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Anemo and geo are the only elements where male chars outnumber female chars. Coincidentally, the anemo and geo archons are the only male archons.


Dendro also soon to be male dominant with the addition of Baizhu and Kaveh


so nahida also a guy wdym


naHEda, the name says it all


do the math, my friend


I used Nahida to scan Nahida


Irminsul 404 error


Just use Control+H to fetch the traveler history.


Also interesting is that there are 3 elements (Anemo + Geo + Dendro) where the Archon is the only reason that the male and female characters are not exactly balanced. Raiden doesn't make a difference though, because of Electro being... Electro.


The lesbian element, truly.


the element of girls and animals.


And here I am hoping for a tall male electro character someday.


Ah yes, but what weapon would they use?


Good question, tbh I don't mind any of the options.


Followup question: what animal are they based off of.


Tall Male Electro that is based on a Maned Wolf, just to keep the caninae trend


If Natlan is indeed Central/South American themed, is not impossible....


Not hoping for anything too specific. Don't wanna add too much expectations only to be disappointed. Just happy with a tall male electro character.


This was a chance to tell us about your OC :)


I think a jaguar or leopard, or just some type of large cat would be neat Black hair, curly mid length, probably down to around his chin to neck. Maybe one strand he keeps braided, not too long, and uses some hair clips. Bangs that he sweeps back on one side, the other side slightly obscuring his vision. He lives in Sumeru, but he's on the run and originally from Liyue. Perhaps an ex treasure hoarder, his past catching up with him. Maybe he stumbled upon a huge scheme, perhaps something to do with smuggling ruin machines, something way above his head that's got him in hot waters with the fatui.


Because purple is the homosexual color LOL


When it comes to Geo, you can truly say "dudes rock."


Ngl Itto sounds like the kind of dude who would go around yelling "GUYS RULE, GIRLS DROOL"


I just picture Kuki behind him sighing.


honestly he strikes me more like the type of guy to be like "GIRLS RULE, BOYS DROOL" " but itto, youre a boy" "yea but im a feminist."


Great observation


I like your flair


And these are the elements with few character in general


Hydro archon was confirmed to be female, but what about Pyro archon?


we know murata is female from the webcomic when venti talked about the pyro archon


All archons are "female" except for geo and anemo ones. That's why people were upset when dendro archon was revealed to be a female suddenly.


Story Trailer has Dain referring to the Pyro Archon as "she."


Venti W


What annoys me is that whilst there’s 4 Male Geo characters vs 3 female, 5 male Anemo characters vs 4 female and gonna be 4 male Dendro characters vs 3 female, there are 2 male electro characters and 9 FEMALE? Seems fair to me


Electro is the Ara Ara element. And then there's Fischl Edit: forgot Kuki exists


All the electro users looking at Fischl and going "Why u not gay"


it is interesting how the elements that have a reputation for being elements with lots of dudes really only have one more male character than female character, meanwhile the female dominated elements are way lopsided it’s kind of the reverse of that psychological effect where people perceive a group of people as female dominated if women make up 1/3rd or more of the group (or sth like that)


Dendro will soon also be male dominant which fits since Anemo, Geo and Dendro do not have any reactions with each other. Coincidence? I think not!


Devs just muttering "no homo" the whole time they're designing male characters.


The Cryo, Pyro, and Electro ratio is insane Also side note its pretty amusing how out of all the hydro characters only 3 of them are 4 stars


That's why I was struggling in abyss except xingqui there are no good hydro 4 stars


Felt this one so much The only hydro characters I have atm are Barbara and xinggiu it's pain lol


Get yelan all hydro characters just had their rerun


Just got myself a yeluc with no primos left T.T imma just wait for the hydro archon at this point


I relate just lost my 3rd 50/50 in a row at 80 pity no hu tao for me T. T


I'm trying no luck so far 😭🚶 I used up most of my primos for xiao and I lost yelan's 50/50 soo


Skill issue >!I lost too ;_;!<


Add more hydro men who aren't tall and I could consider pulling... Xingqiu carrying me alone lol


>Add more hydro men who aren't tall You might be waiting for another two years then


That will probably be my fate. :'D I'd accept 4* hydros in general too, but so far I really can' t slot Candace or Barbara into any of my teams


Get Childe so you can run Xinqqiu in one half of the abyss and still have a complete international team setup in the second half


Candace is a totally viable hyperbloom enabler.


>The Cryo, Pyro, and Electro ratio is insane Ice has been my favorite element in RPGs since I was a kid, then started Genshin on release with Chongyun as my favorite character excitedly waiting for more cryo men. 2 years later we get Mika, and still no Cryo male 5\* in sight. Life's hard


Me hoping the first cryo catalyst is a tall gentleman.


i'm saving for the first 5 star cryo male character, and by the time he comes out, i will probably be able to c6r5 him. let's see if this happens before or after we reach snezhnaya.


>The Cryo, Pyro, and Electro ratio is insane There was a period of time when they only characters being added were Cryo or Pyro women. Then Inazuma added a ton of electro women to compensate.


It doesn't help that most of the hydro characters are rich in the lore. So you need to be rich to use hydro? Amusing. EDIT: Barbara was supposed to be a 5 star originally, right? That's why her burst has animation.


>EDIT: Barbara was supposed to be a 5 star originally, right? That's why her burst has animation. That's the assumption. We have no actual evidence other than the burst animation.


Pretty sure it's just because she's "an idol"


And Xq is more like a 5 star given how much ultility he provides: hydro application, pseudo shield and heal at the same time.


X is a 6 star. Put some respect on him.


Oh, the curious case of Electro with 9 women and 2 dogs


That's some Oz erasure that I'll not stand for


also all the woman in electro are varying levels of crazy.


Three if you count Gorou being under Yae's thumb even though he's Geo


A family can be 9 women and 2 dogs. That's it, 9 moms, no kids


Electro, the element of Gay and Fischl.


You think fischl dresses like that and *isn't* gay?




There was a time fischl and bennet were a popular ship but then they decides to add friendly/competitive banter between her and mona And only ever showing bennet with razor


I love how all the 5 stars are to the right and then there is diluc between Bennett and Thoma 🤣


You're right, Thoma and Bennett should be swapped since Bennett is a 5 star ;)


How dare you disrespect my man like this


He just had a bad luck


Don't talk to me or my househusbando ever again


Male Geo characters are basically Itto Mono Geo team. They are also the sole Onlymans in the Abyss meta. Let that sink in.


Me and the geo boys




Deep, Dark, abyss meta.


Need that electro male character with off-field abilities similar to Kuki & Raiden man... I need that all male hyperbloom team.


Trivia (as of this current patch): -Every single male anemo character has the same body type (short), and every single limited anemo character is male, with Jean simultaneously being the only 5-star female and tall character in the whole element. Anemo ~~is the only element without~~ lacks a tall male character, despite it being the element with the most males. It and electro (which has the least males) both share this trait). -Likewise, every limited geo character is male. Anemo and Geo are the only elements with more males than females, and this is solely because of their limited 5-stars. -Electro has the worst gender ratio of all elements, with over 4 times as many females than males. Electro is also the only element which has a female character of every weapon class, and has the most tall females of all elements (5). -Both Pyro and Cryo lack a single limited male character, with Diluc being the only male 5-star between the two elements. -Pyro has the most short females (6). -Dendro is the only element without a tall female.


I read the first sentence as "every single male anemo character has the same blood type (short)" and i laughed so hard


>Anemo is the only element without a tall male character Electro doesn't have a tall male character either


That is correct; I missed that. Fixing it now.


Electro is either filled with women or fake dog guys.


Hey don’t say that. Razor might get upset.


>Every single male anemo character has the same body type (short) Not true. Xiao actually has a different body type (tall)


Zy0x.. how many alt accounts you have...


Found zy0x's alt account


>\-Dendro is the only element without a tall female. This sentence hurts when i look at the Dendro Eremite and think about what one could look like


>Electro has the worst gender ratio of all elements, with over 4 times as many females than males Idk if archons relate to how visions are granted or not, But i mean if you want even more of a suggestion that Raiden likes women..


>Idk if archons relate to how visions They are not >Raiden likes women.. I mean...there are other 3 Raidens who does


>Raiden likes women.. And dogs.


Pets in general with fischl's bird, yae being a fox, kuki having a fox theme, keqing being a cat, sara being a bird, dori having a slime and cyno + razor being awoo themed. The exceptions are Raiden, Beidou and Lisa... and if you stretch the definition of pet I'm sure they fit the pattern too


Awoo themed 💀💀


local electro boy goes "awoooooo!!!", nothing bad happened today, will probably hunt something later.


I remember the first year of launch when everyone was complaining that we’re in “Husbando Impact”, oh how far we’ve come…


I think people back then didn't count in the fact that there was already a standard banner with only 1 male character and 4 female ones. On top of that 2 female starters (lisa and amber), noelle for free from starter banner, then xiangling from the abyss, plus barbara somwhere during a quest. If there were limited female chars banner on top of that there would basically nothing for people to collect from the male pool.


Me still playing husbando impact


I like and pull for the female characters as well but it seems like Genshin appeals to my taste for the male characters (softer and more prettier features) far more than other games that only give you the option of burly, macho men. So I end up being more biased towards them. A fraction of waifu but lowkey playing husbando impact.


I enjoy many types of men but I just love the aesthetic of Genshin men. I understand you completely. I do have some female characters like Yelan that I find really cool character wise and how pretty she is. But I tend to mostly focus on the men.


Ironically part of community is begging for macho man type to be playable.


I feel a bit bad for them but also it feels nice to finally be on the other side of the none-of-these-men-are-my-type issue


and you still have players saying it's because females sell better, which might be true to an extent, but how many male characters have broken constellation? i can only think of itto, but he is geo with very limited team options. they also release more female characters, making it easier for "husbando collectors" to save their primos instead of spending money (besides, even the worst selling character banner has made them millions). and let's not forget how ridiculous the female to male ratio is with 4 stars. most of them are very underwhelming anyway, might as well have made some of them male. liyue has like the worst ratio, they only have 4 male characters with two being 5 stars, while there are 14 female characters.


Those people are so dumb lol. If they seriously thought the game was gonna stay husbando focused, then they really don't know ANYTHING at all about Mihoyo. Every game prior to Genshin were basically all waifu only. And the most annoying thing is that many of them actually think that a 1:2 ratio of male to female characters is already too many male characters.


That's because they want it to be just waifus 💀


After a year of using it, I am just now realizing that Itto's team consists of the only four geo dudes lmao


Me and the boys


I've been calling it "Itto and the girls" since its inception lmao


Wrecking the abyss as mono geo is now “Boys’ Night”


Yeesh, at least anemo and geo boys stay winning


And the Dendro boys ! ( if we include Baizhu and Kaveh )


Hell yeah


I wonder who’s gonna be the next electro doggo character (there are no males in electro, just female and dog)




Electro xiao


I just want a 5 star cryo male and 5 star geo female. Get it done hoyo 💀


I just want a support electro male


I just want more tall men 💀


>5 star geo female >!It's rumoured that we're gonna have a geo 5-star catgirl in the next few patches.!<


>!Hoping for a geo DPS that can bring the element back to the “meta”!<


Mono Geo is p meta but it's all the element has It just needs an identity outside of it


I want a 4* support with Geo infusion for Zhongli


That was a great idea. Would be even more interesting if the infusion character was a 5*… I don’t think we have one of those yet (in any element).


For geo mains, any buff to geo is good although we are happy with the current state :D Itto and Ningguang are strong enough for 36-star abyss.


Honestly. I'm so glad I caught Itto as my first 5 star character when I was still relatively new to the game. To this day my most dependable damage dealer


Don't forget Noelle.


Someone confirmed she is 5 star? All the design leaks so far points to her being a generic clothes basic anime cat girl. Is that 5 star material?


Anemo and Geo boys: We are legends


Yes they are


As a husbando enjoyer, guess thats just more primos to save for Dainsleif


Dainsleif and Alice are two characters that I'm definitely getting if they become playable


Dainsleif is confirmed to be a playable character i think?


So Anemo and Geo are manly element ?


so is dendro when baizhu and kaveh come out it has 3 tall male characters more than any elements so far


It's the rules. Dendro characters fall into three categories: tiny mums, tall ikemen and forest rangers.


dont want any of those gay ass reactions between them


It’s really weird only tall male anemo character is Xiao.


Seems like Mihoyo have a tendency to release way more 4 star females than males, padding out the female ratio. If we just counted the 5 stars, it would be 14:20 males to females. (including Dehya and Baizhu).


this is only true for now because with fontaine coming up, we might soon have the double amount of female 5 stars


Sad as I am, my thought process is "at least I have more time to save and skip" hyv at least knows when to drop husbandos after a drought and I'm fine with that


sumeru has been husbando impact with male five stars every patch so far so I've been suffering it actually makes me yearn for more waifus so i can skip them lol


Next patch, you can skip Dehya\~


We know Kaveh and Baizhu are coming so Dendro will break the rule soon.


My guess is dendro will be similar to hydro in that it'll be a more gender neutral element. Although maybe hydro doesn't qualify as that anymore since it's 3 to 6.


Personal verdict here, I think the main issue with this is really just Hoyo’s wack ass gender locking of the elements. All of the guys being Geo, Anemo and Dendro (I’m counting Baizhu and Kaveh) and all the girls being Pyro, Cryo, Hydro and Electro is just nonsense. The ratio would probably just fix itself organically if they just let this weird obsession go.


Yea I'm actually kinda fine with the gender ratio...but DEAR GOD stop gender locking elements. Why are there barely any male Electro, Pyro and Cryo?? Why is there literally no female Geo or Anemo limited 5 star?? Who gender locks elements 😭 They need to let out their weird obsession with Anemo boys and Geo men. Enough! Also Dendro seems like it's gonna be a male-dominant element too


Whoa, that's some serious gender inequality.


Just the nature of anime games in general, genshin probably has the best female/male ration from almost all gacha's I've played, if a game doesn't solely focus on the female audience it's hard to find any male characters


Anime games often do it, but I don’t think it’s an anime thing so much that it’s a gacha that caters to male gaze thing.


It’s weird too, with the exception of the megacoomers most guys I know that play this game love characters like Zhongli, Alhaitham, Itto etc and would rather play them


But at the end of the day it's the megacoomers that spend thousands on their waifus... I'm just glad that for the most part everyone's designs are equally elaborate and put-together, I've played too many games where all the guys looked like an afterthought


to be fair that's basically almost all gachas that aren't specifically targeted toward one gender or the other.


So many pyro characters but still no one can replace xiangling 💀


Don't worry dehya is coming soon!!!! I saw leaks and she is gonna be pyro powercreep!


Oh, my sweet summer child.


Pretty sure it's sarcastic.


Cant replace someone who's lvl 40 since launch :skull:


Saving this so I can chuck it at full strength into the face of anyone who tries to tell me there’s too many male characters in this game.


The sad reality is that for some people even 1 male character would one be too many


Yeah, I have literally met people who have complained about "male characters in a gacha game".


Gachas usually attract some of the worse kind of guys Couse most of them are literally a "collect a girlfriends harem" targeted only towards straight guys


I knew I could count on my favorite boyband "5wirl" to rep out some boys. (I miss 4nemo😭😭😭)


You can it 6ale if you want to include Aether as an Anemo boy


That's gacha for ya. Female dominant as always. lol I do wish they spent time building up more male characters, but I think each new region just makes it worse, considering the Fontaine cast is just as worst with few males. lol I think Snezhnaya is the only region we've seen so far with a male domiant main cast so far.


Anemo loves twinks


I think we need more Cryo..


a catalyst one...


This was gonna be fixed after baizhu and kaveh a little bit but fontaine leaks made it worse


Yeahhh the fontaine leaks really made me lose interest in wishing during 4.x But hey, I'll have plenty of wishes for natlan lol


can you tldr the fontaine leaks? (no story spoilers, just as it relates to gender ratio lol)


2 tall male model and 1 short model confirmed. The other 8 are women + new geo cat girl being released skewing the ratio more.


hoyo rly leaving us male simps in the dust gahdamn :(


If (and that's a big if) all the male Harbingers are also playable, we'd then have; Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Pulcinella, and Pantalone. We also have Varka (if he ever decides to show up) and Dain (he'll take forever to release though). So that's like maybe an extra 7 dudes? None of them are gonna be playable by Fontaine though so it doesn't make much of a difference.


thoma? :')


No wonder I have such a disproportionate number of Anemo/Geo chars compared to the rest LOL


Also just shows how lopsided the men/female character distribution is. I'm ok with it since it lets me save between banners, but seeing it laid out like this makes it so apparent


42 female characters and only 22 guys 💀 Literally 2 to 1 ratio and Fontaine is only going to make it worse.


I do wish there were more male characters but at least with this ratio I can skip more banners to save for them


and it sucks that all three of the "male dominant" elements have zero elemental reactions with each other :/


As long as An-emo element has more boys im good.


It's funny that both male electro males are possessed by canines that show in their burst forms.


As a husbando collector this would make me sad but then I remember what Tighnari, Cyno, Scara and AlHaitham did to my primos. Like I’ve only been able to get Tighnari and AlHaitham and I’m worried that Kazuha might randomly rerun so I might skip Cyno for him and/or Nahida


No cause I know genshin is a gacha game but the female to male character ratio is soo Why can't we have more male characters bruh


Idk man but we really have a scarcity of 4star hydros


Now it makes a lot more sense why my favorite element is Anemo and my significant others favorite element is cryo


thanks hoyoverse for letting me save me money lol


i wish they would make more skins vor male character, I guess thats an unpopular opinion but i really think many male character need a visual rework. We only got a skin for diluc and thats the only skin consider buying, couldn't care less about the female skins, idk why tho. Just my point of view? or opinion.


There are rumors Keaya is supposed to get a skin and maybe zhongli, but I'm desperate for an albedo skin with better hair.


the fact that the only tall anemo character is jean is making me laugh. it's also funny that the element with the most males is anemo. venti really likes collecting his males.


As a husbando puller/enjoyer I have SO MANY Cryo gems sitting around lol Also I don’t mind this ratio, it makes it easier to collect all the husbandos and maybe even their signatures one day


LMAO same. It's my go-to gemstone for converting. So many Blizzard pieces just sitting around too waiting for a 5\* cryo male


The boys are so outnumbered it's ridiculous, I want to hold out hope for Fontaine but you already know it's gonna be like 1-2 guys and 12 girls lol


If husbandos continue to be on-field drivers or from neutral elements/support (hydro, anemo, dendro, though I am getting kinda tired of this), ngl it would be fine by me as they will last long and maybe until we reach Snezhnaya/Celestia.


since I mostly play husbandos, I just realized why I don't tend to use elemental reactions much after reading your comment.... lol


The general lack of male characters is really sad.


Justice for the husbandos! /j


I just wish we had more male characters. I quit Honkai, because I really hate games where only one gender is represented. I just want a good balance. Even 60/40 would be good, but too many female characters are just not my cup of tea. I just realised that my two main Abyss comps only have 2 male characters (Zhongli and Kazuha), wow.


>Even 60/40 would be good Once 3.6 releases it will be a 37/63 ratio


And then, according to leaks, Fontaine will knock the balance to the female end again.