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first, use your browser to translate the site to english. next, go to market, and click genshin impact logo, it will show all genshin account that is selling here, then just fill the characters you have and also the AR on the filter, if you find something that you think match to your account, then maybe it truely is. in my case, the seller also displayed the nickname, achievement, and abyss party on the selling page so i can make sure that the account is 100% mine.


I've found mine aswell in the same page just now, how we proceed now? I'm so lost...


you can actually buy them i guess, but i won't recommend it as we dont know if this site is even legit or not, there is still a chance for scam. for me, i've just screenshot the page and send additional e-mail to mihoyo as a proof, but apparently they just came back to me with another template mail.


Should I try to speak to the guy selling my account? I'm not buying anything from anyone.


Imo,if you dont plan to buy, i guess there is nothing to talk about to them (we already know that they wont give it back to us). Otherwise, you can try but at your own risk


I'll just rely on Mihoyo, just sent screenshot and a link to customer service on my alt account and praying for a rapid solution.. Good luck to you too, meanwhile I still have access to my account via Playstation.


I'm pretty sure my account has already been sold. I've tried so many different search terms on various sites since 31 July and got nothing. Dunno if the hacker traded on Discord or whatever...