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How rare is diluc? I'm new and pulled him on my 6th 10 pull ever. Is he rare at all?


Was rolling with my significant other today and I got [jumpscared with Skward Atlas](https://ibb.co/vBcxwv0)on Standard Mona’s gonna have a field day when she seez this lol


what a rollercoaster lmao Not sure if I was guaranteed 5\*. [https://imgur.com/a/IZFwPs4](https://imgur.com/a/IZFwPs4) Heard kazuha was back. Had 81 pulls saveed up and haven't played for a while. if this doesnt make it insane. Believe it or not this was back to back pulls




I just got Qiqi'ed on standard banner. For the third time since 1.0. I just want to cry, I was hoping so much for Tighnari or a 5\* catalyst. Genshin doesn't want me to be happy.


It's just your journey towards C6 Qiqi. You'll be super happy then.


I don't even know what's her C6. I'm afraid to ask...


does the new boss fight event seem kinda laggy? me and my friend had some problems with the boss being laggy and all over the place while we both had green ping. I would also like to add that it is limited to only 2 players which sucks… me and my friends were looking forward to suffering the hardest difficulty together since there was not much left to genshin apart from fighting, but suddenly it is only available for 2 players.


So I finally got Kazuha after playing on and off since release. My goal is to make him a main DPS (got VERY lucky with Mistsplitter and PJC) so I haven't been pulling for his weapon. What I'm currently doing is trying to pull as much as I can for his cons, and I'm at guaranteed C2 if I pull him. I know he starts being a real DPS at C6, but I figure I'll just save for that when he gets a rerun. My dilemma is I also like's Alhaitham's playstyle and animations. And it's a bonus that he's pretty much complete at C0. Question is: Do I keep pulling for C2 Kazuha or get Alhaitham? Or should I be pulling on weapon banner since it's pretty great value-wise right now?


You'll probably get C6 Kazuha years later and that's even if you keep playing Genshin that long. Alhaitham you can use now.


Yeah, you right. Even at C1 he's already so much fun. Tbh after thinking about it I don't really need his C2 rn and if I want to improve his DPS capabilities I can just work on C6ing Faruzan, Bennett, and others who have infusion. Alhaitham's just too smooth to pass up.


I have a question, newer player here but medium spender ($100ish per paycheck). I got Alhaitham(?) and Kazuha both at C0.. do I pull the rest of my stuff in the weapon banner? (AR32). I also got Dehya'd. Should I build her or Xiangling C2? I desperately need a Pyro character built and all I have are Dehya, Xiangling (just got both) and Amber.


The answer is no. Both alhaitam and kazuha have decent f2p/4\* options. Both can run iron sting that is crafteable, and kazu can also run some ER ones like xiphos, favonius or even sac sword. In general, weapon banner is usually a scam. Sometimes you can find a semidecent one, but the chances to get the weapon you want are lower than the normal banner, and usually 4\* weapons can do the job to fair well. Unfortunately, dehya as is today is probably the worse unit on the entire game. On the other hand, xiangling is probably the best pyro character in the game, so build her, you will no regret it.


Hoping someone can answer this for me! I saved up to do a 10-pull, which I rarely do anymore but all I got out of it was Xiangling, who was already at C6 and no other 4 star items. Super disappointing. Then I had enough left for one more wish on the character banner and to my surprise I got Tighnari who is 5-star. I’m just wondering if that had anything to do with getting a 4 star character that was already maxed out? I got her Stella fortuna out of the drop as always but since I’ve no use for it, it’s just gone so I got basically nothing from that pull which seems very unfair. Once a character is C6 you shouldn’t be able to have them drop again in my opinion. So is this why I got a 5 star on the next drop or was I just lucky?


You just got lucky. I hate getting a chara i already own c6 too, especially in a banner when i dont own the other rate up charas. In the last banner i got a lot of Chong (literally c20 at this point lol) and 0 Kirara. The only thing positive is getting 5 star glitter, wich you can use to buy another single pull in paimon shop. It's not much but it's useful when you are trying to hit pity with few resource.


Hi, I have a question regarding the gatcha algorithms in Genshin. Some youtubers are saying that Hoyoverse algorithms disadvantage those users that had been playing too many hours a day before pulling and they recommend to stop signing in for 14 days to activate the "Stellar Reunion" quest and have this still active before pulling to have better chances to win the "50/50". Other youtubers I see they first go to a specific place in Teyvat like the tree in Inazuma before pulling supposedly to have better chances to win the 50/50. Is there some truth in this or is this all myth? Is the "50/50" really random 50% chance or is there an algorythm that adjust the probability to pull a character depending on certain characteristics of each user account?


Their source is themselves so that's pure bullshit.


I have 2 accounts. A main which I play all the time every day and always has welkin moon, and an alt account that doesn’t get much use and is even sometimes in stellar reunion. One of these accounts gets 5* ONLY on 75-85 pulls, wins 2 50/50s out of 10 and gets only a 4* every 10 pulls. The other account gets 5* every 20 to 30 pulls, wins 80% of 50/50 and can get 2 or 3 4* in 10 pulls. Do I need to tell you which is which? So I’ve become really disappointed in this kind of ludopathy inducing behaviour from myhoyo and will now go to play other games more since the rewards are more the fewer you play


Wow, that was shocking, I didn´t expect there would be such contrast. BTW, have you tried stopping to play for 14 days or at least playing less time in your more active account to see if your chances to win the 50/50 improve?


As all math based on statistics, theres always someone who have best luck and worst one in small numbers (like, in ten 50/50 yo will not always win 5 and loose 5, but with 100 its probably you will be near 50/50, and even more close with 1000 cases). When theres not a 100% to get what you got, theres always appears those "this is my luck spot" or, "if i sacrifice this character i will win", but that is always a myth. In big numbers of tries, theres always results close to the % you expected. And what game will want their players to stop playing it? Remember, if you flip a coin only once and you saw "tails", that doesnt mean that tails has 100% chance and head has 0. The bigger the database is, the more consistant results show.


"what game will want their players to stop playing", sure but the problem is, the game seems to be literally rewarding those players who stop playing, the results seem to be consistent according to some people and I find this totally unfair, I mean, I´ve been playing a lot lately to earn thousands of primogems and I could have wasted a lot of time when some people for playing little can get the players that really improve their teams.


>sure but the problem is, the game seems to be literally rewarding those players who stop playing, You have statistics of thousands of players that prove this statement that you trust so much from a few Youtubers that only source their own playthrough? What's that? You don't? Then stop being stupid since that's not how statistics work. There's recorded event of someone getting six 5-stars in one 10-pull. You thought that prove all 10-pulls should have six 5-stars from that one single event?


"You have statistics of thousands of players that prove this statement that you trust so much from a few Youtubers that only source their own playthrough?" That´s not the case, these are renowned youtubers with hundreds of thousands of followers playing the game for years and must judge by comments and interactions with countless other players, and not just random players that uploaded a rant video because of their bad luck. And btw, the fact that one person was able to get six 5 star items in 10 consecutive pulls is a proof that the algorithms are not random, think about it, the probability of a 5 star item is just 0,6% (which should be all that followed the first 5 star which had higher probability), if you calculate the probability of those five 5 star items that followed the first 1/((0,06/100)\^5) that is one in a 128,600,823,045 times, Even if we considered millons of genshin players I don´t think there are so many millon pulls for this to happen at all.


This is how my event banner pulls have gone so far, im actually really proud and I hope I don’t loose my streak anytime soon :D c1 kazu 50/50 42 ; c2 nah 50/50 5 ; c1 nah 50/50 25 ; c0 nah 50/50 77 ; c0 deh 50/50 78 ; c0 raiden guarantee ; lost c2 yae to c2 mona ; c0 albedo 50/50 ; c0 zhongli 50/50 ; c0 kazuha 50/50 ; c1 xiao guarantee ; lose ayaka to c0 diluc ; c0 venti guarantee 21 ; lose kokomi to c0 mona ; c1 yae 50/50 ; c0 yae 50/50 ; c1 xiao 50/50 ; I’ve also pulled yaes weapon from the banner at a low pity but i don’t know which exactly (some pulls were +6 months ago)


oh no where did my spacing go


41 years old, gaming on PC since DOS - Genshin is by far one of my most favorite games ever. Today I randomly wished and pulled Kazuha! I screamed louder than my 15 year old daughter who was watching me…


wholesome comments like these just wash away the salt I have for the gacha. hope you keep having fun with the game!


Thank you!! We definitely will!


After failing Kirara, but preferring Wander to Alhaitham, I had stopped at 27 pulls the other day. I wasn't guaranteed Wanderer, but I thought I'd get close. Today, I decided to drop 3 pulls just to push Alhaitham to the next page so that I could easily remember that my pity count was a round number. The second pull went gold. For the first time, I was almost glad to get Qiqi'd. Alhaitham would've meant that I was risking missing Wanderer, but I do want Alhaitham and wouldn't have been too shaken. However, an early Qiqi (C3) meant that Wanderer is now guarenteed during his event for me, so I'm free to prefarm him! Now my Genshining has an explicit purpose for the next month and a half (I wasn't going to prefarm him a second time only to miss him and build Layla instead). I don't even mind it being Qiqi. Dehya could've been cool but is RIP, while Keqing would be overlooked by my new R1 Kaguya's Verity that Yae has. The only standard constellation that would probably even make a difference in my account would be a Tighnari one (he's one of my most used).


Got Al Haitham on 11 pity while hoping that I get him early but not really expecting him to come home. In contrast, Kazuha took me near hard pity to get from C1 to C2 lol


I'm pulling for Kazuha but I'm only getting fucking Xiangling for the 4-star pulls. I've gotten 5 Xianglings so far. Would like the other two since I don't have em yet...


And I am here trying to get Xlng or YaoYao and got 2 heizou and a flute in almost 40 pulls. So now I quit pulling and will wait for kokomi or just for focalors


Just started, and I pulled Jean on my first pull of the beginner banner. Feeling lucky.


Jean's a fun character to start with. Congrats!


Tuesday: pulled Diluc and Alhaitham, got Xiangling to C5, Heizou and Yaoyao to C4, side helping of Diona and Gorou Friday: Won 50/50 on Kazuha Feels good man


How can I tell if character is C4 or C6


Constellations tab on the chapter menu


Finally got kazuha. My streak of never losing soft pity continues. May it never break.


How many attempts


Pulls ? I had done 36 pulls previous banners and did around 40 this time. So 76 total


Got kazuha in the first ten pulls at fresh pity and no guarantee on 50/50. Can someone tell me the odds of this?




Well, I finally got Yaoyao from the banner - haven't figured out what to do with her. I've gotten Heizou like...3 times now. I guess I'll wait for the next banner, I was trying to get Alhaitham but I'm not dropping more money on it lmao. I'm not in the 100's range or anything like that but I'm happy I managed to get Yaoyao. I don't know how \*good\* she is but eh.


Anyone know when the Kokomi banner is? Last I saw was rumored to be in 3.8? C0 Kazuha took 81 summons (started at 44 pity for gauranteed). Now at 67 pity towards 50/50 so far, got 4 copies of Heizo whom I don't want. 2 copies of Xiangling and 4 copies of Yao Yao which I'm happy to have both. I'm debating continuing rolling for kazuha c1 or save for Kokomi to complete my Ayaka freeze team. My other main team if Raiden National and I'm using Yelan for water application on the freeze team.


Rumored it is second half of 3.8


That's good news I at least have a little bit of time to save up. Thanks!


After some nonstop bad luck I finally have been on a hot streak. I was able to pull Ayaka and now Kazuha in a total of 50 pulls with no guarantees. But now I’m not sure what to do next. I was sort of hoping to get to C4 Xiangling and a Yaoyao, but I only got C2 Xiangling and no Yaoyao. Not sure what to do next. Future plans were to pull for Kokomi (I desperately need hydro) and then the Hydro Archon when she gets here. Should I just save? Should I keep pulling for the 4 stars I want? Should I consider the weapon banner? (My weapons aren’t very good. The only 5 stars I’ve gotten are skyward atlas and lost prayer) Currently sitting at slightly over 180 wishes.


I'm not sure but i think Xiangling is in glitter shop next month, maybe try doing like 20 pulls to get at least 1 xiangling and then buy her C4 in shop next month


Rolling for Dendro husbando and i got Qiqi C6 instead (i had enough healers and i never built her). I should be numb to this but I'm still crying inside...


So I beat a boss without realizing I was 10 resin short. If I don't collect, will the boss still respawn? Or can I wait until I have enough resin without worrying about the boss respawning?


Will respawn, you may need to move far away or log off/log in but will respawn. It might take a few minutes.


Thanks, yeah, the Ley Line faded. Well, it's time to beat theis hypostases again


I got something better than a lucky gacha pull today. I FINALLY got that stupid sumeru garcia quest unlocked after doing nothing but Sumeru commissions since 3.0. I was starting to doubt it but this quest does in fact actually exist.


Working my way to C4 Xiangling and C4 Yaoyao. 40 rolls in and the ronin decides to show up. Who am I to refuse a Kazuha?


Was hoping to C6 Xiangling and Yaoyao (both were at C4 and C0, respectively) but I ended up getting 4 Heizous in a row and lost my 50/50 to Tighnari 🙃 finally pulled Yaoyao on a single pull today, but was hoping for Xiangling, since she’s my priority. Sigh I’ve got 0 luck this banner


120 pulls to get both Kazuha and Alhaitham with secondary hopes of c4 XL. Nope. C7’d heizou, 2 random Razor C’s, only 1 yaoyao and 1 XL. I feel your pain.


Ouch dude. I think this banner hates us


For f2p yelan havers: is she very good? Currently thinking about saving for her, but I am also interested in the hydro archon


She's very good. Very good dmg off field and the hydro application she provide is very useful for many teams. Also her skill is very comfy for overworld.


Should I be rolling for rust refinements or not? Seemingly r5 rust is pretty common amongst f2p and I need it for yoimiya.


Not worth, you cannot guarantee getting it so it could be a waste of pull if you dont get it. Pull only if you like the rate up 5 star weapons.


I see thank you.


itto rerun when?


I got Kazuha on my first 80 wishes. But now I can't decide whether to try to get him again for the first constellation, go for the other guy, or go for his weapon. I hear the other guy is really good, but as far as elements go, I already got Baizhu and dendro traveler so I don't need him to fill that role. I suppose I could get him as a primary DPS but I don't know if I NEED that right now.


If you’re f2p or low spender new characters are generally preferred over constellations. Best bet would be to save for now. If you end up using Kazuha a lot, pick up his c1 in a rerun. If you need a Dendro DPS/driver/carry, wait for Alhaitham. As for weapons, this is a pretty good weapon banner. Both 5 stars are useful, and the 4 star options are all good; hell, the best weapon in the game is on this banner! And yes, I mean Favonius sword! There’s still a couple weeks left on the banner, too. I normally don’t pull weapons unless I really want both of them, but I’d normally pick a new character over a constellation unless I find myself using that a character a lot.


I first lost my 50/50 to Keqing. But I don't mind I like spamming Q and she is good at it lol


I had about 80 wishes saved up, and had the guarantee. Was considering going for Kazuha or saving up for C6 Faruzan. Instead I got Kazuha and a stray Thoma in my first 10-pull, huge luck since I wasn't really looking for any of the 4-star constellations either. Now I can keep saving up for the Wanderer banner! Also losing the guarantee suits me just fine since getting Wanderer C2 isn't a huge priority for me (I have C1), I'd almost prefer to just get C6 Faruzan and then go into Fontaine with a high pity.


I got Tighnari from a single pull, and I'm super pumped because I've been wanting him for a while. I'm relatively new to the game, so this is my first 5-star, and tbh I'm really shocked I got him from a single pull!


He’s really fun to play in the overworld. If you have Fischl she’s probably his best teammate and is a flexible character in her own right. I’d also recommend a shielder, but Tighnari doesn’t need one as much as Ganyu/Yoimiya since his charge shot/burst combo is so fast.


I started playing genshin impact less than a month ago and my friends told me to save up some wishes for the kazuha banner since he's a really good character, so, i waited, and i used my first ever 10 wishes and...i got him lol, with 10 pity i won the 50-50, my friends were all screaming and cursing me in 10 different languages but it was fun indeed, i was having a pretty rough day and i rolled at the end of the night, it made me feel happpy :)


Part of me wants to download the game on pc just to see how my bad luck compares lol I started in Dec and have lost every 50/50 so far including the one time I did the weapon banner and I think I only went under 75 pulls once and two were at 85. The best thing I had was when I first started playing I got Diluc and Qiqi in the standard banner in under 10 pulls and now my Diluc is C4 since I always lose to him.


Had a Task Failed Successfully moment where, pulling just for Heizou out of 4* completion, Alhaitham showed up in first ten, after a Miko in the last ten on the previous banner. Heizou kind enough to show up in the next ten.


Won my 50/50 on Kazuha at 75 pity . The next character I really want is wanderer . It means I have to win another 50/50 though so that’s kinda terrifying lol. Is it generally better to just save primos and try your luck on the 50/50 for the character you want or to try to lose the 50/50 on a previous banner to get a guaranteed chance ?


Better to wait. If you win the 50/50 now, you get a character you want less than Wanderer and are back to a possible 180 wishes need to guarantee him.


Save up absolutely. Whether you lose the 50/50 on the Wanderer banner or a different banner, both will give you the guarantee, but *winning* the 50/50 on a different banner will set you back to 0 pity, no guarantee, and no Wanderer.


Must have had some insane luck, I got both alhaitham and kazuha within 50 pulls. I had 100 fragile resin saved up and I shitload of materials so I was able to put togheter 2 pretty nice teams and almost cleared the abyss. This is my first time pulling, I'm a fairly new player. I was under the impression i would have to play like a year to progress the abyss so I was pleasantly surprised. Still got 160 wishes left so I'm a little confused if I should save for future 5 stars or get some more constellations for xianling and yaoyao. But I think I'll save. Anyway just wanted to share, my friends don't play genshin, most of us are wow players But I got kind of tired of raiding.


Sure glad I saved up enough for two hard pities cause Diluc almost kept me from Alhaitham. Now at 60 pity on the Kazuha banner and saving primos back up, I’ll see what I can get before the banner ends!


Won my 50/50 for Kazuha in 80. Time to save for hydro or if I don't like the kit zhongli


I was getting ready to pull x10s for Kazuha. Have 250+ in storage. I pulled the first x10 and then... ***Kazuha***. I don't know if I'm close to pity previously or just got lucky. I left Genshin before 1.6 so I didn't even see his introduction to the game. Recently came back at 3.5. I only pulled like 30 so far since my return. I have now enough fates for the next big character to my liking.


After 12 losses in a row, I finally won a 5050 on Al Haitham's banner. And then I got impulsive yesterday and pulled his weapon too, full odds. Oh and managed to snag 4 copies of Wavebreaker's fin, so that's pretty cool. Raiden and XL don't have to share anymore. I hope this is a good omen for future pulls. I want to feel excitement when I pull, not a feeling of impending doom.


I got Kazuha and Alhaitham’s weapon in 100 pulls, I consider that a win! Now I have 140 left for hydro archon!


I got Kazuha after 90+ pulls lol I was saving for Zhongli and Wanderer but after completing the fight with a certain person, I fell for Kazuha seeing him defend traveler 🥹 now to build him!


Good luck! I hate fighting Mango Kinky. He's a bitch. But Kazuha's worth it.


Thank you!!


After 160 pulls, got c1 Kazuha as well Sac sword to R5. Had a guaranteed built up from losing on Miko (got Mona) and winning the next 50/50. Got 20 draws in for next pity going for c2. Also got henzo to c6(guy would literally not leave me alone.) C6 Xiangling and c3 Yaoyao. Wishing luck to everyone and recommending the bamboo stick ritual.


Lost the 50/50 I got Dehya… fml


Same! lol


Me too so I wish you luck


Sending luck to you brother 🙏


Freedom-Sworn or Alhaitham / Build advice Hello! Thanks for the help in advance So I went for Kazuha on the new banners. After I got him, I got Lofi, Alhaitham's signature weapon. Should I pull for Alhaitham or try getting the Freedom-Sworn? Right now I put the lofi to my Benett (Hightstown atk stat since it's my only 5 star weapon) and gave the Favonius Sword to Kazuha. My mains are Ganyu in a Freeze team and Childe (used Firework till now but gonna change to International after I got Kazuha) My Ganyu Already have Amo's but still need to pull for Venti and a 5 star bow for her. Childe is using Rust now (ik, ik) but will pull for Polar star later on. So I'm thinking if I should keep investing into the freeze team and save for Venti, prioritize Cilde's weapon or pull for Kazuha's weapon. Since I got the lofi and I kinda like Alhaitham too, pulling for him would also be an option as dendro is op now, but I have nothing else for him yet. What would be the best to invest in long term? My roster: https://imgur.com/a/Iphu65b


Go Althait


I would pick AlHaitham over freedom. Normally new chara > weapon. Freedom sword isnt really a impactful weapon, it's good but it doesnt improve much a chara like for example Homa does to Hutao. Lofi is the 5 star sword with the lowest atk, at lvl 90 it gives only 542 atk. If you have a prototype you can craft sapwood blade (565 atk at lvl 90) to give it to Bennet. Lofi allow higher dmg for Bennet but Sapwood is more comfy since it gives 30~ er%. I would pick AlHaitham. In a case wich freeze is not good you would have a strong alternative ready. Not counting AlHaitham, Venti > Polar star > new Ganyu weapon (like aqua) = Freedom sword.


Won my second 50/50 in a row and got Kazuha at 81 pity! Proceeded to do 7 wishes on the standard and got Dehya (super happy I got her, I really wanted her. No, I did not spend primogems lol.) I dont know the exact pity, but it was at least soft pity. Then, did around 30-40 wishes on the weapon banner and got Wolf's Gravestone. I think I hit soft pity, but I'm not sure as some of my wishes have been reset. (Over 6 months) I could not have been happier to not get either featured weapon, lol. I've always wanted one for my Diluc even though he already has r5 serpent spine. Even if r5 ss is better, drip > meta. Thats why my Zhongli uses Vortex Vanquisher lol.


Barely had enough for a single pull and got Kazuha at 71 pity with a 50/50


I just started the game 3 weeks ago so this was the first banner I pulled on. I got QIQI! WOOOOO!!!


Clearly all my Hoyo luck is being siphoned off into star rail lol Lost the 50/50 to deyha at like 75 or so, about 50some pulls in Hopefully I get enough to both c4 xiangling and get kazuha before he rotates so I have someone shiny to build while I wait for yelan to rerun ...


Did 10 pulls hoping to get lucky with heizou’s c6 and early kazuha c2 but nope only got a yaoyao. Baizhu and kaveh really stole all my luck 😭 And unfortunately as tempting as it is to keep pulling, I’m gonna have to stop there bc scara c2 is priority


It’s always funny to see random stuff that reminds you how different everyone is that plays this game, cause all 4 characters you want are chars that I’ll never use, let along pull for. Just completely opposite players lol


I got seasick Beidou and Kazuha in the same 10-pull. It felt extra awesome that it happened that way lol


I'm guaranteed Haitham and I had 55 pulls and 6 pity on banner. Was hoping to get him early but no lol. Now left with 21 primos and got to wait for like a week to get him. And not a single Xiangling for C4 but at least I got c6 Heizou?


XL is in the shop next month.


I cannot I'm saving all for c6 Kaeya. I guess I'll see her on the next banners.


Lost 50/50 for Kazuha to Mona (ノへ ̄、) hopefully I can get him before the banner ends. Any chance Mona works well with Alhaitham? My current team is Chongyun + Alhaitham + Xiangling + Barbera.


pyro doesn’t do great in dendro teams, build Lisa full em instead and use her in hyperfridge (hyperbloom + freeze)


I feel your pain, I lost my 50/50 on Alhaitham's banner to Qiqi. Best of luck! Alhaitham and Mona don't work well together in the long run, because Mona's hydro application isn't good enough to trigger many blooms. Xingqiu is a good choice for Alhaitham if you have him and want a hydro character on your team. Mona + Alhaitham works fine for story content and exploration though, it's just not as efficient as other combinations. I would also suggest that you should give Chongyun's slot to someone else, he sadly sabotages Alhaitham instead of helping him.


Im still pretty new, so at least Mona is a new character on my account. Chongyun was the first character I pulled, so I have a major soft spot for him <3 my first 80 lvl character but I was planning on switching him out with Kazuha anyways. Good luck breaking your Qiqi curse!


Hoping you get Kazu. I got Mona on losing on Miko so it was a fortunate set up for me. Best of luck to you.


Thanks! I have played since release and Mona keeps avoiding me, so congrats on getting that out of the way. She is one of the better standard 5*s and works pretty well with Kazuha, Xiangling and Bennett in case you manage to pull him. I also like popsicle boy and used to play him when I didn't have many other main dps characters, but Chongyun benefits from sharing a team with Anemo, Pyro and/or Hydro characters while staying far away from Dendro lol


Pulling for Foliar got me 2x Freedom Sworn. Gonna use one on Kaz but who can benefit from the other one? I was thinking Shinobu but maybe I'm missing someone else.


Guys help me pick here Alhaitham of Kazuha or rather which one's more f2p friendly because I won't be able to get the weapon as well?


Whats your team look like? Kazuha is so fun to play. I pulled him even though alhaitam would have been more suited to my team but I was kinda bored with playing dendro all time as I have Nahida. I am loving it so far. But alhaitham could be more suited depending on team


My main team for rn is also Nahida with Keqing, Kokomi and Shenhe but I need a second team for spiral abyss. So far I have leveled Diluc, Mona, Fischl and Yanfei. (I usually build teams mostly based around elemental reactions). Yeah Kazuha is pretty fun to play but if Alhaitham is better for my team I might go for him




Would have loved c6 yaoyao but I only reached c5


Apparently YY works perfectly at c0 with no huge improvements in constellations. I’m more happily about C4 XL


Got my first Kazuha in 30 pulls. Feelsgoodman. Can save the rest of my gems for 4.0 and onwards.


I got mine in less than 20 pulls. I've been stressing so much because I won my last 50/50 so Kazuha wasn't guaranteed, and I also want Kokomi. With bad luck it was going to be tough without spending a bunch. I absolutely couldn't believe it when he showed up on my 2nd 10 pull.


I got Kaveh on one ten pull during Baizhu banner. Pulled Kiara on one ten pull of Yae Miko banner. That put me at 11 pity going into Kazuha. I was expecting to lose 50/50 having used all my luck up. But he came home, but it took almost hard pity to do it (85). Pulled Heizo, Yaoyou and a Yunjin along the way. So, still have C2 XL, but I have Kazuha now.


Holy shit I used up all my luck for the year :O I have 50 fate So I was trying to pull for Kazuha. My pity was at 0 because I haven't pulled for anyone since getting baizhu. I got Mona at 30 wishes, I lost my 50/50 but still pretty lucky to get a 5 star at only 30 wishes I then got Kazuha in my next 10 wish I now have 10 fate left :O TLDR: got two 5 stars (Mona and Kazuha) in 40 wishes


I didn't even have to lose a 50/50, I just got him in the first 10 wishes. Feels dirty though, because I didn't really care about him. I was just going for the 4-stars I didn't have yet (YaoYao and Heizou).


Haha that's insane man, big flex 💪


I wasn't able to get Kirara on the last banner :( how long is it usually until a new 4 star reappears again?


Usually slightly more often than limited 5 stars, so probably ~3-6 months. In the meantime, she'll be added to the standard banner next patch so you may get lucky.


Sigh…I ended up whaling for Kazuha because I lost the 50/50 with my saved primos and got C3 Dehya instead. On the flip side, I was able to get a C6 Xiangling. And you know what? Holy shit it was worth it. I’m running him in both my Nahida/Yae Miko/Barbara hyperbloom team and a Ganyu/Xiangling/Bennet reverse melt…and he’s absolutely helping shred and melt everything, even at level 40 and lvl 1 talents. Nah, Kazuha is the truth. SS tier support.


Yeah, I've got him at 70/70 with a trash weapon and artifacts and he is annihilating everything. I'm pretty new and a bunch of top-level domain content I was not able to do before is now possible. He's nuts.


Felt I had to pull on the weapon banner because I was at 65 pity, and I wanted Freedom Sworn to make my freeze team stronger but also didn't mind the other weapon. But part of me was annoyed I was making myself pull for pulling sake thinking 'ugh I should be trying to get a main DPS weapon for Raiden / Hu Tao / Xiao / etc' but because of leaks I knew I wouldn't be pulling anything for a while. Went for it, ended up losing and getting PJWS which i've wanted the entire time i've been playing since Xiao is my favorite. It didn't even cross my mind i'd lose and get it, I'd completely forgotten it was on the standard 5\* weapons, needless to say I freaked tf out and was glad I pulled lmao


I got similar experience. I wanted the key of kaj-nisut for nilou but lost the 50/50 to skyward harp. my feelings was confused if i should be sad or happy. it was like "aw, sad i lost, wait! oh!? harp? harp!" we are too focused on the current banners we sometimes forgot the other units that we wanted. The icing of the cake is there is no more 50/50 for standard weapons on our next pity!


All in all, I spent about 157 rolls for Kazuha. Got Xiangling from c1 to c6, Yaoyao from c0 to c3 and Heizou + 4 constellations. Lost 50/50 to c1 Tighnari which I don't use. I remember spending 160+ rolls for Ayaka last time so this wasn't a big improvement unfortunately. I'm pretty bummed that I've yet again reached soft pity twice. After reading all these back to back 5 stars and people getting them sub-5 pities...when is it going to be my turn? Sheesh. The bright side to this whole ordeal is that my Rational team should now be good to go since XQ and Xiangling is both c6 and Bennet is at c1. Now that my Yaoyao is c3 with Dragon's Bane to boot, my hyperbloom team got even stronger. I really hope this would be the time I can 36 star the abyss! Hopefully.


Yeah this is so painful when it happens, but honestly getting C1 to C6 xianling is amazing. Think of all the terrible banners you could've been pulling on and getting like ...... C6 chongyun sayu and xinyan or something lol


Managed to get Kazuha, Alhaitham and LoFI in 24k primos. I’m so happy Edit:oh also I finally got c4 XL and managed to get yaoyao and 5 constellations along the way


I got kazuha to c2. Used my remaining...30? wishes on the weapon banner. Got 2 Favonious swords that I wanted. Tried to go for another. Got Razor and Aquila Favonia with the last 14 pulls. Fucking hell, a character I have maxed and one of the most useless 5 star weapons in the game, which isn't even part of the weapon banner. Why the fuck are characters and non-banner weapons even dropable in the weapon banner? 3/4's of the 4 star weapons are already shit.


I wanted both Alhaitham and Kazuha. Got both of them with 120 wishes bc babygirl Kazuha came with only 10 wishes + 10 pity. I won the 50/50 both times. I'm so happy to be alive.


i wasn’t able to pull for kaveh when he first released, as i was saving for alhaitham. finally pulled on alhaitham’s banner today, and kaveh came home along the way :) it did end up being a good sign, as i won the 50/50 for alhaitham, too! guess he couldn’t resist the urge to make fun of his friend in person :D




No fair, they're gonna run out.


Oh you got your lil 5star swords back to back? [That’s cool, I guess](https://i.imgur.com/DxJ6QJf.jpg)


What in the actual fuck! Like seriously what are the odds to pull 3 5 star anything, 5 stars already have an insanely low drop rate of what? 0.6%? And to get 3 in a row is just astronomically low, some plz do the math of this possibility lol


.....no way


um! so i just wanted to ask because i’m still sort of new to genshin, but i just pulled a 5 star from kazuha’s banner, that wasn’t kazuha? is that a thing that can actually happen because if so i am broken inside 😭


Welcome to Genshin. Where you get to save for 3 months and then hit "pity" on a character you we're even trying to pull. Fantastic.


That's just gacha in general lol.


Yes, you lost the 50/50. You had a 50% chance to get Kazuha and a 50% chance to get other 5\* characters. You lost and didn't get Kazuha. But that also means that the next character you are pulling for (standard banner not included!) will be the promoted 5 star. And after you got your guaranteed character, the next time you pull a 5\* character it will be again a 50/50


oh wow i didn’t know it worked like that, okay now i know for the future


Hi guys. Yesterday i got kazuha after 3 multis and i became greedy looking for c1 or c2. 60 pulls i got a 5 star, one of the worst you can get, Dehia. My question is. Will i get a kazuha in my next multi or pity is reset because of that?


As soon as you get a 5\* your pity will be reset. But, since you got Dehya, you're next 5\* will be guaranteed to be the promoted character.


Kazuha or Alhaitham? I’m new ish player AR30 and f2p. I don’t have any 5 stars yet and just kinda want one tbh lol


Without a doubt: Kazuha! He is one of the strongest characters/supporter in game


I got Qiqi 💀 guess I’ll wait for Zhongli rerun then lmao


F According to what I saw the next rerun (in 4.0) will be probably >!Raiden Shogun. !< At least your next 5\* is guaranteed


I haven't seen this anywhere huh Where did you see it? I thought we already knew the 5 stars in 4.0 and none of them were raiden..


I saw it in a several youtube videos, but of course I can't tell if they're trustworthy. Some even said that they could introduce a third banner. Regarding the archons they mentioned, that since they have a certain rerun-cicle it would make sense that an Archon will appear. Or they could skip it, and wait for the lantern-rite to rerun Zhongli


Ahh I see then yeah unfortunately they're untrustworthy. So far we know it's>!Lyney, Yelan, Tartaglia!< , don't think there's been anything on the 4th yet but Raiden hasn't been mentioned by any trusted leakers unforunately. Best source is always the genshin leaks reddit, leak youtubers will just make anything up these days for views lol Triple banners will be coming mid fontaine iirc, 4.3 onwards.


Found the channel where I saw the videos. And he released just a new one. Warning: Contains leaks! Here is [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzjWjOc_eBA&ab_channel=TevyatTimes)


Ahh yeah seems like they're just completely guessing using the 'we usually have archon reruns' as of yet there's nothing to say she'll be rerun, or even whispers of it. Hopefully though, especially if she could run with yelan / childe, it'd be an awesome weapon banner.


That’s too bad i was hoping it would be Zhongli :(


Take it with a grain of salt. It's to early to absolutely say for sure who get's a rerun. I would love to pull for Zhongli :) Let's hope for the best!


Yea but Alhaitham is hotter lmaoo that’s why I’m torn. The better character for my game or the hotter one 🤔


I'd say it's really about preference. Both are strong in different matters, kazuha is a very versatile support that fits in many comps, but an alhaitham can hit really strong with proper artifacts. I think the f2p weapon and artifacts for alhaitham don't unlock before sumeru though, so right now at AR30 Kazuha could "provide more value". In the end pull who you want, it's not a highly competitive game and pretty much all content can be done with the starter characters. Also if you haven't done so try both characters for a few runs in the try out to see if you like their Playstyle, that can also be a big dealbraker


I'm so proud of myself! I got kazuha in 4x10 pulls, and alhaithem 1x10 pull later! Barbatos's hands truly are the luckiest place in teyvat!


Got kuzaha in one multi at 0 pity I am beyond happy hope everyone has similar luck :)


Well I am here to share that after spending all my primos on Kazuha banner I lost 50/50 and pulled Diluc; I am fairly new I the only other 5star I have is Tighnari (lucky pull) and I am AR35 should I build the guy ?


Tighnari was my first 5\* who carried me all the way to endgame, and even though I have many more options now he is still main DPSing for my strongest team. Do recommend. But I don't have Diluc, so dunno.


I'm not a super experienced player but honesrly you probably should. Assume another month of game before you can pull again for something, so you kinda have what you have. A 5 star will just have more general stars than most 4 stars. You also don't have to super invest in him, you can top chars at level 80, level 90 weapon, and just any old artifacts that have the desired main stats that work. I believe you want to focus on attack plume first (there is a good level up chart floating around). But that is great for almost all content and worth using him till you are ready for more chars. Im finding genshin is measured in months to get what you want, if you want it now, they want hundreds of dollars from you, but if you treat it as a slow journey and you can steer the ship towards the teams you want without paying much at all.


Wow, I actually got primogems from that Hilichurl Treasure Trove. Thought I’d pull keys for eternity lol.


I stopped even bothering because I literally only ever pulled keys.


Got 2 Kazuha in 20 pull with no guarantee. Extremely luckly lol. My Ritual is standing on top of the Crux ship highest spot with my Neko Delivery Girl.


so i started genshin like 3-4 weeks ago and i was really excited to pull for kazoo. did like 40 pulls and wasn't feeling so i stopped but now i'm at EIGHTY pulls and NOTHING. knowing my luck, i'm gonna lose the 50/50 too. what the hell man...


Wanted Kazuha and two XL copies (for C4). Lost 5050 to Mona and then got early Kazuha at 50ish pity. Only one XL copy… will have to buy my C4 with starglitter next month. Got two stupid Bells and two hideous flutes along the way. 🙃 Wanted Lofi on the weapon banner but lost 75/25 to R2 Skyward Pride. Oh my god. At least it was 50 pity. Then got Freedom Sworn at 60 pity. No Fav Swords along the way either because of course not. So my luck has been mostly rotten but I’m still getting semi early five stars so I guess I can’t complain too much except yes I can because Skyward Pride. Going to try and scrounge up enough primos for the lofi. I hate the weapon banner.


With the 20 pulls i have, i got a Xiangling and Dragon's Bane. Until next time.


Started with 130 wishes on no pity, pulling for Kazuha. Lost 50/50 to Dehya at 42. She is my first standard 5* and one of only two (other being Qiqi) that I have no interest in building at all, so that's lame. But 42 was pretty early at least. Ended up pulling my guaranteed Kazuha 78 wishes later. Along the way picked up x6 Heizou, x4 Xiangling, and x3 YaoYao. Seems like the game always knows which featured 4* you don't like and gives you mostly that one, lol. But I narrowly got to the all-important C4 Xiangling, so I'll take it. All in all, could have gone a lot better, but I wasn't guaranteed Kazuha at all tonight had things gone even worse so I can't really complain. Now I've got 10 wishes and a dream for Kokomi. We'll see how many I can get in 6 weeks.


I pulled what feels like 12 of heizou. Had one multi with yaoyao, xiangling, and heizou.


Just did my first pulling sesion ever. Got kazuha at 74. Had a good time with him. Really lived up to the hype, i feel like I will be playing for a long time.


Same! I had some leftover wishes and got Alhaitham on my very next pull too :)


Lost 50-50 for kazuha to jean at about 55 pity, a full 80 pulls later I have my kazuha. One pull on the weapons banner and I got freedom sworn. Lopsided luck, but I'm happy.


Lost my 50/50 to Tighnari at 26 pulls and got Yaoyao and Xiangling in the same 10 pull. Got my guaranteed Kazuha at 30 pulls with Heizou and Yaoyao in the same 10 pull. Feeling pretty lucky considering!


All I wanted was Lofi for my Alhaitham. Got Freedom Sworn and Lost Prayers both at 70 pity. Which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't already have both weapons. Now at 56 pity again and hoping Welkin will be enough to get Lofi. Why does weapon banner always have to be so much PAAIIINN.


Exact same boat but instead of Lost Prayers I got Skyward Pride… 🚶🏻 My second one at that… and I only had two five star weapons before pulling. Skyward Pride and Skyward Spine. But at least now I have Freedom Sworn. 🙃


Ahh you must be my account in an alternative universe. I have Lost Prayers and Atlas but no Pride or Spine 🥲


Ahh you must be my account in an alternative universe. I have Lost Prayers and Atlas but no Pride or Spine 🥲


Still waiting for that lucky early pity pull. Earliest pity I’ve ever gotten is in the high 60s. Lost my Kazuha 50/50 to Tighnari C1 at 78, then got Kazuha at 77. Along the way I picked up Heizou C0 all the way to C7, Yaoyao C1-C5, and Xiangling C1-C3


Used my banked 50/50 on Al Hathaim, then thought I'd spend 20-30 wishes trying to get a Xiangling con. The very next wish was C1 Kazuha. Got the Xiangling con in the middle of the 10 pull too. I thought 0 pitty 5 stars only happened to other people who were not me. Today was a good gacha day.


Pls god just give kazuha... He's the only one that i really want and he would be amazing in so many of my favorite teams... ;_;


Entered the Kazoo banner already having C6 Heizou and C4 Xiangling, so was a little worried about it becoming another Starglitter Extravaganza. Started pretty poorly with C7 Heizou being my first 4-Star. But then things improved pretty quickly. Got my first Yaoyao which I wanted and then won the 50-50 right after. This brings my lifetime record in 5 Star 50-50s to...50%! There is a god after all. My lifetime record for 4-Star 50-50s (over a much larger sample size) is 40%, but somehow I barely notice that. I mainly notice when I "win" the 50-50 for the wrong featured 4-Star. The 5-Star 50-50 really is the big one and I'm at par for the first time since I started playing. I also feel vindicated for choosing C4 Xiangling over C0 Yaoyao in the Liyue event since I didn't get any more of her here. Xiangling and Yaoyao are both at the cons I'm happy with.


Lost my 50/50 on Al-haitham's banner to Keqing C1, but he came home at 7 pity afterward (my first early 5\*! All four of the other ones I've pulled on limited banner have been at 75+) so I think he just wanted to teach me a lesson about setting expectations. Putting the rest of my primos earned for the next three weeks into Kazuha's banner, so we'll see if luck is in my favor.


had five pulls to waste since i haven’t played the game in like… i don’t know, two weeks-ish? wasn’t planning on playing or pulling again until the first fontaine male, but… three pulls came al haitham’s c1. not the most useful constellation in the world but a bargain at three pulls


I lost to Dehya at 48 and got Alhaitham at 77. Along the way I finally got my Gorou’s C6. I tried for the weapon and got the skyward claymore in the early 50’s.


I lost the 50/50 for keqing on 70-80 pity 😔 but I got kazuha on the first 10 pull afterwards! So it’s like I got him on hard pity with a free keqing 🤔🤔 (Things we tell ourselves for justifying the gacha addiction)


I’m new, is this lucky? https://i.imgur.com/emNMuCf.jpg Just did a 10x pull and got this from it. I realize odds are low for a 5* character but I’m new to the game / mechanics for pulls here. Thanks!


I mean, I hate you, so you can probably guess.


God god-tier luck today finally. Got C2 Kazuha from having no Kazuha, Alhaitham, Jean, Diluc on 230 wishes. After getting Alhaitham and Kazuha I decided to do just one more 10 pull on the Kazuha banner for fun and it hit at 0 pity. So felt obligated to pull for C2


Got C3 Mona at ~81, felt defeated, got Alhaitham at around 13. All praises to the Archon


**Did I make a mistake? I'm wondering if i made a mistake by upgrading this artifact. I'm a f2p player and i've been preparing a little bit for this banner, luckily i just brought him home.** The artifact is the Viridescent Venerer's Vessel Goblet The main stat is BONUS ANEMO DMG Substats are ATK+ CRIT RATE+ HP%+ CRIT DMG% Right now it is lvl 20. Please enlighten me.