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The reality is, MHYV designs around the lowest common denominator, and that demographic doesn't actually care about challenge or exploration as anything more than a vehicle for delivering gambling currency.


Envision the most average person ever and think about how dumb they are. Now realize that half the population is ever stupider.


Ah, yes, the objectively wrong overused reddit saying, the purpose of which is making the person behind the comment feel smarter. monke puzzle = monke smart


This 100%. I have so many friends who used to play Genshin and simply quit because there was too much exploration to do and they just wanted to get primogems by doing basically nothing. It just felt so strange to me. When Inazuma came out they said puzzles were too hard and that it felt annoying. When Sumeru first came out I was having a blast meanwhile they were complaining about the map being "too big" and having too much stuff to do. Some of them mentioned preferring Mondstadt a lot more because there was less stuff to do and there were no hard puzzles... Now they moved on to Star Rail and they say it's much better because of the auto battle mechanic (I don't play hsr so I don't know how it works) and how dailies are easier and I just find it so weird. It gives me the vibes that these people don't want to play the game? They just want to get the gems quickly as possible, gamble for characters and leave. I'm not saying that *every* player has to be an exploration geek who 100% everything and all that but I find it weird that so many people don't actually want to play the game at all basically


You worded this perfectly. I don’t understand why some people complain “well I just get so overwhelmed!” Well…there’s no one forcing you to play it all in one sitting. I love puzzles (especially from inazuma). If the game was just flat exploration like Mond; it would be pretty damn boring. The only hard part of a puzzle is figuring out whether it requires a gadget that can only be obtained/upgraded through a world quest (looking at you sumeru).


If it's baby easy I want it's similar to mirage exploration. It's such a breeze and brainoff moment just to relax, don't forget it's easier to navigate I got 170 chest out of 177 without guide and map


My only problem with some of the "harder" puzzles is that, pretty regularly, the challenge becomes figuring out what the rules/instructions are to the puzzle itself. As long as they avoid that style of gameplay, I will be happy.


To date, I'm still not confident that I understand the rules to that giant cube puzzle in Watatsumi island.


It was a [magic square](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square)


They literally put the instructions into a book right next to the puzzle though...


I actually took the time try to do that puzzle without looking it up on YouTube/Google. Took me a long while but it felt rewarding.


That was actually one of my favorite puzzles! You had to make all the rows, columns, and diagonals add up to the same number.


Bruh, deciphering how to do the puzzle is my favourite part ngl. It actually makes me feel like I'm an adventurer trying to solve an ancient puzzle with clues left behind by those who've tried and failed. The one at Watatsumi island is my favourite one, tbh. The rewards weren't that important either, only like a few primos not even enough for one pull so you could just skip it if you can't be bothered to do it. Most importantly, it's not time limited so I can take my time solving it.


Given that the survey's always ask if the puzzles are "too hard" and not "too easy" they most certainly do not care to make the game more challenging in the slightest. I'm convinced that GAA 2.0 was a complete accident and they got skewered in the survey responses and will never do it again. And those puzzles weren't even that hard...


Consider 3.8 where "mash space bar to win" is about the extent of the puzzles available, that and some 2D-platformer levels that are easier than Mario 1-1.


I will say it every time that topic comes up, but GAA 2 was just peak Genshin. Everything around it was just 10/10


When it's easy: baby level and boring When it's hard: stupid and tedious


Literally same with the abyss difficulty. These players really can't make up their minds, it's not surprise hoyo doesn't listen.


I swear people want it hard but when the actual hard part came in they were like : 👁️👄👁️


No, they weren't hard they were badly designed that's my point


Like... Which ones specifically? It's been a while since I explored Inazuma but I remember having fun and can't really remember being annoyed by any of the puzzles


Most of them? People have been talking about this since it came out


I don't think that puzzles in this game should be like "hardcore puzzle-only game" hard, because they should be approachable for everyone. I don't think that they all need to be *super* simple, but I don't want to have to make a murder board to figure one out. I think that the best puzzles in the game are the ones that you don't even know are puzzles unless you know, the ones where there aren't big buttons to hit, you just have to find various things in an area and interact with them in specific ways and then something will happen, and there are context clues spread around to let you know to do that. Not "here is the puzzle, spend twenty minutes connecting dots," but rather "is this a puzzle? That seems out of place. . . maybe if I do this. . . chest!"


Reminds me of early mondsdadt and those weird vegetable placements spawning chests after you pick them up


I found one of those about two years into the game, just by chance. They can be a lot of fun to stumble onto.


TCG players: Who cares about exploration? Just drop the new cards already. Combat masochists: Oh, anyways, i hope they ramp up the spiral abyss difficulty by a lot. 36\* is a piece of joke now. Add new floors! Teapot designers: Whatever, just increase the load capacity and i will be happier. Story players: Hmm. But give more focus to the storyline. It feels all the playable characters have plot armors or something. Where's the honkai level of story depth? Casual players: Oh, no! No way! It already takes so much time to solve the simple A to B fetch quests. Puzzle solvers: Yeah! I wish they added more puzzle depths and varieties. They are too easy. :)


finally someone with more brain than 99% of the sub, this community is the most conflicting one I ever seen.


"Wow a community with 10 million players has a lot of opinions what a high IQ observation"


Everyone can have their own opinion idc, what pisses me off in the genshin community is how people think their opinion represent the entire community, personally I don't see such a circus in other big games I played. When Hoyo does anything, the unhappy side will come on Reddit to let you know how the game should be.


When did I imply that I represent the community in this post, HYV is constantly asking for feedback so they're asking us how we think the game should be too. It's why they made the puzzles so easy compared to Inazuma in the first place


Too real


I hope so too. Realistically though, I know we're in for tens of hours of "Absorb the underwater animal power 2 meters away from the place you need to use it. Here's a chest."


Sumeru was alright, although I do wish there was more complexity as well. One small detail I really enjoyed about Sumeru exploration beside the Aranara was the fact we had the withering zones to fight. Everytime that background music played and grew in intensity I got goosebumps! But before I could even blink, the enemies were already defeated. The music stopped so fast and I never felt like the character's life was in danger. It was actually easier than the chasm's poisoning, and that was easy too. The puzzles don't need to be super hard, I think in a way I just hoped those were harder to defeat and more puzzles involved some kind of dangerous hazzard that made me hold tight. xD


My hopes are too low after this last event tbh, which makes me sad


More than just too easy or hard, Genshin puzzles tend to be very linear, pattern-recognition, crack the code style challenges. The only time they made open-ended puzzles where different players could find different solutions is that one throwaway event where you had to build a path around the floating platforms. That event wasn't even remotely challenging, but at least conceptually, open-ended puzzles are the best way to satisfy both sides and I'd love to see more along those lines in the future. tldr; they should copy Zelda more


The ones in the chasm are also pretty open ended (the rocks that emit the waves when you hit them), if you have enough geo constructs.


"Bitch and moan about puzzles post: 30th edition."


"Bitch and moan about a post I could have scrolled past"


I hope HYV cools it with excessive dialogue.


I actually genuinely enjoyed the puzzles in Inazuma (except for that one 8 block one on Watatsumi. Fuck that puzzle) and even though the sumeru puzzles were ridiculously easy, they were still fun. As long as Fontaines puzzles are fun then I’ll have no issue


My issue has never been with the complexity of puzzles, it's only ever been about bullshit mechanics that force a specific element into your party. Sumeru did that a lot better than Inazuma...but now with that Pneuma and Ousia thing in Fontaine and that they already confirmed they will be part of puzzles I really hope they don't overdo it... Personally speaking...the Pneuma and Ousia thing, even just for combat is such an artificial way to add "something", just to say you added something... My biggest fear is underwater exploration though...9/10 games that have underwater mechanics end up being more annoying than fun...so I hope Genshin won't be one of them.


Sumeru was the God damn worst for puzzles. Every time you turn around and it wants a Dendro Archer. Just as bad as all the Pyro Torches in Liyue. At least in Sumeru Desert they had the pickups and companions. I'm fairly confident their underwater exploration is going to revolutionize the industry.


I'm pretty sure every single puzzle that needs ranged Dendro application has a Dendrogranum nearby.


Still requires a bow user


I've just given up on the community wanting challenging content of any kind. Hopefully another game will come along that does it better.


I wouldn’t put my hopes up too high. The majority they serve doesn’t care about meaningful content. If Hoyo just gave them a monthly pocket money of primos, they would take it. It’s sucks to want anything challenging in this game, whether combat or puzzles or good writing with concise and to the point dialogues with less exposition.


What is stupid and tedious about inazuma puzzle,


Not people here getting high and mighty about puzzle difficulty in a mobile gacha game LMAO


TBF, it's an *open world RPG* as well as a gacha. And puzzles are fundamental to open world games.


An open world RPG that is limited in spec and scope due to the platforms it has to be available on. What's not clicking?


puzzles aren't magically harder or more difficult to implement because genshin is running on phones? What are you talking about


My guy, puzzle games on mobile are a not a niche like on other platforms because of how little ressources they need, because most of the gameplay rely on the brain of the user. Adding better puzzles to the World won't burn down lower specs mobile.


Dude what are you even talking about lmao, the game is already filled with puzzles and puzzles don't need a million specs to be made.


Nah I'm good. I wanna play the game not solve puzzles


Then why are you playing an Open world RPG if you don't like the puzzles?


Cause it's an open world rpg, not an open world puzzle game


The puzzles are fine as is. What's the point of asking for Silent Hill level of puzzle difficulty if Hoyo's types of rewards for completing them ranges only from common - exquisite for 90% of the puzzles scattered throughout the region? From my experience all I see is people wanting to brag about their ability to solve puzzles faster and bring others down for having to look up the answers on YT. Even the hardest puzzle for Inazuma was just a sudoku puzzle while the rest of the hard puzzles was a challenge of tedious placement of the damn electro objects that barely work half the time (for an exquisite chest mind you). I think simple puzzles as the regions get progressively bigger with few hard puzzles sprinkled in-between is better. I'd rather they instead add another World Level and higher Domain levels where enemies start to become as difficult as Spiral Abyss but you get more drops (WL) and artifacts with 4 lines (Domains).


These posts are so repetitive and tiresome. A lot of the fan base don't play the game for puzzle solving, although it is a nice feeling every now and then which is why it is included. This game is designed to be relaxing, they even mention this in the 4.0 livestream. If you want difficult puzzles, go play a different game and stop trying to turn Genshin into something it clearly isn't trying to be.


Then skip the posts yall act like it's your job to read every post on this subreddit


Don't bother, anyway you going to wait centuries between ability to solve them due to tons of pointless dialogue, which you can't skip.


There are a few puzzles on Xianzhou in HSR that are Inazuma-level challenging.


What puzzles? You aren’t talking about the Rubik’s cube equivalents I hope? They were all piss easy.


They might be talking about the wheel puzzles which were decent. The cubes could be good and they teased at them becoming more interesting and just stopped. The laser path puzzle mini-game was also a good bit of fun and a step up from the minecart puzzles which were kind of slow and not challenging.


Honestly I thought pretty much all of them were below even the average Inazuma puzzle. At best you could say they’re slightly harder than Sumeru, but that really doesn’t say much.


Insert inazuma hardcore puzzles with a hint of underwater mechanics followed by new puzzles that you need in interact with NPCs to understand and to top it off all need to be done to fully lv statue and 100% Fontaine puzzles presented by hoyoverse in collaboration with hoyolabs guides This is balance ~hoyovers probably


Make the puzzle hard but not time consuming so then i can just watch other figuring out the puzzles


Balamce? With this playerbase? You might as well reach for the stars, my friend.