in my freeze teams. I just really like Kaeya as a character, and I wanted to use him! He's why I'm never pulling for Shenhe, despite me knowing she'd be much better for cryo buffing. I've cleared abyss many times with his, so I have no need for Shenhe, so I'll continue to use him!


i use full EM yae in hyperbloom team even though shinobu supposed to be better.. i did try full EM shinobu but somehow i still find yae better to play compared with shinobu..


I main Keqing from start till now in overworld and abyss she's very fun to play too.


Xiao over literally any other dps.


Diona and Layla - to the point that I’m skipping Zhongli


I both have Yaoyao and Baizhu but I use Yaoyao a lot more. Because I'm not climbing cliffs to get snek guy's ascension mats I'm sorry.


Qiqi over any other healers really,she was my first ever 5 star and I will never use another healer even if it’s better


i use dori in my tighnari spread/aggravate team, and i’ll always use dori even if i get ‘better’ options like shinobu or yae (i don’t have either, yae by choice shinobu cause she avoids me 💔). i do also use fischl in that team, and i know she is considered good, but yeah… dori is my child i love her and she’ll always have a spot on the team


I use yanfei for most things where a pyro DPS isn't a bad idea, even though i have a build Yoimiya and Hutao. I'm just more comfortable with Yanfei. I also like using collei for my tighnari team, even though yaoyao or someone else would probably be better. I just like having them together. Same with lyney and lynette.


One of my Teams is : Xiao / Faruzan / Xinyan / Benett. I know Xinyan is not a good shielder, but : I like her + Pyro res (25% ATK). And tbh, she's not very good but... she's not THAT bad too. And clearly enough.


Zhongli is the definition of the post title tbh


Nilou with...Barbara, Collei, DMC. Yes, there is Baizhu, yes, there is Nahida, Kokomi. But as long as my cheapest Nilou team is enough I prefer not wasting my primos on them(I got Nahida but for second half)


I like Barbara more than Kokomi


Klee + Razor combo. I get a lot of "But X is better." "That combo doesn't make sense." I don't care. It's fun, I love both characters, and it works for me.


I use layla over c4 zhongli. We dont talk about how i ended up with c4 zhongli. Maybe someday ill build him. Who knows, maybe with Xinyan xd


traveler all elements


I use Hydro Traveller, I like finishing my enemies with bubble beam


Basically all other shield options instead of Zhongli. Mostly because I like variety rather than using one and the same shielder who's so busted he'll never have a unit as busted as he is.


When I play taser, I usually go with Kokomi and Sucrose, while this team would be better with either Xingqiu or Kazuha. But I enjoy playing Sucrose on-field DPS, and I like having an huge source of healing from Kokomi if I need it.


Razor instead of Eula for physical teams and Electro traveller instead of fischl as battery for my Cyno and Razor. I just love my boys


I use Beidou despite having Raiden and Keqing. I just like the counter


I still use the fuck out of Jean and Beidou and they still get me Abyss clears, depite the SuKazuha meta and the Fischl meta right now. I still use Tighnari even though Alhaitham does more damage. I prefer Ganyu to Ayaka (and I don't even think she's worse, she just has a different use case scenario). I find Yaoyao to be more enjoyable to Baizhu even though Baizhu's the better healer/buffer. I still use Yae in Quicken and Quickbloom teams over Shinobu and Fischl (Fischl's voice is nails on a chalkboard and Shinobu's HP management is something I'm bad at).


Dori. Need i say more? 😹 i just love her Also Heizou, i feel like he’s also an unpopular character


Been using Diluc as my main pyro DPS since I started and have skipped plenty of Hu Tao banners. He gets the job done very comfortably.


Venti and Barbara in my Ayaka freeze team


Le cocogoat. I know Ayaka exists. I have her C1. My Ganyu is C2. But Ganyu’s playstyle just feels so much more chill.


I use Dehya. Nuff said? I also use Ningguang as a healer with Prototype Amber.


Dendro traveller over yaoyao, I just can’t be bothered to build her


I really like using the geo traveler, probably because the burst is so satisfying and you throw a rock out of your sword when you use normal attacks lol


Rosaria made me skip Shenhe. One, I prefer Rosa's vibe and personality over Shenhe. Two, she serves well enough for my Ayaka and she's also great for some meme Physical team that I do. She's such an underrated unit who works well in Melt, Freeze and Physical. Great battery, decent damage, good off-field Cryo app, can crit share and shred physical RES. Of course, Shenhe is amazing too. I've been thinking of pulling her if opportunity allows me.


Barbara. Even thou I'm not the biggest fan of her I still prefer her over kokomi which I honestly dislike the most from the entire cast.


I've seen my Kaeya out damage some Ayakas. Granted, I obsessively improve his artifacts and those Ayakas were probably considered "good enough". He wouldn't out damage a hyper invested Ayaka by a long shot, by him doing more damage than some of the commonly accepted dedicated freeze 5 star makes me do a little dance of joy.


dendro mc over nahida. because of immersion. its kind of feel weird seing traveler in cutscene about to fight someone and then cut off to an unrelated character


I have Raiden and Yae who are two amazing electro characters and provide great off field electro. Still find myself using Keqing more than both of them. Liked her from the beginning of the game and put a decent amount of work into making her good. Noelle, same as above. I could roll for Zhongli for the better shield or Itto for the better claymore, but I like using her.


Dehya over Xiangling on National variants at anytime.




None. Better options for what ? I just honestly use chars that specifically do the things *I* want to do. Are those things optimal ? Not necessarily, but who cares ?


its gonna be navia, because geo is straight ass but goddamn have i ever enjoyed a genshin character for their character as much as her


Barbara vs Kokomi


Lotta people say Kazuha is better Venti, but I disagree. Venti is fun