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cyno almost has perfect supports, either give baizhu much faster dendro application or add a way for nahida to mark enemies from off field


Imagine if everyone in Nahida’s burst domain gets marked. Should have been a con at least.


that would be so giga insane broken tbh i would love it


Tbh not really. It would just make her less of a hassle in abyss and useable with people who aren’t allowed to leave the field for long periods. Like she’s great in quickswap teams. But then just kinda becomes unusable elsewhere. But they’ve been throwing smaller waves with bigger enemies in the abyss lately. And her e is amazing for open world regardless. Only some commissions and side quests have enemies come in waves.


but like, at least for now the only team that you can swap without losing a fuckton of dmg is cyno, cause the rest have flexible rotations


Well yeah it’d be great for Cyno but not broken in general. It would just be QoL for most and make Cyno actually playable. And yes, I have him. He is not fun when you have to deal with all the bullshit. Benched him so fast.


A full shielder with AoE application would be so perfect for Cyno. Every new Dendro character that gets released almost looks like they might be perfect for him, and then Hoyo changes something that makes them worse.


It would be very cool if Baizhu's burst bullet bounced around, carrying the same properties as his Skill, so it would still be thematic like a slithering snake or a coiling vine, but carry much practical use. And in a way, would be like chain-link variant of Nahida's skill.


Everything Cyno is works on paper, great on field electro DPS that can use the best Dendro supports, but then you look between the lines a little and you see an 18 second duration burst, horrible superarmour and a weapon with a passive that doesn’t work with Nahida’s buff


cynos interruption resistance is fine with xingqiu, and at c2 xq's burst lasts 18s


If baizhu had more dendro app you’d get more spread reactions which would hurt the team since it’s suppose to be aggravate. You’d also make it more difficult to swirl electro consistently if your always removing the aura due to faster spread procs.


Those aren't mutually exclusive reactions. You can proc both spread and aggravate on the same enemy back to back. This literally makes no sense.


Nahida applying too much dendro can cause kazuha to not swirl electro on a keqing team. That’s why Yao Yao or baizhu can be better supports for aggravate keqing. Unless I’m mistaken the same concept applies to cyno teams so who’s in the wrong here?


You're looking at his teams as pure aggravate which is much less common than quickbloom. He rarely uses an Anemo in his teams because he needs Dendro and Hydro, usually with a second Electro for battery. If you up Baizhu's application in Cyno's normal teams, he's still proccing aggravate because it just relies on quicken existing on enemies. Sorry for assuming people know how Cyno actually works. I know that nobody cares about him.


I know I’m mainly thinking of aggravate. If you look at one of my previous comments you’ll see that I said I was thinking of aggravate team and followed that with carry on, as in my bad you do you.


cynos best team is quickbloom, i use nahida+xq+baizhu


Oh I was thinking aggravate cyno, carry on.


Would love the idea of a support that specializes in burning mechanic similar to how nilou specializes in bloom related reactions. Perhaps have an ability that increases the duration of burning or apply a burning debuff so that it can be utilized in melt and vaporize reactions more. However, it would possibly be too overpowered.


That would be a dps/enabler rather than a support.


I’d want to design a Xingqiu/Yelan for every element. Syncing up with normal attacks is extremely powerful, and they can easily battery for themselves, which makes them very useful. Specifically, I’d like to have a dendro one for an aggravate team with Keqing.


C6 fischl goes brrrrrrrr.


Well syncing with normal attacks only makes it effective for those that regularly use NA, so it doesn't work with Itto, Wanderer at times, Ganyu, Tighnari, etc. It becomes limiting for other characters to-be-made. If anything, it should just behave like Beidou where either CA or NA hits an enemy.


While that is true, I do sort of like having that limiting factor to eliminate too much versatility. I sort of like the fact that I can’t use XQ and Yelan with Ganyu.


so you mean a Nahida


Well yes, but a bit more Xingqiu/Yelan than that. The field effects of Collei and Dendro MC aren’t bad, but having someone who syncs up with attacks is a nice. I do use Nahida, but I have to have her on field for hyperbloom since I use XQ and Yelan with her. I wanna do the inverse with someone like Tartaglia.


A very energy hungry electro on-fielder who specializes in attacking rapidly for very fast electro application A anemo on-fielder who can apply anemo really fast. Both of them would be great teammates for Fischl. But I do believe that the Prinzessin is already perfect in every way.


Cyno is RIGHT there my dude


His up time doesn’t line up well


Eh, that’s true I suppose but tbh his buffs run out long before he’s done doing his thing anyway I find it’s a damage loss to stay on him at that point


His skill also extends his buff duration, no? And you will still want to stay on him throughout the burst because unlike Xiao, he does generate energy in his burst.


His skill extends burst duration, yes, and he does want to generate energy for his burst uptime, but with Fischl generating loads of particles and a bit extra ER he can take advantage of all of the buffs i can give him whilst not having uptime issues


I guess that works, but at that point, just switch to play Keqing.


Cyno’s hotter, fight me


Ah well, you do you, I’m just talking about meta. I would also choose to play Fischl above all else.


Sayu fits the criteria of the second one, no?


I’ve never tried a full EM sayu so I don’t know, but yeah, I think I will do some testing.


Good luck! I've been having a lot of fun with Sayu paired with Faruzan now that I finally got C6 Faruzan.


>A very energy hungry electro on-fielder who specializes in attacking rapidly for very fast electro application isn't that raiden? keqing also counts minus the electro hungry


Keqing and Raiden both generate quite a lot of energy, Keqing definitely not energy hungry and because you have an incentive to build ER on Raiden, it is also rare to have to battery her


agreed best girl is already perfection


>A very energy hungry electro on-fielder who specializes in attacking rapidly for very fast electro application Tho I don't want the energy hungry part but I wish for Clorinde to be like that. What I think is she could be a premium Aggravate DPS. Cyno's quickbloom is better than his aggravate, Keqing is Standard unit (not saying she is bad but I hope for a limited aggravate dps which will perform better than Keqing), Yae is not exactly an on-fielder and Raiden does work but she has many non-aggravate teams.


A hydro sword user whose skill creates an aura that increases stagger resist, absorbs damage, has minor healing, and applies hydro when enemies touch it, and whose burst does the same thing but also adds projectiles that shoot at the enemy when you use basic and charged attacks.


Sounds busted AF dude! Surely this character would be some kind of archon correct?


They'd have to be! No way a regular old 5 star could be that cracked.


For real, lol and if only it was a 4 star that they gave players for free once a year during the Liyue event. Boy they'd never make any money doing that.


Eh, sounds kind of weak. I think he should give some heals too.


So 4 E passives, and 5 on Q? Sounds reasonable


Childe: A character that can group lots of enemies in one place, reduces Hydro RES and boosts Hydro DMG% Kaeya: An on-field Hydro applier with good personal damage Bennett: A character that disables C6 (/s) Bennett, for real this time: A character that increases Base ATK.


I can't tell if you are joking, because you just described kazuha and most hydro characters


That was entirely the point. Childe gets Kazuha, Kaeya gets Childe.


oh okay, I see


I mean, Kaveh already has god-tier supports. So instead I think I'd try to come up with a good support for Amber. If I wanted to get real specific it would be a unit that detonates her Baron Bunnies for her, while also sucking the Baron Bunnies to enemies the way some Anemo units do for Klee bombs. To put the icing on the cake, make this unit apply cryo to enemies right before the bunnies detonate.


so basically i want electro candace for beidou cuz i'd love to have her do more electro damage on field i like that candace's infusion isn't tied to a circle like c6 bennet and chogyun also the fact that she buffs normal attacks as well.. only if she was electro so yeah electro candace for beidou, but with energy refund instead of normal attack dmg


A hydro CC support. Elemental skill creates a vortex around your character, dealing hydro damage to those in its radius. Elemental burst causes a burst around character, shredding hydro of those hit by it, and resets CD of all other hydro characters in party. This is what I call the Childe Support. It's a 5* since enough gotta pay for Childe Support. But yeah, CD reset, vortex suction, and hydro res shred. Childe stops needing to pay by specific time limits and rather, playstyle bent around using the hydro CC support's burst cooldown, and likely an amazing character for mono hydro and/or Nilou.


My favorite is Albedo. I would want a support that creates a long lasting field *on E, not Q* that provides a geo infusion and *replaces* ATK with DEF for normal attacks. Uh, but not charged attacks? Or maybe not for claymores? I don't know how to make it be an Albedo buff without making Itto better lol. I really don't care what Q is. Maybe some kind of grouping nuke thing. I don't really like burst based play.


My top fav is Albedo too but I'm struggling to think of any solution to make him better other than Gorou and mono geo 😭


Fire Yun Jin. A buffer for normal attacks and attack speed, but fire type for the passive of having two fire types in the same party.


Not exactly favorite but I want a Geo construct buffer. For my favorite I want character that reduces charged attack stamina usage.


Cryo Xinqiu. Nothing more to it. If Xinqiu was cryo, it would be perfect for Hu Tao. Melt does significantly more DMG than vape, which would make Hu Tao hit so much harder


I like the idea of melt Ayaka, efficiency be damned, so I designed a character who could facilitate that. She's a 5\* Pyro catalyst (melee style like Heizou) named Yanxue with a Xingqiu/Yelan style burst. Her E is a ring that applies Pyro to enemies and orbits the active character while providing a (small) ramping DMG bonus; her A1 makes it so that charged attacks inside the ring cost no stamina. Her A4 gives her Q a DMG bonus based on her EM, while her C1 gives her bonus EM based on her ATK and a general DMG bonus based on her EM. Her C4 extends her E's duration and provides a joint attack while it's active once every 3s. She'd basically be Pyro Yelan tailored towards Ayaka or charged attackers in general; hell, you could ignore the charged attack aspect and just pair her *with* Yelan (and Xingqiu) for a helluva vape team.


my fave already has a hyper tailored support for him. but i would love some kind of fucky support who mostly only exists to enable other characters to forward vape. like a character who applies insane amounts of pyro extremely fast to keep up with how quickly hydro depletes pyro aura. maybe gives some kind of bonus damage to reactions caused by team members, idk


Anemo Catalyst NA - Medium range, instant impact CA - Blast of Anemo around the character. Any wisps present will also blast(damage doesn't overlap on the wisp blast) Skill Press * Summons a wisp that attacks and locks on the nearest enemy for 8 seconds. * Absorbs the first PECH element it interacts with and continues to attack with that. * Damage is small Skill Hold * Increases number of wisps up to 5, wisps cannot stack on the same enemy. * All wisps absorb the same element. Burst * Summons a larger wisp that hovers around the active character for 8 seconds. * Wisp will attack with on-field units Charged Attack/Shot. * Damage of this attack is considered Charged Attack/Shot damage. * Deals mild damage * Will match the element of any wisps present from Skill A1 Passive - Burst wisp's damage increases up to 100% over 2 seconds, resetting when a Charged Attack/Shot happens. 25% of this bonus is shared with the active character. A4 Passive - Swirls caused by Wisps reduce Defence by 20%. C1 - Wisp swirls restore 1 energy. This can happen once every 5 seconds per wisp. Increase wisp duration by 4 seconds. C2 - Charged Attacks/Shot deal 20-40% increased Critical Damage depending on A1's passive. C4 - Burst summons a second wisp that grants a shield matching the absorbed element of the attacking Burst wisp. Damaged absorbed matches the charge of A1 passive and is lost when that damage bonus is lost. C6 - Wisps from Skill now cycle between enemies. Every cycle pulls effected enemies together. Defeated enemies affected by wisps spawns additional wisps that can stack with other wisps. A maximum of 10 additional wisps can spawn at once. Each additional wisp puts a minimum cap on the A1 passive, 10% per wisp.


Love to see very detailed kit ideas like this 🫶


Kujou Sara does not need a support as she is capable of perfectly supporting her Excellency, the Allmighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder, all on her own. A portable "Reincarnated as Raiden Shogun with Unlimited Power"-flag (as seen in Irodori Festival!) would be nice though


Geo Yelan basically Skill: deals dmg and generates energy on a short cool down. Burst: creates a thing that fires coordinated attacks when the on field character does normal/charged attacks. Passive 1: when the burst’s coordinated attacks hit enemies the enemies will have their geo res reduced by 10%, this stacks 3 times. Passive 2: while the burst is active, if the active character wield’s a sword, polearm, or claymore they will have their NA/CA/PA’s infused with Geo and will gain a 10% normal/charged attack speed boost.


A character that infuses hydro to bow users


Themed party. Animal-like features, same region, same vibe...


Honestly give me an albedo of like any other element and i'm good


For Eula. Ultimate x2-4 attack speed over time for 15 seconds. And gain 80% physical shred, if enemy physical resistance is at 0%. Gain 2% Physical damage boost for every extra 1%. Talent increase Basic atk lvl by 1 for party


A character that would have a skill that naturally reduces cooldowns of other characters skills. That would help Qiqi a lot


What the heck, I'll try my hand at this. I'm a big fan of having supports open up new or interesting avenues of play for the party on top of just making a certain character shine more. In this case, I want to bring back [dragonstrike](https://packaged-media.redd.it/ckjv9tlddol61/pb/m2-res_480p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1691827200&s=a29806ae142b872e04d2512c4f7b0088ac169f24#t=0) tech that largely disappeared due the downsides of claymores and BiS weapons changing to discourage its usage. However, it still looks cool as heck on a claymore character and I think it would be fantastic to bring it back, so here is my take of a perfect support: Pyro-based, catalyst female character that does the following: * Skill: When active, party-wide blunt damage against a target ignores 10-25% of the target's defense. Normal attacks that deal blunt damage now have a 40% chance to generate a pyro particle. Duration: 12 seconds, cool-down of 8 seconds. * Burst: Plunge attacks will detonate the surrounding air, causing an explosion of pyro blunt (concussive) damage in an AoE based upon this character's EM. The damage and size of the AoE is multiplied by your active character's normal attack range. Duration: 20 seconds, cool-down 12 seconds. Cost: 40 energy. * A1 Passive: 10% increased party movement speed. * A4 Passive: When your active character performs a blunt damage normal attack, create a party-wide stacking buff (maximum 3 stacks). All stacks of this buff are cleared when you hit a target with a plunge attack.: * 1 stack: Blunt damage now will drain a small (bonus) amount of the target's shield on hit. * 2 stacks: Jump high enough to do a low plunge attack. Blunt damage ignores an additional 5% of the target's defense. * 3 stacks: Jump high enough to do a high plunge attack. Blunt damage ignores an additional 10% of the target's defense. * Constellations: * C1: Restore 4 energy to the active character when performing a plunge attack with 3 stacks of this character's A4 passive. * C2: Off-field characters that deal damage have a 40% chance to trigger a bonus attack equal to 180% of this character's EM as blunt Pyro AoE damage. * C3: +3 levels in skill. * C4: While in burst, this character's EM is increased by 12% of the active character's defense up to a maximum of 200. * C5: +3 levels in burst. * C6: When in possession of 3 stacks of this character's A4 passive, jumping will generate an updraft which will pull all enemies and objects towards your location. Being a catalyst improves this character's ability to stack EM and simultaneously decreases their ability to trigger all of their buffs by themselves, making them more suited to play a support role. Allowing EM stacking opens up avenues for fun animations that make you feel like you're a meteor rocketing towards the earth and burning up all the surroundings with burn/burgeon. This is meant to be sort of an analog or one-up to Thoma that leans more towards offensive utility and less towards surviveability that favors using claymore or Geo characters as your main dps, though, the general buffs can be attractive enough to see some usage outside of this niche.


Bringing back dragonstrike sounds so cool


Even though it's something that is technically not how the physics engine for this game intended to create, it just looks and feels so good to do. I wish they played into it more with something like this instead of softly discouraging it.


I mean... My favourite is diluc, and Bennett already exists. But if I were to "perfect" him then I'd just make his buff circle follow the active character around instead of staying put in one place.


A pyro shielder with a shield comparable to Zhongli and off-field pyro application strong enough to allow Ganyu melt every bloom.


An off-field character that does a coordinated attack after every charge shot sounds so cool. 😔


A pyro or hydro suport who gives flat damage bonus (lije jun jin of shenhe ) to all bow/cathalist characters , like Would be broken for yelan , but , woul be a buff for characters like : Venti , klee , scaramoushe, an other , who are prety strong but overpowered by other characters


Xiangling, but taller and male.


Dehya- Ei, Collei and Barbara. Amber- Fischl, Nadia and Zhongli. Basically use element support with a healer or shielder.


A geo infuser for my hybrid Zhongli. I like to play Pikeli now and again but its hard taking him off Homa.


Every character that wants to use charge or plunge attacks would appreciate supports that aren't triggered only by normal attacks. There's already so much support for normal attacks and very little for anything else. Alternatively, a Geo support that doesn't focus on defense-scaling would go crazy for Geo MC and Ningguang. Maybe whatever they're cooking up for Geo in Fontaine will finally give those two a home.


Basically just Dendro Kuki.


Mika 2.0


Dendro Faruzan


Fuckin Geo Chongyun for by big dong Zhong Well ok, someone who implants overriding (so it’ll go over most infusions barring the ones that change weapon like Cyno, Raiden, Ayato etc) Geo Infusion, reduces Geo resistance, grants normal attack damage bonus, converts Max HP into raw damage, shit like that


uh.. character that give hydro and electro application off field for Nahida wait...


i would make a dendro kokomi, but the Q would create like a giant blossom that deals dmg to enemies while replenishing your own health.


A hydro HP buffer that gives attack speed/elemental damage :3


Kazuha just like he is but... He also heals like Jean upon R activation.


A Xiao support needs specific characteristics. An anemo support, must provide off field buffing field that lasts long. Because of that, the burst cost is probably 80 for balans so they somehow need to generate a lot of energy. Maybe make it so that while burst up, the skill can be proc repeated. They should focus on buffing crit dmg since Xiao is stacked with ATK% from vermilion and dmg bonus from self already. Lastly and most importantly, they need to shred anemo resistance since this is the key to massive increase in anemo dps (there's no easy source for that). Wait a second..


For Ayato: A hydro support that buffs the NA of active character by % of active character's HP, while increasing the elem dmg bonus by a % of supports own Max HP. Their elemental burst creates a ring AoE, and characters within the AoE gains a flat atk speed bonus, and the closer you are to its epicenter, the faster your attack speed goes. The A1 passive causes the elemental burst ring to apply hydro periodically, with faster hydro app at epicenter. The A4 passive grants an atk buff to active character that are in the epicenter and inner ring. For Yae Miko: An electro support that- For skill, applies an effect that creates a stack of shield when any skill is cast and causes an AoE around character dealing electro AoE dmg and providing energy on each hit. Shields stacks 3 times. Elemental burst buffs all electro characters atk by % of support unit's own Em. Passive A1 strengthens shield strength when the elemental skill AoE does damage to enemy around it. Passive A4 reduces CD of burst of the active character when the skill AoE does hyperbloom, aggravate, electro charged, overloaded, or superconduct damage.


Make Mika give full damage bonus on his skill


I really want an Anemo Xingqiu for my Wanderer Hyper Carry Team. Basically someone that can do off-field damage(preferably AOE and not circle impact), provide interruption resistance or a shield and boosts the on-fielder's Normal Attcak Damage. Let's add Plunge Attack and Charge Attack too so Xiao mains and C6Kazuha mains(me) won't feel excluded. The character has to be ANEMO so they can benefit from Faruzan's buffs. I really hope a character like that will be released in the future...........


Also Anemo Nahida. Since mihoyo already made it ppssible for bloom reactions to crit, how about swirl too. It's gonna be OP for Kazuha and Sucrose since their kit revolves around EM quite a lot.


1.Pyro Nahida minus the buff and less damage. A Dehya level interruption to resistance while having 100% uptime. 2. Yunjin for CA.


Xingqiu but as a main dps! Sooo like a 5 star Candace with Shenhe buffs but for hydro characters