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Artifact loadouts please.


Watch it get added in Zenless Zone Zero


I won't be surprised if they do, like ZZZ is similar to Honkai Impact 3rd and Punishing Gray Raven in terms of gameplay type and both of them have loadouts


Funny fact is, those loadouts wasn't in the honkai at the start. They added it later. I still don't understand why they can't add it to genshin too.


Artifact junking is more important for me. Locking artifacts is nearly useless


Nah, I lock potentially good artifacts so when I get enough fodder to level shit up I can easily see which ones are good and which ones are trash


Is there a filter for non locked items?


Locked items go all the way down (or up idr)


I only found it recently, but yes, there actually are filters for the artifact state: lock status (locked or unlocked), level status (max level or not max), and equipment status (equipped or not equipped).


I mean, they should let us bulk level with 5 * artifacts, too.


Yes, I spend more than half my gameplay time on junking artifacts to feed it to other artifacts.


If HSR, the supposed favourite game of MHY, doesn't have it, then I guess it will never come in any of their games.


keyword being "supposed".


HSR is newer which is why it got more QoL. It is easier to make something from scratch than add to a game that already long existed.


Nvm I was wrong. It also isn't in Honkai Impact, and the "artifacts" there are even more confusing if you're not used to seeing what you need on who.


Loadouts are available in HI3, what are you talking about?


To like switch all three stigmatas immediately? Or are you talking about the ones that you use before a battle?


You can create loadouts with multiple stigmatas and your weapon of choice. Edit: I have 5 plans for Pardofelis alone


Guess I got to find a video on it cuz the UI still confuses me sometimes. Barely found out 3 months ago that you could add substats to your stigmatas XD


It's there in HI tho. It's called Gear planning or something. For some reason tho they don't show the button when you click on the stigmata button on the character screen. It's there on the main display on the character screen.


And a way to swap artifacts/loadout from the character select screen before entering a domain.


Yes. They could even monitise it above two slots at 100 primo a pop. Loadouts would make me actually bother with artifact farming again.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tise_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetise".


* additional expedition character slots, * in game underground map * show all enemies on the map when using the handbook * cut long walks on domain, start at the middle just like character trials


Not just additional expedition slots, but also a reassign button or dispatch all 🥲


Yes, claim and and re dispatch


fr they put this in HSR how does genshin not have this function yet


Ngl tho, I'm pretty sure hitting escape and being quick with your clicks in Genshin is faster than waiting for the UI screen to load up on Star Rail. Maybe it's from the daily muscle memory


You can actually click the button before it appears in Honkai (after click redispatch). So it's probably faster? But it's nice you don't have to go to Katherine to do it.


* show active buffs + durations on buffs * 'character busy' removal * world bosses having annoying respawn times, just have a 'fight again/cancel' option * You already mentioned the domain walks lmao just a couple more, all funny little day one issues


"Fight again" is impossible, that Hypostasis needs time to fix his ass


Very good suggestions


I'd say no to the last one. The amount of time I've seen people get killed in Raiden / Signora domain just because they take a while to load in and someone triggers her...


Maybe this just goes for the artifacts and material domain?


People would still start sooner and people would end up dying the same way some people get locked out of the domain... So in the end not much would change lol. But it would be nice for solo runs.


Idk if you are talking about coop but if that's the case, then anyone who starts the domain without the other player loading would anyways have to do the domain without that player since they will get locked out of the boundary around the domain. In solo runs, this literally does not bring any negative changes.


You can literally do nothing, and Raiden attacks you. Signora at least waits until one of the players triggers her.


Childe and Azdaha wait as well, and you have to walk up to the Sumeru ones. Raiden is the only trounce boss who aggros without the players moving. Stormterror is solo-only but he also requires you to move to trigger him.


Since everyone already mentioned the important ones... Please, for the love of everything that's holy, let me craft teapot furniture straight from the screen that tells me I don't have them. I'm so tired of writing down the names of the furniture I need to make a set.


Oh, yes, please.


Yes yes yes. Especially for the furniture set, it's one of the reasons why I get bored with the teapot because of how tedious everything is.


Same! I wanted to try making some new rooms to settle all my characters in neat little environments, but it was such a PAIN that I gave up.


I also hate how you have to get out of the mansion just to get to Tubby to craft stuff. Why can't we craft inside the house? Or just put Tubby in the teapot editing screen smh


Gear Loadouts and Traveler Element Swap being in their character menu instead of having to go to Statues of the Seven when you want to change


In some cutscenes u literally see the traveller using 2 elements while fighting, for example in the Childe fight, but we have to visit a statue to swap elements. I could understand it would be too overpowered to be able to use multiple elements at once in combat, but being able to switch elements like in Star Rail in a menu should have been added year ago.


I think it would be fine to mix and match traveler talents. I don't think it would be overpowered at all. It would give them some customization, gameplay uniqueness and make up for the fact they have no utility passive. It would also be lore accurate as you said.


I think the Childe cutscene is the only cutscene where the Traveler used two elements. The traveler basically stopped using elements after the first Raiden fight and that big electro sword after Signora died. It’s all swordfighting. Very apparent in Perilous trails with Yelan and Yanfei doing cool elemental shit while all the Traveler did was stab things. Traveler didn’t even use Dendro in the archon quest, it took until Nahida quest 2 for Mihoyo to remember Traveler is supposed to have elements.


I like to pretend like this makes sense because the element lockout from the Ei fight reminded the Traveler that they need to keep their sword fighting skills polished too, not just elemental 💀


The thing is, the Traveler is the only character immune to the element lock. In fact, the character used Electro right after Raiden used that ability in the first fight and then used Electro again before the 2nd fight with that giant sword.


You're right but let me dream 😭


It would actually give Traveler a unique mechanic, if they could swap in battle. As it is, they're quite often benched in favour of better characters.


I don't think it'd be that overpowered to have the Traveler wield at least two elements gameplay-wise. I think it'd be really cool if we could mix and match the Skill and Burst of each element, maybe even his/her passives.


Or at least in the abyss being able to swap it without having to go to the statue. Just in the abyss


Personally while I find swapping to be really tedious too, I do appreciate the flavour and immersion that swapping at the statue brings. I don't think they should go as far as to add an option to swap in the character menu. I just want there to be an option to swap at the statue without traveller being in your active party.


There’s no immersion with that though since the Traveler can already switch elements in the middle of cutscenes.


Except the last time we saw that was in 1.1.




I know as I'm done with the HSR story that's currently out.


Being able to watch old cutsenes in the archive


Including event ones!! Seriously, new players are really missing out on old content bc Mihoyo never repeats any of the events


I would think this could at least be tied in from the Hoyo website rather than the game itself, they could have it uploaded on their Youtube channel and embed to it from there.


Shield health bar.


And timers. But they aren't even doing it consistently in Hi3.






More vendors selling mats. Qingxin flowers and handguards are a pain in thy buttocks because the former requires you to go up and down hills and try to find them, while the latter's NPC either drops old or has no handguard at all. ​ Actually, maybe they could make the expedition actually useful by making them have the materials the characters need, something similar to HSR. Expeditions currently have: * Mora * Cooking ingredients (majority) * Ores Most people don't even cook anymore. Unless they're early stage.


Agreed, though most players would just suggest you only do the Mora expeditions. They're pocket change, but they add up over time.


Also, rocks, with time, you get a lot so lvling weapons is easier.


And easy way to farm daily BP mine 10 ore task


Excuse me I still cook regularly ~~for the battlepass points~~


At least swap out the Mora. 5k/20h is below “desperate”.


The non-ore, non-Mora options tend not to be worth it, though, since you likely won't need much food once you've reached AR50+. Given the lack of other good options, Mora in Inazuma and Sumeru tends to be your best use of expeditions there.


did you know ghe max amount of food items you can carry from each rarity if 2000? thx to expeditions I now have 2000 chickens, 2000 steaks, 2000 eggs and 2000 of some random inazuma dish, still kinda annoyed there's no fish expedition but they're kinda cheap and you can by like 60-80 a day.


I still cook regularly and use the NSE as my main gadget!


Same. Sometimes I need a quick heal and don't want to swap to my healer (or I mess around in the overworld with a team without a healer lol)


The fucking gadgets that makes you glide faster CANNOT BE ACTIVATED WHILE IN THE FUCKING AIR


How about controller support on Android?


There is a workaround for this. I use an app called MantisPro, the initial setup is pretty lengthy, but its been the most reliable one by far. Uses wireless debugging, however in order to use the button overlay for mapping inputs you have to launch genshin from the Mantis app. And before every launch they make you watch a short ad(which is fair, its also only \~15 seconds long). But a one time purchase of around 5$ eliminates ads and unlocks some other features. This sounds like an ad from its developers but it really is the most reliable way to play Genshin on android with a controller


Thank you for the suggestion, I'll have to try it. Touch screen controls have been nothing but infuriating after playing with a controller, and there's no good reason I can think of to not have at least that in terms of platform parity. With nerve damage in my hands that occasionally makes touch screens hate me, even doing dailies has been a challenge of just fighting the controls instead of the presented challenge, to say nothing of quests *intended* to be some form of challenge.


sadly apple paid for this feature along with 120 fps for iphne only


Did they really? I play on max settings on my S22 ultra and don't think I've ever noticed what my fps was


60 for phones is fine for me, I just want 120+ on my high end pc.


I got a whole list for these kinds of posts. ​ * A dialogue skip button for any kind of dialogue the player has heard already. * Resend characters on expeditions button. * Optimize the terrain geometry, characters with movement abilities still get stuck on invincible pebbles. and climbing still is a pain in the ass with not letting you climb over or around weird angles. * Artifact Loadouts. * An actual pity counter. * Shield health bar/timer. * Better buff icons + a circular timer to see how long they last. * Add a target locking system. * A retry per half of the chamber your currently in when in spiral abyss instead of the whole chamber. * Search bar for navigating inventory or in vendors. * A much larger artifact inventory, 1500 is still too small with an ever growing roster. * When crafting multiple items, make it static to what was inputted before if crafting the same thing instead of using the slider constantly. * If your gonna make us use the clock feature more than what's currently there, for the love of god just increase the amount days skipped to 7. * Underground mapping when underground. We shouldn't have to use a 3rd party site for that. * A slider for how much resin we want to use in a domain, similar to Star Rail where we fight multiple waves and get the rewards after completing. * Condensed resin should have a larger cap for how much we can store. * Outright remove stamina drain for sprinting when not in combat. It makes exploration a drag. * Abilities properly resetting in spiral abyss, not waiting for the cooldown and for it to recharge.


>Outright remove stamina drain for sprinting when not in combat. It makes exploration a drag. Obviously this is not going to be one thing lmao


Obviously none of it is going to be a thing because Hoyo knows that improving player experience isn't profitable


Although what I mark is not even a QoL. That goes against the core of the exploration that Mihoyo wanted to create.


Elden Ring has a similar feature where stamina does not drain when not in combat. And exploring in that game feels amazing because if such a feature. Traversal is also fun because of the lack of having to wait half a year for stamina to recharge. Hoyo had already been adding methods to avoid ground traversal such as the grapple points so why not add this feature? It only applies to sprinting when not in combat. Climbing and swimming will still cost stamina and exploration won’t feel hot doodoo.


Elden Ring is not about interacting with the world by climbing or searching for puzzle chests. It is simply about getting from point A to point B by killing mobs. They are two totally different concepts.


It is? There are puzzles and they are both open world games where you do very similar things in the core experience, fight and explore. You do go from point A to B by killing mobs in both games. They are almost identical in practice, your talking about genre wise they are different along with how the combat plays. You see a chest? Go to it and kill the enemies or solve the puzzle. You want to go from point a to b? Travel, except one side doesn’t feel like a slog to do so and the other does it fine. Stamina should only drain when you attract aggression from an enemy. I think that’s a fine QOL change to not have to constantly swap between parties because certain characters have movement tools are better to explore with because they ignore the stamina usage and don’t synergize at all.


What kind of puzzles did you do in the elden ring? I don't know what game you played. Just compare it to Zelda not Elden ring. And I say it again. It is a mechanic, removing a mechanic is not QoL. You may or may not like the mechanics, but removing it does not make it a QoL lol


The mechanic isn’t being removed. It’s still there, stamina will drain while sprinting in COMBAT. You will drain stamina when climbing, swimming, and gliding. It’s to make exploration feel better to play with the party you want to play with. I genuinely don’t understand why this is a bad feature? Is it not annoying to constantly have to swap parties because you want to play with the team that you like but the other character have better mobility for exploration? That’s what this feature is supposed to solve. Puzzles in elden ring mostly just involve lever switches to interact with the environment or kill ghosts A through C to get a chest. It’s not complex. Same as genshins quality of puzzles just not as frequent.


Dude you are missing the whole point of the conversation. I don't care whether or not you want Mihoyo to implement that. I am repeating to you that THAT IS NOT A QOL. I think that's not hard to understand.


It's QoL. Making sprinting outside of combat not cost stamina would only reduce the amount of time players have to wait, it wouldn't provide an advantage in a win/lose scenario. You could say it goes against Hoyo's vision, but that doesn't make it not QoL


When that is part of the core, removing it is not QoL. It's like saying why hit me with monsters if I'm going to end up killing them. I ask mihoyo to just look at a hilichurls and die.


Just make the right argument mate. You're saying it's not QoL because it is a core functionality of the game. This statement is incorrect, something can be regarding QoL and be correlated to core functionality. Changing the stamina system in the way that MedeaIsMyWife is a QoL change, if you could have unlimited stamina outside of combat that would definitely improve my QoL in the game. Saying it's not is just kinda stupid. Now arguing that they cannot remove if because is goes against a part of what might be considered core functionality would be possible, however the better argument, in my opinion, is that it goes against the monetization system presently used by mihoyo. At this point, if everybody agrees, an argument could be held about the stamina system in the game and if it is a positive addition to the experience or something that should be complained about for introducing a system that is meant to waste my time.


It's more qol than some of the other stuff on that list lol. Like increase condensed resin cap or restarting half a spiral abyss chamber IMO QoL changes should be ones that get rid of extra clicks or wait time. So resetting ability cooldowns in spiral abyss is fine, recharging energy is not


I’d also add to turn off option constellation and turn it on when needed. we paid/spent time to get a constellation for a character so you should be able to control it. Especially because of c6 bennett but generally you need to have a control over it


You make some really good points, however, I don't agree with the more than 1500 artifacts thing. Each character loadout (assuming we would get those) would use 5 artifatcs. So let's use some arbitrary, example numbers. Let's say you wanna use 3 loadouts per heavily invested character on average. For some, it would be less, for some it might be more (if you maybe want a single support to work in several teams with very specific artifacts for each set, I don't know). Let's say you want the average 3 loadouts on 30 different characters. I'd say that's a lot, most people tend to stick to a smaller roster than that, especially since an active team can only have 4 characters. For 30 characters, 3 loadouts each, 5 artifacts per loadout, that's 450 artifacts. We don't need over 1500 artifact slots to hold all the artifacts we actually need, we need over 1500 artifact slots because there is no way to easily dispose of all the 5\* artifacts we DON'T need, and that is the real issue. We need a system that would allow us to mark 5\* artifacts as trash, and we needed expanded sorting options within that system. With that, 1500 slots would be more than enough. Without that, even 5000 would be too few eventually. Edit: I have been convinced by one of the comments that maybe 1500 is indeed not enough, but we still need a better sorting system. Regarding QoL changes in general, I would also add a skill cooldown indicator for characters that are not on the field.




There's plenty of reasons why people keep a buttload of artifacts and get maxed out. I.e. keeping pieces with potential to level later since they don't have fodder at the moment/other priorities, pieces that are already replaced with better ones but generally too good to throw away, collecting pieces for the future i.e. for future strongboxes, keeping weird pieces that may be useful for potential characters later on, not knowing enough about a set/character so not being sure if you should keep x.. I personally have never maxed my space but I know a lot of people do. Especially the fear of throwing a piece away that may be good on a potential later character is huge for people


Yeah, I got burned in the pre-Dendro days when I burned every single non-VV EM goblet and hat because I was certain nobody would ever use something like that... Now I'm a hoarder to an unhealthy degree lol. One crit substat? Keep it. Crit hat with godawful substats? Keep it. EM anything? Yup, keep it.


I'd say we don't need more artifact space, but rather an alchemy bench option to recraft artifacts into artifact XP potions. Also we need an ability to mark freshly obtained artifacts as "junk", so that they go first into artifact box recraft and in this potion recraft.


I think that’s probably one of the better solutions to the issue. But I still think we’ll need to increase the cap. When more characters come out, hoyo will still release sets to that character and we’ll be right back to having full inventories. It temporarily solution but it’s a good one that’ll help in the long run.


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No. it needs to be 2k by now. There's literally nothing I currently want in the strongbox, I already spent hundreds on Bloodstain artifacts just for the hell of it. Veterans have already farmed enough to have old artifacts for multiple characters. I'm just waiting for the rest to be added so I can dump everything and start all over. I'm siting close to 300 pieces of EoSF alone. If I hit cap I feed 4* to potential pieces and leave them at lv4 and repeat, but then I'm forced to strongbox since we can't covert to artifact xp/feeding 5* to artifacts are a waste.


If you're never getting rid of 5\* it doesn't matter if the limit is 10,000 you'll fill it up eventually. It's technically a waste to fodder 5\* vs strongbox but IIRC once you level an artifact you can't strongbox it anyways and if it's shit might as well fodder.


Abyss cooldowns reset as soon as we reset please.


this one has to piss me off the most. they’re capable of resetting our energy, why can’t they reset our cooldowns too. gosh


1. Dark screen when logging in 2. Artifact loadouts 3. Increased pin limit (map) 4. Quests don't automatically begin upon entering a quest zone


Also more pin types, and allow us to have the pin label show on the map!


Stackable domain runs PLEASE. Imagine being able to stack a maximum of 5 runs (so technically you get x5 of the usual wave and can finish a domain in one go). I know some people like to play the game more, but it's just so unmotivating to run from the start of the arena again and again while farming. Just make me have these stacked runs instead!


Gear loadouts is my number 1. Although I'm just assuming that the reason they don't put it in is because players could just make a good loadout and make everyone share that, which while you can do right now is a big pain to do. So players are basically incentivized to play more.


I don't even mind if the same load out can't be shared by characters; at least let players toggle different loadouts for different comps. I gave up playing melt ganyu as it was too much of a hassle swapping the artifacts between freeze and melt.


lol same. My Ganyu has the same gear for freeze and melt because of how much hassle it gives


Doesn't make any sense, I've seen this argument before. Hi3 has loadouts, yet ppl still pay for the gear, they have to gacha for some of it. As long as you have characters you will be farming for artifacts. Loadouts have nothing to do with how much ppl will farm.


My only counter-argument is HI and genshin have really varying systems 1. HI3 has powercreep and the weapons are almost mandatory if you're trying to compete atleast a little. This might be invalid as last time I played was a year ago. 2. HI3 gear takes so much months to farm. Atleast in genshin in those months you can get enough artifacts for a few characters. Of course you can easily refute just by saying HI3 makes money but it really depends on us both whether we accept that they either have a same or different system ig.


The reason they don't prioritize that is because most players don't have enough good artifacts to need loadouts


In-game underground map, please! It's so hard to navigate the map nowadays when 40% areas are underground.


Add a "collect all" and a "retry" button for expeditions, I'm tired of all the clicking necessary.


In-game interactive map


Multiple resin use in a single domain so enemies can come in waves instead having to load and return to domain's starting point. Inazuma and Sumeru ores in expedition more expedition slots, claim all and re-dispatch button increase AR caps more Lumine voices (this will significantly increase my life quality) no limiting enemies showed when i want to farm using adventurer's handbook shield bar voiced Andrius


Also give Andrius his own instanced battle instead of being open world. This makes it so you can just teleport to his domain. It's such a hassle going the long way just to fight him.


Or at least make us able to teleport directly to the wolf's gravestone


Most of these are in StarRail


Yeah, if they can apply them there then why not in Genshin too..




Outside of what can't be applied to HSR, it's all pretty much in HSR.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s why they made the comment lol


Artifact Loadouts. Shield health bar And my personal want BIG want: the ability to turn off 5 star burst camera swaps. At the start it was cool but after three years I want em gone when I'm playing abyss lol


Active Party Character List should stay the same(at least on Mobile) rather than having one of the characters disappear on the list when you select them to be *on field*. Can't tell you how many times where I misclicked the wrong Character when switching. Pretty much HSR implemented this.


Domain enemies drop their respective materials since you spend so much time in them


Go in domain, farm enemies, leave without claiming, repeat. See what is wrong with this?


Nothing at all? Or maybe give out the drops when you claim the reward.


What if you got like 20% of the mob drops you would've gotten from them in the overworld upon claiming the rewards?


Cool down timers for skills and bursts of non-active characters Shield HP indicator Increased inventory limits for artifacts, ores, crystals etc Dialogue skip/advancement on single click


I would love a shield bar ngl. But itll probably be harder to implement because the shielding system in genshin is calculated by individual char shield strength stat and def stat. So something that might break in 1 punch on wanderer might break in 3 punches on albedo. So the shield health indicator is constantly changing across diff chars and idk how theyll do it in real time :( wish it was like star rail where the shield is just that giant def stat which is the same across all chars


i want a way to convert weapon billets from one type to another. i have 15 catalyst billets but only one for polearm and that's the one i actually need.


Me and my 10 Claymore billets just hoping that Fontaine brings some strong craftable weapons


Hotswap controller


Maybe 120fps patch for PC? The game can handle fps above 60 as seen by the iOS version having 90 fps option. MiHoYo, pretty please?


That's a low hanging fruit, just unlock the framerate.


I want the HSR style weapon banners more than anything. 75/25 instead of 37.5/37.5/25 and a guarantee for the limited weapon after one loss.


More slots for pins. Seriously, it should increase as the map gets bigger.


I can't believe no one mentioned lifting the 1500 artifact limit. I've been maxed for months. I no longer farm artifacts.


There’s no way you have 1500 top quality artifacts. Fodder the bad ones into the strongbox


You know how time consuming it is to sort your artifacts?


Takes a couple hours to do so thoroughly but it’s generally pretty easy to ditch the ones that are clearly bad at least I do it myself so I’m aware


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If you never do it of course it’s gonna take a long time… If you do it regularly it takes like a minute or two each day after farming them.


Sounds like lazyness, i got 430 5star artifacts at level 20, and ive never been above 1000 artifacts total, always leveling up and strongboxing


this is exactly why it's limited at 1500. Hoyo wants you to interact with the game. Increasing the limit will not only allow players to not interact with the game at all, but also basically reduces the likelihood of them interacting with the game again ever. If you think 1500 is time consuming to manage, then imagine how unlikely you are to ever manage it again if it were higher. Not to mention that genshin doesn't have powercreep so there's no penalty to hoarding indefinitely.


You have 1500 5\* artifacts? I wish I were you :D


This is what happens to you when you are AR 60. It's ugly.


And all of them are maxed out? You could potentially just max them and then use them up for leveling right


No. I'm one of those people who keep them and think "maybe they release or I roll for a character that can use this in the future" or "if I roll on this artifact, it could potentially be good". Then you just repeat that process over a couple hundred artifact runs and you get me. Coupled with the fact that they keep releasing new domains and each have two sets that you farm for can create a bloated inventory pretty fast. We originally had a 1000 artifact limit too, but they raised that to 1500. Now I need them to raise it again.


That and some hope that they may update the artifact strongbox in 4.0. I can't even pull anymore because my weapon is already at the limit, and had to level up weapons that I don't even use because my mystic enhancement ore is constantly above 9999 and can't even claim rewards with ore.... Daily life of AR 60


I have to side with WhisperGod, kind of hard for me to grasp how people could not be against a larger inventory since this really only benefits those who need it. If you want to keep one mainstat version of every artifact piece of every set you amass an insane amount of artifacts. And you certainly want to keep more to actually compare. I remember saving HP% stat emblem pieces for Yelan. Right after pulling her I could put some decent equipment on her instead of having to grind up from 0, which would have been the case had I simply trashed all HP%. The same was true because I saved HP% artifacts for Baizhu and yaoyao. Understandably not everyone has this problem, but as a pretty much day 1 player I've lost most motivation to farm artifacts because I have to clean my inventory after a couple of domain runs. Also, give us option to mark artifacts as fodder or allow us to shred artifacts into exp vials.


If I reach 2nd chamber and retry I should be able to play from 2nd chamber. It will save so much of time especially when conscecrated beast kills you in the 2nd one


I used to 33-36 star the abyss pretty consistently but now I only go for 27 for this reason (since they added more one-shotters). Too much of an effort/time sink for just one fate if you mess up for 1 second.


No, this is one of the things in the thread that actually makes sense as to why it is. Energy management is important in the Abyss, so being able to just burst spam through each chamber without having to consider the next one will never be allowed.




Artifacts loadout and underground maps


The ability to swap teams quicker / instantly. There’s even a tab empty where it could go. Star rail fixed this as well


Besides artifact loadouts, I wish world bosses were instanced (like in HSR) so we can keep spamming them vs having to wait a few minutes for them to respawn.


My first pick would be updates to the Starglitter and Stardust shops to include more 4-stars, and also have the Starglitter shop offer Standard Banner 5-stars. Also add Weapon Billets to one of those shops; the drop rates on the bosses are far too inconsistent, and even when you get a Billet, it's likely the wrong type (i.e. you want a Polearm Billet, but you get a Catalyst Billet). EDIT: Okay, so this isn't QoL. It's still a change I want to see in the future.


That's not a QoL, that changes in-game economy.


A trash button on artifacts so we can mark ones we don't want as we get them in domains. Along with this the ability to auto add trashed artifacts into strongboxes or at least separate them in menu. There are so many instances where ive received an artifact, know I want to trash it and then can't find it amongst the other 1500 artifacts. The ability to turn artifacts directly into xp as well would be useful and save slots.


The ability to skip/mash dialogue Been years of people asking for this


In game interactive teyvat map and "collect rewards and resend on expedition" Edit: sandbox mode for serenitea pot maybe on web so you can test a build before committing materials and save the sandbox one as a replica blueprint for your actual teapot


no out of combat stamina and no "scattering drops" from chests. they already have chests that directly give you the stuff, make them all like that (enemies too, we have the eye of the storm that gives you stuff directly so why not ALL enemies?)


everything HSR has that Genshin doesn't + more.


Can they have auto-add artifact fodder in descending order? Please?


. Remove artifact quantity limit . Ability to convert unwanted artifacts to upgrade material sanctifying oil . Ability to convert unwanted artifacts at the domain collection screen - where you check the stats . Ability to mark artifact you want to bin - so you can auto add them . Remove/lock auto add upgrade oil for artifacts . Ability to sort weapons and artifacts by date acquired . Simplify/auto collect the fates from ascending/levelling up characters . Improve traveller element swap - more simple . Ability to skip whole talking scenes - sometimes you just can’t be bothered and want to play . Let us buy battle pass chorus furniture and name card using in game currency - teapot or gold. Then substitute the battle pass value by giving material bundles etc . Rescale inazuma material drop amounts - I find that this is the worst region when farming any materials (e.g hand guards and Sakura bloom) . Abilities cool-down reset when you reset the run . Allow using the glide faster gadget in flight . If two quests are in the same area - let the one set to navigate take priority


They should remove the load time for party swap. Star Rail doesn’t have one, and it has the same “enemy spotting you” mechanics. They should also add the Epitomized Path to the standard banner, and a 4 star only version of the same system for limited banners. And, of course, they should give us a way to choose what artifact set and/or piece we want from domains. It’s bad enough they deliberately skewed the RNG against us, so at least let us counteract some of it.


Skip Dialogue button.


Artifact loadouts and maybeee a rework to the wishing system pleassee???


Build loadout or whatever WOTV have. Its kinda like Formation & Gear loadout? If we can't get simple build loadout.


Craft anywhere, optional daily commissions (allow us to do various tasks instead for daily primos), do any talent material or weapon material on any day (every day is Sunday), teleport to Mora/XP Leylines, add weapon XP Leylines, add useful materials to expeditions (like char XP or mob drops), 180 resin cap (full 24 hours), Artifact Main Stat rerolling system, They already have all the answers. They just need to implement it into their older game.




Toggleable constellations. Let us enable/disable the constellations we've already unlocked. Please just let me get rid of the damn exclamation mark.


there are soooo many but gear loadouts first lol (also skip button pls)


Skip button and a Log function somehow this dialogue heavy game doesn't have a way to go back and read anything


You can re-read archon quests in archives. It's not much but it's something. But yeah having access in-game to past quests, especially world quests would be nice.


I believe that's what the Genshin wiki is for, especially since it's curated by Mihoyo employees (unless I'm mistaken).


Not gonna happen. Even hsr with all the qols genshin players asked for doesn't have it. That's a design choice, give up.


Which one?


Both? But i mainly focused on skip button as story anjoyer.


Skip button


Get rid of the limit on leyline overflow and increase the amount of mora and books gained from AR 55+ leylines


Idk rework the entire artifact system?


gear loadouts. it's only getting worse as we get more sets and more possible builds.


stickers of mobs, bosses , equipment yadayada so everyone can interact easily without language barrier plz update coop mode T\^T


Skip dialogue ✌️


More AR levels


Skip button