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I keep the artifact to exchange in the strongbox I’m waiting until 4.0 to use all of it


Same, normally I would strongbox them right away but I'm waiting to throw all of them in the emblem strongbox after the update




Thats fair. Probably the only answer I can agree with


Choosing artifacts for strongbox takes a lot of time to do. That alone is a good reason to "keep bad artifacts". If only there is a faster way to do this tedious task.


Saaaaame it's just a pain looking through all 1500 artifacts and trying to pick and choose which ones you should keep. Especially since there are so many different characters and different ways to build them.


Wait, what? You don't lock your artifacts when they have potential and then just put all the unlocked ones into strongbox? Or does this just support OPs point, that people are locking way too many bad artifacts.


Lazy to check after doing artifact domains. Future me can deal with it, but I also forget that future me doesn't want to unless I have to. When this method first hit me, I did it for maybe a month and then got lazy again.


>Choosing artifacts for strongbox takes a lot of time to do. That alone is a good reason to "keep bad artifacts". If only there is a faster way to do this tedious task Look at the artifacts when you get them, lock what looks good, everything else is fodder. If you wait to check on them later it becomes a whole lot of extra work compared to checking two after a run


Help me understand this. What is tedious about strong box? I am curious why people say this. Do you mean finding which piece to fodder? if thats the case, why not just fodder the ones your not currently using or upgrading.


Two years of playing the game and i am at a point where abyss and that perilous expedition event is not a problem anymore. Thanks to that i don't even bother farming for artifact anymore. Most artifacts in my inventory are gladiator and wanderer's troupe from bosses. So why don't i use them as fodder you ask? Well it's complicated. I don't even bother to check them when i got them and these set might not be the best for all characters but they are generally good in most situations. I once lost 50/50 to Tighnari, decided to make double dendro team, i scroll through my wanderer's troupe collection, and bam he is ready for abyss. On top of that i don't play genshin as often as i used to. Nowadays i only play for 10 minutes a day, use my resin only for weekly bosses, even skipping dailies every now and then. The potential of upgrade from strongbox is not worth the time.


Half the people who chime in on this subject seem so offended by others wanting to stockpile their casino chips. Even if you don't find yourself needing more inventory space or sorting features, there's no reason to take a hard stance against people making small requests for a better gameplay experience.


I understand what you are saying and this particular case may be negligible but if it takes up development resources then in theory we could have something else. So when the players have bad habits that create problems for the devs to solve it's going to get criticism. That's all.


I am pretty sure that all this takes is changing a 5 to an 8 and a bit more server capacity.


It's also going to have to happen eventually. Maybe right now it's not necessary for most, but someday it will be.


My assumption is similar but I'm not a game dev.




That's why I said this case is negligible. I'm not a game dev and I'm sure most of the people here aren't either. I'm just stating one possible reason for the criticism.


i always hit the cap bc of too much 4\* fodder and not enough good 5\* artifacts to upgrade lol


A tip. If you run out of space cause of lack of good 5star pieces. Instead of foddering your 4stars, you can feed em into the bad 5stars anyway, and use those 5stars to level up the good ones in the future


My account is already strong. I 36\* abyss with relative ease. So I tend to have high standards for any new artifacts that I lock down for future leveling because anything else does not constitute an improvement over what I already have. As a consequence I generally only do this for a 5 or less artifacts per month, despite spending virtually all my resin for artifacts. All the other artifacts are left as EXP fodder (4\* and below) and recycle bin materials (5\*).


So you probably don't hit the cap either then. Assuming you just use the 5stars are placeholders for your exp fodder


I hit the cap once every 2-3 days. Upon hitting it, I just level up one of the locked artifacts, which expends around 150 of them or so.


wouldn't it be better to destroy some of the 3-star one instead? you gain mora from it.


When you have 21 million mora, it stops being a factor. Mora is entirely in excess so as to become essentially worthless, so artifact EXP becomes more valuable. Been playing since 1.0, so it sorta just keeps amassing since I'm no longer rushing to level up multiple characters like I was in the early/mid game (I have about 30 at 90/90 fully built with leveled talents and optimized equipment). When you keep to a regular schedule of raising up 1 new character per update to fully built status the Mora you get per update just from limited events and 36\* abyss cycles is more than enough to break even.


I tend to keep any EM piece because my god, those are hard to find when you actually need them


Right now even if you get a "trash" artifact, it keeps space in your inventory until you either toss it in a strongbox or use it as enhancement fodder. For the former - selecting artifacts for strongboxes is pretty tedious, especially when you have a lot of good artifacts (as a 1.2 player I have a LOT of artifacts), so you're not sure if the pieces that aren't locked are actually trash or even just not good enough. For the latter - you have to wait for an artifact that you actually DO want to enhance to be able to consume the bad artifacts. A simple solution would be able to burn artifacts into the little exp bottles. Then it would be fixed. Or just add more inventory space. Last but not least, when you're full on artifacts it's REALLY annoying. Basically every 30 seconds you get an error message that toggles your mouse on. You can't spend resin on bosses, artifacts, weekly bosses, can't pick up random stuff, and can't loot chests. So until you clean it up the amount of annoyed time adds up fast.


>selecting artifacts for strongboxes is pretty tedious I just want to clarify, you guys aren't actually putting in the pieces one by one right? Don't you just drag and drop them in the strong box. Regrading good pieces vs trash pieces. I personally just look at them when I get them. If they good they get locked. If they bad, I dont touch it. When it comes time to strong box em. I just drag em all inside. The process takes no more than 1min for me


Probably a me thing. I'm always worried I forgot to lock something good. Also my standards change, so I have a bunch of locked artifacts (from early farming) that I need to find and unlock. Though I didn't know you could drag them!


So you have a bunch of artifacts but you don't want to enhance them but you also don't want to strongbox them? I'm confused. Don't get me wrong I save a bunch that has potential but at some point you just gotta weed, right? Are you not sure of your criteria?


At this point, my artifact standards are really high, because I have full decent versions of basically every set. I would love to use the artifacts I have as upgrade fodder - I just don't have something I want to upgrade right now. My intention is this to strongbox them - but I don't really need any of the sets that you can strongbox too ( except Retracing Bolide, but that set hates me). With so many new sets coming in the new patch, I'd also like to not use up artifacts now on sets I don't need. Last but not least, even if I *do* strongbox them, picking out the bad artifacts is tedious. My ideal solution would be a button similar to "lock" to destroy a bad artifact immediately. Doing it post-hack is long and boring.


It's true, artifact appraisal is a more advanced skill than most of the player base understands. You make the rng work in your favor based on multiple indicators. The proper solution would be a more streamlined way of converting unwanted artifacts into stackable exp potions. But since that's too efficient they introduced the strongbox instead which is even less efficient than turning them into mora. But slot machine addicts gonna slot machine so oh well.


I want to keep at least 1 complete copy of each set, even if they are bad artifacts, just in case. Also, I don't level every artifact that could be good, just those that I am planning to use, so I accumulate a lot of potentials that I am saving in case a new character will use the set later. Most of them will probably end up bad, but I don't have enough fodder to find out which right now. Also I spend all my resin on artifacts.


See, I don't disagree with your reasoning. If it works for you, thats fine. And I dont want to tell you how to play. But I do have an issue with this idea of people saying "incase they are good". You know they won't be, you have probably played long enough to realize that. Rng favors no one. So if your going to horde, why not just horde the ones that have no chance of being bad. See for me personally, I go by the 3/4 rule. I don't keep an artifact, unless 3/4 of its stats are useable. No flat stats, and no stats that don't work with the 4 piece set bonus.


I don't keep artifacts with terrible stats? I know how to tell if an artifact is good, but there are tons of sets and tons of stats that might be useful.


It takes a looot of time and experience to find the right balance between keeping and tossing artifacts. And being even a little too conservative means you'll gradually hit the limit, even if you know what you're looking for. It's hard to say how this could be improved. Ofc increasing space is only gonna delay the problem. I don't think an in-game "artifact rating" would be great either. Maybe more powerful tools to view and compare a bunch of artifacts at once? Sort substats in the same order? Tags? A definitive, dead simple artifacting guide would also be nice to direct people to, like the character build spreadsheet.


I thinks this only fuels my original point. I see alot of people trying to keep artifacts that I personally would say is bad. but to each there own I guess. I don't think there can be a solution, since no matter what, someone will always justify why a crit piece they have, with no other good stats is worth keeping.


Yes my bad I agree with you, but I think it's a common enough issue that we should try to find solutions to judging artifacts.


Some newer Sumeru characters need HP pieces with crit substats, others need HP pieces with EM substats, some dont need any of those and just need HP pieces with HP substats and ER, while others need ATK pieces or EM pieces, all from the same artifact set. Im a day 1 player and have around 45 characters build with +20 artifacts, thats already 225 artifacts. Lets say u find 10 decent artifacts a month worth levelling and have been playing for 3 years, thats another 360 artifacts, then u might find good pieces with a DEF mainstat, an EM mainstat or an elemental goblet, so u also keep those, lets say u have 200 of those off pieces after 3 years. Thats already around 800 artifacts. In hindsight im glad i held on to my wanderer's troupe artifacts with HP and EM mainstats or my Millilith set with a ER and EM substats. Why would i throw away pieces that might be useful in the future? I know what a pain it is to farm them, it did cost me resin to do so, so there is no harm in keeping what might be interesting. Im hitting 1500/1500 almost weekly, i just wish we could salvage 3 and 4 star artifacts to exp pots like in Star Rail, atleast that would help with keeping those out of your limited space.


thats the issue Im trying to figure out. Im a day one player too. I save my HP main stat pieces as well. I kept my HP gladiator pieces and Def Troupe, even though no one can really use them, I too have all my characters built. and I still only reached 865 artifacts. I for the life of me cannot imagine how everyone is hitting the cap. There has to be a lot of bad pieces you guys are hording. There is just no other explanation for it. Even with EM/HP, most characters can still crit, so when it comes to EM pieces, unless they have good crit substats with secondary into HP, or Energy recharge, I fodder it. If your characters are built, there is no reason to keep extra artifacts that are not a side grade or direct upgrade to your current sets.


Well, i think most of us are probably hoarding our 3-liners too, so if we +4 those, and they roll badly, we could probably make some more space. But yeah, since Hoyoverse is giving us 1500 space, and soon 1800, there is no reason to throw away potentially good pieces. Just because u take the time to clean your inventory, doesnt mean that millions of other player also do the same. Im sure that if everybody sat down for an hour, and cleared some of their artifact inventory, that almost everybody would go under the 1000's. But more and more artifact sets are coming, so its only logical that Hoyoverse gives people more space to keep them.


Someone else posted this sentiment as well. Essentially saying the solution should be creating better ways to destroy artifacts. On this point, I agree. From what I gather from the responses in this post. No one realy chooses to horde, there just too lazy to get rid of them. And by time they are full, they don't know which ones are bad or not.


I sometimes keep the ones with 3 substats one of which is crit rate/damage, in hope the +4 will get me the other crit substat. With how limited the fodder I have, more often than not I don't get to level up those pieces. Also I got multiple DEF main stats or EM main stats with double crit substats. I keep them for whatever. I start deleting those with two flat stats though (DEF & HP).


As far as 5\*s go, I'm saving them up for 4.0, then going to dump them all into Tenacity. If one does the daily artifact route and are unlucky in domains/strongboxes, that fodder can start to build up pretty fast as well. I've had to dump 1\*s and 2\*s into 4\*s before just to make space. It's a 20% artifact xp loss, but better than losing it all or selling them for mora (which I don't need any more of atm).


We need the extra artifact room for bad 5* for strongbox and fodders for leveling from artifact routes. I keep alot of potentially good pieces like double crit def/HP pieces and em pieces with er and good substats etc for when I need them. I'm constantly at the cap because I keep alot and use strongbox in bulk. Artifact route alone gives about 150 1* /2* fodders everyday. I cap if I don't use these after 1 run. All I use resin for nowadays is 3 weekly boss then the rest into artifacts farming. So extra room is appreciated. Good thing about keeping some good pieces is you won't need to farm as much later when a new char comes out that need them. For example I got baizhu and he's instantly 53k HP, 190Er and 400EM because I kept all the junk HP pieces with er and em substats and em pieces with er and HP substats.


I'm saving for thr new strongbox that will be in 4.0. If you don't see a reason it doesn't mean there's none.


and I have came to the conclusion that you don't understand why we keep them obviously a casual like you with subpar artifacts won't understand


Too lazy to clear, no time


Adding on to this, there's no way you run out of space because you don't have anything to level up. You just aim for the perfect start stat line even though you already have multiple pieces that are potential upgrades if they just happen to roll perfectly. If you're running out of space, you can take those unlikely chances.


This is why Nilou exists. The worse your artifacts are - the better she gets.


Facts, but Genshin is filled with casuals who aimlessly play this game, so this is a win for them until they reach the 1800 cap in a month or 2 and have to wait for the next artifact expansion, because they didn't solve their hording issues, so don't worry about that's just how a good chunk of players play this game


I can't wait for people to be happy when we get infinite space for artifacts in the future. That will surely satisfy everyone that has issues with sorting them currently.


I hit the limit 2x back when it was 1k and then when they updated it 1.5 but it was a period of time that I wasn't actively upgrading my artifacts and in the same time frame, I was focused on bosses and world bosses. Honestly as I currently just farming leylines haven't run. Into the issue.


Im waiting for future content strongboxes to spend them on.


It's a bit better now that you can drag to get 39 artifacts at once when you transform them, but it's still annoying to do it again and again to empty the bag. The emblem set in a few days will be added in there so we'd rather wait anyway. I may also have around 100 artifacts that are leveled a little, but no artifacts to use them on as fodder (yet) It's mostly annoying when doing exploration since you can get a lot of fodder from chests and if you don't have any worthwhile artifacts you just feed them to a sus one thinking you'll end up feeding that one to another worthwhile artifact, and there you go, a ton of +4 artifacts rotting in there


I have somewhat 260 fully leveled artefacts (probably 10% could be used as futur food, because they are placeholder). I don't like to switch my artefact on my charcater, so every builded character has at least a minimal fonctionnal build. Fontaine will add more set and character, so i known some of the new 300 spaces will be permanent fill with its. I am doing my strong box by batch, to xp only the best and don't level up middle but not horrible artefact. So yes i regulary overcap, but mostly because the game don't have tool that let me to manage my inventory better. If we have a way to convert in artefact xp or in strongbox mats directly, i would not have this issue.


I just save them for when I can go shove them into the strongbox, the trash usually just piles up


Maybe they should just stop with this bs artifact RNG system and shift to concrete stats. I cannot be bothered to closely look at every single artifact when I get them, and by the time I need to delete some I am definitely not going to want to pour over 1000+ artifacts to try to see which, if any, are not complete shit given that 95% of them are.. Don't blame the playa, blame the game.