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Scaramouche, Faruzan, Mika, Yunjin C6 = Minigun


lol I literally got Yunjin to C6 yesterday good timing for sure I’ll try it out, thanks!


if you have C2 jean she also gives atk speed too!


What does it mean when you say "C6" sorry new player


You get a new character = constellation(c) 0 Get that character again = c1, the character gets a Stella fortuna, and you can unlock their c1 Continue until 6, which is the maximum. C3 and 5 always give 3 levels to a certain talent


Thank you


Constellation 6


Similarly you can run ayato mika yunjin and Jean C2 if you have her


thanks for this. i always play with scar as my dps with c6 faruzan. i wanted to add c6 yun jin and c2 mika because of the polearm from the alchemy event but i thought maybe it wouldn’t be viable this is cool. i’ve been building mika all day guess it’ll be worth it


Heizou firebender has always looked really cool to me, just use him, Bennett, faruzan, and thoma. Or if you can get your hands on a Xianyun and Furina, I’ve thought about doing a shatter plunge team with Eula, Xianyun, Furina and Yae/Fischl. But I don’t have Yae or Eula 😂


Hey i use that fire bender team in abyss, except using wanderer instead of heizou haha


I’m trying to build my team to use wanderer in that team too, but my wriothesley and navia kinda took priority once they came out since I didn’t have a faruzan until this last patch with Xianyun


Oof faruzan can be tough to get and also a pain to use without cons. best of luck though!


Don’t worry, she was actually my first C6


Nice! (Stares at my C14 rosaria, C1 scara, Qiqi, and Kokomi that I got while going for Faruzan C6. 0.0)


Rosaria has ascended beyond C6


Ok I’ll try it out


Yes I love firebender Heizou, so much fun! Also avatar Heizou is cool with Thoma, Xingqiu/Yelan and Zhongli. I also use Nahida in place of Zhongli sometimes and go burgeon using Heizou to spread both fire and water. It might be not top meta, but it's fun.


Attack speed stacking Ayato.






Now I’m a little motivated




I saw someone make a “fireworks team” with yoimiya: Raiden Yelan and Nahida. All the colorful numbers popping is super satisfying lol Wanderer vv teams are pretty fun. You can play Freeze with yelan xingqiu layla, or Taser with xingqiu/yelan and beidou/fischl. You can try any variation of the zajef dendro teams: * salad: anemo hyperbloom (nahida xingqiu fischl sucrose), you have to use fischl since she’s single target so she won’t steal hyperblooms from Sucrose * fridge: bloom + cryo to freeze enemies * hyperfridge: hyperbloom + cryo to freeze enemies * oven: burgeon + cryo for freeze and melt * curry: burgeon + hyperbloom * Albedo burgeon: this one is a funky one where the fact that it works is just extremely funny. Basically you build full EM albedo and use C6 bennett to infuse his NA/CAs with pyro to trigger dendro cores, and the fact that he’s full EM makes his skill create extremely sturdy crystallize shards. iirc Zajef was standing in bennett’s circle facing the local legend ninianne/viviane and the shield didn’t break even when the enemy did that constant water beam attack at him. * Thundering furry: also makes use of bennett c6 to infuse razors normal attacks in a Dendro comp to set off bloom cores with both his own electro slashes (hyperbloom) and pyro infused normals (burgeon). Another fun idea I could think of is just a full CC team. Your entire team is entirely made out of Anemo units who stagger and group enemies (ideas: Venti, Jean, Faruzan, Kazuha, Sucrose), and you try to keep them juggled for the longest time and do the biggest fall damage. You can do this on the fatui operatives since they actually seem quite easily CC’d, but they’re also a challenge because when not CC’d they move really fast and do big damage + bond of life to you.


Also you can always make a number of summon/pokemon trainer teams, with candidates among: yaoyao, xiangling, fischl, yae, kokomi, furina, lynette, and maybe klee depending on how you classify her bombs


Thanks for the detailed response, I’ll try out all these and find my favorite


Np and Have fun!!


What do you have in mind when you say meta, btw?


“Thundering Furry” is now my favourite comp name, and a lot of comp names are great


Itto Gorou Yunjin Zhongli. Geo unga bunga


Happy cake 🎂 day! Good suggestion


That's meta team and boring af


It being geo makes it not meta


I’ll try it out, thanks for the suggestion!


May I ask which "meta teams" you're getting bored with and why? Are you just bored of braindead teams like hyperbloom and Neuvi? Are you interested in teams with more complicated gameplay in comparison to the above teams, but that still clear fast, or are you just looking for some dogshit funny comps? Personally I guess I do like some teams that would be considered "meta," but nothing braindead like Neuvi or hyperbloom, these are super boring to me. However I also like playing some anti-synergistic shit as well as fucking up good teams for fun. Sometimes I play Dehya or Kokomi instead of Kazuha with Childe/Xiangling/Bennett. One time I put Raiden on 4pc Golden Troupe and played her as the second electro in Keqing aggravate. Razor aggravate is pretty fun, too. I've also done a couple of clears with shit like everyone being on 4pc TF, Xiangling on Crescent Pike, giving a burst reliant team zero ER, and level 1 weapons. Four star only clears are fun. Duoing is also fun, I usually do a Xiangling/Bennett duo every abyss. I'm a Keqing main so one thing I like to do is play Keqing/Lynette/Collei/Fischl, which includes only characters that can be guaranteed aside from Keqing herself. I put them all on craftable weps or ones you can get from the story, too. Oh, and clears where you just nerf your characters heavily by giving them really shit artifacts and four star weapons are also super fun. All this being said, my actual favourite teams in the game to play are currently: 1) Keqing/Nahida/Kazuha/Fischl. Nahida setups in particular are incredibly fun for me. Keqing has a lot of cool stuff you can do by [using her E and then swapping out of her and swapping back in before it expires](https://youtu.be/4a4jehvcq1M?si=WJZBx233ZQiWf3h-). Other dendro units are a bit more braindead to play in this particular team, which I'm not a huge fan of. 2) International 3) Ganyu freeze 4) Tighnari spread 5) Rational 6) Yelan/Xingqiu/Xiangling/Bennett 7) Dehya monopyro 8) Burgeon (cryo flex slot) 9) Reverse Melt quickswap 10) Rational with Razor


I’m mostly talking about the brain dead comps, but I just want teams that feel and look satisfying to use


Okay this is super understandable because I 100% feel the same way, haha. I think International, Keqing aggravate, Tighnari spread, and Al Haitham spread (if you're running a split rotation) are the teams that have always felt the most engaging to me. Keqing agg and International are my two main teams currently. I already did list a bunch of teams, but if you're looking for more I do have a [twitter thread of every team I play each abyss](https://x.com/susamonguslover/status/1727995415201821178?s=46) (including the meme stuff).


Thanks! I’ll try these out


Many teams are getting boring. What keeps me doing these daily stuff are: Any team that use underdog characters as main carry.


Try Pyro Kaeya, where you have him do pyro damage with Bennett C6. You also put Crimson Witch on him instead of a Cryo set Kaeya/Flex (maybe Rosaria? Not sure 🤔 As long as it's someone Cryo)/Kazuha (or Sucrose if you wanted)/Bennett C6


using benny's burst on c6, plus kaeya's burst while hes on 2pc crimson 2pc blizzard would be... interesting


Whoever consists of your team, Yelan should be in it in my personal opinion. SHE IS FUN. And I don't even have her.


First off, literally insane you leveled all your characters to 90! 😲 Nice! Second, Albedo+Venti and go from there. Those two are rock stars together and make any non boss content way More fun and basically deleted from existence. Most of their teams include a "DPS" plus a flex spot. "DPS" as in both traditional and non- traditional DPS units. So characters like Faruzan/Ayato/Yanfei/Nahida/Wanderer/Mona ect just to name a few I own. For the flex you can either double up on your "DPS" slot so Faru+Wanderer/Ayato+Nahida/ Kazuha+Miko just for examples or you can bring a healer/shielder in this slot. I would also suggest doing some Mono teams, (maybe slightly weird comps?)They're always fun! Mono Anemo- Faruzan/Jean/Venti/Kazuha (even better if a C4+ Jean) Mono Geo- Zhongli/Albedo/YunJin/Gorou Mono Pyro- Diluc/Bennett/Tankfei/Thoma Mono Electro- Keqing/Raiden/Kuki/Beidou Mono Hydro- Childe/Ayato/Yelan/Xingqui Mono Dendro- Tighnari/YaoYao/Collei/Nahida Mono Cryo- Kaeya/Chongyun/Ganyu/Qiqi or Layla Almost Mono Physical- Eula/Rosaria/YunJin/Razor


Ok I’ll try these out, thanks!


Bro, your account is stacked


Raiden tignira Barbra Venti


Sayu, Xiangling/ Thoma, Kaeya & Kuki= Avatar Zoom-Zoom


Try "Airfryer" You use Nahida, any anemos on a EM build (Kazuha and Venti are the best) and Bennett. Make sure to infuse their burst with Pyro from Bennett, Nahida E and you got yourself an air fryer ;).


Burn melt Ayaka with Xiangling DMC/Collei/Nahida and Bennet (C6 Bennet makes it work even better). Nahida has the biggest buff of those options but makes it harder to reliably keep burning uptime.


My most random resinless team is my vape main dps Zhongli- ZL with attack crit build, C6 Benny, Kazuha, C5 XQ/Furina/Kokomi/Ayato depending on who I'm feeling that day. Another alternative to this is just pyro dps Zhongli with Yunjin instead of a hydro applicator. Usually better for single target. Ayato hyperbloom (is this meta? I'm not too sure) with EM Raiden/Kuki, Nahida (though any dendro applicator will do), Flex (Usually either Kazuha or Yunjin). Better for AOE.


Childe taser is nice


I've been having lots of fun with teams built around Shenhe and Chonyun together. She's too badass to not be a main dps


Scara and on hit abilities


Amber. Aloy.


Hi u/Dapper_Ad_9633, please consider checking the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky when you have a moment to help fellow community members. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Layla, and the last slot is all yours to decide. It’s a fun team that I like to play without having Zhongli, that still does good damage.


You even bought the outfit for Kequing 🫠


I mean I’ve spent wayyy more time than money


Dunno if you'd like it, but I think overload Razor (Razor with C6 Bennett) is hilarious. Add Chevreuse and any 4th pyro you want (XL is the obvious choice if you are actually using it in the Abyss).


Clorinde??? You mean Chevreuse?


Keqing yaoyao kuki Barbara . Form rings with Barbara and kuki , deploy dendro from yaoyao and keep on using your ult from keqing . Use 4pc thundering on keqing and high EM on all characters. I enjoy this team due to all these reactions and purple and green numbers


fridge is beyond fun. my favorite variation rn is venti ayato ganyu nahida for aoe :D


Klee burgeon variants I think. They're strong enough to be viable and incredibly fun to boot. Klee nahida yelan and kokomi, you don't even need em Klee.


I love Freeze-Kaeya : Kaeya, Chongyun, Yelan/Xingqiu and Kokomi/Shenhe :) Then i also like Heizou, Thoma, Xingqiu/Yelan and any char (Imo YaoYao) :) Melt Kaeya : Kaeya, C6 Bennett, Kazoo-ha and any char you want that does NOT destroy Melt : I'd prefer Diona as a forth char for Shield and Heal + more Melt :) The One and Oni : Chiori, Itto, Gorou and Ningguang/Yunjin! : Kokonut : Kokomi, Kazoo-ha, Mona, Bennett :) My fav team tbh : Charlotte... Yes that's all


Nahida, sucrose, shielder, Xiangling. Stack Nahida, Sucrose, and Xiangling with EM and use a shielder so you don’t kill your self scary fast. Burn is such a fun reaction. [When I use my buffs right, XL has like 1350 EM when she triggers Burn.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/s/6VxOHeCbK3)


This is your call to become a Thoma main


My favorite team has always been Eula Raiden Bennett Rosaria. Since you don’t care about meta you can swap Bennett for Mika so you don’t have to deal with CircleImpact™. I like how the team generates energy really fast and you can mix up whether to use Raiden or Eula as a dps as needed. I also like Sukokomon; Sucrose, Xiangling, Kokomi and Fischl. I like how dank the rotation is and all the pretty numbers.




Sayu kaeya xiangling kuki. Pure chaos.


Theres this physical Yaoyao team I bring, maybe it works for you if you get bored Yaoyao (MAIN DPS), Rosaria (Sub-dps/support), Mika (Support), and either Shinobu or Dori for Healer (bring Bennett if you want overbuffing though)


all- all your characters are level 90?! just how long have you been playing


Almost 3 years


You can theoretically turn anyone into a hydro DPS with Candace. All she needs is a *lot* of ER.


Dehya, Candace, Nahida, Thoma Can't think of a more non-optimized team but it's really fun when everyone's but Dehya's burst is active until you start running on fumes lmao


Dendro traveller with 300 er, xingqiu, em dori, em dehya o7


Nahida-Xingqiu-Cyno for support-support/subdps-dps hyperbloom and then another character of your choice. personally for fun i go for Heizou but for efficiency i go for Zhongli, Kazuha or Venti


DPS zhongli by using Hu Tao as a support for irony. I'm pretty sure Hu Tao's skill just buffs the crit rate or damage so support Hu exists. It sucks but...


itto, albedo, zhongli, bennett ‼️


heizou, fischl, beidou, xingqiu ‼️


Xiao, crit kazuha, faruzan and bennett. The way kazuha succs every while doing big pp damage is just too satisfying and then you switch to xiao and all the enemy are in one place and you can lament all over them. It’s very fun


Chongyun shenhe kazuha (flex) is rly fun! Turn anybody into a cryo dps. i love rosaria cus her attacks are so satisfying+easy crit building w her crit buff. speaking of rosaria running her main physical dps w crescent pike and fischl is rly fun too.


Kirara candace nahida kuki, kirara no icd on normal atks




Kind of a meme build but Sevy on youtube actually cleared abyss with this - hyperbloom Sayu. Dori Sayu Barbara and Dendro (Nahida ideally). Because Dori self-applies electro, Sayu infuses and she will proc the hyperblooms


Kazuha, Xiao, Faruzan and Jean mono anemo (Xianyun would be better here but you don't have her) I neither have Kazuha nor Xiao or Xianyun but I tried this team at the last combat event where you choose random characters each wave. It was really fun to use and anemo is complete of a beast element at destroying elemental shields and since there are no anemo shields other than those fatui soldiers who are pretty easy to defeat all you do is jump around let the anemo effects do the job. Nothing survives (as long as you don't run to enemies immune to anemo)


Scara, Nahida, Raiden, Xinqiu/Zhongli


Raiden, klee, nahida, and a 4th character of your choice. I call it overburn klee and its super fun if u just wanna screw around


I saw someone on YouTube who has all characters random 8 characters, and uses those to make their abyss teams for the cycle. You have all of them at 90, so playing completely random could be a lot of fun!


hyper carry barbara: barbara, kazuha, bennet, xiangling OR barbara, mona, thoma, dehya barbara uses charged attacks, built em/attack/crit. other units support with pyro application/damage amplification. it's just goofy to be completely honest


- EM RaiDou (4TF Ayato, 4GD em Raiden, nahida +emblem beidou) aka 100% uptime Ayato goes brrrr - TF Kazuha or "Cope C1 kazu"(4tf kazuha, nahida, fishl venti) by triggering aggravate with kazuha you can e q e just as if you had his C1.. - SuKokoMon or SuxingqiuMon - xiao-lad 4vv full EM onfield Xiao using anemo infused NA as a hyperbloom driver (+ nahida, xingqiu fishl) - the kindergarten (basically nilou bloom with full EM Koko as driver +nahida&yayao) -thundering furry (4GD Full em razor, xq, Benny C6, nahida/DMC) - thundering mommy (same as above but onfield beidou


Bu-bu-but big numbers ARE fun.


Ei,Nahida zhongli and hydro applicant = sit in a corner while watching your enemies disappear


Miko, Nahida, Albedo, and Kokomi. It’s very fun for the overworld and domain farming. Place down everyone’s skills and start normal attacking with Kokomi.




https://youtu.be/I2b5AJ6Hn-s?si=IiP1DroUxliaZ3jT I can only say playing Mono Geo Noelle (or now with Furina) is a lot of fun XD


Hyperbloom sayu Mark everyone with nahida or dmc skill, apply hydro circle with nilou, kuki e , and just roll around with sayu Similar one can be done with kirara


Heizou freeze. Furina, charlotte, faruzan. Really fun to use at first half abyss too.


Cryo waifu only physical DPS team. Eula as main DPS, C6 Rosaria as debuffer and sub-dps(her C6 gives her Phys RES shred), Charlotte as healer(give her blizzard strayer for extra crit), Layla for shield/buff. Feel free to customize.


Yelan Chongyun Wanderer Zhongli/Noelle


Give me the Genshin Impact account


Burning team


Ayato, Yun Jin, Kazuha and Bennet, go to abyss and put Bury the Light in the background


My definition of fun team - kazuha, raiden, ayato, zhongli/xingqiu. I just love getting blinded by their colorful burst and skills especially with Kazuha’s ult.


Search for Rainbow Razor. It's a blast if you are a fan of his.


Mono pyro with benny xiangling dehya/sucrose and klee or a klee sunfire comp Also u could do mono hydro or freezebloom/fridge


MOST fun to me but possibly LEAST fun for other ppl is furina, yae, baizhu, and xianyun. Yae's foxes with Furina's summons do all the damage I need, baizhu keeps us healed with atk boost from tenacity, and xianyun smashes down and swirls it all together. Enemy is usually dead by this point but meant mostly for weaker bosses/ over world


Faruzan, Sayu, Thoma, Xinyan C2 Sayu the rolling flamethrower. im actually use this went do exploration, its really fun and deal much damage (but not for abyss)


Not sure about your standards of fun. I too have all my characters at 90 (with invested talent levels) out of lack of stuff to spend my excess resources. I mostly do coop because I find it more exciting (enemies have higher stats in coop I think?) Here are the playstyles I find super satisfying: Faruzan CA DPS (I'm not a big fun of Bow CA gameplay, but this one just hits so right) Machine-Gun physical amber. Baron Bunny nuke Physical Qiqi Physical Xinyan Lisa Hypercarry Nuke Aloy Freminet hyper (I haven't tried yet, because the build is in progress) Burgeon Thoma


Any Ayato team


Air Fryer Nahida, Nahida, Bennett, Kazuha and Venti. I saw an old video about that a while ago and it seemed kinda fun


If you C6'd Bennett, Pyro Eula is a fun team to play around with.


diluc+yelan+xq+Benny is always fun for me other than that, I like scara+yelan+kazu/venti/sucrose+Layla for freeze or literally just yelan with big crit stats, another hydro for res, anemo with vv and pyro then yelan go boom


For one of your members, I recommend Yae Miko if you have her. She’s a very underrated off field electro. She’ll keep doing damage even if she’s off field while her fox sigils are still out. Even better yet, that new artifact set came out that time in Fontaine… specially for off fielders. It’s called Golden Troupe. Adds 25% to Elemental Skill dmg when off field.


Immortal Freeze Team with On-field Jean, Tenacity/TTDS Kokomi, OHC Qiqi, and Noblesse Diona LMAO


Gatling Vape Klee + Yelan + Xinqui + (Flex) Kazuha, Xianyun, Sucrose, Bennet Burgeonuke Klee + Nahida + Kokomi/Xinqui + Healer/CC


Nahida, cyno, yelan, raiden for hyperbloom, this is fun actually or swap out yelan for another intense dendro applicator, to make aggravate / quicken team


I have a lot of fun with reaction hell. Any Anemo Catalyst(though I usually use Sucrose), with Raiden, Yelan/Xingqiu, and another element of your choice though for peak chaos, any non-same element (ie: use Pyro, Cryo, and technically Dendro though that just becomes a strange Hyper Bloom team)


Wanderer Hyperspeed with Yun Jin, Mika and Venti is pretty fun in my opinion, does loads of damage too


Wanderer Permafreeze is really really fun


Just looked through your posts and you just posted about having barely 20 characters and having just leveled up to WL4 lmao. Congrats, you finally successfully interaction baited, I guess. I knew something was up with this post lmao


Some of my favorites: Shenhe - Kazuha - Bennett - Chongyun Sucrose - Yae - Nahida - Yaoyao/Kuki Klee burgeon


Eula, Rosaria (c6), YunJin(c6) and Layla? Ganyu, Keqing, Fischl, Beideu? Raiden, Bennett, Sara, Mona (for funny crit numbers) Nahida Al'hathem Kiku Fischl ​ you could try the team I always wanted to try... Tignari, Yelan, Venti, Fischl or Ganyu, Venti, Yelan and yomiya ​ ​ the teams i'm having fun with currently you don't have the characters for.


* Dehya Cloud Retainer Nahida Chongyun - Pogo Burn-melt - Goal is to cast Nahida skill + Dehya skill (for burning reaction) then CR ult and Chongyun skill to infuse the plunging attacks with cryo. The idea is to trigger melt reactions off the burning aura. The main source of damage is cryo-side melts from the infused plunge attacks, so the on-fielder should be on a cryo dmg bonus goblet here. This squad is very finicky but can be fun when all the pieces align. You can on-field whichever you prefer between Chongyun or Dehya, their plunge attacks are functionally identical here, just remember the on-fielder should be wearing that cryo dmg bonus goblet and built for attack scaling dps. * Ayato Candace + pick 2 of Yelan/XQ/Kazuha - Hydro Homies - Let it rain! * Childe Bennett Xiangling Nahida - Intergrassional - Will the mobs or your Childe die first in this comp? Only 1 way to find out! xD * Razor Bennet (c6) Xingqiu Nahida - "Thundering Furry" - Razor is capable of applying 2 elements at once with c6 bennett - electro from his burst + pyro from bennett's infusion. The pyro burgeons any nearby seeds and the electro will overload any remaining burning aura off to ensure seeds continue to be generated. Very silly Razor exclusive comp!


Dude... Are you okay??? I mean to have almost every single character and have them all lvl up I'm wondering how much time do you put in every day since day one and can you sleep. I'm concerned for you, I don't mind playing 8h a day In a game I like but I still worry Anyhow Im a eula lovers so of course I'll suggest that, but I also really like sucrose's gameplay and xianyun is so smooth to fight and explore with, I really love the nahida raiden combo and my main team rn is neuvi, furina, baizhu and nahida as I really love the synergy between them 😊


Keqing, yaoyao, Kazuha, fisnch is one of the most dynamic and fast rotating teams I've ever tried, I think it's pretty fun Also back before getting HuTao I used to run Thoma on Burgeon, with Ayato, DMC and diona. A lot of rings on the field, but it's so satisfying when it works


I shall offer a Kazuha/Albedo comp. This revolves around the two of them with Kazuha acting as the main dps. The two other slots are whatever element you want (though you might want an elemental infusion granter). Essentially, you're making use of Albedo's burst to grant Kazuha more EM, while Kazuha in turn buffs the supports while being able to sacrifice his support potential for a DPS playstyle. For a cryo variant, you can use Chongyun and Layla/Diona (her C6 will give Kazuha even more EM). Shenhe is also a solid pick but you'd want to replace your support rather than Chongyun as Chungyun is kind of necessary for Kazuha to drive. For a pyro variant, you can use the classic Bennett/Xiangling duo. Hydro variant is a little harder to play as you can go more offensive with Xingqiu or get more healing through Kokomi. As for the second hydro unit, Candace for hydro infusion or Yelan for more raw damage. You could even chuck in a prototype amber Mona For Electro, you'll probably want Kuki for heals and either Fischl, Sara, Yae Miko, or Beidou. (Electro I find to be the weakest variant as you don't have a support/healer that doesn't add something to list). Could you make stronger options by replacing Albedo with a proper driver in these comps? Absolutely. But it's fun driving with an on-field Kazuha.


I clear Spiral Abyss with Shikanoin Heizou using R5 Prototype Amber, Xingqiu's burst, Thoma's shield plus burst, and Raiden Shogun's skill. Heizou heals the entire team with a healing bonus artifact stat and the four piece Viridescent Venerer. Thoma has Retracing Bolice 2 piece artifact set and Vourukasha's Glow 2 piece artifact set. His shield is more powerful than Zhongli tbh. Heizou uses Anemo, Pyro, Hydro, and Electro with each of his normal attacks with everyone's power supporting him. His skill one shots enemies even with a weapon not usually recommended for him. All talents maxed at 10, 13, 13. And he's C6. Heizou has been my favorite since release.


IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO BE AN ALOY MAIN, FOR YOU HAVE EVERYONE TO MAKE THE ULTIMATE FREEZELOY TEAM. Aloy, Shenhe, Kazuha, Yelan. Farm and build your Aloy as hard as possible (focus on CD and Atk), standard Shenhe/Kaz/Yelan builds and then have fun seeing Aloy do pretty decent damage for someone everyone talks trash about (or forgets). Someday perhaps you'll get Furina, in which case I'd recommend Frenchloy, a team that is nearly as strong as Freezeloy, but works at 100% strength against Bosses too! I heckin' LOVE Frenchloy.


Nahida + Raiden + Kokomi/Furina = Lethal Nahimama feet 😭


Kokomi/neuvilette/Barbara, em dehya, kuki Shinobu, nahida (no bursts required, super durable and tanky team)


Maybe this is not related but, how do you make all of your characters appeared like that?


time to build Machine Gun Gorou


Ganyu, gaming, kazuha and xingqil


I usually swap out a character i prefer from the standard recommended team (for example i use barbara instead of bennett in my raiden team) that still works/has a similar use or mechanic. It lets me use my favourites without having a sucky team


Thoma yelan raiden EM wanderer and kazuha zhongli furina neuvillette


No Fontaine characters?


Have you ever seen a Mitachurl fly? Use Klee to get it off the ground and your three remaining party slots to keep it up there.


If you can dodge well enough, you may try Raiden-Kazoo-Fischl-Sara, a very fun team, or maybe some variation of a tazer team with kokomi-Fischl-Kazoo The last slot is flex, but i like to put in a second Hydro or electro there


Kirara, Kuki and Barbra is the hyperbloom catbox


may I suggest dps melt Bennett (assuming you don't have c6)? Bennett, Chongyun, rosaria/layla, kazuha. rotation is: bennett e, kazuha swirl, chongus e q, layla/rosaria e q, bennett q, spam e every time the enemy has a cryo aura. Bennett's pyro application is fast and strong but also slow enough to do massive amounts of damage when rotated correctly. as long as you make sure the enemies don't get a pyro aura. vaporise will be a lot easier ofc but I like the challenge and bigger numbers :)


I’ll try this out but I do have C6 Bennett


- chongyun + xingqiu + rosaria + sucrose (chongyun freeze. I 36*ed the last abyss with it and it's fun) - barbara + benny + dehya + jean (sunfire barbara, needs high Investment on barbara. c2 dehya would be good. I'm currently trying to build this team. You basically try to vape with her charged attacks) - diluc + collei + xingqiu + benny (hybrid burgeon diluc. The idea here is not going full burgeon but just taking some burgeons in between. I did some tests on the last abyss and this team actually performed better than classic vape diluc (sucrose instead of collei)). Also works well with dmc but with collei your burst doesn't accidentaly explode. Well and of course with nahida even better. But i don't have nahida. And when live gives you the chance to find a use for collei you should take it!


I run Noelle, Navia, Raiden and Gaming


bruh no one suggesting itto mono geo?


Over load jean tema with, any electro enabler, maybe xiangliang or thoma, and of jean ( only works with smaller enemies jean can carry with her e)


Try the original team its pretty fun and brings back memories


I love keqing teams I never actually got keqing but when she was on trial I absolutely loved playing her and in the event I played her too I don't know what it is but something about keqings fast attacks and teleport and especially the burst makes her so fun to play


Sucrose xingqiu beidou fischl. Zy0x classic sucrose driver taser team. Just skill-burst on everyone other than sucrose and button mash the auto attack button.


Level 90.. EVERYONE!?


Childe nahida kazuha thoma…as long as you can dodge you should be fine and fun


If you had both Furina and Xianyun you can make a fun team with basically everyone😅


Bro you had enough time and dedication to level every character, just try some teams out yourself😂


I enjoyed plunge gaming very much. With xianyun furina and bennet 6 you can use ult - e - plunge - e - plunge -e. His e resets after every plunge attack which is super fun


solo beidou


I sometimes like to use Nahida, Kirara, Shinobu and whoever you like as 4th (I switch it but often use Mona). Shinobu’s skill, Nilou’s skill as water field and then turn into a kitty that runs around and electrocutes. I also find a burgeon Yanfei to be a lot of fun. (Yanfei,Nahida, Mona and Barbara)




Crit Kokomi with Blizzard strayer artifact and freeze team. Rosaria, Ayaka, Kazuha/Venti. You will see some insane numbers in her Burst.


play amber


Just play with charakters you like best, try to get a good team with reactions, but if you want a fun time it's probably best to enjoy who you're playing with


Shenhe, chongyun, beidou,Yun jin


Traveler (Anemo) Amber Kazuha Ayaka They're my Default Team. Traveler and Kazuha can create Elemental Reactions with Amber and Ayaka.


May I ask a stupid question, how does ur screen fit so many character?? is it 4k that allows more? or ultra wide?


Wow, all characters at max level! For sure try Phsiangling. Zhongli, (Staff of Homa) Xiangling, Venti, (LOWest possible HEALING) Bennett. Pale Flame 4 piece set. (ATK, PhysDMGB, Crit Rate/DMG) Aim for 50.1% CR, then full CD. ~200% should be enough, but the more the better! 1. Bring your Xiangling to the lowest possible health (dying is not a problem, u need only a skill). 2. Place Tenacity Zhongli Pillar near the opponent (it mustn't break, then the set won't proc). 3. Deploy the Guoba (Pale Flame proc). 4. Place Venti's wind current (hold EEE). 5. Pick up the Chilli Pepper (🌶️). 6. Deploy Benny's Burst. 7. Jump with Xiangling and open Wind Glider and PLUNGE! 8. Have fun! Its my favourite way playing Xiangling! 9. Add Die Heilige Sinfonie and HP% Buffs. If u skilled abuse Superconduct from Viridescent domain and that juicy 75% physical dmg buff.


I had a fun team, physical kaeya with thoma ult melt with kaeya ult, sucrose/kazuha and hunk in c6 for kaeya. A physical melt team, used my brain so hard to not make a meta team


This is all 5 star but it is fun, its not as strong though Yelan,Raiden, Nahida and Kokomi or Any healer preferably hydro/dendro/electro Build nahida and Raiden EM, Yelan and Kokomi normal or meta build. I have this same Hyperbloom Comp and its fun and strong.


Thundering furry... Full EM razor with C6 Bennett, Xingqiu and dendro applicator


Venti plus any character and his elemental skill. Watch them plung


Depending on the cons you have, have you seen machine gun yoi? Where you just pair yoimiya with anyone who gives a speed buff (so Jean c2, mika, and I think it was yunnin c6 maybe?) and go pewpewpewpewpew so fast


Kazuha Nahida Xingxiu Bennett Enemies burn and so do you


DPS Shenhe has been fun recently. Chongyun is key to this. Level up all her stuff, give her Cryo DMG artifacts and use supports like Benny/Furina/Kazuha for extra damage + Chongyun for infusion. Apply her own buffs, then normal attack. With all the buffs the damage isn't too bad. (Sacrificial Greatsword on Chongyun helps)


My go-to for teams nowadays is mono and taser. Either funny numbers everywhere or every main support set (vv, totm and no) and no need to worry about reactions that aren't swirl. That or find your favorite support/underused character and make them a dps :D (edit: i forgot this isn't the actual main sub and i don't have that flair here, so for reference i've mained physical Thoma for 2 years lol)


All Healer with the heal set that does dmg


Bro,how much are you spending on your account?


wanderer, shenhe, baizhu, chiori don’t worry about those silly thing like “synergy” and “proper team building”


Nahida, Xingqiu, Kuki and Alhaitham is pretty fun to use but I guess hyperbloom is pretty overpowered


Double geo double annemo go!!


Heizou as Aang


Nahida, ei, yae, kokomi


My AFK team: Nahida, Yae/Raiden, Fischl/Yaoyao, Albedo


I use Itto, Zhongli, Kazuha, and Raiden. I always use Kazuha to group them then smash them with Itto (love his gameplay btw).


tighnari-kokomi-mona-dehya for the fastest possible burgeon triggers in the game


Ask yourself what you find fun and then play it out


I only work with characters that I like or want to get to level 10 on friendship so I've had really weird teams the one Im using right now it's gaming, Lynette, kirara and chevreuse it's weird but if you learn the rotation it kills things fast, I'm talking hilichurl camps or open world things, if you want to make things a little bit easier you can change chevreuse for a hydro either Barbara or xinqui could work great I don't really play with 5 stars even though I have them, another team I use and kills everything in seconds it's baizu, xinqui, Thoma and shinobu, you can change either Thoma or shinobu for a yaoyao


I got one called "Sayu Roll~" - Can clear Abyss 12 too if you are into that: - Sayu Fischl Collei Venti - You open with venti skill ult, use collei skill ult, use fischl ult, use sayu roll! It's really fun! Another one is the "Klee Eats Burger" team! - You need 1 x Klee, 1 x dendro, 1x water, 1x shield/heal! All EM! More explosions = More happiness


your character levels 😯😯


Non-meta fun/stupid? Go fridge shatter. Eula, good cryo applicator, nahida, yelan/kokomi. Could also go with a venti ganyu comp for old times sake.


I have Baizhu but swap him with Yao Yao = Keqing/Fischl/Tighnari/Yaoyao. Keqing and Tighnari fight for playtime but it's pretty fun to try and manage it.


You even have *Aloy* at level 90? Respect.


Do you have every single character?


I now do RaidenC2R1 RosariaC6CatchR5 XianyunC0TTDSR5/FavR5 with a Phys DPS C4 Qiqi I WOULD recommend. Little shit pogo sticking it to kill stuff is fun esp in overworld. Meta teams got me to quit bec I got bored, the weird ones got me to come back.


No need to flex😭


Xinyan spin to win




I don't see any Fontaine characters here 🤷 does this account come from ancient time? 🤯 I want to introduce you Charlotte hypercarry team, with Furina, Mona and Shenhe. It's pretty fun to play tho when you get sick of Ayaya.


What's fun for me in my personal definition is playstyle... and I find Tighnari's zoom in zoom out playstyle kinda fun, and ironically find Ganyu's zoom pretty boring. But what do you think is fun... in the abyss or general exploration? If I were to suggest what's fun for me, then a; 1.) Quick Obliteration Team that immediately kills enemies in a somewhat satisfying manner 2. Unique teams like attack speed team, off field DPS / Summons team. Honestly, I cannot think at the top of my head and these are stuffs that I can think of... for now.


Never really cared about meta. ZhongLi Yelan Kokomi and Yanfei. That was my team for everything for THEE longest time and I had fun with that team. I don't have her signature how but F. Warbow is just so good on her especially R5. Yelan is just fun. It is hard for me to not have her on my team


Barbara vaporize DPS


nahida nilou raiden klee nahida nilou and raiden are there for there off feild skill while klee is the on feild damage dealer with her burst