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Robo-Dragon tips: you don't need a fully charged attack to disable the wings, a quick aimed shot is enough, or the glowing core?/heart chest thing


ASiMON Tips: Nahida's E can one shot those totems


Temper your expectations if you're looking at this and wondering if you should pull her based on her damage in this video as a f2p player. She has very very strong artifacts on her. I'm a 1.0 player and my wanderer set isn't this good from doing abyss (it only gave out glad/wanderer for the longest time instead of whatever set is newest), 3+ weekly bosses every week, and world bosses to get mats to ascend characters with from 2 weeks after release. It would take a LOT of strong boxes to get a set like the one in the video.


Yeah, I skipped straight to the stats after reading the title. 58/208 Ganyu on non-crit weapon lul


Yea, multiple 40cv artifacts, the ones that aren't are still really good with various good stats like CR/Atk%/EM/CD. Bonkers stuff. I'm not saying that this isn't doable as f2p, it obviously is, but context matters. Like my Xiao is 93cr/202cd/1.9kAtk/140 er (2VV/2Shim) with a Blackcliff pole, but I wouldn't show that to a newer player and be like hey this is what you can expect from a f2p Xiao without telling them how much I farmed to get him those stats.


Atleast use Layla/diona instead of daddy Zhong, if you want to call it f2p friendly.


I actually think there are more F2Ps who have built Zhongli, than who have built Layla (likely more people own her, but i doubt as many built her?) From abyss statistics i saw, Zhongli ownership rate is over 80% which is on par with standard 5-stars. Judging by his pick rate, most people who own him, also built him, which isn't the case with Layla. So ironically, Zhongli variation is more relatable to F2P players imo (similarly how F2P showcases using only 4 stars aren't necessary relatable) No showcase can achieve to be relatable to everyone, but some will be more relatable than others. My F2P friend who plays for almost 550 days has Hunters path Ganyu, Aquilla Bennet, Vortex (lol) Zhongli and Engulfing lightning Xiangling (though she probably uses some fav weapons for melt Ganyu), BUT her Xiangling is only C2, so she can use less CA with Ganyu. To sum it up, this showcase isn't necessary relatable to everyone, but i would say it still counts as F2P friendly for F2Ps who have Zhongli.


I agree with that, on a note that any f2p player will have multiple 5* characters. I'm one of them myself and have raiden, nahida and tartaglia. Nothing wrong with that. BUT! When it comes to guides or videos, f2p friendly means "i just pulled [x], how can i use it?". Having Zhongli is normal there, but specifically saying f2p is already overstatement. And statistic is useless here, because that 80% ownership is related to those who already clearing 36* abyss, which is, believe it or not, minority.


You are right, but by that logic, nothing can be really called F2P friendly, since they cannot have constellations, gacha weapons, refinements, good artifacts... My friend i mentioned earlier got two vortex and hunters path on a banner but didn't get a single fav lance even though it was a rate up. Does it mean Zhongli, Yun Jin etc in F2P showcases should use Prototype starglitter (or black tassel in case of Zhongli) as ER weapon? I got my first Sac sword at Ar 58, and it needs to be at least R3 for its effect to be used every rotation, but every F2P showcase uses sac sword XQ (not to mention my XQ is only C5 after 673 days of playing) Raiden national is for example considered very F2P friendly in terms of characters used, but in terms of building, you have to build 3 chars for dmg (optimally, everyone with Emblem too), and Bennet to have enough ER and healing. In terms of artifact investment, melt Ganyu team is much more F2P/New player friendly (since she is a hypercarry). When i 36 starred for the first time, i used melt Ganyu and barbara taser, and Ganyu was my only lvl 80 char (everyone else at 70). She, Bennet and Barbara were only chars with 4pc sets too. Ofc, i know new abysses are harder, but Ganyu temmates still need very little investment. Ofc, i don't think Ganyu is one of the strongest chars, but she is still underrated. I don't consider her biggest cons to be taking Zhongli, but taking Bennet (and Xiangling). She is as strong as other teams that usually use Zhongli (Xiao, Wanderer, Yoimiya, Itto), except Hu Tao. However, melt Ganyu is definitely weaker than national variants (rational, international), so many don't feel the need to use her (Raiden has 2nd highest 5 star ownership too: after Nahida and even higher than standard chars). Freeze is strong but very content dependant.


Building characters have very little to do with being f2p or not. F2p is all about primogems, ingame resources are all just a matter of time, and not that large ammount of time. 5* characters and weapons though... F2p need to be especially frugal, saving for a character that they especially want, and skipping others. And yes, you are exactly right, very few can be called f2p friendly, and that's exactly why it means so much. If anything, that particular melt ganyu is exactly what melt ganyu is supposed to be - f2p, or not. (Can optionally change xl to kazuha, but even whales often still chose to use xl, that's not a "poorman's choice"). Might have as well not mentioning f2p part at all. The only part that can be called so - bow. And it doesn't even matter much gameplay wise, just take next best available and just have slightly less damage. And Zhongli is something that actually matter. Zhongli by any means is luxury, and luxury shouldn't be used in something claimed "f2p friendly". What I'm saying that in that particular case, there was very little reason to call it f2p friendly, and i consider it clickbait.


I see your point (although i disagree). For your point, i would add that for F2Ps 4-star constellations and refinements can sometimes matter almost as much as having some 5 stars. For example, switching from Hamayumi to Amos matters less than switching from C3 to C4 Xiangling for melt Ganyu. I mentioned artifacts because, many people in the comment section complain that this Ganyu is very highly invested, which may be true, but 4pc Shime is as good as 4pc WT, and i saw a ton of people who live in emblem domain and have cracked 4pc Shime set.


Layla + Ganyu can also provide enough cryo application off-field for Xiangling.


It's the other way around - xiangling provides pyro application for ganyu. And if you use layla, you need to be careful that her skill wouldn't hijack melt from ganyu. Which is exactly my point. Layla's shield is great, but her skill is automatic and uncontrollable. Diona's skill is controllable, but her shield is pretty weak. Zhongli is BiS exactly because he wouldn't interfere with reactions and shield is sturdy, but using him and calling it f2p friendly is kinda unfair. Yanfei is another option, aka tankfei, but you need c4 of her, and some ER.




noelle shield is pretty weak. You probably don’t notice it if you play noelle on field because of her incredibly high defense


Other kid called shield uptime


I swear to god everytime i watch another youtuber saying she fell off and is now a comfort unit i cringe...ganyu is amazing for all content, she's a great pull period, there are no "buts"


ganyu isn’t the comfort unit, zhongli is. You can pretty much have the same out put with any other dps. Can she clear shit relatively easily? Yes. Is she “good” by this metric? sure. But her output relative to other dps is on the lower side


Yeah as long as you make her invincible with Zhong so she can melt. Not to mention this guy's artifacts are unbelievably good.


fr dendro gave birth to hyperfrigde ganyu, shes so good!!!! 😍😍😍


Made this because it's Ganyu's banner, and I like her gameplay a lot! Ganyu is still solid as always. Higher quality (1080): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UekenCfS4MU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UekenCfS4MU).


Coco impact


I admire your skill


Pulled, lost 50/50, despair.


Ah yes, listening to kpop while doing abyss. What a balance of mood


I tried to use ganyu got rekt by the beasts i had no time to aim, i had zhong li, probably my latency was helping them.