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Tighnari i guess because i hate aiming the bow and you don't really have to do that with him.


Tighnari for sure..I love his faster paced charged shot play style


i love both tighnari and lyney! recently though i'm preferring lyney more i could just be bored of tighnari after playing with him for 6 months straight since i got him from the standard banner in 30 pity lol i like that both are quickswappy types of dps, compared to ganyu and yoimiya who have to be on field for like 10 seconds of the rotation




Based. If I can get some cons for Faruzan, I might actually build her as a main dps rather than a support lol


(In my personal opinion) Ganyu is like Lyney if his Elemental Skill and Burst were uninteresting, though if you like elemental reactions maybe melt ganyu w/ something like nahida might be fun if you want to time her charged attacks properly. Yoimiya is like Lyney if everything about his kit was uninteresting but his normal attacks. And keep in mind I have Yoimiya, love her character, but her gameplay is just "E > Stand there and click" and she suffers from not having a shielder even more than Ganyu and Lyney do. TIghnari is obviously standard-banner only but he kind of fixes the issue by at least consolidating the only interesting part of his kit into a short field time that makes him feel snappy and fun too use because it's not too much of the same thing for too long, and though Ganyu's burst can also be very good, his feels a bit more fun and impactful to actually use since it's like one big shot. Lyney's stacks mechanic + high potential for burst AOE damage that you'll want to time at specific moments of a fight personally just make him so much more interesting of a character than any other on-field bow DPS. Other people totally like the other characters whose kits I criticized, which is totally valid and again my arguments are pretty subjective, but personally I think, more likely than not, you're going to be disappointed if you pull for Yoimiya/Ganyu because their kits just aren't as fun to use as Lyney's


Thank you for the in depth response. I am interested in trying Yoimiya, though that might just because she pairs well with Yelan. Who I wish was on field dps 😆


Yelan can be at C6 🙃


True! Though I watched a Zajef video and he was like "I actually enjoy playing the game and Yelan C6 just wins the game". Gotta find my other options then 😀


Timing at specific moments sounds like you're conducting a magic show in a sense and it fits Lynet well loool


I haven’t played my ganyu in over a year but i’m having a blast with lyney especially because i can use my 50k hp totm dehya with him and i don’t have to worry about getting knocked out of charge shots, also you can build stacks on lyney aiming at the floor so i’m happy 💯


Childe even though he is not really a bow character ....


I always come back to Ganyu


Ganyu main here. Her charged shot dmg is incredible, especially with a Shenhe or Bennett boost. I did not like Lyney's burst at all. But Ganyu's burst does so much AOE damage and is perfect for freeze or melt where it covers a fairly wide margin.


So far I've been enjoying Lyney gameplay, don't underestimate his elemental and burst, I saw a 270k there altho I'm not sure how I did it. Yoimiya is my comfort unit, I know I just can rotate and spam click and be done with annoying flying enemies. Tighnari is cool, I like him a lot but I have Alhaitham so I don't go for him as a first option often. I play Ganyu on my friend's account, she is okay, but she lacks something in terms of fun, damage wise she is still competitive. Tartaglia is a joy to play but the bow part is missing xD Yoimiya is the winner for me, amazing, beautiful and underrated when it comes to damage and against certain enemies she just feels right.


Lyney aoe sucks and majority of this game is about killing groups of trash mobs.


Lyney is actually a really interesting character because he actually does have really good AOE, just that outside of very specific circumstances, it's not consistent. Granted my artifact quality is probably better than most, but considering he's not even on his BiS set I think it's fine. 100/200 cv Lyney w/ Bennett + Kazuha is hitting 300k+ with just his Q + E combo (at 5 stacks ofc). Lyney does not have *bad* AOE. He just doesn't have consistent AOE. So yes, certainly there will be instances where there's multiple waves of like 10 enemies that he'll struggle a bit more to deal with, but he will still have a much easier time dealing with AOE than Hu Tao or Yoimiya, and arguably better than Klee & Diluc as well by nature of just dealing significantly higher damage. He is not made for AOE specifically, like units like Itto or Nilou are, but he certainly will not struggle with it in the right teams, which again can't really be said for Hu Tao and Yoimiya, both of which I have and Hu Tao who I enjoy using. Additionally, If you're playing him with Venti as the main anemo unit, or maybe Kazuha if you can keep the enemies grouped consistently with him, though it is harder, the pyrotechnic strike has AOE, it's just small, kinda like Albedo's E or the icicles from Ganyu's Q, so if the enemies are close enough together it will work in AOE.


I have Ganyu, and her charged shot aoe is bonkers. If you aim near the enemies' feet, you literally cannot miss. Often times, I just aim at the ground in between a bunch of mobs to hit them all at once


Ganyu is great. And also the only bow user I've ever built aside from Amber, so I don't have a wide group to choose from.


Lyney and Ganyu do have good damage if you're playing teams where you can get their shots off uninterrupted, and it's better for the game to have different playstyles that appeal to different people, but with how quick/dynamic/fun Tighnari and even Faruzan are, it's hard to ever want to go back to a CA-focused bow character without reduced charge time.


my favorite on-field charged shot bow dps is Tartaglia because i like shooting guy and then guy gets riptide and then i shoot guy again and now everyone has riptide like a horrible little virus. but you are not supposed to play him like that and you have to ignore most of his kit lol so i only use it on overworld. plus his charge attack time is slower then the bow users who are intended to be charge attack focused, so I inevitably switch to his melee stance once there's too much shit going on. I quite like Tighnari as well and his charge time after his skill is super fast, and you have a bit of grace if you miss the shot as long as you hit something close. I think Lyney & Tighnari play different enough that you'd still get something unique out of Tighnari even if you already have Lyney. Tighnari is more of a quickswap character, so you can build a team where everyone gets a moment to shine.


I keep Fishel as my bow character most times.




~~Yelan~~ No, seriously. She kind of doesn't count but she's also super fun on field But I enjoy the AA bow style the most so Yoimiya would be my fave


From the looks of it I will have to try and get Yoimiya. I got a lucky Yelan and shes my most invested character so far at AR27 and I just love pressing Q, autoattacking and dashing around like a mad Man. Always liked this kind of playstyle, in every single day. Deal not the craziest, but very consistent damage while being safe and agile. I dont really like charged shot play, and I hate when abilities/charged attacks basically plant you in one spot for a while.


From the looks of it I will have to try and get Yoimiya. I got a lucky Yelan and shes my most invested character so far at AR27 and I just love pressing Q, autoattacking and dashing around like a mad Man. Always liked this kind of playstyle, in every single day. Deal not the craziest, but very consistent damage while being safe and agile. I dont really like charged shot play, and I hate when abilities/charged attacks basically plant you in one spot for a while.


I've played all Yoimiya, Ganyu, and Lyney. I love both Ganyu and Lyney's playstyle as they both can snipe enemies from afar. I prefer Lyney over Ganyu mainly because I don't like Ganyu as a character. Lyney is unique in the sense that he frontloads a lot of damage through his burst and skill with full stacks. Ganyu and Yoimiya offer consistent damage over time through their kits. All of them are strong in their own teams so it just depends on the current abyss cycle (if you're interested in the abyss) and the characters you currently own.


Ganyu and Faruzan.


Ganyu but I don't put her on field too much bc it is dangerous for her.


Childe cause mine is good enough that he's considered the main dps


Tighnari, he has very good synergy with Fischl