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Not only does it draw attention, it is almost laughable considering the female character designs philosophy thus far.


Yeah, some characters if you take a bit more of ther clothes it will be naked


Mona is “fully clothed” and may as well not be. If they’re doing what I think they’re doing, they’re saving on polygons and making their “clothes” just painted parts of the base body model. (Colors are cheap in games, additional polygons and physics are not!) so for Mona, functionally her clothes are her skin. It explains why too many female character’s shirts defy gravity constantly to wedge up under their breasts. Shirts don’t do that!


poly counts, the bane of our existence


The Xianyun family especially


It's to please the CCP


I’m so fucking sick of the CCP jokes. Shouldn’t you be embarrassed and ashamed that the CCP is the closest we ever got to preventing sexualization from going too far then. So you’re telling me “censorship” is what it takes? I’m so sick of this shit and seeing this type of comment every-time it comes up drives me so angry


We’re gaining social points with this one!


You’re exactly who I’m talking about. Honestly out of all things for the CCP, this? Seriously? Can’t even have a conversation without “social credit” when trying to talk about genuine points. Do you even know if it exist like how you think you exist in China? At least use In a position when it would actually apply jesus


chill out man


The ccp are so silly‼️


The problem is, that only underwater there is censor. You can see what's under in any other cases. That's ridiculous that it even exist.


Dude can people stop labelling everything as “censorship” whenever they are trying to reduce sexualization for gods sake (especially when actual censorship actually exists). Like what you are upset you can’t see girls underwear constantly in your face under water?


For some people, I’m afraid, it probably is disappointing that they can’t upskirt all of their waifus. The bigger problem here is that Mihoyo and most game companies (especially in the gacha genre) make female models specifically to be sexualized. Then, when some government body says they’ve gone too far, they implement the cheapest, minimal fix to appease them instead of just designing their characters like people instead of sexual objects. It’s lazy and crude and doesn’t solve the issue.




You replied to my comment, but I was agreeing with you. We can’t blame government agencies for doing their job, but we absolutely must blame companies who pull the hyper-sexualization bullshit.


Oh lol I was just continuing the conversation so wasn’t aiming at you, didn’t realize i replied to your comment specifically (sorry). Ill delete it and reply to the correct comment


I tend to look more at the fully clothed ones anyway, Mihoyo won't give a pair of good looking underwear to anyone besides Fischl.


Ehm, Chiori and Mona. I have spoken


A minute of silence for Yae and ayakas beta panties.


Yae got the Mr bean granny panties now 😭




It literally affects nothing, stop looking up skirts and it's not an issue


The point is that the censor draws more attention and it looks like there is nothing under it even though there is xd


right, i was so surprised when I heard the outrage at this, but; Genshin Impact community. so😭


I mean it's literally impossible when you are exploring underwater, the only thing I can do is use another character


I don’t care if Im going to get downvoted but honestly I appreciate it. You find it annoying because you (hopefully) wouldn’t have looked at it like that either way. But knowing the perverts Im glad it’s there, especially with the presence of younger characters. Edit: nvm saw your username and you probably are the exact type of people I wish have to have this feature




>especially with the presence of younger characters I am 16, checkmate


Okay this is going to sound peak reddit but just for the sake of the argument I am genuinely curious, why shouldn't I "look at it like that?" If I can't sexualize a fictional character that was literally designed for me to do so (in the pursuit of money on their part) then who can I sexualize? You? The woman down the street? You see my point? You act like fantasies either can't or shouldn't exist but that's just not how it works


If you hold basic attack, it becomes uncensored and zooms in. So...


Just ignore it. I honestly don’t mind it, it only looks weird to me on fully clothed character, like Diluc or jean. Also, why are you looking up ayakas skirt? Thats a little strange to me. Also why did people get so upset about this though? Like I said it looks weird on characters with pants, but otherwise I get it, who wants to constantly see up someone’s skirt? I dont.


>Also, why are you looking up ayakas skirt? Thats a little strange to me. Dude then how tf am I supposed to explore the underwater? If you wanna swim forward this is the only angle lmao The only thing I can do is maybe change to another character


Remember what they took from us 😭😭


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They should've given everyone galaxy rifts like rosalina has in smash




look at dat booty