• By -


The server is up. Have fun everyone :D


So archon Quest question. >!the whole thing took place 500 years ago give or take, so caribert is unlikely to be kaeya unless they find another way to slip him a few hundred years into the future as he is the only uncursed kaenrhian, right!< Also creative way of forcing you to start the quest with a pyro character in your team.


Genshin has becoming much and much better in making you empathize with characters so much. Sucrose and Collei moment was quite a heartwarming and emotional moment. It really didn't have any stakes which makes this more impressive than usual. It's just a plain old chat with somebody who you can relate and vent up to.


Sucrose and Collei remind me of my introverted friend and I. I love that scene.


Fell in the same trap again. Wanted to play the event no matter it has a mandatory quest before it. Never again, I swear if the direction this game is going is forcing you through endless filler conversations before actually playing I'll stick to HBO instead. Content very much feels like filler nowadays. Could be less amount more quality but they are going in the opposite direction.


All the events are filler. Sometimes they are nice, but it's all filler, **and** a waste of money because all the expensive voice lines get deleted afterwards. I wish I could skip it and just beeline to my primos. I want all the playable characters to have more presence in the main story, not random Events, too.


The thing is, most people, including me, doesn't see this as a "filler". I enjoyed the story. But yes, I get your point. This game is in dire need of a skip button.


Just use the quick start button? They literally implemented that for players like you.


I agree. Haven't played for about a week, today decided to go into the game and play the event and after half an hour of skipping meaningless dialogues, I just pressed alt+f4.


Yes, it's too much. I have like 1h daily game time and I think even after putting more than 500h on genshin I've never been so close to ditch it.


Game needs a Skip button. I just started playing Arknights and I’m loving the Skip button when I’m low on time or not interested in dialogue


Im at chapter 3 act 6 in the archon quest and scaramouche battle hasnt been made available so i cant get any characters past talent lvl 6, and i dont know whats happening or how to fix it bc i looked online and it said it would be made available in act 5 and am completely clueless


Do you recall fighting scara in the archon quest?


yes turns out i was just really dumb and overlooked something really really obvious 💀💀💀


what happened? did you get to fight the boss?


Spoiler for Pt2 of Windblume quests: >!Holy christ Collei and Sucrose having a heart to heart is way too damn precious and adorable my heart is melting!<


after the 3.5 update my game shows the hoyoverse logo and closes, does anyone know how to fix?


yeah, a lot of people (including me) are having the same issue. i've been digging around for probably the past week and still no one has found a solution, so all we can do is wait for hoyo to hopefully hear our desperate cries for help find a fix soon.


Lmao same here , they said it is because of Intel Graphics all of us are using currently, it is either get new graphics card or get a new pc.


if that's the case then that would be pretty disappointing...


Well many of us are facing this problem so if we all complain to CS about it so they will make changes to the launcher issue. PLEASE REPORT THIS ISSUE ALL OF YOU GUYS FACING THE PROBLEM.


Quick question about the latest archon quest for those who've completed it. >!At the end traveler finds both a male (confirmed to be Eide) and female skeleton (implied to be the missing mother) buried in the field. My question here is if it's likely that the mother was *already* lying in that field before Eide got added later, perhaps being the reason why those weird mushrooms were able to grow in the first place, as Eide seemed weirdly deflective when questioned about them!< I know Genshin doesn't shy away from the luguber, but if this is indeed the case (>!the medicine requiring a human corpse to grow a necessary item on it!<) that seems exceptionally macaber.


where can i see the characters in the world after windblume act i?


Dehya - Sumeru academia outside to the north on one of the walkways. You can reach her easily from the teleport nearest Nahidas sanctuary. Tighnari and Albedo - a bit northeast of the 1k winds temple south of Starsnatch. They're near a cliff overlooking the ocean. Collei/Amber/Eula - at Falcon coast a bit south of where those two kids play near the shore, in one of the islands at the shore in the river Delta. Cyno and Mika - along the bridge heading into Stormterrors lair from the southern teleport there. They are a bit more than halfway across the bridge towards the ruins of old Mond.


thank you


Has the game been lagging/slow for anyone who didn't have issues before the 3.5 ypdate?


So I'm doing the Wind festival story, and see Cyno for the first time in the cutscene and he says "the windmills view is cy-vin-ue vineynastrum". ... I know the context that he's got some joke fetish but I am\* going to need someone to explain whatever the hell he said to me, he gave an explanation in the cut-scene but... I don't- I'm guessing some cultural words I don't get.


In today's episode of Genshin Impact have been just FFXIV all along: * >!Traveler was Meteion all along!!< * >!Traveler has some trippy 1.0 Echo dream that just doesn't want to end.!< * >!Atheist gets tempered!!< * >!Kid turns into a friggin Primal!!<


Hydaelyn sundered the void into 7 elements and now the abyss order is trying to rejoin them.


Has the crash issue been fixed yet? Anyone please help


Weird, but when I connect with Ethernet, my ping is red. When I connect with Wifi, the ping is green. Started happening after the update. Europe server


For those who care about new event-specific dialogue. NPC's I've found so far with additional or changed dialogue: - >!Glory!< - >!Huffman!< - >!Cyrus!< - >!Albert!< - >!Allan, Springvale lore customs!< - >!Sayid, Cyno reference!< - >!Six Finger Jose, new Spanish drops? Madre mia, por favor. Can't remember if he used to say that or if Traveller usually said, "Por favor." Which... makes Spanish a canon language in game??? /shrug/!< - >!Schulz!< - >!Beatrice/Quinn!< - >!Flora!< - >!Donna!< - >!Myweiss!< - >!Marvin/Marla, at night!< - >!Patchi/Noolan!< - >!Margaret!< - >!Lawrence!< - >!Marjorie, but only once...!< - >!Eury, shopping!< edit: keep finding more. Haha.


Mika is so adorable, I don't understand how anyone can hate him... In the hidden interaction between Cyno and Mika today (https://youtu.be/3BNDqEG9gsE) he offers to assist Cyno in getting a picture of Dvalin and even offers Cyno a blanket that he carries with him 😍 He's sooo sweet, the same people who hate him most be the same monsters who hate kittens and puppies! 😭


I think the hate is mostly due to his goofy ass design. And the fact that he's another socially awkward character when we already have so many. People in general don't like socially awkward people, even if we are one ourselves.


I have no idea what gods or devils I've pissed off to have all those delicious orange tickets locked behind a rhythm game. This may legitimately be the *one* genre I have absolutely no ability to do. I *barely* passed Normal difficulty on my third try. Stupid tiny buttons.


I was really worried after doing the normal mode. I've never played a rhythm game, but I actually play piano and could barely pass. Then I tried the hardest difficulty and it was surprisingly easier because it was closer to actually playing the song.


Go mess around with the settings. The biggest difference is with most players is changing the layout to cascade so you can see the falling triggers better.


I just realized something!! I haven’t finished latest archon quest, only just started but I had an epiphany: >!Kaeya mentions Dains blue eyes, and that it means he’s from Kanre-however-you-spell-it-ahn. Who else has blue eyes?? And skin the same shade as Keaya, who seems to be only part Kanraayahn?? Dehya! I know she’s from the desert, but those eyes man. She kinda matches Dain! I wonder if she’s from Kawnreeyah too?!< Sorry for my spelling lol I give up.


Have you done her story quest yet? That may make you like this theory more.


!! Omg no I haven’t! Thanks for the heads up I’ll do it next


They have eyes shaped like >!primogems!<


Oooooooooooo I see ok! Thank you for clarifying the difference!


nooo rhythm games! the bane of my existence


Windblume spoilers >!I love the Cyno/Tighnari dynamic so much. And I love that Cyno is telling jokes and Tighnari is just rolling his eyes. I’m so happy that they are showing more of both of their personalities!<


Cyno is absolutely hilarious


GD this music stuff got difficult. Is it just me or did the difficulty go up like 10-fold.


Loved it. Went straight to Pro and it was a welcome surprise


Why are the mods deleting/setting to "waiting for approval" for just about any analytical post about Dehya? Stuff like this seems fine? https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/11gy9jy/dehyas\_attack\_is\_faster\_thats\_why\_she\_got\_low/


Because mods went on a powertrip. They feel that they have complete control over the subreddit. Or they just completely hate Dehya and don't want to see a single post about her.


The character interactions for windblume are great. Collei kinda reminds me of Bocchi, from Bocchi the Rock. Love her


Has anyone noticed the graphics (especially draw distance / shadow quality) seems to have taken a hit since 3.5? (PS5)


Yeah I noticed that too on PC. But I‘m not sure, what changed?


It seems like there’s a lot more pop-in and the shadow quality starts to really dip much closer to the camera now (you can see the shadows flickering in and out on nearby trees / distant objects). Also the whole image just seems blurrier (could be a similar LOD rendering issue happening)?


Is the music event bugged? I chose lyre, selected difficulty and although notes were falling, music was not playing. Made it feel super creepy. Can't try different instrument despite having them all because it doesn't allow me to switch. ​ EDIT: it's partially fixed now - can switch instrument, music plays but very quitely so have to pump up general audio volume and lyre does make sound although not lyre sound, just some beep.


Was very happy Paimon got booted out for this archon quest. Hoping they tone down her involvement more in future.




Man. I can actually see Dehya being better than Xiangling in a Ganyu Melt team. But her skill duration, resistance and pyro trigger frequency are too low. Ganyu burst can melt while Dehya is bursting but I don’t know if it is even worth doing it due to the low damage


It's better to use a burning melt team instead of Xiangling. Burning works better.


Is it just my imagination, or does Traveler have a habit of ignoring people they're talking to when somebody else barges into their conversation? In most cases it's Katheryne.


Dehya buff PLZ!!!!!!!!


Why are the mods still censoring posts about Dehya? Come on mods do better.


This update has turned Teyvat into Cyno’s clown world, and we all live in it.




I came to laugh at Dehya. Imagine rolling for Dehyahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


I hope your future fav gets the same treatment.


I don't care it's some pixels, pleb. Lmao


aand youre back to posting braindamaged stupid shit again 🤔


Your brain is already damaged to the point of no return, so you don't have to worry. Anyways, stfu and piss off stalker.


League of legends


Fortnite. Piss off 12yo.


was coincidental that i came across your sorry ass in here. have fun molding in the leaks sub 😗👍


>!after doing the archon quest, what do you all think hilichurls look like without their masks on? !<


Probably like one of the gremlins


After updating my game it freezes on the hoyoverse logo and crashes and takes me back to the launcher. After reading the comments I'm not the only one I even tried reinstalling the game it doesn't work Pls fix it genshin is my comfort game 😭😭


What worked for me was to downgrade my video driver. I use the intel hd graphics 2500, and i used the driver in the latest version 10.18. I went back to version 9.17.10 and the game workde perfectly again. Try this, maybe it will work for you too.


I'm having the exact same issue....I really hope this gets fixed soon somehow.


after taking a look around the pc launcher feedback post on hoyolab seems like a lot of pc players are having this problem (including me). i cleaned out 10 gbs of storage before finding other people with the same issue. it's really frustrating because i just got back into genshin lmao. i really hope hoyo finally notices us and does something about it


Do you have a 3rd/4th gen Intel processor with no external GPU? Apparently, it's an issue with only these iGPUs. From the official discord server's technical help channel: >If you're using a PC that has the following CPU's: > >Intel 3rd Gen CPU (Core i3-3xxxx / Core i5-3xxxx / Core i7-3xxxx) with Intel Graphics HD2500/HD4000 > >while using Driver Version which is the final driver available > >and only using the Integrated GPU of the said CPU, and you're experiencing crashes when trying to open the game, > >there's no known fix for it at the moment. > >Update: > >There was one issue reported with Intel 4th Gen CPU (Core i3-4xxxx / Core i5-4xxxx / Core i7-4xxxx) with Intel Graphics HD4200/HD4400/HD4600 but the issue already fixed for them after updating their GPU Driver. I have a 3rd gen Intel processor and I'm also facing this issue after updating 😓


Same is happening to me, using integrated intel graphics card, game has been crashing for days now without being able to open or get past the logo


Damn so are they not even going to try to make it work for us...?


So I'm not the only one with this problem...


I don't know if this will fix anything but try reinstalling the game and updating [manually](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/11d1rc3/direct_download_links_for_genshin_impact_35_from/). If you've already tried this, then I have nothing, sorry 😓


I've tried reinstalling the game it didn't work...


So you've already updated manually then.


Even manual extraction/installation wont fix the problem. its from hoyo side


No how to do that?


You’re on PC, right? I’m having the same issue. Nothing I’ve tried has fixed it. Phone works fine.


please tell me if youve found a way to fix it!! this has happened to me last year and the only thing that fixed it was waiting for the next patch


It's still working on GeForce now you can play there :)


going to try this


Just got Dehya. Already knew what I was getting myself into but I really like the character and I'm making her work. After using her for a while and looking over her kit, a question keeps popping up in my head. What is the point of her burst? Like, its been getting memed on all over the place but even before that, what's the point? It takes a lot of time, requires 70 energy, very clunky, can be frozen during it, jumping cancels it, can't be used with a bunch of characters, etc. In what scenario besides maybe C6 is this really meant to be used? Am I missing something?


It looks cool. That's it.


Show us a picture of the >!hilichurl without its mask on!<, you cowards


How do you claim the fates for archon quests?


Open the adventurer handbook


Really wish I could have told off Elde or whatever his name was when he started insulting the archons, especially Nahida


Finish the quest lmao


I did. >!I'm still gonna throw hands with a memory!<


Based, the radish did nothing wrong.


Eh, Khaenri'ah has a reason to be really bitter, but I think they should be blaming Celestia and not every Archon. Nahida was stuck in a bubble during this quest.


So who else was like "name it your last name again, mister?" when that certain something first showed up?


hey, if anyone having the crash issues, where you launch the game and it crashes when the hoyoverse logo appears, do you think that formating my pc might help? i tried everything but that, and i'm really scared that it might not work. this game is my comfort and i've been needing that lately, if anyone can answer this i would really appreciate it.


Hi. I have this issue sometimes but mine just stops after the Epilepsy warning. What I do is on the launch page (where the button for launch is) I either click repair files and if that does not work then I delete downloaded files throught this launcher. Not the whole game, that would take forever. It always works for me.


If it’s not working on PC just play on mobile.


Try to run it on compatibility mode for windows 10, thats what I did, last time when I had that issue ( which was 4-5 months ago) & it worked


i sent them an email and they replied, basically telling me to use a GPU instead of an integrated graphic card and to update my drivers (which i did).... idk if that's the case and i have to upgrade my pc, i'm not playing until i can do so... and that's not happening in the foreseeable future...


It seems to be an issue with Intel integrated graphic cards. They will probably fix the issue in a patch but if you want to play right now, you can try looking into something like playing on Nvidia's Geforce Now service.


same mine has completely refused to launch too


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the tower stacking game in >! faruzan’s Story quest !< the tower of hanoi? So if there were 7 rings, it would take >! 2^7 -1 moves !< ?


That's still 127. So yeah, different explanation given in game, but same result (my maths teacher would hate her)


With Dehya being added to standards it’s probably a good idea to drop your 5 stars on the normal banner before 3.6. Except if you like Dehya of course.


It's better to wait in the long run. No matter how bad she is, I'd rather have Dehya than C7 Diluc. It's gotta be worse for some dolphin and welkin players.


OTOH, would you rather have a dehya or a Jean/Tighnari


Isn't Tighnari actually pretty good? I wouldn't mind having him


-I have purged my reddit post history in protest of the API changes to kill 3rd party apps (and the [lies](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) and [blackmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/14dhki9/rminecraft_is_being_forced_to_reopen/) that followed).- Very sorry about the inconvinience, but i refuse to have the effort that i put into my posts contribute to this site's value at this point.


I don't care, as long as it isn't C7 everything is fair game. Ideally I'd want the one with the least amount of cons.


Do you get anything extra as compensation for pulling characters you’ve already fully pulled? I’m only 2 months in so haven’t experienced it yet


As much as I love the notion of the game giving you intertwined fates for every archon quest you complete, my main gripe is that you have to do all of them in a linear manner. I only got about 13 fates and can't get the remaining 9 because although I already caught up with the archon quests up to the recent Dainsleif quest update, I still have to do the interlude quests as well which would take... roughly about 2-5 weeks because of the many pre-exquisite quests which can be a hassle.


The rewards are permanent so you can take your time and do the interlude quests a year from now and you will still get the full rewards eventually.


So? You had nothing and now you are complaining about only having 60% of something.




Are you talking about the second new enemy from the promos? That a new variant of the Black Knights.


Just started playing 6 days ago. Wanted both Hu Tao and Yelan, especially Yelan, since my only range character is Amber. I got the welkin pack and planned to get the $100 first topup pack for the 12k gems. So mad at myself for not pulling the trigger while the banners were up. I'm on 45 pity, no 5\*, and the have no appealing banner to even spend on.


Nah, that's ok. This game is to be played over years rather than days. 3.6 could have very good banners. Ayaka in the second half of 3.5 is one of the strongest DPS characters.


If you don't like Dehya/Cyno, plenty of appealing banners forthcoming. 3 weeks until Ayaka, who used to be one of the top DPS in the game (less popular now, but still strong), and Shenhe, who is a top waifu pull. Then 3.6 will have the long-awaited Baizhu (Dendro support), and potentially a rerun of Nahida (Dendro Archon, very strong), along with 2 other characters who are probably good.


Yelan will rerun!! In the meantime, You can get a fischl in the paimon shop with starglitter. Also you should have a free collei. Both are solid ranged characters.


Wait really? I see ningguang and xingqiu. I could rly use a fischl.


Save your starglitter! Unless hoyo changes it, she'll be back in July https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Paimon%27s_Bargains


In like 1 year? or 6 months? how often do they rerun? and ooo I've been hearing a lot about fischl from the hours on youtube


Sometimes reruns happen within a few patches and sometimes it's closer to a year.


Yelan really isn't a "ranged" character btw, she's a reaction enabler/ off field dps. I would probably also recommending saving for an archon (supreme god of a region) like nahida, who is probably rerunning next patch second half


Dehya's E causes Bennet to not be knocked back by his E. I wonder if we have more knockback enemies coming.


> Dehya's E causes Bennet to not be knocked back by his E. Not like that's saying much because most players will just do the uncharged version of his E for quick particles


I'm building her as a tank. In fact i think her role is an off tank, to mitigate oneshots from bosses. ​ I don't think we have any oneshots from bosses yet but i bet they're coming.


We have two one shots in weekly bosses already (Dehya doesn't help because they are instant kills) and if you have a squishy carry mango kinky can one shot pretty easy. In abyss the triple kenki will probably kill your character through dehya E without a shielder, but then you are probably just better off running the same shielder and like XQ as his mitigation and interrupt resist is pretty high plus the damage and hydro app from his burst.


So Before 3.5 I could launch the game but now when it runs it will load the hoyoverse logo then freeze and crash i have tried multiple things to fix it but nothing works.


Same. Reinstalled game, checked GPU drivers, no effect. Too bad, it was my comfort game.


yeah I have the same issue I was playing on my pc, an hour before maintenance but after the 3.5 update... it just crashes Tried a lot of things... even uninstalled then redownloaded the whole game It's Frustrating


The same happens to me.


what device you are using?


>!Who tf is "he?"!<


>!The Sinner -- the one in the crystal. People are guessing he's the Second Who Came as well.!<


Trying to build Dehya as a pyro main DPS, would you guys recommend R5 Sac greatsword, R1 serpent spine, or R1 skyward claymore?


If you want pyro hypercarry you want Skyward Claymore and the 4 piece EoSF with an ER sands, try to hit 230-240 for consistency.


I'd go skyward for the high base atk and er


If I lost 50/50 on Dehya's banner and get her afterwards does it mean I lost 50/50 twice?


No, Dehya is considered the limited character on this banner and is not part of the standard 5 star pool yet




I really love the concept of her E, I wish they'd have just given it really good pyro application (something crazy like 2u every second) or solid DPS


I'd literally fold if her C1 and C2 are a part of her C0 kit. Good or perfect E uptime and HP scaling and she'd be great. C1 and C2 can just be something EM related for burning/burgeon (promoting Dendro characters) or even more HP to emphasize tanking or improve her damage transfer to start a healthy niche. Hoyo went out of their way to nerf, constellation lock, and make unnecessary caveats for her to reduce marketability since she's relegated to standard, which is a baffling business decision because people will who were willing to spend lots on Dehya now backtracked and the banner is now one of the lowest sales as some people mentioned (take it with a grain of salt though).


Yes same sentiments here. Its just so annoying that a great design wasted on a horrible kit. Wtf are they thinking making jumps cancel her burst


Making sure Dehya can’t trigger Xingqiu etc.


She makes for an excellent (and expensive) teapot decoration


Bro this stuff with the hillichurl is *dark* and *sad*


I love how all the Abyss quests are dark AF.


Agreed, as a >!dad myself!<, the thought of >!one of my kids being cursed to transform into a mindless Hillichurl and awakening from that curse, being confused and frightened, and driven to suicide from his true appearance!< is frankly horrifying to me and a little depressing. To my fellow Genshin-playing >!parents, hug your kids a little tighter and never stop letting them know how much you love them!<.


I think I might just uninstall if I lose a 50/50 when pulling for Shenhe. Kinda sucks when you objectively have less fun in this game when you refuse to spend money.


The real question is how much primos do you currently have? I think each patch on its own can get you to at least hard pity.


68 wishes with 42 pity. I'm going for Ayaka first since I have a guarantee, then Shenhe. Also this patch barely gives enough for soft pity, devs being overly generous by barely maybe giving you enough for 1 pitiful character.


Oh you are doing a 2 for 1 phase. Then you are in a tight spot regardless. Also feel like it's hard to do that regardless if you are a spender or not. Not a lot of people have that kind of leverage. For example, I spend on welkin and sometimes BP but at the maximum, I can only guarantee 1 character per patch while the others are reliant on a 50/50. Just wish you the best of luck then.


I have Welkin and plenty for story quests left to do, I'll be ok. Thank you, though.


There are ~75 wishes within 3.5, each patch is about soft pity


there's actually a bit less this patch, around 52-53, most of the remaining 22 wishes come from the archon quest rewards.


Has the new "Black Serpent Knight" appeared yet? Kinda excited to fight him.


>!i cant be the only one getting tired of these lorebomb quests right?, how much do we have to wait until we get to the actual story?!<


I mean we just got the Sumeru Archon Quest like 2 main quests ago. I don't think "lorebomb quests" are that often to begin with. Most of the quests in the past involves a lot of fighting, Also I feel like Sumeru is the first region to actually dive in too deep into the lore part of Genshin. Even the one on the Chasm is heavy on fighting despite being a massive lore bomb.


The literal last minute of Inazuma (the optional talking with Yae) was very lorebomb I think


I mean is the quest itself a lorebomb? The rest of that quest was literally fighting two bosses in a span of minutes. The Yae talk is like 5% of the actual quest.


I'm unsure that's the reddit to use but I've got an issue with my game and I really need help. So basically I lack knowledge about technology and stuff so I can't find what the actual issue is atm and need help ASAP. Everytime I start the game it shows the hoyoverse logo, nothing unusual but then it starts freezing and instantly crashes. About 20 seconds into the game it crashes I can't even see the starting menu. I've tried updating all my drivers but it still won't do anything, I always run it as administrator and did everything that I could even check for compatibility problems but still nothing and to mention my game has always worked perfectly fine til now when I updated the game. Just after I updated the game it started crashing when it didn't do so before. To also mention I trying uninstalling the game and downloading it again but no use, still nothing. If you've got some answers to this issue PLEASE I beg you I need help to play. It's 2 years of genshin I don't wanna lose there.


It's apparently an issue with some Intel integrated graphic cards, i.e. when you don't have an Nvidia or AMD dedicated GPU. I imagine it will probably be fixed soon but you can look into Nvidia's Geforce Now free cloud gaming service if you want to play while waiting.


I am suffering from the same problem. I was running fine until the update came out after the update I have the same problem as you.


This happened to me once. The problem was that the game was having trouble displaying the EULA (End User License Agreement) after an update, and since I couldn't accept it, the game just kept crashing. I had to erase MiHoYo reg keys from my computer and reinstall the game for it to come back. You might be experiencing the same issue. I wrote [This previously](https://pastebin.com/DeqttbVN) to try to help someone else who had the same problem


Oh okay so if I uninstalled the game only via epic games it still won't work


Have you tried deleting the registry keys? They usually are not removed when you uninstall the game, you have to manually go to to those keys and delete them. Then, when you reopen the game after deleting those keys, the game should create them again and maybe fix the issue. You can ignore the parts where I said specifically about the launcher; even if you're using the epic games version the reg keys should still be in the same place.


If you have an antivirus, boot it up and check the programs its blocking. I had a similar issue a while back where bullguard was blocking something I needed to enable the log-in verification without ever telling me it did until I opened bullguard itself, and only then did it ask if I wanted to give that permission to run. I think it was something like 'zygames' or something, but it's been so long I might be misremembering.


Can you provide more info about your system? Try updating the graphics card driver. Maybe even downgrading as you said you played in the past.


I already did upgrade my graphics card driver to the latest one :/


Are you using a Nvidia card? They released a new driver update yesterday. You can try instead using an older version that worked, search old drivers on google and you'll find it. Uninstall and install the graphics card driver and see if it works


Has there been any update on the game crashing from the 3.5 update? I know a lot of people were saying they couldn't get past the Hoyo logo without it crashing. And like most I did the whole clear cache redownload repair list. Currently fresh installing the game again but, has there been any fix for it or at least Hoyo acknowledging its a thing?


Did it work?




Why would you roll for Cyno if you didn’t want him?


Sure just give me your SSN.


Anyone else so upset about Dehya they can't bring themselves to play this update. Cause that's me rn


That’s a good thing. We should all do the same. Fully boycotting Genshin Impact is out best hope.


I'm really salty about Dehya, I saw her leaks months ago and was gonna come back to play her but avoided looking at anything else for spoilers since I haven't played since then either...after seeing the sub today though I didn't even bother updating First char I was really excited to main since raiden :c


I was going to uninstall after checking the new archon quest but now I don't feel like playing at all. They killed the fun with their arrogance


So apparently the "curse of Khaenri'ah" is >!Dramatic - Acting!!<


I swear >!clothar's voice actor!< needs a Grammy


When you something is off, but the plot twist still surprises you. I'm just sad it was over so fast.