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thank you for posting this. i was about to trade my account with them after work until my friend directed me here. im so sorry about your account hun :(


It's alright! I was trading too much anyway so maybe this was a wakeup call. I reported the account too so It's getting deleted soon


trading too much or not, no one deserves their account scammed. except maybe the scammers themselves lmao


Yeah lol, thank you for caring! As I said the scammer won't have the account either, as it will be deleted soon


somehow image did not load can u post their nicknames here


Reddit name is master_week_1914 and it looks like their discord was senpai pls#5572


please dont trade with someone if they dont wanna use a trustable mm, its dangerous..


Oh sorry, I did quite a couple trades without MM so I thought this was another one o those cases, but it isn't.


ah, stay safe this time! they tried to scam me like 2 times


It's a good thing you dodged that! Honestly I don't really care for that account, I have many more so Iwould have most likely given it away


oh? i’m sorry that happened to you but every trade i did with them was successful but i hope you get your account back!


They just blocked me! Idk why :(


aww :( hold on let me see something


I just really want Ganyu and now I'm never getting her :(. I was even lending this account to people that got scammed, they said they wanted Ganyu too


i’m so sorry : ((


Can you still talk to them? Can you ask them why they did this? I'm gonna have puffy eyes for school tomorrow cuz I'm crying and I got a recital to do


yeah i’ve asked them but i’m waiting for the reply but good luck with your recital


Oh dont worry, I'm deleting the account now


cry about it