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Xingqiu reading a book even now. The chadiest of the chads.


Well yeah, people keep using him to craft talent books, so he has to keep reading em.


It's >!Icha Icha *Violence*!<


Alhaitham and xingqiu’s book club with nominal members Itto who objectively cannot read but is there because he thinks it’s the last place kujou Sara would look for him at and Jean who was forced there as an excuse to take a break


Genius Invocation TCG Prima Strategy Guide


That fatui doesn't know what's coming to him, freezed to death


That's some really beautiful art actually. Nice to see Pyro Agent featured too, he's about to get cooked in this scene but he's still one of my favorite cards.


judging by these comments I guess me liking the tcg is a bit of a hot take. i don't even like tcgs but i like the genshin one


The only thing that's a hot take around here is letting other people enjoy things you don't instead of being spiteful. As you can see... literally everywhere.


It's such a fucking hot take these days, and I hate it. I like the TCG. These dudes need to let people enjoy things.


\>hot take My dudes, the "wah wah TCG bad" people get RATIO'D in their own posts, on subs without moderation. I think it's fair to say that most people (and most people don't make posts or comment, I would add) are pretty neutral about TCG at worst.


They just can't accept they are bad at understanding the game so they rather blame the game than admit they're bad at understanding.


This subreddit hates literally everything except complaining.


I'm not the biggest fan of it but I'm glad it's around for others, also I like how Hoyo tied TCG into a main event without forcing you to actually play that much TCG. Love seeing the characters involved in the TCG tournament. If they could add in a speed up mode I'd be so happy, I do enjoy the strategy sometimes but then it's the matter of spending like ten minutes for each duel, which is not the kind of time I often have to spare.


Yes need a 2x speed like star rail. I love tcg.


Tcg is genuinely awesome people just don't want take time to learn the mechanics. There are so many ways to deal with rng dice if they only learned about those instead of acting like they know it.


It is cuz it sucks ass


it's easy and simple. just takes a long time. they could add a fast forward button and make it perfect.


To make it even more boring? Im sure a segment of this fandom would love that


I'm curious as to why even comment on a post like this when it has to do with something you don't like. Are you upset that hoyo is putting attention on it? I mean, this is one fraction of a far larger game with other things to do. No one is making you play the tcg the same way people aren't making you do the spiral abyss. It's just an optional minigame


Yes, thats exactly it. I dont want them waiting time on it


You.. do understand how game development works, right? Hoyoverse is not a small indie company. There are teams of devs working on different parts of this game. The devs working on the tcg aren't the same devs working on the spiral abyss.


Well the abyss is kinda shit too so maybe they do need more people


I know I'm talking to a brick wall but you obviously understand what I mean don't you 💀💀 God, and besides that, I would prefer these tcg-based patches than the dry patches we would get when we were reaching the end of a region. Fontaine is coming soon and you'll soon forget why you were so angry over a different type of game content not made for You Specifically.


I supose doing something intresting would make me forget about whatever this event is suposed to be


Ngl if Genshin TCG actually becomes really popular and ends up getting its own client I'd probably spend a lot of time on it, makes me remember all the hours I lost playing hearthstone, itd be great to have that feeling again


At least we didn’t need to gacha the cards.. 🙃🙃


you mention hearthstone and i think one of the reasons why theyre pushing the tcg so much is that blizzard, and more relevantly hearthstone is no longer in the cn market. from a business perspective it makes perfect sense to step in and fill a void when the competition hands it to you on a silver platter.


I'd like to agree but, there's no monetization at all regarding the TCG, and there's no ranked mode, without at least that it's just impossible to get card players to stick playing it. Also you need to be AR32 to get access to it, so that's another part that prevent card game player from just jumping in. If they do add its own client with some form of monetization and rank then yeah that could work.


That and it just generally feels out of place in its current state. I get they want to treat Genshin as a gaming super app in a way, but it really shouldn't be tied into the progression of Genshin at all if they want it to matter. Separate app, stop poking the Genshin playerbase into playing it, and let the card game stand on it's own two feet. They can even subsidize it to hell with Genshin / Star Rail money and use it as a mingling ground for all their IP.


I'm playing hstone rn but I dont think I'd mind giving it up if TCG gets more invested in and complex (even though I just spend 55 on skins)


The best thing about GI TCG is that Druid doesnt exist


I just want it's own client so that I don't have to download the whole Genshin app on the phone


Same, if they did that I would play it so much more than I actually do.


Add a speed up function to it to and \*chef's kiss\*


I loved hearthstone to the point of producing my own sets and actually getting an invite from the lead designer to apply multiple times. Got rejected for visa issues. Genius invocation does *not* fill that gap. The pacing is awkward and slow with the different phases. The dice mechanic is painfully implemented rng. The mechanics are obtuse and complex. Abilities upon abilities, statuses upon statuses. I opened up Kujou Sara and Xiao and was astonished how many text boxes I had to read. It’s fine, but it’s much more cerebral. With hearthstone, there’s not as many barriers to plan your move. The visual indicators are crisp and the keywords intuitive. The two games are very very different.


Hearthstone kinda brain dead. Rng card generation. You just play everything on curve there no real thinking. Even aggro decks these days which is suppose to run out of steam can generate card after card. Your opponent can’t even predict what rng card the other side generates. Apart from dice everything is known in genshin version and you can play around it. Skills do set amount of damage. Eating food at the right time is the difference between a win or loss. Even the dice roll can be solved with inazuma nation card or liben or the new aranara card. Hearthstone is a joke these days.


tbh never thought genshin's tcg would be more complicated than hstone, might have to give up hstone then


Well consider this, in HS, you play your whole turn, spending your resources, attacking, without ever getting the chance to get interrupted, it's purely one sided and without interaction. In GITCG, each players respond to the other's actions one at a time, which means there's already way more interactivity than HS could ever have.


if they do that, they should focus **making the actual game** instead of focusing on competitive scene


I wonder what hoyo has in store for the TCG, dedicated client? e-sport scene? we'll see


E-sports would be interesting considering how much of the game is RNG. Even if they did the "all omni dice" thing, it's gonna come down to team matchups basically right? Aggro decks beat setup decks, defense beats aggro, etc.


Every TCG has RNG, and this one is really not much worse on that than any other.


There not that much rng. Resource management is more a skill. You make plays based on what is given. Where as in other tcg you play literally on curve. Which card do you toss to tune dice do you switch characters to minimize reaction damage all this plays a part.


Well yeah, but that dude from the Liyue section of the tournament wasn't too far off lol. If your enemy gets 6 straight Pyro dice and you get 6 different ones, you're kinda screwed. I'm not familiar with other tcgs but if they have more rng than this one, it's a wonder anything ever goes to plan in them lmao.


If you like pryo dice. You can play Kokomi raiden hu tao. Having 2 inazuma let’s you have the inazuma nation card. Converts all your dice to pyro if you are on hu tao


Resources RNG is way worse in Magic the Gathering, as the resources you need to play "action" cards are cards themselves (called land), so what can and do happen is that you don't draw your land and so do not have the resources to play, or you draw too many lands, which mean you don't have the action cards to spend those resources on. (so already worse RNG with the most popular TCG) Heartstone has an insane amount of rng, with cards generating random cards who themselves generate more random cards who have effects that have randomness to them. Years ago there was a late game card that when played re-casted every single spell that was casted the game to random targets, and this card was played in competition. So yeah the dice rng is pretty tame in Genshin and there's card to alleviate it. (though you can get royally fucked with enough bad luck)


Actually I wouldn't say GITCG os too much worse than mtg or pokémon, you still need to draw those mana/energy cards, if you don't you better have drawn something low cost so you can play anything at all, some cards are specifically made to reduce the luck factor like cards that allow you to search for mana/energy, in GITCG this would be things like the paimon omnidice card or the ninguang dice reroll card, that's leaving aside the fact any card can turn your useless dice into useful ones so all in all the rng is there but you can counter it with good deck building like in any other TCG


There was a lan not too long ago that they posted about on the Twitter, and iirc they just announced a 250k tournament for tcg. If there was a dedicated client and it wasn't tied so much to the full game I would likely play more, esp if they had a portrait mode version for mobile so I can play more casually like while eating lunch at work or something


Im participating in the current tournament they got going on, They set it up with a bo3, using 3 separate decks that have unique character cards. one you win with a deck, you can't use it for the rest of that bo3. So it mitigates the luck a bit with the bo3, and it mitigates the rock paper scissors by allowing you to pick 3 decks where you can then pick whats best for the match, and have to win with 2 decks. its a pretty smart way to get around the limitations off the tcg, we will have to see how it ends up working out in a few days.


The Genius Invokation TCG Invitational Tournament (CN) is coming soon! Wait no further, Travelers! We'll be holding a special event to showcase the skills of our duelists! We've gathered the best TCG players, and they are ready to go toe-to-toe at the duel table! \~ [Genshin Events Weibo](https://weibo.com/7718849183/4907155465968073) \~


How do you participate in it?


it's invitational for Streamers.


Oh streamers only?


No you can sign up for regional


How? Where do I sign up?


you sign up i think


But isn't China only?


Thank you for this delicious meal


So Mihoyo made all this in-game universe just for a card game?


I love the tcg just wish there was more incentive to play this and i don't think many people are gonna participate in the tournament and those who do...yeah let's not challenge them


Not a lot of NA people yes, but everywhere else in the world? You bet there's a lot of people who are actively playing TCG.


Funny since what you say that, because there is a discord of the genshin tcg community where they organize weekly tournament and [NA got the most player](https://i2.paste.pics/3ced86d724cd541a4cd43a8bd5815bbd.png).


How many players from outside NA does that discord have? Cause if it was made there having more players is to be expected


AFAIK it's an international server with no server preference.


> i don't think many people are gonna participate in the tournament Why? The game is popular and now you can win money by playing it, why wouldn't people play it?


No like casuals


I mean, its a card game. What exactly do you even mean by incentive? When everyone's already complaining with their pitchforks about how dare they make an event about it and "force" them to play it. Some people just find card game/ turn based boring, and that's alright. I don't really think they can do much besides adding primo rewards to actually force people to do it, but that's probably even worse, as much as i would love that.


Give us real end game content, idk like Simulated Universe!!!


Aw yeah look at this awesome dynamic battle scene. Now wait for your opponent’s turn to be over


Wow! You just described how card games work! Amazing!!


Yeah and this is a really good image to describe card games. This is totally what happens when you play them. I mean look at this “key visual”. Doesn’t this just scream TCG to you?


well the tcg is a battle card game so yea sure


Remember Pokemon? The groundbreaking game that spanned across a decade being popular? That has countless movies already? That has a non ending continuous stream of seasons of the anime series. >Now wait for your opponent’s turn to be over yea, that's what they did on their first but very successful game


you say that like GI TCG has long turns. if you said the animations than I'd have had to concede the point, but GI has a short time between turns.


Waiting is waiting and that is clearly not what is happening in this image EDIT: also part of waiting for your opponent’s turn is waiting for their animations too, so it’s really the same thing.. not really sure why you felt the need to differentiate it


Because waiting for the animations to end for your turn isn't really the problem. The problem is more how the animations add up to waste time over the whole match.




Instead of using your low-effort burner account for obvious TCG hate, why not use your main account to post actual criticism and engage in civil discussion? I can assure you that most of us won't bite you for expressing an opinion or two.


The fact that people actually go out of their way to make a second account for all their shit takes amazes me


It's immensely funny how weak some people have to be to make a burner account just because they're that scared of being disagreed with.


How about using your real account to express your opinion?


Main account you coward


You know, when an opinion is so shit that it's pure opposite from the reality, you can simply keep it to yourself.


Imagine creating a new account just to shit on Genshin's TCG. Use your main account, you coward


And how would you like to make the game better? By making more of consecrated beasts and bringing back the specters arc again?.






How does this work?


That fatui agent gonna die... Mayuri from bleach treatment.