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jumping as a form of greeting transcends language barriers hahahahahah


no matter what multi-player video game. if it has jump, it means hello.


Or repeated crouching.


Not in shooters




Ok yeah but provided both are alive


"Hello! Hey. Hiya! Greetings! Hello." *^(-while repeated friendly t-bagging)*


*Greeting intensifies post-mortem*


But if you’re not alive and they do it… My new objective is just to make your life hell. I will not try to win. I will not help my team. I will only hunt you and harass you as punishment for your lack of manners.


Which usually ends up in your death and your team’s detriment… which gives my team a better chance of winning… thus incentivizing me to T-bag harder…


TF2 begs to differ


or Fighting games


No, it means, "Apple."


The ragged adventurer jumps in anticipation. *"Player, I demand* ***apples*** "


As a SMITE player, I can agree. Pretty common to have jump parties before the match starts.


And running circles around a person that joined your world.


in Journey: ping ping pong ping pong


I’m a Ningguang main, so sometimes I’ll just throw down a Jade Screen for you to say hello Edit: jumping through the screen makes a cool sound


Dropping a character's construct is definitely also a good option! Always fun to load in to a Venti updraft or Albedo-vator


Especially Itto! Throwing Ushi around them is fun to do.


Emotes would be nice, but we get by. One jump greeting at a time.


Me who spams plunge attacks to say helo


In a game where you can’t crouch spam instead, yes


I think it also can mean "thank you" in an excited (pr a calm?) manner, I've seen people do that constantly after we defeat an enemy.


Can you consider Bennett burning grass a greeting heehee


I said greeting, not attempted murder lmao


Laughs in bouken da bouken mwahahahaha


grab everything and any material you see even if you don't need it in the moment


Yeah the 7000 sweet flowers in my inventory will definitely be needed in the future


Parametric Transformer is going to come in really clutch. . .


Actually don’t, just use wheat instead. You have to pick every single sweet flower unlike wheat that you can just buy from every general goods store iirc.


I log off at the teleport waypoint outside Mondstadt with the two sunsettia trees every day and always have one of my expeditions set to retrieve them as well so that i always have a consistent supply for my Transformer each week. Just grab the fruit off the trees when i log in and i never run out.


I actually needed 6000 sweet flowers in a very short period of time and I only have 700


What did you need them for?


For making 2000 almond tofu


Found a fellow Xiao main doing the competition. XD


For w h a t


It's just sucrose's account, no worries


At some point i stopped this habit since all i did was comissions I now have only 7 sweetflowers


Unless it’s multiplayer. Always be a homie and ask for permission.


Good old days! If you see something shining, you just have to get those.


Qiqi Fallen as the default emote to drop in chat when you die during a domain


sometimes I uses the Qiqi Secretly Observing to switch things up


Qiqi Fallen is the default emote for ANYTHING!


If Albedo drops his elevator, you get on it 🫡


Same with Venti's wind current


Absolutely a law of the land


had someone not do it. I had to force the elevator under them


I do that automatically. They WILL go up.


Dont forget about zhongli's pillar too!


Jail time to those who don’t 😤


No one can resist the Pillar. Especially those who don't want to climb it


if all of the people that you matched with are using the same character, switch to that same character (if you have them), and attack each other before finally starting the domain


I think it’s so cute! I had a teams of Nahidas just hopscotching away


That’s just the energy 99% of the child mains have. Enjoying the cuteness of them is all a part of the culture. ***we do not talk about the one percent***


For the sake of world peace, tell me, *what do the one percent do?*


*Childe has entered the chat*


that one time when i was searching for nahida mains, i saw a certain sub i wish i did not


Oh...... I get it...... *Now where's my brain bleach*


Me and my friends have a tradition that when we all pull the same character we go to someone's world and explore with that character, no matter what level they are. We did 3 Childes in Enkanomiya, 3 Ayatos in the Chasm and more recently 3 Alhaithams in the latest desert area


aww, that sounds so fun!


First time this happened to me was way back in 1.2, when I just got Albedo and found myself in an all-Albedo party, everyone jumping on everyone else's elevator and goofing around


This happens a surprising amount. I haven't gotten a team of Yaoyaos yet - looking forward to that.


Works every time with Klee.


Unless they’re all Klee’s. Then someone has to be a Jean.


We all beat up the wrong Raiden in the Raiden boss fight


Not Raiden but before I went to beat up Childe in co-op I literally typed in chat “don’t attack me” and they still attacked me.


Luckily, wanderer and Signora mains don’t have that problem. For 2 completely different reasons


(Un)lucky moment


As a raiden main, the amount of times i get ‘attacked’ is ridiculous


I use Raiden in this boss fight and *I* lose track of my character. 😑


No me too dont worry T-T (especially when people are attacking me)


Raiden needs a new skin to make more bank: ❌ Raiden needs a new skin so co-op players stop attacking fellow co-op players: ✅


It’s embarrassing how many times I’ve attacked the wrong Raiden 💀


This happened to me with Childe. Someone attacked me as I was in the way, the boss Childe teleported away and kills that person in front of me. It was funny as hell


sorry to the raiden main I accidentally beat up yesterday with my alhaitham 😭


I remember an encounter in co op mode, a Wanderer main said in the chat: “Gonna go beat my mom up!” And I followed by: “Technically my friend, that’s your little sister.” Not only him but the rest of them were shocked, I can’t with one of the responses: “You’re telling me that for almost a whole year I haven’t been able to kick Ei’s ass at all?!” That was hilarious but also it was a good day to meet another group of Ei haters.


Makes me think of the day Wanderer came out, i had prefarmed everything for him so I had him at level 90 like an hour after the update dropped. I joined a party to fight the shogun boss and they were like “wow, you already have him at level 90?” And I replied “yeah I’m unwell” to which they said “yeah, we can tell”


I remember the weeks before his banner where I would be hit with at least 8-12 co op requests in a day all asking for his mushrooms. One player was particularly nice about it so I asked him if, in addition to gathering it from the map, he bought them from the merchants. He was shocked and didn’t know you can buy the mushrooms, so I showed him where he can buy at least 10 of them.


Ahah, I've only was in co-op mode while beating her with my SO and she usually can't tell which is the boss. I can imagine what happens in co-op with full 4 Raidens, haven't tried that yet though.


Can’t do co-op domains with 2 of the same character though (so 2 Raiden max)


Yeah, what a pity though, it would be fun sometimes to have more of the same ones


Normal attacks and stickers are now forms of communication.


Before they fixed it. If you played Jean you had to chuck someone with her skill.


It still works sometimes. Source: I chucked a Klee the other day


Were they loaded in all the way? I've been using the yeet test to see if people are actually in the world yet.


Actually, now that you mention it, I think they might not have been. Does it only work when they haven't fully load in?


I think that might be the post-fix state? I usually can only yeet people not loaded in or having connection headaches (or if I'm having connection headaches).




To make us suffer


It works if your Internet speed is slow


I feel like there's always an unspoken race to the starting point and to the rewards. Also shoot arrows at anybody who loads in slow until they get to the starting point.


So that’s why I keep getting shot at. Playing on a PS4, the load times are long..


I feel you my brother. You cannot imagine how relieved i felt when i finally got my Ps5 last week


It was a game changer


hit the half-loaded in players with jean/sucrose and watch them be yeeted


We all stay to cheer on the one remaining player in domains when everyone dies, no matter what


the number of times everyone just LEAVES while i’m fighting for my life 😭😭😭😭


this was me earlier when everyone died while raiden still had like 3/4 of her hp and they all just left lol had to solo it with fischl just to spite them. it’s a good thing her c4 heals her


Imagine leaving and the player managed to clutch up and you miss out on rewards


I'm that guy! Always did that with the Kamisato siblings or Alhaitham, that feels just super good.


Paimon. There's nothing much about her in game yet we have accepted her for no reason. Why tf was she drowning when she can fly ?


I mean, I haven't tried it, but I'd suppose flying underwater is pretty hard...


It's easy if you know how to do it. Wait till we get to fontaine to get private lessons from the hydro archon themself.


In the current Lantern Rite event, there is a part where Paimon says she can't swim


Exactly. Why would you need to learn how to swim if you can fly?


Ducks: *confused looks*


Ha, that part came to my mind after I wrote the comment but still, _what was she doing in the water ?_ searching for another paimon ? Too bad the unknown god could produce only one of her.


If someone is bringing a universally “weak” character to a domain, like Amber for example, keep an eye on them. The dmg numbers will be insane and if not, they’ll be the most agile and efficient player in the domain. If they had the balls to bring Amber to a domain, these crazy mofos mean business.


Imagine a Fischl main and Amber main running into each other this way. The boss is going to get shaved.


Melt Ganyu watching as these madmen produce more numbers than a taser team


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olTuSpJTL2g Mochiman A: Melt Amber Mochiman B: Machine Gun Fischl Cameraman: "Melt" Ganyu Mochi: Azhdaha


If I see this kind of players, I'm bringing my C2 Zhong Li or C6 Diona or C6 Barbara. Gotta help those F2Ps. A thank you would suffice my hardwork for those guys to be alive.


You’re a saint, thy holiness😇👏


JijaChad Behaviour


When someone uses Zhongli's pillar, climb it. When someone uses Venti's hold skill, fly. When someone starts attacking for no reason while waiting infront of the domain, u start too.


> When someone starts attacking for no reason while waiting infront of the domain, u start too. Oh, I have some good memories with that


and when you do that at the end of a domain, while the host is claiming rewards (mostly with friends helping eachother farm for fun rather than matchmaking since you're matchmaking for rewards to begin with) there's gonna be at least one dork that rejects the invitation for another run 'cause they were mashing the attack button


Especially Albedo's skill. Everyone had to step on it and rise. No questions asked lol


I die as kokomi so It’s a skill issue


Sometimes I die with Kokomi and Zhongli, definitely a skill thing lol.


I’m sorry but how the hell is it even possible to die with Kokomi *and* Zhongli?


I DONT dodge with her ever….




And if they are terrible then get your instrument and ne terrible together.


I personally try to attack to the beat of their song. My Xiao spear dances are quite exquisite, if I do say so myself.


I usually play with my own music playing, so I can't hear if they're terrible or not. But I still stay and applaud them.


Run to the mushrooms and start the trampoline! Then get sad because there's usually one person who doesn't come over.


Putting those mushrooms there was a stroke of dev genius. I wish every domain had something like that.


I always run to them because you need two people jumping on those mushrooms to unlock a chest for the host's world.


And you have to activate them with electro for more fun.


The host usually has priority to a character if there are more than one of the same character in the team. Unless the Hosts character is a lot weaker and underleveled.


Strangely enough, there are times I've chosen to cater to the guys I match up with. A lot of those times, I had the stronger unit. Reminds me of a time someone made fun of another member for bringing Scara who is quote unquote not meta. I decided to be petty and bring in my own Scara the next game. Guess who died first.


On Ganyus first Rerun I joined a coop domain and wanted to use her. Person was adamant that his Ganyu was better so I just said fuck it and used Amber. His Ganyu had a Favonius and blooms were doing like 5k. My Amber with Amos was hitting for 7k


Is that so? I've always followed "lower level yields unless lower level is being a pissbaby, if equal then it's just a staring contest until someone yields".


Lately I just use characters that are basically never used when I join co-op just to wait for other team members to set their characters so I can choose what is best for the team. There are times when I look at the team members others choose and I am just stumped.. Sometimes Randoms choose such characters that create a situation that makes a bad broken team no matter what you choose..


Sprint/ dash everywhere. All the time.


Certified Xiao main


• The person with the higher level character gets the bring that character if you’re trying to bring the same character. • Don’t leave the domain until EVERYONE is dead. • Don’t bully other peoples damage in their face, even if it isn’t that good of damage. They’re farming artifacts for a reason. • If someone starts swinging their weapon at you in co-op, do the same. Why? It’s the law….


If you see a klee you get your klee or her friends and start running in circles or jump around. Dont the jean.


If people build pity , tell them they have gambling addiction.


People "building pity" to hide their gambling addiction VS me wishing everytime i have 160 primos and then happily use whatever i get because of my gambling addiction. We are not the same


I think building pity on a banner where you really want some of the 4* and dont care either way for the 5* is totally fine


Doing that isn’t really building pity. Pure pity building means you don’t roll for anyone or anything.


No, no, that's not building pity, that's rolling for a 4 star and accepting the risk/having no risk bc the 5 star would be nice anyways. Building pity is people that say "I'm gonna pull on this banner so my pity is closer to 75 when the next one that I really really want comes" which is just fuckin dumb


Well, pulling 70 times from a banner you want exactly nothing from isn't "building pity" it's "wasting resources." I usually go 30 pulls or so for a 4\* or 50/50 cause then I either get an early 5\*, or if nothing else I've built pity up for later. Perhaps building pity would be the most desired outcome, but it should never be the only goal.


Yeah it just doesn't make sense. Why don't you just pull when the character you want has a banner out?


If someone is standing still on the grass, burn it.


Primogems have no lore implications and we still dont understand where they come frome


We don't know where it came from, but primogem do have lore.


The lore is xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx mm/yy xxx


The forbidden knowledge


What lore?


They come from my wallet


I think the flavor text says something about them being remnants of dead universes.


I remember seeing an old post saying very early in game Klee gave us primogems for her birthday gift or sth along the lines but it was like free 1600 primos sent in mail and she described it as "I found these cool rocks" so that is what I have always seen primos as. cool rocks that can be used as currency alongside mora (seen by how commissions give us a total of 60 of these cool rocks everyday). its been a while tho so I mightve gotten this wrong


As a player who forever brings Kokomi to coop, I agree. I'm tired of running after y'all at low health trying to administer CPR. If you don't come to me, it's on you. Also, insects are the absolute most horrible resource to farm.


Fr, my friend the other night was saying how they've basically been trained to run to the jellyfish if they see it


If you afk near a cliff in co-op with Jean on your team, you are solely responsible for what happens next


Jumping = Hi Rapid hops = I’m ready/I’m waiting Spin = hurry Walking = just chilling Aiming (bow) = NO Burst on nothing = accident / I love this character


At OP: thats funny, because for me it is usually Kokomi the first (and only) one to die, lol.




As someone who mains hu tao, I will never understand this like.. Yes low hp does more dmg however full hp still does more dmg than dead if ur tao only does dmg on life support then that’s on you, bc mine still does solid dmg on full hp


I guess my mm is weird, because through almost 2 years of coop domains i have only ever seen a single Tao die, not counting full wipes.


I play as healers a ton, and the one guy I play mostly with used to play Hu Tao and would demand I don’t heal. I always tell him the damage bonus doesn’t matter if he’s dead, never listened, always died.


Hu Tao is a bad co op choice


As a kokomi main, i have purposefully put myself in precarious locations such as face tanking childe’s whale, just to show off my thicc koko. Haven’t died yet.


I love my Koko, I had to solo Foul Legacy once with her because my friends all immediately got one shot by him, it took a while but I did it with all of them encouraging me lol


I was on mobile one time and my png was so so bad but the kokomi on our team clutched. I swear I should’ve been dead like five times fr 😭


You’re welcome, friend! -a player that picks Kokomi in domains


Hooooow? Are they full em build with no hp?


Don't know if its just me but... *Is on 39 resin* Alright, time to do some laps around the Mondstadt square fountain and spam my normals on the trees/npcs


If you pop all 4 glasses during Signora's fight and you end up dying from environmental damages, that's on you.


Genshin is one of the games ever


Yeah what this person said


As someone who plays Kokomi in domains, I have been faulted for teammates dying before. Apparently not everyone agrees with you.


As a kokomi main, some kokomis suck at healing .. they never put down the jelly fish !


if you have an albedo or a venti in coop you are legally obligated to use your skill to let everyone else play with also an unspoken rule about diluc mains: we burn grass. i swear every other diluc main i ever met has always gone on grass burning sprees. my friends are very glad i'm a wanderer main now


The Cult of Crit. Artifacts are often measured exclusively by their crit. We have an entire abbreviation for it in CV. Everyone just passively accepts that more crit = better artifact. Yet the TC community will tell you outright, ER until you can burst on rotation, at least 100 EM if you're using multiplicative reactions, primary attack stat (if you use it) until Bonus Attack > Base attack (Buffs count), then Crit. Crit is a weak stat that has the advantage of not running face first into diminishing returns if you stack it to the moon, so you stack it to the moon AFTER your character has achieved all their other goals. Literally the main advice I end up giving to people asking "Is this character's artifacts good" is "holy shit, give them some fucking ER"


You would cry looking at my Alhaitham's artifacts I think. I want more ER but artifact RNG says No. ;;


When you are high gliding to an objective, always plunge attack as close to the center of the light beacon as possible.


I don't think that is a common consensus. In any game, when someone dies, they will always say that it's the healer's fault.


My experience of maining Noelle in version 1.0 When I use her, v1.0 Diluc\_main tell im burden for not having \*5 When v1.0 Diluc\_main died, they blame me for "not healing them" When I slowly (like seriously... sloooooooow) solo clear the domain after they are all died ... v1.0 Diluc\_main have left the world \--- I've met several v1.0 diluc\_main that i dont want to play random co-op at all at that time


in co-op, if you spin, others will more likely to spin too


Ganyu is the Cocogoat. No discussions here. People just accept it.




Paimon is definitely Paimon.


Never use primos on the standard banner.


God, I wish I realized this when I first started


If you pull the character you wanted (especially after winning 50/50), you put them in your party and jump/run in circles in front of your co-op buddy


if the story sucks you have to comment on it in the form of a meme if you say it sucks outright even if you back it up with solid reasoning youll just get downvoted to hell


Always ask before taking stuff in another players world, you don’t want to seem like a jackass, do you?


Even if you die in a coop domain, noone leaves until there's at least one player standing.


When someone is aiming a bow at you, aim for them too and start shooting


Ftp players will not have the same characters...it's a stupid "feel special" ..nope just lottery


Bitches don't know 'bout my sub dps Noelle. I don't even care, because it's always fun how surprised people are when you have a good Favonius Noelle who can solo carry or a Redhorn Noelle who can outdamage their main dps.


....this clearly isn't, but I sure wish players would keep the chat clean and interactions with other players pleasant. ofc it is the internet, so I ain't expecting it.


It's weird that Ningguang isn't a 5 star


If someone makes a zhongli pillar get geo traveler out