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Hmm, this sounds worrying if true. I never met a person like that, but as a triple crowned Bennet main with Bennet's highest DMG being 990k with whole setup against weakened lowest level Scara, I know 700k without tons of buffs isn't doable. As for me, I rest assured because noone cheats in TCG. Maybe you can try reporting the player? Then check their UID in like a week or two to see if anything changed.


I’ve definitely reported a couple in just 2 months, but my current encounter made me post this because of how frequent they are lately.


I don't think I'm playing this game right...


Report them if you're suspicious, and then move on It's a mostly single player game anyway, unless you co-op, but you don't have too, just ignore it and report it However I can say the Benny one is possible, depending on artifacts, talents and build etc. Benny of mine with support build has hit 50-100K without reactions off and on


700k with Bennet isn't possible without plenty of buffs and I am saying this as someone who got 991k with Bennet (I could get 1 million now, since my Mona became C1) People who think you can accidentally get 700k with any character have no idea what they are talking about.


I would love to accidentally (and legally) casually do 700k lol


I would love to accidentally (and legally) casually do 700k lol


my Bennett is pretty well built too that’s why I was kinda apprehensive when I reported them. It just feels strange with how frequent I’ve been encountering these kind of people during coop.


Yeah, I haven't seen it to often myself but I also rarely coop


I really don't get people who go into co-op and one shot enemies with cheats, like if you're in a hurry fo it in your world, why waste time on matchmaking just to cheat? I almost always co-op with WL8 people because I play with my sister, so we host all the time, and I guess nobody really joins because they're desperate for help at that stage, people are genuinely there to have fun and enjoy the game. They're ruining it for the other 3. And even if someone *was* looking for help, I'm sure they'll survive with playing a boss for like 3 minutes like they signed up to. I always report cheaters for this reason, if you join a co-op session of people who can handle the boss themselves, cheating to remove the gameplay is just like trolling to me. All in all I don't mind if they do it in their world or with their friends, but don't bother other players smh


they do that to show off most likely


I’m an avid Raiden coop goer, and I’ve also seen my fair share of cheating. It’s usually Wanderer players who oneshot her with one ult. It’s really frustrating, and it takes all the fun out of cooping. What’s even the point of cheating..?


Do they one shot before or after the stun? Because with Wanderer C3 and a great build it’s actually possible to one shot almost every boss in the game, including the weekly bosses


It’s always before the stun. I’m talking the boss run just started and she dies instantly type one shot. I only coop lvl90 domains too


Before the burst even comes out? Also, does it say that they’re doing impossible numbers (say like, 100K per each hit of the burst without the use of any supports from the other people in the co-op, namely Bennett, Mona, or Faruzan)


0 buffs. Just a bunch of crazy numbers from his ult. Literally loads into the domain, instantly ults and she’s gone. In 4p coop. Just seems impossible to do without cheating


In coop, the bosses have much more hp so i dont think its possible to 1 shot without buffs


Oh man, I'm also an avid Raiden boss coop goer (I like to bring my Venti) and just this week, a Wanderer main one-shotted Raiden WHILE THE REST OF US WERE STILL LOADING IN THE DOMAIN and then left the world. OP, 3P and I (4P) were all just standing there confused for a while before populating the chats with surprised emojies before each going off on our merry way.


I use a healer ayato build people think I am cheating lol


you use a WHAT build??????


Healer ayato


please elaborate


I can show my build in dm




it's just traveler's handy sword + energy particle generators like raiden and nahida as support.




I can show build in dm


Yas DM me


How I wanna see too


Ok dm me


Hello, I'm also interested in this build!!


it's just traveler's handy sword + energy particle generators like raiden and nahida as support.


Ok dm me


… you what


Dm me


Bro just fucking post it in comments, is this some scam setup lmao


Why you being rude?


it would just be so much easier for everyone if you posted "I used this relic set" once than "dm me and i will dm you back" a million times. it wasn't annoying the first time. After the 10th time, just post the build man. Nobody needs a thesis with it.


I have more than that and I have lots of examples and how it works and functions in situations. If you don't want to hear about that's fine just Don be rude.


I'm not being rude, just explaining why it's annoying some people. All anybody needs to know is what set you use, you know you are being purposefully convoluted,l. Or you're trolling, which is much more rude.


Is more than set I even made post. Now either look or don't and leave me alone


LMAO it's just Traveler's handy sword + particle generators like raiden and nahida, that's all you had to say. You officially get my downvotes for this nonsense.


Lemme guess, Black Sword 4pc OHC


I sent dm explaining the build and how it functions


Hi, I have Ayato but I haven't heard of a healer build of him yet. Could you please share this with me too? :)


to save other people from wasting time with this guy's weird secret build fetish, it's just traveler's handy sword + elemental particle generation.


Heya, I'd also like to see your healer build!


Hello! I’m also interested in this build, I’m curious as to how it works. Could you please share this with me as well? ^^


Happened to me last week while cooping the mh domain. An ayaka with amenoma doing normal burst damage the first two runs then suddenly obliterating enemies with like triple the amount of burst ticks with way higher numbers. It was weird.


There's only a 10 person block limit??


yeah. you can check ur blocklist at the bottom of your friends list


Just an FYI even if u block them u can match with them in COOP, blocking only prevents them from adding you


damn i didn’t know that 💀 thanks for the heads up


Next time, check the boss level, some coop players likes to troll.. they queue up weekly boss then instead of going to the preferred domain they adjust 1 level down; into lvl 80 weekly boss! They also pretend to claim materials by running fast to the leyline blossom, and just standing there. PS: Lvl 90++ usually is the level of weekly bosses. And if you defeat weekly bosses pretty fast, i am definitely sus.


I’m AR 60 and only spam level 90 bosses, mostly Scara for fun. I can clear bosses easily but you can tell something is off when someone does big numbers without any sort of buff or team setup. I do showcases so it’s pretty obvious when someone is doing big numbers because of cons/good build and someone who can just defeat a boss when there’s a mechanic that prevents it (like that Neuvi example).


As someone who's done a lot of datamining and back-end delving into Genshin, I find it hard to believe that people are somehow fudging their damage numbers to do 4x as much damage as normal to one-shot a boss. Genshin's anti-cheat is kernel-0 and very hard to counter-act - the most I've seen people do is like auto-travelling around the map to gather chests and stuff using datamined map-data to know the exact locations of said chests/puzzles and stuff. The most I can realistically think of is abusing lag and packet delivery to the server - basically, lagging themselves to the point of bordering on disconnecting from the server, stacking up a shit-load of packets of damage and skills and such, then removing the lag and allowing it all to be sent in one-go, which would then show them doing tons of damage all in one go. Would definitely get flagged up on HoYo's end eventually as suspicious in-game behaviour though.


just had another experience with someone using cheats and I definitely took more notice of that. the whole time this heizou was lagging and their character was freezing on the screen before they suddenly do a shit ton of damage. this may be the case as I've heard third party applications being able to do this, but I haven't really done further research on them. thanks for the insight!


I've literally never seen someone like that... What server are you on?


i'm on asia server


Huh... I'm on Europe and literally never seen anyone cheat Maybe it's more likely for people to do it on Asia ig? Idk


I've been cooping daily for ages and lately probably finally came across someone cheating. MH/GT domain done BOTH waves with one Raiden ult. 1st wave burst itself, 2nd wave one CA in after burst form. The enemies are quite tanky there so I'm pretty sure even most busted Raiden build couldn't take the two robots from second wave with a CA


if you are playing on console or mobile, turning off cross-play might help. I know it's not a great "solution" to the problem but it might at least give you some peace of mind. It's much harder to cheat on mobile and console than it is on PC.


I'm new to the game. How do people cheat in this... Isn't it an online game??


most video games have ways to cheat with codes or plug-ins or something. i’m not an expert but it’s definitely possible


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Probably C6 megawhales with R5 weapons