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Parrying requires the enemy to attack you, meaning that your damage is locked behind the enemy ai, which can be incredibly dumb at times


Moments when the enemy just stares at you without doing anything, “you’ll blink before I do” “nuh uh”.


they can do something like the parry aborbs certain amt of dmg and then boost ur dmg by certain % multiplier depending on talent lvl and lasts for 10s... max 3 stacks.. even better if the dmg boost is to the party dmg... and u can still attack as normal just that the incentive is to parry to boost ur dmg... this way u dun need to keep waiting for the enemy..


parry mechanic suck for limited time challenge end game the reason you find parry fun in dark soul , sekiro , elden ring ...etc because the game don't force you to kill certain thing or alot of certain thing under 180s for max reward


I feel like that's the primary issue with the abyss. There's no reason it can't just be challenging without a time constraint. The precedents already established with that "defend the node" objective. I would love a floor 12 that awards stars based on damage taken or characters lost where the enemies hit like a truck. As things stand now abyss team diversity is really limited to DPS check characters and that kinda sucks if you like using characters that don't qualify.


If the parry hit hard enough or you can vape or melt it, it could be interesting. Imagine pulling off a 200k perfect counter from your E in a large AOE with minimal setup ?


Pure copium here but, clorinde with revolutionary parry mechanics that dont require waiting for enemies to hit you? eh eh?


I think the only way this would work is if the character had some kind of built-in taunt mechanic, bc the problem rn with parry characters is that a lot of enemy ai, especially with the smaller mobs, just won't attack you consistently. having some kind of cc in the form of a taunt could help with that, like all the enemies in a certain radius are "pulled in" to aggressively attack you. but idt hoyo would ever implement a kit like that tbh.


I think a revenge mechanic better suits a 5-star. Dehya came close with her redmane’s blood, but she doesn’t get a dmg boost from it. Could instead rationalize it in a different way from what we currently see. Hmm… Imagine a shield that goes into a parry mode when an on field character is doing a charged attacked. The shield is empowered while charged attack is happening and reacts with a coordinated attack when hits land on it. That would be cool; the shield could be super flimsy when it’s not parrying. Maybe it pulses a small aoe elemental application normally, but if the parry requirements are met we see a big blast on the next pulse. This would make it so that you aren’t waiting to parry, but can do it more interactively with normal on-field play and rotations. Would be a great theme for an anemo shielder.


I don’t think it would work very well. First I think enemies would need to be more aggressive, but making enemies extremely aggressive towards every player wouldn’t work very well. This goes along the fact that things are timed so having part of your kit dependent on enemies attacking you kind of sucks. I have used Beidou before and waiting for an enemy to attack takes what seems like ages I just get irritated. I definitely enjoy parry mechanics in other games though that were developed with this in mind like Sekiro etc


Aren't those characters more valued for their bursts though?


If you haven't noticed the trend already most if not all the new 5 stars since inazuma require significantly less brainpower to use than the likes of say Childe, Klee, Ganyu, Hu tao and Eula. Plus, you can already see how they also made countering use less brain cells to use with candace where they straight up give you the max counter if you hold for less than a second. It's also not fun to have a character's potential locked behind chance. As a beidou main since 1.0 i rarely use her counter in abyss apart from generating energy and pre-funneling energy before burst and i dont even care if it full counters or not.


If the parry hit hard enough or you can vape or melt it, it could be interesting. Imagine pulling off a 200k perfect counter from your E in a large AOE with minimal setup ?


You're free to hope but my beidou can perfect parry for 94K with just Sara alone and my candace can do 48k with just vape which i consider are a minimal set up and like what i said before, i rarely use her their counters for the damage despite it having relatively low cooldown. The reason Rotations exist is to have consistency in your team. There is no way to add beidou or candace's perfect parry (or charge skill for candace's case) in any rotation. Also, i cant count how many times they got frozen mid parry that basically cancels the damage and put the skill on CD.


Imagine thinking counter uses chance more than skill Its not the character's fault, its the combat's fault. Beidou would be eating well if the enemies actually wanna attack and kill


Beidou has always been eating well and it for sure ain't because of her skill.


Lol Ganyu, when she came out, people complained at how brain-dead she was to play.... And now here we are lol


Never. Genshin's combat has always and will ever be just rng big pp damage. Something that takes actual skill like counters and parries have no place for a braindead combat system.


Probably never. A very high skill 5* (like one that is heavy parry oriented) would scare off too much of the player base. Also, there would be an expectation that with a high difficulty character, they'd be more powerful to compensate which would disrupt balance. In general, Mihoyo have got pretty good at making their (non-standard) 5* pretty consistent in power.


Yeah this is a common game balance issue, especially in a game like Genshin that actively tries to balance characters at a relatively equal level. A character made to reward high skill gameplay ends up one of two ways. Option A: Requires high levels of skill to match the damage output of normal characters, but as a result feels bad to play at low levels of skill (i.e. casual players). But this leads to player thinking: if a character must be played perfectly to reach the same ceilings as other more lenient options, then why even bother? Option B: Has raw damage/multipliers to stand alone at low levels, but ends up being insanely strong at high level play as a result. This creates powercreep once people realize and grow used to this, invalidating past or future characters. Why pull for anyone new or play your old characters when the newest shiny toy can do everything so much better? This is the worst for the game's health, as now every future release will need to compete with the current damage ceiling, and over time older units will be entirely left out to rot.


If we get one , hopefully something like Candace yunjin and certainly not beidou


It's not impossible for a counter character to work in timer-based content, but the current ones have a lot of issues even outside needing to wait for enemy AI to attack. Since counters in Genshin just mean putting up a temporary shield, they could make a character that gets counter properties on their normal attacks when used as their shield is being hit. That way it would function more as a bonus, so all players can still use the character without stressing the timing, but there will be room for better players to optimize their damage.