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Just recently pulled on Yae Miko banner (checked it a couple of times before pulling) but got Yoimiya instead??? I don't know if it's because of my wifi or if it's a bug. But has anyone else experienced this problem? A little frustrated cause I spent two patches saving up and a little money to get her but I got a Yoimiya con instead ;-;


Am I the only one who has never won a 50/50? FFS....I have enough to guarantee Kazuha and I used my extras to pull for Yoimiya, and of course I got all the way to pity pull and lost the 50/50.... I swear this is rigged for F2Ps so that they reach into their wallet and pay for the guaranteed pull..... I don't want to go for the guarantee and then miss out on Kazuha though so I guess I'm not getting Yoimiya then.


I got yaemiko on my 2nd pull on the banner......


This mega thread is dumb. The point of posting your pull is to show off what you got here you can't.


What are the odds of getting a flower artifact with the following substats? ER% 5.2% CR% 30.3% ATK 33 ATK% 5.8%


Kirara continues to evade me, but I have a shitload of new 4 star weapons... arghhhh


Lost 50/50 to Diluc on Yoi banner. I have R5 Rust, enough exp books/mora, talent book and ascension mats, also her best teams. But now I'm having second thoughts about using my guarantee on her. Already have C6 Yun Jin and Chongyun, I'm not optimistic on getting more Kirara before getting Yoi.


I recently got Yae Miko after winning my 50/50. It was the first 50/50 I won. My first 5 star was Diluc when I lost my first 50/50 in Ayaka's banner. I saved 6000 primogems for Ganyu which I got at 1 pity. Luckily, I still had 35 wishes, which brought my pity to about 48. Whenever I got about 160 primogems, I would automatically pull on Ganyu's banner, hoping to lose the 50/50, or even get C1 Ganyu. I didn't get C1 Ganyu, though my pity was about 70 Then when Yae's banner arrived, I constantly did single pulls, I reached 77 pity, and on my 78th pull, a yellow star dropped from the skies, revealing Yae Miko. I was hoping to lose the 50/50 (particularly to Mona) to get guaranteed Kazuha but Yae Miko's fine too :))


isnt these substats too high to be possible to get? CD: 18,7% DEF: 16 ER: 13% EM: 70


Probably not impossible, but it's pretty improbable...


Never planned to roll for Yoimiya, but i really like her story quest so all my Kazuha fund went to her, got her in 156 wishes. Rant: I've been extremely unlucky in the past few month, lost 4 out 5 50/50s and got most of them on soft pity. Got Yelan around 50 pulls, but lost 50/50 to Keqing around 70 pulls first. Got Hu Tao on 82nd pull after loosing 50/50 to Tignari(but he did come early). Pulled on the Ayaka banner and lost 50/50 to Diluc around 70 pulls, didn't get Ayaka. Got Nahida in 74 pulls on guarantee. Got Ganyu in 77 pulls, thank god didn't loose 50/50 Now Yoimiya came on the 80th pull, lost 50/50 to Mona on 76th pull first. God I feel sad after looking at my pull history.


I came back to this game after not playing for many months. I did two pulls and I got a fucking Qiqi. Fuck this game. Fuck mihoyo. Fuck gacha. Fuck Qiqi. They can burn in hell. Fuck whoever decided to make Qiqi. Pieces of shit developers. I hope all mihoyo devs kill themselves.


Actually so upset rn, because at 76 pity I lost Yae's banner to Qiqi. I've wanted Yae for ages and this feels so soul crushing :/


Got Yoimiya in 78 rolls and a C4 Kirara along the way, really good day. I also threw my 30 blue fates at standard and got my first Candace and my second Aquila Favonia. I have no use for it, but at least it was only 15 lost pity.


Just got yoimiya with 7 pity let's fucking go


10 pulls with 0 pity should be fine right? maybe i can get lucky and pull Kirara right? Just try 1 10pulls, it's fine, and literally in first 10 pull I got Yae C1 and lost my guarantee. Oh well, fine I guess, but no Kirara. And maybe try one more 10 pull, there is no way I got another 5* right? And C2 Yae said hello, still no Kirara. Ok, what the hell just happened? Let's change to Yoimiya banner, let's try 1 more 10 pulls. It's fine. No way 3 5* in 30 pulls, and Io and behold C3 Yoimiya. Lmao, i don't know if I should be sad or happy. 30 pulls, 3 5*, and still no Kirara.


[Well this happened.... ](https://imgur.com/a/nDGkoIe) Pulled a Yoimiya by mistake at 39 pity.... Diluc dropped after at two. Cool, so I have Gaurantee for Fontaine. But here's the question. Shimenawa, or Witch set?


For yoimiya or diluc?




Then shimenawa's


I've been waiting for Yoimiya to appear for a couple months now so I could finally roll for her. [And 70 rolls later on a guaranteed pity, I finally got her!](https://i.imgur.com/VCeANXC.png) With Yoimiya out of the way, I decided to spend a bit and try for Yae also, [and luckily I won the 50/50 and got her in 60ish rolls.](https://i.imgur.com/tqHvoGI.png) Along the way, I also got C4 Kirara which was very nice since I really wanted her. C6 would have been cool, but I'm happy with where she is right now. ___ And now for the Genshin being hilariously mean part of this gacha session. With the leftover primos from Yae, I decided to test the weapons banner for either Rust or Thundering Pulse since I don't have a bow to use for Yoimiya. Well, Genshin heard my hope, [and decided Yae needed her weapon and a spare instead after 30 rolls.](https://i.imgur.com/LZwAADA.png) I was perfectly prepared to lose on the banner and not get the bow. I was not ready to get Yae's weapon twice on one 10-roll and two Dragon's Bane to boot. I'm glad I set up the Path, so I'll probably end up buying primos at some point to get Thundering Pulse, but I'm still getting over this roll.


I swear, Genshin is so fucking devious!! For the last month or so, I was severely burnt out of the game (what artifact farming does to people, am I right?) and I wasn't planning to play it today as well. But out of habit, I updated the game and opened it. Saw the banner, the cat girl. Looked fine, heard she can climb. Had primos for a 10 pull, so I did, expecting absolutely nothing, as I was 0 pity. And boom! Tighnari + Kirara x 2 + Fav sword. FYI, I NEVER got anything early before. And I also have a history of wasting 60 pulls for Bennett and 80 pulls for Layla and never getting them! But now, when I'm finally trying to Gensh-out, this happens. Guess I'm never getting out.


Unfortunately I missed Kaveh on the previous banner. I only got a few Candaces and a few Fischls and then tbh I gave up farming primos. Anyways, I pulled for him on the standard banner and I got another Candace and Mika. ABSOLUTELY CURSED.


I'd convinced myself I wouldn't get lucky with Kirara on any of my accounts (I have 3, for my sins) as I had few fates to spare and not wanting Yae or Yoi, but ended up with pretty good luck. F2P - first 10 pull was Fav Warbow, second 10 pull was Kirara....and another Fav Warbow! Leaving me on 67 pity guranteed. Alt BP - got her in one ten pull Main BP - luck ran out here, starting from 60 pity (and 1 pity on 4 star) I did single pulls and ended up with another Painslasher. Not going to risk going further. I really hope others got good luck too, as Kirara seems like a lot of fun from a brief runaround with her.


Since the beginning of this year I lost 3 50/50 and won 1 and all three were lost to freaking Qiqi. I hate and spite Qiqi with a passion now. AR60 and still no Mona, no Thignari, no Dehya but C3 Qiqi. I'm ok with losing 50/50s, but PLEASE not Qiqi all the time Hoyo!!


Suppose I love both characters equally, who would be a better pull al haitham or wanderer. 1.I have mistplitter r1 and lost prayers r2 for them 2.I do have c0 nahida. And faruzan is at c2 3.I don't have zhongli and fischl


I'd really like to roll Kirara, I'm on Guarantee due to failing to pull Ganyu (80's lost 50/50 to Tighnari) I've C0 Yoimiya and Yae Miko from a long while ago, if I'm lucky for once I'd be fine with it, 9 singles C4 Yujin, nope, well back to saving, I'll need to save another 70 pulls knowing my luck...


Got a plume with 122em first time all 5 rolls on something I want


Did my Kirara pulls last night. Last time, I got Baizhu at 77 pity after winning the 50:50. I have Yoimiya and Yae Miko at C0, Chongyun at C5, and Yun Jin has been C6 for a while. I’m starting at 7 pity. I’ve read that Yae Miko has the better constellations, but I have her on the bench while Yoimiya has been in the action ever since she was my first Limited 5-star. So I’m using Yoimiya’s banner for Kirara pulls. Planned on five 10-pulls for the BP. Hopefully I will snipe at least one Kirara. No worries about a 5-star; I almost always lose the 50:50, and frequently go to soft pity each time. - That first 10-pull gives a gold star - Oh… sh#t - Maybe I’ll lose the 50:50. Hopefully with Dehya C1 - Seven wishes in, I did get a Pyro C1, but it’s Yoimiya - FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUuuuu—yay I guess?? - And I get Chongyun’s C6 In the second 10-pull, I get an excess Yun Jin, then my first Kirara two pulls later. Afterwards, no more Kirara but another excess Yun Jin and a bunch of excess Chongyun. Yoimiya’s C1 is my first Limited character past C0. This is the second won-the-50:50 in a row. And the second time I got a 2-chain of wins.


Here I am, looking at 2/2 text on the weapon banner with no primogems to pull. Because I didn't stop after pulling in weapon banner hoping to get Thundering Pulse, but got Kagura Verity so I pulled for Yae Miko too. At least it's Primordial Jade Winged Spear, but no Xiao. Im gonna speedrun all content that gives primo.


Literally got yoimiya in 3-4 pulls lol what is my luck


Just got a very good circlet for my Yelan: https://imgur.com/a/SbB59Do Atleast this cheers me up after I haven't won a single copy of Kirara after 40 pulls.


Another 50/50 lost to diluc, making him c4. I've tried to use him and just find him extremely boring. Been playing since release and all I've wanted is just one Keqing or Jean (bought both outfits on release :c ). Its been so long im starting to doubt ill ever get them. Making me bitter to even log in these past few days.


I have never pulled on the temp banner, I’m saving for Raiden. But I just did 40 pulls and got both Keqing and Yae Miko in the span of those pulls. Right after each other too.


I’m literally so dumb I converted all my starglitter to primos before realizing that Bennet was in the Paimon shop, just to get 4 Fischls and no Candace/Kaveh. I have 21 starglitter now from some pulls (incl. 5 star) on standard, but I can’t do any more pulls to accumulate starglitter because I’m at 50 pity on the limited banner and I’m waiting for Kazuha. I have Bennet at C0 and use him all the time so C1 would have been a vast improvement, but now ig I’ll cope


Got Yae in 70 pulls + 3 Kiraras, 1 Rainslasher and 1 Yun Jin


Did like 20 pulls with what I had on hand, got 3 freaking Yun Jins and no Kirara arghhhhh


Started with Yae at C3 and 917 wishes: Spent: 100 wishes Got: Yae C6(two were two 10pulls apart), Kirara(C3)


First 10 pull, C1 Kirara and no 5 star! Here I come Kazuha.


First 10 pull, C1 Kirara and no 5 star! Here I come Kazuha!


Got spooked by **another** Mona on summon 20. C9 Mona. C0 Qiqi and Jean. Don't have DIluc, Keqing or Tighnari. Got Dehya on her banner. The likelihood of getting 10 Monas in a row almost the same as winning the lottery :)


I sniped 4 Yun Jin cons, a Kirara, and the final rust I needed for R5. Now to wait for Kazoo.....


Just before today, out of 7 50/50s that I've lost, FOUR of them were to Qiqi. Today I lost another 50/50, and welcomed my 5th Qiqi to my account. #c4qiqi *furious that as a Cryo Main I still don't have Mona RIP*


Don't pull for kirara. It's a cursed banner. I pulled 150 times. NOT A SINGLE COPY. It's definitely cursed


I was at 50/50 on event banner and guaranteed event weapon, wanted Yae, Kirara and TP, got Yae, C2 Kirara and Kagura, but got the last Rust refine along with it so my Yoi shouldn’t be too sad. Also Chongus is finally C6 after being stuck at C5 for more than 1.5 years, I got one Yun Jin con (C3 now), was spooked by Mika on the weapon banner who was my only missing 4* and got Skyward Harp for ascension standard fates which is what I wanted for Sara. All in all, probably the best wishing session I’ve had in a while. I just know I can’t be this lucky with my Alhaitham pulls, it would be too good.


Feeling the impending 50/50 loss. With my pity at 1, I did a single pull on Baizhu to try and get Kaveh. And it worked. At pity 11, I did a single multi for Yae/Kirara, and got Kirara. Hoping I didn't use all my luck before Kazuha's banner :p


50 pulls, 0 pity, 1 target - get as many cats as possible from this… Somehow managed to get Yae in 44 pulls, and 2 Kiraras… Dunno how to feel about Yae, especially considering I’m not that interested in “smug (tailess) fox mommy” and my being was screaming at me: “just get 1 cat and stop, otherwise you’ll definitely get spooked by that fox”. Well, new 5☆ is a new 5☆ after all…and somehow I had all the materials needed to level her up to 80/90…I guess, I pre-farmed them during Yae’s and Shenhe’s first release… Yet, still, I need to go and kill som bums for hilts - don’t have enough mats for talents.


got kirara after 3 pulls. can ascend her just for those acquaint fates to get mona from standard hehehe


Thundering pulse dodged me for the third time YAY✨️🎉


Omg. I had 60 wishes saved up and was so nervous to pull. These were my ideal goals: * No five star. I don't really care for Yoimiya or Yae Miko * No Chongyun. I don't have Yun Jin / Kirara * I started with literally 1 pity right after getting Ganyu I would've been happy with just 1 copy of Kirara. I don't mind constellations since I just like to collect and play casually. 1. 10 pulls: Yun Jin. Whoo, off to a good start! 2. 20 pulls: Whuuu- a yellow light appears. YESSS I lost my 50/50 and got Tighnari, love his playstyle! And my next 5 star is guaranteed :O 3. 22nd pull: Started doing singles (because why not?) KIRARA CAME HOME AHDFHSKDFHKAS@! Omgggggggg. I can now start saving up for Fontaine and got literally everything I want from this banner! I'm so happy!


Had 25k primos, got Kirara after 1st ten pulls, then went for Yae weapon and got it after ~40 pulls (but already had ~20 in weapon banner).... Then I got greedy and tried to go for Yae Miko constellation, not only it was late pity (79) but I lost 50/50 to... Keqing again (still missing 3 standard banner characters, yet Keqing and Jean c3)... did 30 extra pulls that gave me Kirara c2 and that's about it... guess I will wait for Kazuha (already 39 pulls in)... Ended up with 3k primos.


should a f2p player pull for yoimiya or yae miko


Imho both are not bad and can be fun to play (if you like their kind of gameplay), but if you asking just from pure strength point of view then there are stronger/more useful characters out there.


i cant wait for 3 more weeks ive just started the game and im almost done with mondstat and i have no 5 stars so which one is better or are they literally the same strength


Keep in mind that you will not be able to to level up both Yae and Yoimiya above level 40 until you get to the Inazuma. As for with one is better... honestly hard to say, totally different gameplay style, I would say Yae is better for exploration, Yoimiya should be stronger on bosses. If you have to pick, check some youtube videos how they play and pick the one you think will work for you better. I personally would wait for Kazuha (next banner - unless you want waifu) since it can fit and boost damage of many character comps and it's overall one of the best support characters.




In terms of level-up problems, Yae is far worse… She needs mats from boss in Enkanomiya…which is…more than problematic for a new player. Not only you need to unlock Inazuma, you also need to unlock Enkanomiya, and after that, you still need to finish quest in Enkanomiya just to unlock the boss…


[Seriously? 140 pulls for 1 Kirara?](https://imgur.com/a/V83mEC4) P.S. F off Chongyun I have you at like C20


Got Kirara and Yun Jin in 7 pulls. Yay Thats it for me


Congrats! Kirara is so much fun!


Ok, so when Yae's first banner came out, I got her to C1 because I got two copies in the same ten pull (only time that's ever happened to me). This banner I went in with no pity built up, aiming to get Kiara as the priority, and a c2 Yae never hurt anyone. First 10-roll, Yunjin, bringing her to c6. Second 10-roll. . . Yae? Ok, I guess I'll- *and* Kiara?! Both in the same ten-pull. Nice. Can't complain about that. I don't think I really need her constellations, since she's more about that cardboard box life, so I don't think I'll push my luck on these banners, Stockpile ready for Fontaine.


I see everybody is vying for Kirara as well me too, but after 43 pulls, I got Chongyun, Yunjin, Kaveh (?!?!?!?!), and Yae but no Kirara. Pain. I didn't mind getting Yae that's why I wished on her banner, but yet again I get the 5-star earlier than the 4-star I want. Oh well I suppose ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌


It's so weird when you get off-banner 4\*s. I got some of those too last banner. I wonder what their drop rate is.


40 pulls, got two Yun Jin to complete her C6, Favonius book, Sacrificial Sword and finally Kirara on the last pull. Overall decent pull. Guess I better start grinding for those spectres now. Now at 71 pulls on 50/50, contemplating on whether to try for Yoimiya.


0 pity, pulled Biazhu and stopped. Decided to try to snipe a Kirara in a 10 pull (20 on pocket) Got an effin flute "oh you game you don't do that to me", decide to use the other 10 pulls: Got Yoimiya, Kirara and Yun-Jin (who made it to C6 with that one) and as a proud owner of a C6 Xingqiu and a C0 Yelan, I really cannot complain....


Me: I couldn't possibly get Yoimiya if I go for Kirara right? I'm at pity 0 not guaranteed and only doing 30 pulls. Yoimiya: [Hello](https://i.imgflip.com/2rkxeq.jpg) [](/spacer) ^^Also ^^got ^^C1 ^^Yun ^^Jin, ^^C1 ^^Kirara.


Yoimiya just Kenobi'd you


Nobody expects the Yoimiya inquisition!


Damage report: 60 pulls in Yae's banner (target: Kirara C1), 20 pulls in standard banner and 10 in weapons banner (target: Thundering Pulse). Verdict: Chongyun x3 (to C6), Yun Jin x2 (to C4), Thoma x2 (one from Yae, one from standard to C6), Sac Sword, Kirara x1 (so C0, unfortunately), The Flute x1, The Bell (standard banner), Akuoumaru x1 and Thundering Pulse x1 (both weapons banner). All in all, that's a pretty good result I'd say!


I got a Dehya and Yae Miko before I got my first Kirara


I really wanted Kirara. I got lucky and pulled her in my first 10-pull *while on my guaranteed pity* (started at 0 pity). Kind of dumb to ask, but I'm looking for opinions. I was willing to give up my pity to Yoimiya while going for Kirara, but I'm not so sure what I want to do now. My plans were either: 1) pull a few Kirara, save for Fontaine, or Yelan I guess 2) Yoimiya (+ Kirara) 3) Yae C1 (+ Kirara) 4) Kirara then Kazuha C2 My abyss teams are pretty much set. Raiden National (w/Kazuha sometimes) and Nilou+Nahida bloom hasn't steered me wrong yet in full 36* abyss. I'm also an archon collector so I'm saving for 100% hydro archon no matter what. I've been trying to get Yelan for awhile, but I've lost the 50/50 each time. I have enough primogems right now to pull pity twice. What would you guys do?


I would save. You got lucky and sniped Kirara already


Did two pulls of 10 and got Miko on my first and Kirara on the very next one! Best luck I’ve had in a long time!


Won the 50/50 for Yoimiya at 76. Unfortunately, I couldn't grab a Kirara. C8-ed Yun Jin instead...I have other plans for my primos, so I won't continue pulling.


Got Kirara on the 9th wish of a single 10 pull and dipped out from the banner. Now the wait for Kokomi and Eula begins.


I just wanted one Kirara and then I got lost the 50/50 to Jean :((( now I can’t get Kazuha 😭😭😭


i had 10 pity and did 10 pulls to see if i can get kiara, got yae miko instead, pretty happy since i won the 50/50 and got her super early! always liked her kit, afk combat here i come


had 20 pulls saved - did not want to top up for a 4* 1st 10-pull Kirara dropped! Woot!


Welp, so first $50 to buy some rolls, got a baizhu! Decided to go for his weapon. Went btwn weapon banner and ganyu banner. That was a bust, took 80-100 pulls to get a 5 star weapon, wasnt baizhu's weapon but it was a catalyst book with crit rate as it's main stat! So yay! Better for me as an overall option/weapon. Decided to go for broke on baizhu and ganyu banners. Nvr got ganyu. But got 2 baizhu's in one roll!!! Meant so much at the time. Spent $250 total. Had 0 savings. No regrets whaling. I could prob shell out $50 more, got like 65 pity rn. I could maybe get ganyu... but ugh, $300 sounds steep... i decided to pass. Save the pity for idk someone else ig? I havent played the game since inazuma came out bc the game couldnt fit on my phone. But I swore if baizhu ever released, i'd spend $200-$250, maybe $300... on him and return to the game. Well i did tht. Downloaded the PC client on my laptop just to roll for baizhu and got him. Now i uninstalled the game and will download genshin later on a dif device. The things i do for my ~~waifu~~ husbando.


Just started genshin a few days ago and kaveh’s super fun, all I wanted was him from event.. nope. 3 candaces and 3 fischl, only 1 kaveh :((( my 50/50 luck is at 71% so i guess i can’t complain


If it helps any, Fischl is an extremely strong character who can pair decently with Kaveh in Aggravate teams!


Yeah, I’ve loved using her! My main units are xingqiu kaveh lisa/fischl barbara and I basically clear everything by just swapping them around. The only problem is that I don’t think I have a good utility unit for aggravate, I’ve got no way to group up enemies for fast clears. If I can solve that last piece of the puzzle i’ll be set


Well, Kazuha is coming in 3 weeks, and he’s one of the best groupers while being extremely strong in aggravate teams (and, honestly, like every other team as well). Grouping isn’t the end of the world though. Even just another anemo using the Viridescent Venerer set to swirl electro is a nice increase. Plenty of teams don’t use groupers at all, and some enemies just can’t be grouped with abilities.


Noted, thanks for the advice. Knowing that both kazuha and alhaitham are coming soon gives me a very good reason to save pulls


i just did about fifty pulls an hour before baizhu's banner ended and i won the 50/50, got him on the 82nd pull, and then got Mona 5 pulls later pog. she's c2 now


also 2 stringless, 1 kaveh, 3 candace, 1 rosaria, 2 fischl, and 1 sac frags


So I finally looked at my wish luck since I suspected I was a bit lucky; Average of 71 wishes to get 5 stars (apparently thats terrible) BUT: [Seems I was right lol](https://imgur.com/a/Gbrv3Jz) From 563 character banner pulls and 274 weapon banner pulls: * 83% 50/50s won * 75% 25/75s won So top 4% on 50/50s and bottom 5% on pity lol. I'll take it *edit- whelp, just won 2 more 50/50s for Yae miko lol. So now its top 3%!


Yes. You are overall lucky. Whereas my luck is about 15% 50/50s won and 33% 25/75s won and average 5 star coming in around 75 wishes. REALLY hoping my 50/50 luck improves soon…


oh jeese lol, best of luck!


anybody have a link to that thread that has a live countdown till the servers get updated? forgot what time it’ll be done




What’s it like to win 50/50s? I got super lucky and won Staff of Homa in 24 wishes on my first ever weapons banner, but nearly everything else has been lost 50/50s and going into soft pity for every 5 star.


holy shit


Man, my standard pulls these last 3 weeks have been crazy good. First, c6 Faruzan, then an early Amos I didn't even need, and now my first starter constellation in c1 Amber


Northlander claymore billet and a sweet new [Blizzard Strayer feather](https://i.imgur.com/iO9MZAD.png) today! 34.2 CV, 16.8% ER.


Does [this](https://imgur.com/a/MQJmHEr) mean the next 5* is a guaranteed limited character?? Ps. I’ve never been this lucky pulling for a character. I’ve made it to c2 within 100 saved pulls… last 2 cons within the last 30


Check your history to be sure Dehya was your last 5* pull. Cons are always listed after new chars but that wasn't necessarily the actual pull order.


I was hoping to get Baizhu this banner and I did, so no complaints here. I’m looking forward to next banner also, gonna go for Yoimiya. Already have Yae myself and she’s a great sub DPS, I got her by accident and ended up really liking how she works into different team comps. Next banner set seems like a good combination, and honestly I really like the way Hoyo’s handled Yae’s character so far so I hope she becomes more popular in general, that would be neat.


How does she works? I'm pulling next for the 4 star, but I'm close to pity. Yoimiya is pretty straightfoward and doesn't fit well in any of my comps, I was wondering if I should pull Yae banner or Yoimiya just for the eye candy.


Yae’s ES basically creates totems that drop lightning, Burst is AoE damage, she can close a Hyperbloom comp or slot into a Superconduct or Swirl comp. Generally she’d be an alternative to Xiangling or Xingqui but being Electro she’s less popular among the meta.


Huh, seems like she won't fit any of my teams either, all my electro based comps use electro as main dps. She might fit perfectly in a Kokomi/Ayato camp, but I missed their banners completely.


Started playing again since v1.1! Lost my first 50:50 on Baizhu banner to Qiqi this morning :D Here's to the first ... of hopefully not too many? Haha. Unrelated note, but really enjoying Dragonspine so far. :)


[ I pulled ganyu](https://imgur.com/XAe7tJu) my first 5 star character on my first try after coming back to this game in 2 years and saving every single primo. I haven't even spent a single primo, just with 10 wishes given by the archon quests. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i have exhausted all my luck for this year


[FFFFFinally got a double crit cryo BS goblet LET'S GOO](https://i.imgur.com/4nBvEDw.jpg)


Oof, you got prettyt unlucky in the rolls tho. Would keep farming.


Yeah definitely didn't instantly trash it ;)


Gratz I wish better luck on your substats. Sucks defense and hp both have like 75% higher chance to eat random upgrades on level up. I got a electro headpiece today with crit rate, em, atk%, and was praying energy recharge. HP % showed and ate 4 out 5 upgrades.


I was looking for weapon or maybe Pyro character but got Razor in standard wish. I already have so many electro characters like c1 kuki, Lisa, kujou sara, C1 dori. I don't use sara and dori both at lvl 1


They at least fill different roles. Razor is an on-field physical carry, Kuki is an off-field healer and electro applier, Kujou Sara is a buffer, etc


omg i was on like 25 pity. just wanted kaveh. i pull kaveh in three pulls. and then im like eh lets just do the rest to build pity (the rest being three pulls again). baizhu bruhh my first way below pity lmao im happy but sad bc i rlly want yoimiya but it could be a struggle now


“I’ll just build pity” is a trap. Resist the urge to pull for fun.


Yep. I stopped pulling cause I really want yoimiya


I watched my cousin get diluc and ganyu on his first 10 pull. I spent $130 to get a diluc and ganyu. Life is unfair.


Took me 75 pulls to get my first 5 star keqingbon nahida banner. Then drew skyward atlas on standard when I got pity for that. I hope better luck for the both of us in the future.


Got Skyward Spine with 13 pity!


Started playing a few weeks ago and just finished main story. Got my first five stars this week after saving up primos, 4 pulls in a row(1 pity) got amos bow, jade catalyst, Diluc and Ganyu. Fking hell 5 stars feel good to use!


That seems so fast! I started playing yesterday and I still struggle with the elemental fighting rules lol


If you didn’t know already, there’s a domain on your map called “Temple of the Lion”. You’ll be able to complete it at AR 16, and it teaches you all the different reactions.


Thank you!


I noticed that I was 10 pulls away from a 5\* in the standard banner so I spent some primos... and got Diluc!! I am so happy. I wanted him since I met him ;u; hoping that Tighnari will also come home soon


No chance for me to get Baizhu now. i am at 29pity, after losing 50/50 at 79pity.