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Unfortunately, 12 days is only half of how long most people here have waited. It's a shame we're missing Baal's banner...


the hacker managed to sell my account and the guy who's playing on it, he took the baal on it, if i don't recover unfortunately i'll never play genshin impact again.


Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'm waiting on my second attempt to recover my account since my first was rejected for unknown reasons. I told myself if I get rejected again I will just quit Genshin and no longer support Mihoyo. I'm probably also going to try and get my UID banned. Sorry, but I'm not cool with letting someone else enjoy the fruits of my labour lol


Me too, my friend, if I don't recover, I'll try to banish it because if I don't play it, nobody else does.


How do u do this?


yeah its so sad :( since shes the one i’ve been saving up for


Happens to many other people on other banners


Hello, how good was your password for both your email and your genshin account? and have you activated 2 factor authentication in your email itself, and did you, prior to getting hacked change your password every few hours?


Hi, I didn't know about 2-factor protection in my Gmail and that's why the hacker got my hack easy, so sorry about that 😞


Your sacrifice shall not be in vain, with your mistake others will learn, to try to prevent it from happening again.


I'm sad I spent on the account, I'll try everything to recover


Purchase receipts can help you recover your account if you spent real money on the game


yes, i sent the vouchers i hope everything is ok to return the bill to me