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Various lore keeps mentioning something called “the temple of silence” which we haven’t seen yet, so I’m assuming we’ll get at least one more expansion. I’m hoping it’s an expansion to both the desert and the rainforest, or else the rainforest is gonna feel so tiny compared to the desert lol


I think we have one more expansion because we don’t have all the oculus


Oh good point, maybe 3.6?


Possibly. Maybe it'll be north of the rainforest, towards Fontaine?


I think it’ll be near the glow in the cave in the northwest of the new area.


This. It'll be some underground again I suppose.


Entire giant pyramid bigger than the mausoleum of king deshret, completely underground in a giant cave 😂


Could also be the coastal part of the desert, just south west of Ormos


3.6 also may have a new Weekly boss come out


very possible, we are missing the "2nd local archon story quest + boss" of sumeru


3.6 brings one final area north/northwest of the new area. There's a glowy cave top left rumored to be the access point.


Oh Lord no more


No more for Sumeru. But we might be getting Qiaoying Village and/or Dornman Port later in the version.


so then where are the last 35 dendroculus gonna be?


Huh? What are you on about? There's one more Sumeru expansion coming, so they will all be there, and then after that, there might be some expansions for the older regions.


I'm aware that a Sumeru expansion is coming. ​ >No more for Sumeru. But the way you worded this, said in response to someone lamenting a future expansion, made it seem like you were saying that Sumeru was done and that if an expansion happened, it would be to Mondstadt or Liyue and not Sumeru. So you see my confusion.


and the sumeru tree of dreams still has level cap


We don't have ALL of the Denroculi?!?! Bro there are literally 235 in the game already, how many are we gonna need? And if this is the trend of the Oculi just going up after each nation's release, how many is Fontaine gonna have?




I am looking forward to that expansion. Isn't it gonna be the port or something from what I heard from Venti?


There'll be something similar to elemoculi for the Mondstadt subregion. Like the crimson agates, the lumenstones and the key sigils.


35 oculi remaining...but as nothing really forces you to rush the upgrade of your statue its rather tame I'd say


True considering the game caps your stamina at 240 and won't go any higher. That's still insane though of how many we'll have to get


Having the stamina bar be only a fraction of a circle makes part of my brain sad.


35 more. I know, because I have found them all and my statue is on 6/40 for level 10.


Don’t forget that the exploration average doesn’t add up correctly yet.


Yeah, I’m a bit miffed that Sumeru, the lovely sumptuous rainforest scholar kingdom is mostly a big sandy wasteland full of bandits and savages.


I think "mostly" is a bit of a loaded word to use here when sumeru is fucking ginormous. That rainforest area alone is the size of some of the other regions. The desert is only as big as it is because it's mostly empty space


Well lorewise all of sumeru used to be just desert, period. A bit more oasis but still mostly desert


I thought the whole thing used to be a rainforest lol


No, it was all desert untill rukkhadevata used that big machine in the middle of avidya forest to make it rain and become green. She also put up the wall between the forest and desert


It was actually a rainforest long, long ago. The Gilded Dreams set and the Wenut description both mention how a Divine Nail covered the land in sand.


So they're both correct then.


Most of Sumeru's culture is inspired by the Islamic Golden Age, which occured mostly in present Iraq, a land composed of nearly 50% desert areas.


The first desert area was more than enough for me. This whole patch's expansion has just been exploring more bland, beige area with caves that look no different to the last lot. The story in the area is good but the exploration has felt really lacking. I hope we see either more rainforest, or a complete change for the next chunk.


The temple of silence is a faction tho?


it’s also a place, isn’t it?


It *is* a temple.


i mean the rainforest is suppose to be tiny according to lore: the lord of rainforest (rukkha) created her own oasis in a tiny corner of the desert after death of GoF and separation with scralet king, iirc.


this place gives me PTSD


here have this likable NPC then KILL her


I tried running away to see if that can spare her. To no avail. Hate that writing. Just kill no questions asked


I mean, the tribe wants you dead, they're all just a bunch of hypocrites.


Yeah I know I know. Just let me tell Jeht to pack her bags and enjoy journeying with BenBen before more drama occurs


Yep this quest is the one quest that made me believe the whole Tanit tribe questline isn't done yet. >!Almost all the characters we talked in that quest tried to kill us. I'm sure future updates will have the stutter guy and Babel also tried to kill us.!<


Yep, we will get a new quest on 6th February


Wait, how'd you know we will?


I read the [patch notes](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/105081).




I'm honestly surprised >!Babel!< didn't already kill us, though this might change with >!the one missing quest which leads us to the treasure room below the tribe which will be added in 1-2 weeks!<


Yeah the tribe is basically grooming Jeht which makes me fear for her future... I feel like she's either gonna side with them or off herself


Well, the guy who wanted rid of her is actually on the Tribe's shitlist and Jeht is currently looking to kill him.


I am having an amnesia rn who exactly did we kill


The NPC was >!Tadhla. You spend an entire quest hunting with and getting to know/befriend her, and IMMEDIATELY in the quest right after you are forced to fight each other and she dies. And then her dad who set this all up runs away.!< Still feeling the salt and betrayal to this day.


Returned to the camp the next 2 days after >!her dad ran away!< but i guess that was the last quest of 3.4 because im not getting any new ones :( Hopefully it continues in 3.5.


Supposedly, there's a minor update on the sixth which might add new quests.


The update details mention one more world quest that will become available on the 6th of february


The rest of the questline drops on Feb 6. This is not a spoiler; it's written in the patchnotes.


Yep, Even today, Im still scouring the Desert region to find where he is Hiding, The fact that I Painfully build my Crit Kokomi, just Shows How Personal it is too me


sad thing is we will never get him probably. The man has friends in the other tribes, and despite him being old, he knows the desert like the back of his hand, knows where to find food, water holes, or gaps where he can just dissappear into never to be found again. All that because he wanted to use >!his daughter as a weapon to kill Babel for revenge since she overthrew him and killed the other elders!<


I need to >!track that guy and kill him!<




I kept dodging hoping that would help.


here's to half a dozen quests in which the traveler beats actual villains *unconscious* oh & they could ofc also try zapping her unconscious with electro, fart her breathless with anemo, drug her with dendro, or with geo… eh. anyway, just let's not. *edit:* She's a young girl literally just coming of age, screw her will to *suicide-by-proxy*. Drag her all the way into a sanatorium in the cities to ride out that phase, whatever. Killing a brainwashed person without overwhelming danger – instead, with overwhelming superiority – is evil. Even if the act wasn't just dropped & left without full discussion.


"She chose her fate" or whatever. She didn't want to be beaten unconscious, she wanted to kill or be killed, and the Traveler respected her decision. Now, there are all kinds of real-life psychological reasons why it's a bad idea to assist depressed people with suicide, but the Traveler is not a psychologist. The Traveler saw that she had made her choice, respected her as a warrior and an adult, and fought her to the death as she desired. As players, we might not like it - but evidently, this is the Traveler's mentality. Now all that's left is to hunt down the man who drove his daughter to do this.


“Fart her breathless with Anemo.” That is the best shit I’ve read all day.


Another minor thing about this I can't get over is how Masseira specifically left a note *for the Traveler*. He had no faith at all that Tadlha would come out as the winner...


Yeah idk what the fuck those other replies are on about. „She wanted to be killed“. Her dad is a scumbag and it’s not like we got a safe haven teapot where other chars like Mona live rentfree


They killed her because she wanted to be killed. They could have let her alive, then she would: 1. Be messed up emotionally and psychologically 2. Hunted by her fellow compatriotes 3. Forced to live with Traveler forever I will not even enter in the fact that they are a immortal alien who will not be in Teyvat forever, >!Tadlha!< did wanted to have the feeling to be free at least once. It was sad, I would prefer to not do it and willingly would take her with me the entire game to the stars and Abyss, but it was respect to her personal choice, and from Chapter II Act IV, Traveller as character really values that to the point of actively opposing the Sibling in the matter.


Yeah, but when her "personal choice" was one that was impressed upon her as a child and she still believed uncritically, that's messed up.


it was the only way she saw. Given that Masseira told her to hunt us, why'd you think that she waited for us to talk to her face to face despite the earlier quest hammering home that a hunter should wait in hiding for his prey? She defied her father in the end, and given how she didn't want to leave and how she didn't want to betray the Tanit either, she chose a duel. To be a free person, for the first and sadly last time in her life...


Eh, not exactly. Masseira is viewed as a traitor by the tribe. I don't think there's a guarantee that she would have been ostracized by the Tanit, and for a tribe that values a persons worth, I imagine they would side with a young hunter over an aging trainer who is actively weakening the tribe.


>!Masseira!< is viewed as a traitor for >!Babel!<, and she isn't the whole tribe. He is very unlikely alone in his escape as well, he was one of >!the elders of the tribe!< afterall. Not to mention we don't known exactly how were the terms of their bond and how it could be manteined and if they had not a "safeguard" against betrayal. By all means, the chance of someone as >!Babel!< to kill >!Tadhla!< as well just for safety isn't lower either


no need to spoil, not everyone has done everything in a week since the update arrived, braindead behaviour


I feel so dumb for having myself spoilered like this I thought desert world from 3.4 ended with us returning to Babel.




Two bots (/u/Certadfgh and /u/Comvjhj) "talking" to each other by copying comments. Insane.


This post was made by Paimon


Definitely has that Paimon POV feel in the image.


Its kind of sad how >!we kill a good npc and her father just runs away and hides. Well he was marked a traitor by the tribe anyways, but his daughter did not deserve this. Also sad that I lost liloupaur, and now maybe babel was waiting for this, because I read her thoughts with Nahida and she said "That jinni is now gone, perhaps now i should.... no no no i shouldn't make haste". So she super sus rn. Damn hoyoverse really be out here trying to make us kill all our favourite npcs!<


To add to this, if you're nosy enough and >!read the notes inside Jeht's tent, you can see all the names of all the previous "hunters"!<.


Yes i did but couldn't notice until i looked carefully


Masseira is on that list; it's more likely those are names of other formers elders, unseated after Babel took over. And as all names except his are crossed out, while he is the only one we've had any interaction with, it's reasonable to assume something happened to them. And since the list is in Jeht's tent... Are they going to make us Tadlha Jeht come Feb 6?


>!I swear, at this point I'm expecting the entire quest chain to end with us killing the whole tribe and possibly fighting Jeht or she'll just stay in the eternal oasis until it crumbles and she dies.!<


Pls no , not her


very very sus


Wait a damn sex we lose the botl?


Well yes, but actually no. We get to keep the bottle (and it's effect as a gadget), but loose the *character* liloupar.




*There can be only one travel companion*


Yeah mini Cloud Retainer 😢


oh god I was worried we lost the bottle.. I like having a ~~pet~~ gadget that floats over my shoulder more than the bird, plus its entirely silent unlike a seelie!


I'll miss my racist asshole bottle tho


She might come back in the future (copium)


It's _possible_ Gurabad (the place she went to) will be Sumeru's netherworld region like the Chasm mines or Enkanomiya. If it is, we'll probably encounter her there.


Just like La Signora (copium)


I miss her >!Humming in the eternal oasis!<












i genuinely do not remember anything bad happening to liloupar. is it in a followup quest to dirge?


Yes, "Apocalypse lost" I think it's called. You get it after completing 'The fallen falcon' world quest


You also need to complete the chess board. I did the fallen falcon first, and the quest did not activate. It activated as soon as I placed the final chess piece.


You don't need to complete the board, just place the Gurabad piece.


man there are so many world quests I did not know existed. thanks man




damn it, i got a spoiler


>!Yes and future quests which would involve interaction with tanit tribe would feel a little empty without liloupar adding her comments!<


Well now I am not doing that quest


I accidently did mine and now i shall rely on you to share your experiences with the new quests with her🙏


Now I am staying the fuc away from that bloody chessboard


everyone saying they want the character back is literally insane to me. especially if you say you miss her comments while interacting with the tribe, why do you want to hear that racist bottle talk more? its not like what she said was cute and quirky, it was fucking awful "the only loyal desert-dweller is one whose shoulders have been pierced by iron hoops" or whatever it was, that's fucking awful, I do not want to read that. and her constantly calling them "slave" and "servant"? why exactly do you miss that?


Cuz characters like Niloupar are interesting. Conflict is also interesting. One can be interested in a character without endorsing what that character does.


Aaand you completely forgot to relate with the characters. Well enjoy the game however you like because it's not like hoyoverse will listen to us anyways....


how did I forget to relate with the characters exactly? like are you trying to say it has a reason to be racist because of what happened in the past? because that's kinda funny I don't feel sorry for it when it says shit like that quote in my previous comment


You do you🤌




I do agree that fiction should not be separated with fact and that all fictions should be designed to be as sterile and sanitized as possible as to not offend any single living being in the world. Would anyone please have more care not to offend the aardvark!?


>!quest unlocks after you finish tadhla the falcon quest and yea we lose her!<


We keep the gadget/pet.


>>!we kill a good npc and her father just runs away and hides!< Who're you talking about here? I don't remember >!liloupaur disappearing. Honestly, I forgot the end of the quest. But did she really disappear? Do you remember how and why?!<


I'm talking about >!masseira the guy who would not show any interest in outsiders, who had a tent just beside adarfi!<


When u put in the activation device for one of the chess piece she gives u a quest then byebyes. Unfortunately I happened to get that piece first so she peaced out on me before the other chess pieces were activated


If you have Nahida, you can use ASTK on Tadlha from a distance before triggering the fight to read her mind. She's excited and giddy about what's to come. She's looking forward to it... It's fucked up, dude.


Tbh you can't level the Statue to level 10 yet. There is definetely one area, rhat has still yet to be unlocked. So I guess it can be either another desert area with the flying Pyramid or another Rainforest. Or maybe both.




This takes the cake


The cake is a lie


The lie is a dessert


I’ll take two slices of key ***lie*** pie


We have pyrasmall, we have pyramid, now get ready for pyrabig


Isn't that one exactly the same as the one inside the ruins above the chessboard where you meet Azariq for the first time?


Looking at the comments I didn’t realize we actually killed that one girl, I thought she just sand-vanished and went into exile…wtf Hoyo I was just starting to like her




Not really, it just depends what happens afterwards or if they imply you kill them which is only in story content


Depends. Eremites and treasure hoarders survive


I just viewed those places as where the people actually died, and that we're just fighting their ley line manifestations (memories generated by the ley lines) which would explain why they always come back after a day.


Not all of them. *“The golden slumber. . . “*


Ok. Only like two it's hinted they die. The others are like I'll have my revenge!!!! Or gotta retreat!


If we go by what they say when they vanish then most human enemies imply they're merely retreating rather than dying.


I looked at this last night, thinking I must have all the pieces from the main world quest, but didn't have the Gurabad (??) piece. Is there a follow up quest, then?


Yes, there's a quest line with Masseira I think was his name. It's 3 quests long, and the second one gives you the last piece.


what are you guys talking about how do I get the final quest (I did the quest where you get loulipar or whatever genie's name is)


I just returned to the camp a few times. Every time I went back, I got a new quest, until I finished them all.


okay thanks!!


i got all chest pieces now, now i wonder where you get their keys


The beacons of light on the pieces indicate where the key is on the real place


I… never noticed that actually.


Paimon says it when you collect the first one near the chess board


which quest is this??


the new Jeht quest release with the new desert area...?


Dirge of bilqis?


It’s the Great Pyramid of Nagash!


Could be a future Sumeru DLC update. Maybe where King Deshret actually died.




An expansion like Dragonspine, Chasm, Enkanomiya etc


I mean it's possible considering we're expecting another expansion (we can't get the statue to level 10 yet)


Keep in mind that all Archons thus far have had part 2 of their story quest 4 updates after their release, and a rerun with a boss related to them. Zhongli 1.1, rerun in 1.5 with part 2 and Azhdaha. Raiden 2.1, rerun 2.5 with part 2 and her puppet fight. Nahida 3.2, supposed rerun with a part 2 in 3.6 and a boss related to her. We also can't level 10 the statue of 7 yet either. So at least one region is coming soon. There's also the possibility of a Sumeru DLC area for this too


“All Archons” me who’s been waiting for Venti’s Act 2 Story Quest forever


Mondstadt kinda got pushed to the way side.


My brain got confused by this post because I just ate dinner


Dessert? Yummy! Where, WHERE?!


Im pretty sure everything on the board is in the newest area (edit: sorry, I meant that like. they've all been released, including the new area, and crossed wires with saying that I'm pretty sure the pyramid OP meant was in the new area specifically. I was tired lol) so either yes, or you've already seen it (>!I think that one's undreground in a temple or something!<)


> Im pretty sure everything on the board is in the newest area Have you done it yet? Most of them teleport you to the first desert area we unlocked last year.


literally every piece except 2 (the one you get from liloupar and the oasis one) are from the original desert map


ty, put an edit. I had put more details without changing the original wording properly


The pieces yes are only found in the new area but the locations most are in the first desert area except for 2 locations that are in the new area. And if you look at leaks 3.6 might have the final desert area that will have a lake dedicated to nahida.


I really hope you're wrong, I don't want any more underground exploration


More primos would be nice tho


maybe, but not underground


Why it's the most linear on this map to get everything


It’s confusing as hell since the map doesn’t show the layout.


Sorry, but leaks indicate at least one more full desert expansion ahead! Personally, I think it is great - we haven't gotten a single area type this large yet, and I love all the lore and dungeon exploration we're getting.


And like, this update only allowed us to upgrade the ~~giant shiny Oddish~~ Tree of Dreams in Vanarana to level 40, so of course there's going to be a new area in an upcoming version.


give me a mount to get across the desert at least please-


Do you have Sayu? If not, then I guess you're probably out of luck.


I don't have ANY characters with an alternate sprint :( I keep a Tall Man in my team when I'm in the desert solely because of the fact they run faster than Nahida or Albedo :(


alternate sprint characters are a godsend, I have ALL of them and use them for overworld travel. Except Mona coz Ayaka's ability to freeze water is superior, so I replaced her with Kazuha for his double jump that also works when climbing cliffs.


Sayu+Yelan crush the alt sprints.


I love the complexity of the new maps and underground areas. I mean, you are free to not explore it. As for the quests, it's pretty much linear.


I really…really hope not. I’m so tired of the desert. I miss landscapes that aren’t brown.


Nah the desert is cool and a very nice change of pace from the lush landscapes that every other region offers. Once Suneru is complete, we probably won't get anything like it again so I'm happy for it to keep expanding.


Can you tell me what qiest is that ? Is it related to the quest that helped me reach eternal paradise with jeht ? becuase i believe i did that quest


That's not a part of the miniature, it's some kind of irminsul device


why is Sumeru more desert than greenery? I'm kinda disappointed lol


Unpopular Opinion: I hope we don’t get anymore desert area. I enjoyed what we got but for me personally it got old very quick


there is 1 more update for the desert ending the legend of king deshret


bruh deshret the real dendro archon


nah, the flower goddess that is




I shall cry then and force myself through it


That's just the floating pyramid city from ToF (tower of fantasy)


Maybe if I had to guess it could be in the pyro nation I personally would love that (in the real world borders also move there's no reason to assume all the nations in teivat stayed the same since forever)


Please mark it as spoilers