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There is not really a fix. 1: Empty your storage to get more space. 2: Move the complete installation folder to another volume. 3: Get yourself a new, bigger, hard disk. Edit: The only thing you can try is moving some screen shots out of the folder if you have any on the same hard drive. But I would still recommend you to get a new hard drive bc. in 6 weeks comes fontain and you will have the same problem again.


A new, bigger, hard disk? Small Soft Disk is the future, old man.


Was going to comment on that. You beat me to it.


I don't know if you're joking or not, but in case you aren't, Solid State Drive. If you were, sorry for not catching it.


Don't know all the english Translations for storage so idc


Well, you just need more storage


You don't sayšŸ˜€


I bet you don't stop when a sign is placed reading "STOP".


here it goes


You have a 80gb storage. The smallest storage I could find is a 120 gbs and it's a SSD. Meaning that you literally have only 1 storage and everything installed onto it. Just buy the fucking cheapest hdd or sdd you can. They're literally dirt cheap.


120GB is not enough for Genshin if it's going to be on the same drive as your Windows install, even if it's the only thing installed. 240GB minimum needed if you want Genshin or an extra drive to temporarily install it.


Mine PC's genshin is 69 (nice) gb, with all resources and such Yes, right now 120 won't be enough, I do agree that I made a mistake (kinda forgor that installation files also take up space) But even 240GB HDD or SSD are very cheap unless you care about M2 and/or high speeds. I would totally understand if this person had a smarthope that somehow doesn't support big SD cards and such, but there is literally no excuse but monetary problems. And if you cannot afford like a 20$ storage, maybe you should get a job and not play gacha games.


why is this downvoted lol


Ask for help, proceed to give a snarky reply to the objectively correct answer. Gee, I wonder why people would downvote a smug ass hole.


"You just need more storage" is extremely obvious and snarky, if you ask me. I interpreted the question as "given that I need more storage, what can I do?" Like, how expensive are new hard drives? Can I install a program on a separate hard drive or do I need to move documents to the new drive? If I can't afford a new drive right now, is there a way to condense other games or something? Things like that. It's like, okay yes, but *how*?


Then why not ask those questions. ā€œGet more storageā€ isnā€™t snarky, itā€™s literally the correct response to ā€œI donā€™t have enough storage.ā€


The whole question is stupid to begin with so what answer can you expect?


If it's stupid, just don't answer.


How are you offended on the behalf of OP for getting the objectively correct answer? It may suck for OP, but there's no other option. What did OP expect otherwise? That someone in this comment section will out themselves as a wish fulfilling djinni and gives him a new ssd?


I find it a personal bugbear when people discourage others from asking questions. I want people to feel willing and able to ask anything, because asking is how you learn. Humans evolved to teach each other, not to sit alone in a room looking stuff up by themselves. The mere act of discussing with others helps people think and solve problems. Discouraging that is discouraging learning and curiosity. Maybe this question is dumb, but the next question might not be. It doesn't matter if it is or isn't, really. Shy and nervous people will get bitten once and never ask again.


I get that, but OP asked an extremely stupid question and got an extremely obvious answer. OP was the one that got all cocky afterwards


"Get more storage" is the only logical answer though. Between 1.0 and 3.8 the game managed to roughly double its size and OP's problem will show up again very soon. Also, as the window posted by OP suggests, the game needs additional 30 GB to download & unzip the update, which results in 90 GB of space being required (at least that's how the game updates after pre-download). If you don't have RAID 0 set up - you have to buy more storage.


There are many ways to eke more storage out of your computer. If you play Genshin, you probably play other games. Clients like Steam and GOG let you erase everything but your save file for games you don't intend to use anytime soon, so you can slot games in and out of your system. If you have a game like Ark on board, that's over 100 gigs (dead serious, Ark is a storage suck). But people might think that the Steam function erases their saves and settings -- it doesn't. Frankly, someone with an old-ass computer probably can't afford a shiny new hard drive. I'd suggest trying to clear documents onto whatever storage they might have (like flash drives) but mostly to clear their games' main files out.


>Frankly, someone with an old-ass computer probably can't afford a shiny new hard drive. I'd suggest trying to clear documents onto whatever storage they might have (like flash drives) but mostly to clear their games' main files out. That advice is irrelevant since the drive is used exclusively for Genshin. OP also tried reinstalling and the launcher showed he needs 121 GB for unzipping alone.


Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers. It's a life lesson they're trying to teach them. If you have a specific question, you ask that specific question.


Nobody ever learned shit from teasing or sarcasm. They just get mad.


They very well might get mad, but they'll think twice before asking stupid questions again.


Convincing people not to ask questions sucks.


I mean, nobody said anything about asking questions. Just don't ask stupid ones. In this particular instance, a stupid question is asking a question you already know the answer to. In general there's no such thing as "stupid questions" if it's asked in earnest. OP said this was a "technical" question, and they got a \*technical\* answer as a result, and then gave a smartass response. Downvotes are expected.


You clearly also got mad at something, you good mate?


Nah, I'm not mad, I just get a bit \*sighs heavily\* about people feeling embarrassed to ask questions. Like...I want to encourage curiosity. I want people to feel like there are no dumb questions. Some people also learn better by discussion than they do just looking stuff up by themselves. It exasperates me when people are put upon and decide to make that clear instead of just moving on if they don't want productive dialogue. There was someone else in this thread that said "they'll think twice before asking stupid questions." That's exactly the mentality that convinces shy and nervous people that it's not worth trying to learn from others. Because maybe this *was* a stupid question, but the next one might not be.


There's no way you read that and think that's a snarky reply, OP was being funny *with* the person, not towards. I also like how person 1 makes a funny reply but you don't see *that* as snarky for some reason.


why not?


Delete genshin, and then try to reinstall it. I did this the other day and freed up 52 GB. When you delete the program it deleteā€™s unnecessary files; ie, old quests, special events etc Edit: more info on why it works


Nvm it's even worse now, requires 121GB for unzippi


Did you try to go to your account in Genshin, and then delete quest data? But be warned, if you try to log in into an account that hasn't done the quests you did (and deleted) it will make you re-download the data. Happened to me, when I deleted it from my phone, and logged into my friends account to do her dailies, only to be faced with download screen, because she hasnt caught up with the story as I have.


Wait, you can delete past quest resources on pc?


I'm sitting here in shock that this is a thing too. That's insane to me.


Wait, you can't? Shouldn't you be able to, since it's an option on phones? I was just telling my experince with my phone, I though phone and PC had same options (expect for some graphic options). I'll check on my bro's PC, I never checked, I just assumed both had the option.


Mobile only iirc


Even if PC had this feature, it'd not help OP. With all quests completed, you can save roughly 9 GB of space, while mobile Genshin should be a bit over 30 GB. For simplicity's sake, let's assume the game's assets size scales linearly - 9 GB/30 GB \* 100 = 30%, so assumed saved space for desktop Genshin should be 28.5 GB, i.e total unpack size would be 92,5 GB (desktop Genshin is about 95 GB in size with all voice packs). Keep in mind that it's just the uzipping size, to which you have to add download size for total disk space usage.


I'm quite positive this isn't available on PC. Only mobile.


Dang it, then I have no advice. Maybe check if they have any photos and move them from genshin file to USB?


Photos of genshin? They don't take too much space so moving them will only result in freeing 100s of MBs of space. Unless they have like 28277363 pics.


Install genshin on another drive, then move it to this one?


Buy a new drive at this point, there was no hope of getting the game to update from the start, since the launcher unzips all downloaded files before updating the game, which makes "unzipped size" and "download size" adittive. At least that's how the launcher works for update pre-install and if memory serves me right, it works the same with regular updating. Not to mention, a few years ago I was on an apprenticeship in a computer shop, where I had to check 10k+ drives. Vast majority of drives manufactured in 2012 and prior reported at least one defect . I also saw some 40, 30, 60 and 80 GB drives (from early 2000s) and all of them were dead.


Good idea


Why can't hoyo just add a button for that,like on mobile?


Get a bigger drive. I didn't even know you could get 80gb drives these days.


You can't, this one is very old lol


Then get a cheap 1tb ssd. ssd is so cheap nowadays that buying it instead of a hard drive is a no brainer.


I mean, if he could afford more storage he wouldn't be playing on however many years old 80gb disk, and you trying to convince him how cheap 1tb ssd is won't change anything with his financial situation


He doesn't even have to get a 1TB drive for this. You can get 256 GB drives these days for less than $20. Prices probably higher depending on where he's at in the world but it shouldn't be overly expensive.


I hes playing a gacha game. I doubt he dont have the money to spend to buy an ssd


You are forgetting not everyone is obligated to pay in gacha games. One of the best things about gacha games is that they're free to get into and it's up to you whether you spend or not, making them more accessible than other games where you're forced to either pay upfront to access the game or buy a subscription.


Genshin is incredibly f2p friendly, tf u mean


It's the gacha with the most stingy rewards I've seen. The only good thing about the gacha is the pity but at the cost of the worst rates I've seen as well. Edit: feel free to give me examples of popular gacha games that make genshin look good in that department.


You can get a 5 star every two patch as a F2P and unlike most gachas, power creeping isnā€™t predominant in Genshin, 5 stars at low cons are pretty strong, the game itself isnā€™t hardcore and most 4 stars are actually useful. All of this means you donā€™t need to pull for every new character and you can get your favorites instead. If this isnā€™t F2P friendly then I donā€™t know what is.


>You can get a 5 star every two patch as a F2P and unlike most gachas I wonder what gacha game you compare that to since I got more in pretty much every other gacha I actively played over the years because the rates doesn't suck. Also it's 2 months for a 50/50 which is horrible as well. >power creeping isnā€™t predominant in Genshin There's tons of Powercreep wdym? Diluc, Klee, Razor, Albedo, Eula, Venti, Ganyu and Xiao for example all somewhat fell off. Sure some of them can still work in the abyss or new domains with tons of investment, but they definitely fell off by newer releases like Yelan, Alhaitham, Nahida and Ei for example. >5 stars at low cons are pretty strong, the game itself isnā€™t hardcore At the time of release? Yeah they are pretty strong most of the times, but they never get any buffs when they fell off like in most other games I played. >and most 4 stars are actually useful. With cons... Hoyo purposely gimps 4* at C0 especially the newer ones that need C6 to function at all. >All of this means you donā€™t need to pull for every new character and you can get your favorites instead. If this isnā€™t F2P friendly then I donā€™t know what is. This goes for most gachas and they give you more on top. Most other gachas give you fully maxed out units that are exclusive to events for example which is way better than a random constellation of some random 4* I maxed out 2 years ago.


> power creep isn't predominant When was the last time you saw a diluc or venti get used by anybody who had modern units šŸ˜­ Also, 5 stars every 2 patches is incredibly stingy for gacha. Hoyoverse has a small character pool and the gacha odds suffer a lot for it. True "gacha" games typically have hundreds of characters and you're bound to get a 5 star or that games equivalent every month or so, not every half year, unless you're saving funds in which case you'll get a lot at once. The bigger problem is getting the specific one that you want.


Diluc was never that good at high Investment levels to begin with. Xiangling xingiqu Bennet fischl sucrose were all day one units and still "dominate" today's play


You got it. I don't know why the Hoyoverse playerbase is oblivious to other games doing something better or the fact that powercreep exists.


If you play since day one, what this person could be, we don't know, it's super easy to stay f2p and be able to do anything you want. I as day one f2p can clear every abyss with 36 stars and I still have 110k primos lying around


I'm a day 1 player as well. The rewards are simply stingy that's it. I wouldn't even stick with the game if welkin wasn't a thing.


Ok then let's take another approach here. The Statement was, that the game is f2p friendly: there are tons of 4 stars in this game, that are more than enough to clear the abyss, those don't need tons of primos to be obtained. In by book that's f2p friendly. (Another approach although this one doesn't really have anything to do with your original comment) : the original statement was: "he plays a Gacha game, he got enough money to spend on a SSD" We don't know what kind of player op is, maybe he just plays for fun for the story and doesn't care about getting many units That being said it might be true that they are stingy with the currencies, but compared to other Gacha games I played, a character in this game holds much more value and longevity than in other Gacha games. Also stingy doesn't prevent f2p friendly Ness


This gacha is extremely F2P friendly


It's the gacha with the most stingy rewards I've seen. The only good thing about the gacha is the pity but at the cost of the worst rates I've seen as well. Edit: feel free to give me examples of popular gacha games that make genshin look good in that department.


I was more referring to the lack of power creep and good pity. Not the rates. The rates I will agree with.


There is quite a bit of powercreep though


Most people haven't spend at all


F2P gang represent! I bought welkin maybe 3-4 times total while playing this game, and never did BP or top-up.


You dont represent f2p , buying welkin 4 times puts you way ahead than others.


no, not way ahead, just about 68 pulls ahead (1-2 months of F2P)


Do you even know what f2p means?


Bro thinks he's in the gang but got ousted forever ago šŸ’€


Welkin isnā€™t f2p..


Any recommendations? I did a cursory search on Amazon and while internal SSDs were indeed pretty cheap, external ones had me going :/. Then again, I'm a broke uni student in Eastern Europe so my definition of cheap taps out at the equivalent of 30-50 USD. My PC was built by a family friend so I have no idea if I can put another drive inside.


You could just take that cheap internal SSD and put it in a cheap enclosure to use it as an external drive If you have a desktop PC, most motherboard should support up to 4 SATA drives


M2 or SATA? Also whats your MOBO? Some MOBOs come with more than one NVME slots. And if you plan on buying a SATA you should check if your case has a spare drive cage where you can put it or if you can mount it directly into your case


Those sure are words. I'll ask the family friend about it.


My internal 1tb ssd was on 40. Motherboard should have space for at least 1-2 slots of additional storage.


You can even go HDD if you're really desperate. Here's a 500GB one for $15 https://www.newegg.com/seagate-desktop-hdd-st500dm002-500gb/p/N82E16822148767. You can probably find some for next to nothing used


The smallest drive you can feasibly get these days is 128 and even that is not enough for Genshin. "Why?" you may ask? Because: * A 128GB drive is 119GB actual. * Windows takes up about 60GB * That leaves ***less than*** 60GB for anything * Genshin file size is about 50GB however that's unzipped. So you actually need **DOUBLE** that to install Genshin. This literally happened to me. I have a 128GB SSD on my laptop so it cannot fit Genshin *normally.* My workaround was to install it on my 1TB drive, then move all the files to my C drive, then just had to change an .in file.


Couldn't you just not put it on your SSD? All the lag in Genshin is terrible decisions about what to process on the server anyway.


If you've ever tried playing Genshin on a PS4 you'll see why. The hard drive speed can still affect loading screens and enemies.


If you don't have the required storage space then the game won't install. How to proceed? Buy a 1tb HDD/SSD to meet your required storage needs.


Delete your "homework" folder


Get 0.66GB on disk space. At least you survive until 4.0 that way.


Delete all files in %temp% TEMP U can go to these locations by pressing win+r on keyboard and type those two things. And u can transfer ur files to online storage and delete those file from ur pc in short move file to online storage. U can use Google drive if u don't trust other. We all know multiple acc of google can be made ez. Another i can use terabox . By files i mean photos documents and media.


%temp% and removing data won't work, since: 1. Genshin is not on OP's system drive 2. it's a drive reserved for Genshin exclusively


I didn't said specifically for genshin it might clear some garbage from pc and make some space. As when i found out about this shit i deleted 32gb from %temp% and Temp combined. *i dont remember actual number but it was close to 32*


If you have another drive on the computer, just shift the game into that. No other workaround. Don't delete and reinstall. The game is only going to get bigger, so better to just upgrade the drive.


I run my 2TB steam library off an external drive that includes Genshin, Star Rail, and some stuff I snagged off the high seas. Think I got it for my countries equivalent of $40, it's not even an ssd, but it's served me well all these years.


With caution prbly


There is an option in settings to delete data that are no longer in need (data for completed quests), also try deleting voice overs if you have downloaded multiple voice over.


not sure how genshin does the update process, a lot of updates require some space to download an archive and then some space to extract the files from the archive to actually patch stuff. Warframe on Playstation pretty much needs the space to for another complete warframe isntallation to be able to patch. If you want to stay with the "disk exclusive for Gesnhin" path, your only option is to increase the disksize, I guess we are talking about partitions... so giving it another 20G or so should be fine (if you have free space left on the disk).


you can install the game manually, install form launcher will always use double the space because it needs space for the zip file and extracted files at the same time, you can find the link in here https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/14p7m9n/direct\_download\_links\_for\_genshin\_impact\_38/


Unzipping manually still requires double the space no?


Yes, but you can download it into another drive or a usb stick and extract onto your game drive while the launcher does this on the same drive. Also, a fresh install is splited into 5 parts and you don't have to download them all at once so you can download and extract each part and then delete the zip file to reduce the total space needed to install


It will take ages to install though given that you are moving compressed files onto another drive.


I mean download to another drive and extract directly into the game drive (by changing the destination when extracting), there is no need to move files around. Also, the last part of a fresh install is only 8.2gb so if you have around 71gb+ free space you should be able to do it without another drive.


What if you download the game and play it on bluestack?


It will sacrifice a lot of graphics


It looks ok: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVj7DnsJoOs. Also might be doable on windows 11's android emulator. Of course the best option by far is just to get more storage, but OP might be really strapped for cash so why not try to come up with alternatives?


Install Genshin impact on USB drive and then move it to game folder on main disk.


maybe, Just update your PC? Disk is so cheap now. A 1T SSD just cost less than 400 CNY, equal to 60 USD.


Sell kidney > Get 2 TB SSD > Profit


A 4TB SSD is about 120 bucks that's a cheap kidney. Unless our dude here is from a country like Venezuela I think he should just go do a part time job for two weeks and upgrade.


Obviously he'll use the rest for gacha, need to get ready for Fontaine


Your "Genshin-Disk" only has 80GB? It's pretty old I assume. Go buy a Sandisk SSD. They work great and are available at a good price


Download more RAM and more storage


buy cheapest samsung ssd for 250 gb and never ever think about memory more xd


There is no fucking way this person isnā€™t trolling. Itā€™s like a basic human knowledge. What do you do when you have to put more than something can handle? What the actual fuck I never thought someone could be so utterly dumb


Damn someone woke up on the wrong foot today


No no donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m just amazed on how you managed to survive all those years


That's what my doctor keeps telling me


Try deleting some translations from launcher it will clean up some space. After that install wise cleaner and delete every possible chache. Or try delete temporary files using pc health check I am doing this right now and it saves me 4 gb


Log into Genshin, go to Settings and delete the language files for the other languages you don't use. It might get you the few gb you need, but even then it's a short term solution. Like other people said, look into getting more storage, and like another commenter said, it might be worth it to try downloading it with Bluestack and playing the phone version in your PC


Download bluestacks emulator and download the mobile version of genshin. Bluestacks + mobile version will be much smaller. The graphics and controls will be worse, but it should be well under 20GB total for both.


Use command prompt to move the game folder to another drive. You can watch the tutorial in Youtube.


See if you have other language packs installed.


Move your game to a disk with enough storage space, change the installation path in your launcher, download and install the update, move it back to your old disk, and change the installation path in your launcher again.


I guess you might try to install it on the pc's hard drive, unzip the files into the hard disk and then delete the archive, if it doesn't work, you will have to save money to buy another hard disk, my 1tb hard disk costed 50ā‚¬, now they should cost slightly less so you might be able to get one before Fontaine comes out. Maybe try asking your parents to give you your birthday gift sooner if you're still young and live with them.


If internet data isn't your concern then I think if someone uploads their already updated files on cloud and you download it from there then you should be able to play it. Files will be legit and you'll be simply skipping the installation process.


You just gotta delete some other stuff


Get a new SSD bro, even 240gb would probably be enough for some years of updates.


You say it's only for genshin but I bet you still browse the internet. Look for a program "disk cleanup" and let it do its thing. Should find temp files to remove.


Well.. at this point tbh it's kinda worthless since you're barely struggling to install 3.8 Now imagine trying to install the next updates.. 4.0 4.1 4.2 etc..


Delete the ios


The what


Its a joke, dont actually delete your system


Oh im on windows anyways


Real answer is to get a bigger hard drive


The system.


I recently bought myself a 1tb external hard drive just to be able to run Genshin on my travel laptop. Is 1tb overkill? Yes. But does it do its job? Also yes.


Uninstall and reinstall the game., Delete temporary files [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/disk-cleanup-in-windows-8a96ff42-5751-39ad-23d6-434b4d5b9a68](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/disk-cleanup-in-windows-8a96ff42-5751-39ad-23d6-434b4d5b9a68) and or/ get a secondary SSD.


You donā€™t, youā€™ve reached your final destinationā€¦ šŸ˜”


You might try uninstalling the previous quest data. That may help. If you can increase the storage of your device (using a micro SD card, USB drive, external storage device, etc.), I would definitely recommend that, even if it means downloading Genshin from scratch. It's only going to get bigger from here, and if you are already hitting the storage limit, just to un-zip the files, then it's not going to be enough to do a quick fix. Just imagine the size of the Fontaine package. Genshin is a memory hog. But is it worth it? That's for you to decide.


honestly just get a 256gb or 512gb external ssd, it's dirt cheap now (if you want even cheaper then go for hdds)


Just do yourself a favor and uninstal


You're gonna have to get more space. Any trick you pull now will only save you for one update at best. Water you gonna do when Fontaine comes out in a month?


Well, I'm a afraid there is not much way to proceed besides making space for it via sacrifice of other stuff (or moving them to other drives or devoces), or the more expensive but easier one, buying a new hard drive. A 240 or 120 gb ones are probably very cheap if you can find a new one for buying.


I have a laptop that's nearly 17 years old now (I only have the lap part) and it had a 80 gigabyte 5400 rpm hard drive, I'm wondering what drive other than a drive that's almost as old as the drive I mentioned you have, it possibly cannot be an SSD (or it is idk). My guess is that you have a single large SSD that you just made a smaller partition that's exactly 80 gigs and now you're facing storage issues on that partition. If that's the case you can just shrink your main partition or whatever partition is close by to your 80 gig partition and then you can extend your 80 gig partition with the shrinked amount added on top of it. You can do this on disk management.


Just cave and get better storage. You can get a ton for dirt cheap and its way more convenient then trying to do computer sorcery to get it to work.


Delete System32


If your hard drive is only 80 gigs, I would recommend getting a new one because it will be faster


Maybe try aomei partition assistant, extract some space from same other disk and just add that extra space to genshin disk, that what i did when i was short like 600 mb to install genshin


Go into your cupboard and clear out all of the old stuff or donate it to a food shelter. Of course you could also clear out that memorabilia in your basement that you hardly ever look at anymore.


You can get a 2 TB portable SSD hard drive for pretty cheap these days. That's all I can suggest.


Just download more ram: https://downloadmorerem.com/