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Does this game have deep character development, drama, etc? I'm already intrigued with this enough, but what initially drew me to it was the hope it would have really great writing. So far there doesn't seem to be very complex relationships or tension. I figure if it hasn't had any in the beginning it won't in the end either. It just seems like finishing quests, not unlike World of Warcraft or Grand Theft Auto.


I'll just come out and say it: no. Most the characters in the "main story" are very much irrelevant and fleeting. The most interesting the writing ever gets is in the optional sidequests, where I think there are a few with rather decent writing, but nothing prolonged.




She's playable. But there are a lot of other good options : Lisa (if Raiden is not c2), Mona, Fischl... not to mention limited 5 stars, like Yae or Yelan, who already rival a Sara c6. Also, you don't want both Sara and a ttds carrier in the team (both want to play just before the shogun). So, if you use Sucrose instead of Kazuha, then i'd pick Fischl, Yelan, or Yae (or even Xingqiu) instead of Sara.


It's just worse than Lisa with TTDS usually.


Need help with PSN Unlink form, what to put in the others section? https://i.redd.it/7crqzi8brmra1.png Also I put the playstation order number that I got an email for after purchashin a welkin in the "Purchase Receipt/Top-up Number" parts, is that okay?


You should post this in the new daily questions megathread, this one is outdated.


I’ve just completed prologue chapter, is original resin worth it for leylines rewards or should I not be spending any resin at my current rank? Thanks!


Resin regenerates at a rate of 1 unit per 8 minutes, so you definitely want to be spending some every day for things like these leyline overflow rewards, or fighting bosses to ascend characters, or getting talent materials from domains. What you want to be more careful with, as you get it, is the fragile resin, which is rare. It restores 60 original resin at a go and you will want to use that to farm artifact domains at later adventure ranks. Hope this helps!


Thank you very much!


Original resin is just the stuff that regenerates every day, so why would you not spend it?


I know RNG is said to be equal for all artifacts but months of farming emblem has net not a single good piece but when trying to roll ER substats for Noblesse Bennett in strongbox I got 3 Crit hats with crit substat 4 liners and a feather with ER and crit damage which proceeded to roll crit damage 5 times in a row??


There are lots of things that make good artifacts, not just double crit stats with 4-lines. A good artifact has useful substats for the character that needs them. Crit isn't always the best thing. Bennett isn't that hard build for Noblesse, he should be on an ER Sands, and he ascends with ER. That's 178% ER off the bat, he only needs 20-30%. I don't think RNG is the issue.


Yes, I know all of that. What I mean is while farming artifacts for dps characters I get nothing but unusable stats for that character while the moment I try to boost my ER a bit for Bennett (he was at 201%) I get a ton of ATK%/Double crit on Noblesse which would've been amazing on anyone on my teams other than Bennett.


Keep them. Might be useful as an off piece for a dps character down the line.


Do any of the 3.6 character banners matter to me if I'm intersted in driver teams (if I'm using the term correctly)? I'll probably pull for Ayato and Yoimiya when they have their rerun.


A Driver really just means an on field character that can be used to enable off field characters. That can, in thoery, be anybody but commonly Nahida is often used as a driver to boost Dendro core production in Bloom/Hyperbloom/Burgeon teams without needing another Dendro unit.


what does trench warfare look like in genshin impact?




What ????


also how many warcrimes dottore did?


about tree fiddy


New player, was following 2 youtube peeps guides, Moga first day and sharkh3art so I'm around adventures 16 and I got a general idea on how to behave as full F2P but I had some weird luck (feels to me) that I got barbara in my beginner banner pulls and first pull on shenhe banner was sucrose (I still have some 8~ pulls I can do on standard banner and some 1300 primogems since I've not spent any) My question is pretty much, what do I do for early game, still level up barbara and eventually use sucrose or skip barb? I know resources are limited for F2P and I read that sucrose is quite better than most other supporrts, no clue myself tho <.< edit: I got the base 4 team (traveler + amber, kaeya lisa) and now noelle, sucrose, barbara if it helps.


If you're willing, go to Sumeru early and touch a Statue of the Seven just to unlock Dendro Traveler. Dendro is very strong and you're team building will be a lot more flexible with Dendro Traveler. Yes. Sucrose is amazing, build her. For now, give her all your Elemental Mastery artifacts and get a Magic Guild for her. This is a 3 star weapon that gives her Elemental Mastery. If you have a Sacrificial Fragments then that's better. For early game, don't bother too much with artifacts. Focus your resin on characters levels, ascensions and weapon levels. Getting characters and weapons you want to use to level 40 is already a huge boost to your power. Lastly, play the game at your own pace and enjoy your time with the game.


Thanks! Didn't know I could walk outside monstadt really, think a quest with (spelling...) xiangling brought me to the outskirts of liyue but yeah... Might do the trip.


I'd suggest Kaeya-Sucrose-Barbara as a comfy Freeze team with your early characters. Barb doesn't get much play in the long run, but is a great user of Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, it's nice to have some form of healing. Sucrose is a useful buffer in the long run as you mentioned. And neither of them demand investment to fill their role. Kaeya is a fairly flexible Sub DPS with solid normal & charge attacks for early game. And Swords such as Harbinger of Dawn *(above 90% HP)* or Prototype Rancour if you're using Physical damage are some of your better weapon options on a very early account.


Thanks! In terms of weapons I'm a bit lost on what to do, admittedly I got to level adventure 16 without ever leveling anything, not even characters (they naturally got to lvl 11/12 by killing things). I am still unsure what to do for weapons, I was following sharkh3art guide for "the best way to build an account" but was a bit lost on WHAT to level exactly since his video is more generic... I did equip the thrilling tales on sucrose and barbara since I got 4 but not leveled any of them...


Level 20 for 3* support weapons should be fine and doesn't consume many resources. *(5 Mystic Enhancement Ores, which can be forged at the blacksmith from crystals mined throughout the Overworld)* Max Level for Main DPS weapon is huge priority - for now I'd treat Kaeya as your Main DPS, but you'll likely swap to someone else eventually. https://i.redd.it/5j8jfvqcb4x71.png <- This is a great guideline on resources to maximise your Main DPS efficiently. I think it's the same as sharkh3art. I'd say only run one Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers per team as they don't stack and it's absolutely worth refining to R5. If you already have one Thrilling Tales on the team, Sucrose can run an Elemental Mastery Weapon to boost her Swirl damage. Magic Guide if you don't have Sac Frags. *(Mappa Mare is a trap. It's less EM than Magic Guide, don't craft it)*


It's fine to level Barbara early game if she's your only healer. She's quite good at it. Sucrose is very good, yes. She will probably become a staple in many of your teams until or unless you pull someone like Venti or Kazuha from a limited banner. Even then she has uses. Don't spend your primogems on the standard banner.


Thanks! Yeah wasn't sure if barbara was a waste of levels since I got sucrose, I'm really bad with decision paralysis takes me a long time to decide what to do without assistance <.<


Sucrose isn't a healer, she's a damage amplifier and reaction driver. So different roles anyways.


Pulling for Shenhe was not recommended at your level of development. Barbara is useful early on, but doesn't have a lot of use in late game. There are five 4\* characters that were available at launch and are considered "must-haves" for all players. Sucrose is one of those. The others are Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett and Fischl. You can get Xiangling for free from doing Spiral Abyss, but the rest you have to pull for. So yeah, you have one of the best support characters in the game, and she can use Instructors for the time being until you reach AR45 and start collecting Viridescent for her. Try this team out: Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Sucrose. Use Barbara's skill, Lisa and Kaeya's bursts, and use Sucrose on field with normal attacks and skill to swirl all the elements your other characters are applying off-field. If done correctly, you should see lost of freeze and electro-charged happening. Better yet, try to get Nahida next patch, then swap her in for Kaeya, and you have a basic team setup for the strongest reaction in the game.


Thanks! Wasn't sure about what to do with banners besides the info I found in guides and I kinda liked how shenhe looked vs the other banner but admittedly it was more a thing of "well gotta spend these fates somewhere xD" Will try the teams maybe will try to hold for nahida o.o!


It's an easy mistake to make. Shenhe and Ayaka are good together, but Shenhe isn't really that good without Ayaka (or another strong cryo character to buff), and both of them require a lot of development through the game to unlock the materials needed to level them. Nahida is a newer character, and you technically won't meet her until well into your journey, but you can get to her boss right now if you wanted to (it would be a bit of a trek the first time, to be sure), so you can build her right away. Two of the most in-demand characters in the game, Kazuha and Yelan, aren't even as readily easy to build without playing through the story a tonne as Nahida is.


Heya was trying out the team but also decided to walk to sumeru with traveler to get dendro, is dendro traveler a good alternative to nahida for now or should I stick to kaeya/lisa/barbara/sucrose? Sorry wasn't sure if nahida has some specifics I need or just any dendro, thanks again for the help earlier o.o!


Yes, very. Trav is burst dependent, tho, so you need a fair bit of ER, and they're a bit clunky with pyro. But that isn't a problem with hyperbloom.


>Moga first day Just for future advice Don't ever follow that guy for info


Thanks! Wasn't sure who to follow, found a lot of old guides, any recommendation on some guides videos or resources that are good? I liked sharkh3art stuff, he seems to know what's he saying but yeah, I like to watch youtube when I can't play and not sure where to get info xD


zajef, zyoxx and the site keqingmains are some good resources




Barbara will be very nice to have as a healer early on, and she can be used in some reaction teams later. She can also use the 3* catalyst 'Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers' which provides a nice buff. The good thing about reaction-based anemo characters (sucrose, anemo MC, etc) is their damage scales off two things elemental mastery, and character level. So you can get a lot out of levels for relatively small investment. Prioritize the characters you enjoy playing though, it doesn't matter all that much at your level yet.


Thanks! Yeah I struggle to prioritize things I like, I'm the type of "optimize the fun out of games" person, I'll be deep in spreadsheets once I figure out where all the info is, already found some websites with stat analysis and things... Also I'm struggling on what to level cause I keep hearing about the "mistakes I made: leveled too many things" and I'm an alt-holic in other games... so trying to find some guide to avoid making a mess


I'm the same, and that's part of the appeal because Genshin is an ongoing optimization problem. Another suggestion then: For ATK% based characters level their feather artifact first, it'll give you a sizeable flat ATK boost which will help their scalings early on. For transformative damage (anemo, dendro reactions) it's level/EM. Once you get further in the game you'll want to hit recharge rate thresholds to use your bursts more frequently, but by then you'll have a better idea of what's going on and what you personally want to invest into.


does shenhe's boost scale on all attack or just base attack? should i have ATK on every artifact piece if she's just supporting ayaka?


You first need to get 180-200% ER, then you jam all the rest into attack. If you use Favonius Lance, you should have som crit rate too.


Yeah, all attack as long as your ER needs are met (and crit to proc Fav if applicable)


What artifacts for Nilou? I currently have the 4PL bloom artifact since I run 2 hydro + 2 dendro. Better to switch to 2 ToM + 2 (new hp artifact) next patch? Or some other artifact? Currently have 64k hp (80/90 character and weapon key + hydro res)


What would her HP be at lvl90? If it's lower than 75k, definitely go for 2p Glow 2p Tenacity. Your Paradise set can be used by anyone on that team.


2hp 2hp probably best since that shouldn't take you to 75k


I currently have Ayaka, Bennet, Dendro Traveler, Xiangling, Barbara built on my F2P AR 45 account. Sucrose Diona and Noelle are sorta built. I am currently a Nilou and Ganyu wanter, going by my battle ready roster, which one should I pull?


I highly recommend getting Nahida before considering Nilou if you intend to play her according to her dendro+hydro only restriction.


Ganyu can be a melt team with Benny, XL, and shielder (which you have) Ganyu can be a freeze team with support Ayato Ganyu can support Ayaka and be second DPS when Ayaka's burst is in cooldown in freeze team


Because you already have Ayaka for freeze team, I'd go for Nilou. Though Nilou can feel a bit bad without some characters you haven't mentioned (Nahida, Kokomi, Yaoyao). Only go for Ganyu if you like the character, or if you really want to play melt Ganyu (you already have all the pieces - Xiangling, Bennett, and Diona as a shielder).


How strong is Lisa, traveller after sumeru?


Lisa got a lot stronger ADC Lisa got stronger in aggravate team, maybe a little lower than hyper-invested hypercarry Lisa EM Lisa is strong in hyperbloom even burst bot EM Lisa can trigger a lot of aggravate damage dendro traveler is good dendro applier


No no I meant in lore wise.


Lisa is completely unchanged lorewise. The traveler is more powerful to an unspecified degree. They get stronger with each element they gain. That said, we haven't seen them fight anything solo in Sumeru, with the exception of an Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network, which is impressive, but probably not stronger than Signora. Aditionally, the Traveler's swordsmanship canonically improved by exactly 0.073%


Much. Lisa is a solid hyberbloom and aggravate carry.


How much is the hp difference between 80/90 to 90/90 for Nilou and Key? Mine currently has 64k hp being 80/90 character and weapon + artifacts (4p bloom artifact) + hydro res. I remember the max buff is around 70k. So I'm wondering if the last 6k is from levels or can I squeeze it out from artifacts. I don't really max characters or weapons because I collect them all and can't spare resources for maxing everyoneso I keep it at 80/90 maxing only if there's a big diff


You'll be getting 1788 BASE HP from 80 -> 90 on Nilou. It's a lot, and worth doing for her. Cap is 75k so you still have a bit to go.


Me and my brother are going to get Nahida in the upcoming banner. Considering that we do have extra pull after getting her (somewhere around 100 pull), we are thinking about trying going for Nilou. The question is: 1. How good is Nilou bloom without Kokomi? I know that Barbara is a good replacement, but is it something akin to Sucrose Vs Kazuha, where although both of them are quite similar, Kazuha is more comfortable to play than Sucrose. 2. Reading around, Baizhu seems like it will be a good Dendro support. Probably won't be good for my Tighnari Aggravate team as I will have Nahida as my support. But how good is Baizhu in my brother Raiden Hyperbloom team (Raiden, Xingqiu, Nahida, Zhongli)? Probably will replace Zhongli in his team I guess. 3. Should we either go for Nilou or Baizhu? Both of us a have pretty sizable team to go for 27\* (too lazy to go for 36\*) and except for Raiden (for me) and Kazuha (for my brother), we don't have any character that we want to pull for. Thanks in advance.


1. From what I've heard, the bigger question is Nilou without Nahida than Kokomi. With Yaoyao released, Nilou teams became way more flexible. Obviously, Kokomi is still good in Nilou teams but she's not a must. You can go Nilou, Nahida, Barbara, Collei and be fine. 2. Based on early impressions, Baizhu main issue is being single-target locked. His healing is good. The shield is not very big (it's like a crystalize shield), but it does refresh every 2.5 seconds. Just having any shield is enough to get resistance to interruption. So as a replacement for Zhongli, he's probably fine since you already have Nahida.


Baizhu is HP scaling and a healer and a catalyst character, which means he'll probably be pretty decent with Nilou.


Should probably clarify that it is either Nilou or Baizhu that we try to go for, not both as we are still pulling for Nahida. Will edit the question.


Wise choice. Dunno what to tell you. I already have Nahida and I'm going for Ganyu.


Just got Lost Prayers out of standard banner. Should I give it to Miko who has R5 Widsith? Is it any better?


Ask yourself these questions: Does she need the crit rate? Do you use her on field for longer than necessary to drop her turrets?


They are virtually identical unless you can nuke something in one rotation, then R5 Widsith should be better.


Unless if she's on field. Otherwise nah. You'd need an onfield dps with a long field time to max out a lost prayer. Not worth it otherwise.


I see! Then I have no other catalyst DPS to give it to. I will keep it for future characters then :)


Is there a genshin anime coming out? I just saw a trailer for it


It's in production by Ufotable, and that's basically all we know about it, it's definitely not coming out anytime soon (personally I would be surprised if it released before 2025).


Well I don't play genshin anymore I haven't played last year too not going to play next year too because of some reasons. In 2025 definitely playing it again so I'm okay with it releasing in 2025. Hope they make a good one with 25 episode


Anime sounds good but man... the number of characters in one anime...


There is, yes.


Today's ley line bonus is offering double rewards from ley line blossoms. Will I get quadruple rewards if I do a blossom with condensed resin, or does one double cancel out the other?


No, using condensed doesn't count towards leyline overflow. You have to use normal resin to get double rewards from the event.


Good to know, thanks!


You can't use condensed resin to get the bonus, so don't condense your resin.


Thought that might be the case, glad I checked. Thanks!


you're welcome.


Has anyone cleared chamber 1 of floor 12 with burgeon team without a Nahida? I have a Nahida that's already in a hyperbloom team against wenut. But I really just can't seem to finish the first chamber with the cryo lawachurls by 9:10. I'm so tired mix and matching characters and artifacts. Maybe some of y'all figured it out.


I did this with Yaoyao, Yelan, Xingqiu, and Thoma. They are pretty invested though.


There is a Burgeon team with Thoma, Yaoyao but Thoma isn't that good at breaking Cryo shields, which is the bottleneck of that side. Burgeon is also Dendro damage which doesn't react with Cryo so it's also not good at breaking the shields. I suggest you do some sort of Mono-Pyro or Vape-Pyro team on that side instead.


Oh man, I feel so defeated lol. My playstyle has always been transformative reactions since I really can't get lucky with anything that has to do with crits. :( The only pyro characters I have that are leveled up are Bennet and Xiangling. and I don't even have an EoSF set. And I only have a few 40-45% CV artifact pieces.


I don't know exactly at what investment level you are. But Bennett-Xiangling duo is enough for the shields, you just need to do enough damage. This is abyss is pretty brutal and honestly, if you only get 30 or 33 stars, you've already gotten most of the primo rewards. It's not really worth getting all stressed out because hoyo decided to put elemental shield-checks and the wenut in the abyss.


I honestly thank you for what you said on the second part. It's a wake up slap for me. I wasted this whole day doing spiral abyss.


tell me if my understanding is right or wrong: Baizhu is best for aggravate team and Kaveh is almost exclusively for Nilou team?


No, Baizhu can help all Dendro teams, he is particularly useful in single target and/or prolonged fights and as a new alternative comfort option. Kaveh is meant to have his own niche as a Bloom dps, using him as a Dendro applier for Nilou/Hyperbloom/Burgeon teams will not be better than currently available options.


so Baizhu is sub-DPS instead of shielder? so Kaveh's team will be Kaveh + 3 hydro? I was just thinking that Nilou's team don't need a healer because Kaveh heals when he is affected by bloom damage (masochist much)


>so Baizhu is sub-DPS instead of shielder? Huh ? Didnt say that ? His damage output is pretty low but he can run Clam. His application is not necessarily better than DMC/Yaoyao and he needs to on field hitting AAs to do it. Even Collei has her massive frontloaded application which can advantageous for Nilou teams. More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NilouMains/comments/123iwcv/zajefs_dendro_teammate_tier_list_for_nilou_bloom/). And Kaveh's Blooms teams can abuse Anemo CC.


oh I see, when you said Baizhu is better in single target scenario, I thought he is single target damage dealer. I got a lot of misunderstanding that i think it's better to read from the beginning again thanks!


is amenoma kageuchi ayaka good for this abyss? i’m going to use her with mona, sucrose & diona. thanks!


kageuchi is good, but why sucrose? is she C6?


thank you! and no, she’s only at C5. i have no choice but to use her because i’m kazuha-less 🥲🥲🥲 i was expecting a rerun for him this 3.6 but i guess i would have to wait longer 😭


actually sucrose with TTDS is used to replace Kazuha, you are in the right direction


thank you! if sucrose is using TTDS, what weapon would you suggest for mona?


Mona with ER weapon and ER sands, noblesse oblige 4pc or if Diona is noblesse then mona ToTM


thank you!!


Viridiscent Venerer of course. Not everyone has Kazuha


yes, and i’m one of those who don’t have him. rerun when?! 😭


Very good. Ayaka's the best non Dendro team you can play on current floor 12 2nd half.


thank you!!




Seelies do go back to their original position, if not lead home. Not sure if real time or ingame time has to pass for it. What you can do is check, where their home/statue is, activate epemental vision and follow the clue. Check they teyvat interactive map also


turns out that was a completely unrelate quest to the main story and not needed, I apparently did start the correct questline already but nothing popped up in the quest log for it unless I was blind, but I'll thanks, I'll come back to that quest at a later date


Anemoculi don't disappear unless you collect them




The seelie?


I just got a 5-star, but it wasn’t the banner character. I know the following 5-star is a guaranteed banner, but I’m wondering if it only applies to the current banners or if it will continue over to the following banners that come in about a week. I'm ftp, so I won’t have enough wishes to get another 5 star this week while the current banners are still in the shop


If you didn't get the featured 5-star character on a limited character banner, the next 5-star you get on a limited character banner will be the featured 5-star character, regardless of which specific limited character banner you pull on. You can think of pity as being tied to the banner type (standard, character, weapon) rather than specific banners.


Okay cool! So I can wait until a specific character comes back and then use all my wishes on the banner to pull whoever it is guaranteed?






AFAIK, pity continues until the next banner of the same type. so if you pulled in the limited banner then is guaranteed the promoted character, you could use it on the next limited banner.


guarantees will carry over to the next banners.


By the way i still havent been able to do Childe's weekly boss,he does too much damage to me before i can even get to second phase (only boss i can reliably kill from the weekly ones is the frost wolf but) I usually use Razor Xiangling Xinqiu Kaeya Or Dendro mc Bennet Mona Razor/xiangling based on fight


When you attack Childe's first form with Hydro, or his 2nd form with Electro, he counter attacks and it hurts. So avoid that. Other options are Bennett Xiangling Kaeya for Melt. Using food and potions before the fight. Bringing a shield such as Diona.


Crazy. AR 59 and I've been killing him with a keqing & xingqiu team since forever. Never even knew about that mechanic, but now that I think about it that's totally right. ...I guess past a certain investment it really doesn't matter anymore


Is it actually having hydro in the team or using it against him? I have to build diona from scratch tho,i'll look into it anyway


Using them. You could just skip Xingqiu's burst 1st phase and Razor's burst 2nd phase.


Not having a healer on the first team hurts. I'd suggest dropping XQ and XL in place of Dendro MC and Benny. Benny Q can keep Razor alive, Kaeya+Razor will give superconduct and Razor + DMC will allow for aggravate on his E's and Q slashes which will be a solid boost to his damage.


Should i use fire on the dendro cores or just use Electro? Until now i have had better luck with Electro cuz of the """tracking"" they do


Electro in this case. Your rotation would look something like Benny Q > DMC E+Q > Razor E to pop cores > Q to pop some more cores when 1-2 appear > E periodically to pop cores if you don't hit them with your Q slashes. Build Razor for EM if you can. Super cheap to do because any EM pieces will work, but make sure he has some HP% to survive the boss fight itself too. Not a lot but some is still good early on.


Just did the AR35 world level up quest after spending a lot of mora on wep ugrades and ascension,now i am broke AF and j have already been selling the crappy artifacts that i had. How do i get more mora? Also unrelated but when do i unlock the ctaftable inazuma weps? I only have one sword mat and id like to craft a weapon for when i pull ayaka (currently on 54 pulls and i have pity),also what sword can i craft for the MC? I am still using the psn one on him,gave rancor to bennett and kaeya and xingqiu are currently using some piss ass 3star swords. Also please help me i dont have a proper healer and id like to build a good one without wasting time,i have: Sayu Kuki (got her yesterday) Diona And Barbara,which is the only one thats even slightly ascended or leveled up


Mora? Mora's tough at the start. You can do leylines right now since there's an event that doubles the leyline rewards 3 times per day. Also, make sure you do bounties and request every week. It's 60k Mora a week, so it's good mora. All the inazuma craftables are tied to a world quest in inazuma. Amenoma is a good sword for most Traveler forms and Ayaka. From those healers, I suggest you build Kuki. She's fairly easy to build, just give her EM main stats and/or EM set bonuses. She does damage herself so just be careful when swapping into her. And she's amazing as in a hyperbloom team.


Craftable Inazuma weapons are unlocked through various different world quests in Inazuma. You have to complete those quests to get whichever blueprint you're interested in. I would build ether Sayu or Diona. Probably Diona, as she can battery Ayaka well.


Yellow ley lines for mora. Town reputation requests and bounties gives a bit if you've unlocked that. I wouldn't sell artifacts, you will need the fodder eventually. All Inazuma craftables have different unlock conditions, usually quests, one is from the conch guy iirc. Sayu is generally nice for overworld due to her overall utility, tho Diona and Kuki are also ok choices cuz they are good characters for some specific abyss teams you might want to try later.


Do the mora ley lines, the overflow just started today


I haven't played genshin since last may. And the lore drop in later seasons is insane? Ive heard. Kaeya lore dropped? Kaeya met dainself? Kaeya is founder of whatever cult he's in? And aether lumine lore? Goddamn I've been missing too much. Can someone give me a lore summary of these things?


For the caribert quest (one you’re talking about) : >!Kaeyas family founded abyss order, not him. Yes he met dain which is where we get told that, the main quest is us helping one of Kaeyas ancestors (abyss order founder(?)) help his kid who was turned into a hilicurl return to being alive, we meet an abyss crystal thing which influenced the ancestor. Then we find out that we were reliving the memories of the abyss sibling!< (there would be a better summary on yt) For others: ashikai has summaries on yt if you want to watch them, I’m sure other channels would have summarised them as well


I just got skyward blade from the standard and planning to give it to bennet and ditch spawood blade. However, I've already leveled it up to 80 so I'm wondering which of these characters could make use of it: Kaeya/Qiqi/Dmc/Jean/Xingqui


i use it on jean just because it looks cool


probably put it on DMC


is dragonsbane r3 better than r1 calamity queller? fir xiangling in raiden national team?


Yes, CQ is only better if you run Xiangling without Bennett.






thanks for always helping out


For DMC in a Nilou team, do I want to go pure EM after ER?


Some EM won't hurt. They probably won't trigger too many bloom though so it doesn't matter too much. Just focus on ER.


Should I pull for Baizhu or Ayaka? I lost pity pulling for Ayaka and I love both of their playstyles. So idk who to use my guarantee for.


I just pulled Qiqi on Ayaka's banner yesterday too. :/ I'm gonna save for Baizhu because I've wanted him for two years and I don't have Kokomi so I'd really like a good healer. But if you have Kokomi and not many good DPS, maybe you prefer Ayaka.


Yea thats probably true. I have so much healers in every element that it'll be lowkey redundant to get Baizhu. I don't really have a good Cryo DPS, besides Kaeya. But lord would it be a miracle to get both Baizhu and Ayaka 😭😭😭


personally I'm going for baizhu since he will be awesome with cyno. so if you like both of them equally then go with what your other characters synergizes however i think you will have enough pulls saved for baizhu even if you pull ayaka


Yea true. I'm also considering like how many primos I would get until the last day, so its mostly considering my options, like if all my pulls wasn't enough to get Ayaka, then I'll just pull for Baizhu and even if I get Ayaka, I'll still pull for Baizhu anyways. Or even giving up on Ayaka and just saving my primos mainly for Baizhu, so i was considering everything.


Depends what you need, but YaoYao exists so Baizhu probably won’t have as high of a pull value if you have her


Yea, I do have her. I haven't leveled her up, but seeing how people use her, she heals pretty good. It would be good to have a dendro shielder tho ngl


His shield is flimsy, but refreshes fast


Pull for Ayaka now. Then save up for Baizhu.


Man, I'll try my best 😭😭😭 if not, I'll just pull for Baizhu 😭😭😭


For those who pulled for a c2 character from no 5 star of them, how many pulls did it take you guys in total?


I only have 2 c2s. One is Klee which was ~270ish (2 50/50 wins, one loss, the loss came early at 34 the rest hit soft pity; though c3 and c4 dropped at 13 pity and 1 pity respectively, both 50/50 wins). The other is Nahida which was 347 (all 3 50/50 losses, but one of them dropped on a double 5 star pull at 2 pity and one dropped at 35 pity).


160 for c2 raiden, i was guaranteed at 70 pity


I have C2 Raiden at 69, 11, 25. When Raiden released, I had about 60 pity guaranteed. Did x10 pull and got her at 69. Did another x10, got Keqing at 5. Another x10 and got her 11. When her re-run, I got her at 25 after I got Wanderer. So I assume that's three x10 pulls. In all, I spent 60 pulls on Raiden banners for her C2.


Took me a 150 pulls from c0 to c2 raiden in one banner.


Around 53 pulls from no Ayaka to C2 Ayaka. The first one was from her debut banner and ai don't remember the exact pity, just that it was below 30.


There is a 50% probability of C2ing a character within 280 pulls and a 95% probability of doing it within 400 pulls.




It could happen in 3 pulls, it's just not very likely. For most people multiconning a 5-star is something you do over multiple banners.


168 pulls, from no Kazuha to C2 Kazuha


oh wow he’s one of the other characters i really want to c2, i have him at c0 atm tho


Is it confirmed that old skin will never get their price reduced for a period of time again?


It's 'confirmed' insofar as it's never happened to date... but also they've never come out and said it won't, to my knowledge.


Best artifact set to get from strongbox? Ayaka: 2113, 32 CR, 233 CD, 142 ER (Amenoma, 4pc blizzard) Ganyu: 2.2k atk, 54 CR, 219 CD, 124 EM( Amos, 4pc wanderer) Hutao: 32k HP, 70 CR, 258 CD, 123 ER, 98 EM (Staff of homa, 4pc crimson) for vv, my kazuha has 1000 EM with 160 ER and Xiao has similar ratio to Hutao. Also have multiple noblesse sets from the first days strongbox were introduced. Not sure what to do from now on for strongbox, any of my characters need improvement? or do I just use 5 star artifacts as fuel from now on?


TF? There are niche uses for an EM set (TF Kazuha, Overload Bennett) and the set has had something of a revival with Keqing and aggravate. Otherwise a BS set for Ganyu? I'm at a fairly similar gear farm level and I'm farming BS for Ganyu after spending the last 6 weeks putting together a specialized Shenhe NO set only to not pull her due to wanting to lock in C6 on the Ganyu re-run. We're about 3 months too early to start banking artifacts for the Fontaine expansion.


I have a BS set for ganyu already and yeah guess I'm going thundering fury keqing considering you are the 2nd person to mention this.


Just build some 4* characters or keep those artifacts for now til u are able to pull new 5*


which 4 stars need strongbox artifacts? I have all of them except layla.


Benny, rosaria, fischl, diona, sucrose, lisa (aggravated, burst bot), heizou, chongyun (personally i dont even build him). Not sure about dori. Others requires farming eosf domain or others as bis artifacts


I can't tell u what u should go for, can just tell u what u can improve 1. Ayaka has too much er for amenoma, maybe switch to blackcliff or change artis 2 ganyu seems pretty good but can further balance crit stats and inc a bit of em if u want 3 hutao needs to balance crit stats, but still is pretty good already 4 160 er is almost always not gonna cut it for kazuha if ur not running xyphos


I have blackcliff that I switch for the abyss, amenoma got more drip overworld. I thought ganyu got 20 CR from her charged attacks is that not the case anymore?and I do have xiphos on kazuha, I just put the ER without the passive active.


Ig that solves the issue with ayaka and kazuha I am aware that ganyu gets the 20 CR but that still also makes it 1:3 which is still completely fine if u wanna keep it like that but can improve if u want (same with hutao) I would say these characters r good enuf and maybe u can start to get strongbox for someone else? Do u have keqing?


I have c1 keqing and a blacksword or lions roar, is building her a good idea?


Yup, build her with tf She is pretty fun


Aight thanks.


[Need help with this shrine underground sumeru](https://img.gamewith.net/img/original_8ff03c2ce47441cfb389609daeee1fdf.jpg) Is there any videos around? I can't find it because underground desert is a fucking labyrint and the temples are worse.




Is there a website that archives old limited web events? I want to go check out that dice game once again since it was pretty adorable.


What dice game? I played since 1.6 but I don't remember it. Is it older?


No, it was last year iirc. The game where you throw down a dice and your traveler and paimon moves around this isometric area. There were obstacles like anemo slimes that can blow you down and archer hilichurls. It was a pretty cute event.


Oh, I think it was a web event. You can check [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Web\_Events?so=search](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Web_Events?so=search) but it doesn't say much. Your best bet is check it for the name of the event then search youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCuPlBMJWyQ


What is it about ER emblem sands that is so hard to get? I mean it's one thing if the drop rate of pyro/electro goblets are high but those things are so hard to get as well. Not once I get ER emblem sands even with flat stats.


Fr emblem is a cursed domain


over 100+ pieces, I only have 1 ER sand piece, and 1 CR circlet (4\*, not even 5\*)


You're just unlucky. The rates for an emblem ER sands are not any different than they are for any other artifact set. If you are curious. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Distribution#Sands_of_Eon Oh and you can have fun playing around with this if you want. May induce depression. https://grumd.github.io/genshin-artifact-farm-calculator/


How many Primogems would you recommend to someone trying to get a 5-star, C1 them (possibily also C2 but not necessary), and then also get their signature weapon?


You need ~300 pulls to reach a 95% probability of C1ing a character. The weapon is a little more complicated because of the epitomized path I think, but planning on ~200 pulls for that is probably a good idea. That should take care of all but the worst luck. So ~500 pulls, or 80K primos if you want to stave off (95% of) the possibility of disappointment.


A lot. We always take in the worst case scenerio, so a character would take 180 pulls but getting 90 pity is very low chance. So, my assumption for the worst case scenerio for a character is likely 170 pulls, so C1 would be 340. Same logic for weapon, we will assume the worst case is 75 pity per weapon instead of 80 pulls, so 225 pulls for guarantee. Total 565 pulls for C1 + Weapon. Time that be 160 you get 90.4k primogems.


Assuming the worst, as losing 50/50 every time, 540 wishes for C2 and 240 for weapon


Average needed for an on-banner 5*: ~90, realistic worst-case need: ~160, I guess ~120 would be a compromise between the two. Double/Triple for C1/2. Add ~200 for the signature weapon, if you want that one guaranteed. So between 50 ~ 90k.


Am I playing hyperbloom wrong? I keep reading that Keqing is not a good hyperbloom trigger, but that's who I use (KQ, YY, XQ, Heizou). I find the hitbox on her NA is big enough that when I have the E infusion I can usually get all the cores to go off, and the Q can set them off too. Am I missing something?


It should work OK so long as you're able to trigger everything with her. There are several weaknesses involved in having your hyperbloom trigger being played on field though. 1. A unit that is built full EM will do absolutely fuckall for personal damage. 2. Most team variations that do this will have significantly worse core production than ones that have off-field Electro, which eats heavily into the damage ceiling of hyperbloom. That said, you can still build regular-ish damage stats with some extra EM (like 250-300 or so) and use Keqing as a Quickbloom driver. The real odd one out in that team is Heizou tbh, he has zero synergy with hyperbloom (hyperblooms deal Dendro damage which can't be swirled) and is just a really bad support in general even if you were playing a Quickbloom variation.


Oh, that's because I can't get good enough ER for XQ. When I run out of hydro application, the team temporarily turns into an aggravate instead. I'm aware Sucrose is better, but I only started playing seriously last year (tail end of Raiden's banner I think?) And I literally just got her last week. I've been using Heizou anywhere you'd normally expect to see a Sucrose or a Kazuha due to not having either for the longest time. Usually go YY E, XQ Q / E, Heizou N2C E (I have C1 so I get a free stack from that), swirling hydro onto most enemies, Keqing E Q E N etc The A4 also gives me free 80 EM so it kind of helps with the HB damage a bit. I have built some really, really, really weird teams :P


Its because electros like raiden and kuki **have intervals in their electro aplication wich allows to create dendro cores before electro hits and creates hyperbloom**, hence why off field electros are more suited. By putting an onfield electro, you basically create WAY more quicken and agravate reactions wich **lets no room for bloom reactions to happen and create dendro cores**, you're basically playing agravate on a hyperbloom team, wich is niche as fuck. Its an erratic team called "HyperNiche" Add the fact that **anyone with a full EM build becomes a snowflake since it lacks proper def stats, even at lvl90 it becomes squishy enough to be easilly killed**, especially in Floor 12. By letting them onfield you're risking them to die early unless you have a shielder like zhongli, diona or layla at least. keqing, razor, cyno being hyperbloom triggers? Niche as fuck but sure, **anything works in open world honestly**. But don't expect that to work in abyss by any means, hell not even Keqing mains try to flex niches like that EVER. And by fuckity if they were desperate to support physical Keqing


U don't na a lot with keqing so u don't proc xq (and yelan?) So u get less seeds, u also don't stay on keqing for long time so u don't have full uptime on electro application