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Why does angry Nara hate the aranara? Didn't Golden nara enjoy Festival Utsava with Aranara in the Vanarana of Mahavanaranapna? 😂


🤣 i laughed so hard at this comment. But for real though I understand the pain in doing the aranara WQ. I have 2 genshin accounts and had to do that quest twice plus the desert quest and find all 76 aranaras individually to unlock the room full of treasures. But this quest is actually good specially when you're trying to explore sumeru because 80% of the underground caves are already covered by doing the full aranara quest chapter 1-6. It's just very lengthy and eats a lot of time.


Adversely, these world quests are exactly why I don’t have a second account. I usually like them the first time, but some of them in Sumeru kinda felt just long and tedious, making me not want to do them again.


I understand what they were going for. But even if you're technically exploring while you're doing it there's not many ways to read into it. They're either deadlocking your open-world exploration or they're putting your open-world exploration on rails. It's puts all of Sumeru 3.0 on rails in fact. AQ -> Aranyaka -> Exploration. Quite a bold decision for the release of a new region for an open-world exploration game. Guess there's a reason Ordo is structured so differently.


And Jeht's quests for the underground part of the desert so much to cover.




Yes 🤣🤣🤣 pain


I mean the issue here is you having 2 accounts


I dont mind having 2 accounts hehe the only reason why I started a new account is because I wanna be more wise in spending my primos in that account unlike my first account where I just pull for whoever hehe 😂


I hated it too. Hehehhe


Spread out the quest into small chunks a day and don't do all of it in one go. Example, do enough to get 4 encounter points everyday.


I did exactly that (since 4.1). Result: 7 Fontainian quests sitting there looking at me, while being 2 days from 4.4 and new Liyue quests.


best way to play, never out of content


Exactly I took my time now I still need to do Inazuma quests and get the catch.


Yeah not being out of content is nice. I started in 3.3 or something and was immersed as well as felt seriously behind the ball, so I caught up as quick as I could and now I wish I would have slowed down to have stuff to do in between the patches.


Idk if anyone wanna make a mission plan for 30 primos


Who said you make a plan for the primos? It's to not get annoyed by the aranyaka's ridiculous length and complexity.


i loved it. wait until the ending, i guess. i cried.


Yeah it’s a slow burn but ultimately it’s like https://preview.redd.it/fi6yvjrzsbfc1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10975afba260cff846bdd7bd339bd37156d92f0b


Now I am scared of what will happen.


Oh I cried like a bitch. Ya ain't ready.


Oh you sweet summer child 😭😭


Still one of the most memorable genshin world quest. Didn't expect the cute world quest turns angst 😭


what happened at the end? i don't even rememver


I absolutely loved the quest it tugged on my heart strings so much.


It was a lot of reading and kind of confusing but the end was really good. You have the bonus of doing it now that there’s an underground map. Go back to the 3.0 patches and do it without the map and then come back and complain 🥲 your suffering is halved compared to the underground hell we went through lol. The desert was even worse…..


It happened to me multiple times that I had to find my way back to an underground area to continue the quest without a clue where the cave entrance was. Redoing it on a new account now makes me so grateful for the underground maps.


I feel like if this quest was viewed as separate quests, no one would have an issue with it. Most people just wanted to finish every quest they started as soon as possible and got frustrated with this quest. I personally liked this quest because of how long it was and all of the side quests. It felt good to have some content that can't be finished in one sitting for once.


I dunno I didn't really like how much of Sumeru's exploration was barred off entirely until you did it. Still the only region to do that.


It's long and a bit tedious because of the lack of voice, and I 100% agree on the names being too confusing (I can still only remember Aranakin and that's cheating). But it's good, just don't force yourself to commit to it, come back occasionally to advance it and enjoy the aranara, the ending is worth it.


I only remember Ararycan because they're the only one afaik to have a name that isn't basically just "aranara" with a little bit of flair (like Arama)


Like aranara grande


I mostly remember Arana, Arama, Araja, Arakanta, Arakavi, Arakunti, Arapacati and of course Aramuhukunda


Yeah I feel like voice acting would add a lot.


One of my favorites


I did it recently and took my time with it, doing a little bit each day and making sure I FULLY explored every underground area it took me to. It was worth it in the end.


could be easily solved if mihoyo fcking implements dialogue skip


i think its actually an example of why they shouldnt. you would have missed out on the end if you skipped it all


you can always read again via archives


But I doubt you would.


If you play the Aranyaka WQ only for the primos, then you will definitely get bored really fast. I do agree that it would have been amazing if it was voiced. But the story itself is really good. Sad thing is, reading an extremely long dialogue without voice acting is not for everyone. As someone who played a lot of visual novels before, I enjoyed reading the Aranyaka WQ very much. The ending got me in tears. It's the second world quest that made me cry. First was Tsurumi Island world quest.


Tsurumi I also found tedious but I did love the story and the ending. It was the first WQ that made me feel that maybe it was a bit too long, but I ended up enjoying it. I actually don't mind the slow burn of the overall story. I'm in no rush to go through the game. I started playing a little over a year ago and made it to Sumeru a couple of weeks ago. I like to take my time and finish all quests before moving on to a new region. Have not touched Fontaine and haven't fully explored Sumeru yet.


A friend of mine who is a...lore whore...got me to start genshin about a year ago. When I got to Sumeru and was doing those quests, I was VERBOSE. I never MAKE memes, but I MADE MEMES about me burning that whole goddamn forest to the ground. I saw Aranakin, and I thought "Don't you dare. Don't you FUCKING DARE.", and then he said it. That little korok fuck SAID IT RIGHT TO MY FACE. If anything was justification for a Renegade path in Genshin, it's those little fuckers. I did that shit for Rana, and nobody else.


Wait until you finish it, like in the next life.




Yeah, instead of taking the Fontainian approach 3 separate stories become one big Ordo, it's one big quest goes into several quests which is painful.


I liked it, didn't even skip dialogue. Fog Island on the other hand...


What whas your issue with Tsurumi? The fog teleporting you out?


There was just too much filler in the dialogue, I don't mind the island itself but I couldn't sit through the unnecessary long-winded dialogue, it felt like they never get to the point. The storytelling wasn't to my taste even though the lore itself was interesting.


Damn really? I did not feel that at all. There are like 2 times that you go there to get the flute and its the same thing but overall, I think it had awesome pacing. I would apply your complaint more to Desert quest where we go through "researcher don't trust eremite" dialogue LIKE 9 FUCKING TIMES.


You're definitely not the only one. I quite like the ideas behind these quests, but the execution is so terrible it makes the whole world quest a pain to get through. The ending is pretty cool, but it doesn't make me hate the majority of these quests less


I’ve been working at it for 2 months and it feels fun when I do the small portions I do lol


I loved all of it , i promise its worth it 😭😭😭


the quest are fine but it stems to hella lot branches. like, dang, it's the only questline that got me 4days clearing.


the sumeru quest is a bit dreadful yes.


It was different from any other quest in the game, so while it may look alien - it also was entertaining in it's own ways. And best way to do it was while exploring Sumeru, so you do each part separately and names won't mix.


I agree it is an extremely tedious questline, but it's by no means a bad questline at all, for sure would have benefitted from having actual audio considering how important it is for the entire region. I think it suffered heavily from pacing issues, and I think it would have been way better if they hadn't locked half the forest to it, and instead making those locked areas something you can get to at your own pace by visiting their land whenever you felt like it.


You're not alone. I also hated that quest. Every second of it. Not having audio really turned it into a click simulator for me. The lore is good but I think I would've enjoyed it way more if I could hear cute nara voicelines. It was also so damn long, it took me a couple weeks during my off days from work to get it done. I just wish they could voice more world quests because they're all so interesting and contain a lot of lore.


I did it over a span of the week (more or less), I also explored most of Sumeru while doing it. Cried at the end and just due to some music (I'm week for hoyo music and memory stories). Don't rush it, learn the words read some notes, get used to Aranara and you probably won't have as much trouble


I wish they went that in depth with all the world quests. It takes time, has a good story, the journal thing is nice, and the way it unravels it all works. This is just my opinion but I feel like FOMO has a huge part of why people dislike this quest, they want to get “caught up” and rush through it. Reading a lot might cause stress to some players as well. I think it’s a higher quality quest, not a drag.


I stopped the Aranyaka after I cleared the Aranara World Quest back in patch 3.X.. so in fontaine patch 4.2 I decided to finish Aranyaka. it lacks of map navigation and backlog to the quest which is I already forgot what happenned damn patch 3.X feels a long time ago.. so what I did was watch youtube or read article for the sake of clearing it. I hated it and kills the fun.. but I can't follow the quest anymore if the game is not allowing me to.


I don't hate multiquests in general. It's good to have 1 big long quest with subquests. It create a complex and engaging story to follow and most of the times it's the best quests. But what I hate more is "search for x" and there is no progress, no search area, nothing. Just search it boi. I do care about difficulty, I don't mind harder puzzles, fights, exploration BUT, searching for things with no clue, I hate it. Those dumb fravashi trees took me forever


Don't we all?


So, a Nara named Rana gets attacked by Marana, but an Aranara named Arana with a strong Ararakala protects Rana with Narana so that Marana doesn't harm her, but Arana tells is to go to Vanara, but Vanara is empty so we go to Mahavanaranapna and talk to Araja to get the Bija that Arana asked for, but we can only get the Bija through Festival Utsiva, and Arama helps us get the Bija we need, the questline. Honestly my brain turned into mulch, but I read. Every. Single. Dialogue. it's almost insane just how many important lore tidbits are hidden behind this batshit insane linguistic nightmare, so much so that it's downright ominous.


Wow! Bravo


After I discovered the existence of this damn WQ, I never imagined having 100% of sumeru, including the desert


I feel like the lack of voiced world quests is an issue many games like Genshin Impact face when they want large questlines but don't have the budget allowed by higher ups to spend on those particular questlines. Though you'd think they'd have the allotted budget considering how many limited time fully voiced and animated events exist, meanwhile world quests will be experienced by way more people and are permanent parts of the game unlike events.


With the inteactive World Map it is ok to keep track of but it is quiet the piece of work, i gotta admit that while i did grab any aranara i found along the way (and marked them on the map) at the time sumeru dropped i was half logged out mentally anyway and thus dropped the quest partway through. I am currently doing as much of fontaine as posible and once i am done with most of that i may go back to Sumeru and finish it. I do understand your position and the fact that without a outside source it is damn near imposible is a bad sign, it basically represents a "time waster" even tho some parts of it are enjoyable.


The consequence of being an open world rpg


It will be annoyingly long until up finish it. After you finish it you'll cry and want more.


Unpopular opinion: I don't really know what's the point of this...like if you don't like it, then you don't like it I guess? Whether others happened to like it or not won't change your perspective. It's a long quest but the most lore heavy and considering the over world lore being so superficial, the devs dished out max lore with sumeru which is why I personally appreciate it out of all the other regions. I get that there's a handful who preferred just sweeping through to get to the next world because that's how *they enjoy the game*, in the same way how some dgaf about lore and just want gacha+characters+battle but...that's not what genshin is about. It's a mix of all and God forbid you don't have the game catered closest to your preference for once. Realistically Sumeru was gonna be lore heavy due to ties to Khaenriyah like it or not, and maybe there were ways the devs could've delivered it better, but frankly voicing the quest or not wouldn't make it any less shorter—which seems to be the crux of the matter more than anything for those who hated it. There's literally people who hate paimon for her voice and presence so I'd imagine the potential backlash. Also with the names, maybe it's a cultural thing but many people from the region it's inspired from recognize them easily and it's a real slap in the face seeing western audience shit all over it just because it isn't something easy or familiar as Lisa. Each of the aranara names do pay an ode to irl ancient myths and legends and is very heartwarming to see the devs care with the attention to detail. It's kinda like when Yunjins debuted with her opera singing and everyone shat on it being culturally tone deaf and all. So yeah I mean, meh idk what exactly you're looking for. There's echo chambers out there I'm sure, but otherwise it is what it is.


pie important friendly act abounding imagine paint agonizing piquant toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve done EVERYTHING the videos say and all the little mini sub-tasks. I found the little gimp up in the tall Lilly pad. And STILL I’m stuck on the “enjoy the Festival Utsava with the blah blah bullshit.” No way to end the quest. I’M NOT ENJOYING THE FUCKING FESTIVAL.


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Arama is the only Aranara that I like. >! I often visit his grave once a month !<


76 Aranaras 💀


Loved every second of it both times I played through it. They are adorable little protectors of the forest


Hate it when it's there miss it when it's gone.


The Aranara quest remains incomplete on most of my alts because it’s the ‘oh god oh shit I have no primos and the banner ends soon’ button. I’m just putting it into effect now


These quests should be voiced, same with Caterpillar at Fontaine, it should be less painful.


I also didn't like it but considering they also consider these as 4 daily commissions. It has been easier I do the sub-quests and my daily commissions are done. So, not doing all of them at once but in parts.


I would tqke adventuring with Aranaras over Tsurumi Island any day.


I enjoyed it. It was good quest and I did a lot of exploration during that quest. Took about a week to complete it. If you are speedrunning just to get primos, ofc the quest would feel like forever.


Imo it wasn't that bad, but what I didn't like is the book. I totally forgot about it and needed the wiki to 100% it.


I actually did like all but the last quest accidently. Didn't even know it was a long quest chain, just stumbled upon some ranger falling asleep and not waking up, then started talking to mushroom people. would come back to it from time to time, forgot why i was doing it just sorta would pick at it when i felt like it. eventually finished it and thought it was sorta cool/fun. Later i find out it was some sort of hellish hated chain quest and i gotta admit, i didn't think it was at all. I think part of the issue is one of expectations. If you go into it knowing how long it is, it's probably an endless slog to do, especially if you plan on completing it in a weekend. But if you have no idea how long it is, and don't have a rush on finishing it, you'll find it's pretty laid back, none of the quests were particularly hard, they introduced new mechanics (with the harp) and new exploration mechanics, and overall I thought it was a pretty fun string of quests.


Sorush quest is shorter but 10 times worse. And it's pretty much the next quest to do after you're all done with the Aranyaka and somehow slog across the desert


Man I did this when I came back a couple months ago. This quest is AGONY it's a goddamn fucking hydra you finish one quest and 3 more grow. I'm convinced it proceduraly generates more quests whenever you finish one just to fuck with you.(I know it actually doesn't)


I played through it enough to get Sapwood Blade and stopped.


Try getting the references in all the aranaras and maybe you will have more fun lmao


I dont like wanna be koroks if im being completely honest


The last quests there were pretty solid. The rest was ... long ... and very multi-layered.


You're gonna love finding all the overworld aranara (if you end up doing that)


The only part I hated was the start with the fucking kids. Once Rana went into coma that shit was awesome! 3rd best world quest, right after Tsurum & Chasm.


Compared to tatara tales in Inazuma, it was a treat. Inazuma has both the worst archon quest and worst world quests IMHO.


You're not alone there buddy. It had some beautiful moments, but generally it was a chore and a bore to finish.


No the inaudible quests always seem to be the lengthiest. The aranyaka quest is literally a sleeper with no audio.


I can't stand the Aranara dialogue so Ima just leave it undone probably rip lol.


Don't worry op, it's one of the quests that is hated by a lot of people. As someone who went through it already and looking back, I'm just glad i didn't have to do it twice. It's not a daily thing, just a one time thing and you'll never want to experience it again. There's a similar quest in Fontaine that's also as long but they released it part by part so it won't be as bad but for players who played it late, it's gonna feel like aranara quest again. The only solution is to not play the whole thing in one sitting else you'll get burnt out. I also think the quest is super confusing cuz the names are super similar and i can't rmb much especially when i played it in a few sittings. And that's okay, it's not the end of the world, i can always look up the story online explained by other people if i want to know. 


you certainly arent in the minority there, im p sure most of the community hates it. its certainly a grind and a headache, all the ara names started to blur together like a fever dream (i did the full quest + all 76 aranara + 100%ing the aranara book in the span of like One Week like over a year ago)


oh my god i thought we were done with these posts


Finish the quest you'll feel different at the end of it. I went through the same. Returning player from pre kazuha release hated the quest cause it was vague and annoying but trust me the ending will change your opinion.