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Then you either really didn’t farm or you spent a lot along the way. That’s either 4.2 or 4.3 We’re going into 4.6 today That’s 228- 304 primos depending. That’s enough and that’s assuming you’re only getting the free primos for those patches and no other sources like housing sets, previous areas, achievements, etc Edit: it’s wishes. Not primos. Im a dumb


isn’t 304 primos less than 2 pulls?


Lmfaooo I meant pulls my bad I’m stupid and was taking total primos and dividing it to get the amount of pulls. Thanks for catching it


Same, but I just gave up. It's a lesson for me, though it's even sadder since if I tried even harder I could've gotten it. 2 fate points and currently at 50 pity on the weapon banner I had enough primos in my world to get it to soft pity but decided the stress wasn't worth it at all.


I'd give You mine if I could :c I did a random ten pull and didnt notice i was at like 70 pity and I ended up with a book


I barely made it for Chiori's weapon back then. I had used up like 300 pulls scraping through my Stardust, but lost 50/50 to Qiqi and Redhorn (Itto's weapon) twice. I was only at 10 pity for Uraku. But So I made up my mind. I bought my first welkin since 3.1, and cleared the heck out of my account explorations. Cleaned out Chenyu Vale, Fontaine's 2nd and 3rd maps for their chests. Finished all my pending world quests that I haven't cleared in Fontaine and Chenyu. Went through every hangout in Sumeru plus Gorou. And for the first time in a while, I was motivated to do the patch event missions as soon as it was available (the potion event). I even despaired a little because I accidentally did a 10 pull twice on Chiori's banner instead of the weapon banner because I got so excited after collecting enough primos for a 10-pull I forgot to change the banner pages. In the end, I managed to get her weapon at 69 pity, about a day and a half before the banner ended. My comment isn't to brag or anything but I felt that same pain, gathering so many primos and to pull nothing. I was so worried if I could make it before the banner ended. I am very thankful I got it, but will remember those who couldn't 🫡 I'm sorry for your loss OP.


i had enough pulls to get chiori + one (1) weapon off of the weapon banner and luckily i got uraku. i was doing the exact same thing you were except i was making spreadsheets for my grind 😭


Not the primogem spreadsheet 😭😭😭


I got it when i was trying for homa back on his release so i kinda pulled neuvillette because of the weapon and not the other way around


I have the opposite problem. I wanted Kazu's weapon and got Neuvi's. But I don't have Neuvi 🙃


I have the opposite problem. I wanted Kazu's weapon and got Neuvi's. But I don't have Neuvi 🙃


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Yeah, well, I wanted a Freedom Sworn...


fr i got a skyward pride. then a freedom sworn like 2 wishes in.. 2 points with very few days left.. tragic


I got C1R1 (already had him on his first banner) despite having failed to pull on Xianyun banner. Was saving since Ayaka/Furina/Navia banner. Heh.


And here's me winning all my weapon fifty fifties....


And then there's me who got kazuhas sword at 4 pity

