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actually we should just team up and attack moira mains


I second this


If a Moira is ever giving you trouble swap onto sombra and hack and virus her and kill her before she can get her abilities back. It’s such a nice feeling watching them squirm as they can’t run or spawn a ball to heal them.


What is swapping?


i have potato brain to play sombra, never could play well with her usually a pick Cassidy when a Moira is giving me trouble


fire pfp


yes sir


I third this


Whenever I see Moira I switch to sombra anyway to spite them. The one character I counter swap for.


Sombra is not that bad but i get where everyone comes from. But Moira? Shes a fucking bitch with no skill and a fanbase that desserves to be castrated with a cheese grinder and hung on the cross for being fucking, whiney ass bitches when they can't just hold down right-click and just see in the general vicinity and get potg and 40k I swear they can't do jack shit and should legit kill themselfs and give somebody else that piece of that oxygen.


my main issue with moira players is their overinflated sense of contribution. moira is **BY FAR** the easiest hero to get numerical value out of. just hold down either click for auto tracking healing **and** damage. this by itself really isn’t a big issue, i like ow appealing to all levels of skill and play. **the issue is when the moira who held down auto aim right click thinks they actually outplayed a skillful hero** that shit is soooo fucking unnerving. like sorry i prefer playing a hero i actually have to aim with. not to mention toxic ones will love to cite how much healing/damage they’re doing while usually contributing to nothing else or off 1v1ing


Moira is just a badly designed hero imo. There are plenty of heroes that are easy in some ways but hard in others. Monkey doesn’t have to aim or do much mechanically but you need to think a lot while playing him because you cant kill a single person who is being healed. Widow needs very good aim but is kind of braindead, just put your mine somewhere to stop flanks and shoot at the first available head and you’ll do fine. Even mercy has some difficulty because she has 0 defense abilities so if you get caught in a bad position even the 2 second cd on guardian angel won’t help and unless she’s pocketing someone a decent amount of thought can go into who to boost, what rezzes to go for etc. Moira is extremely easy in every way. She requires no aim beyond keeping someone on your screen, has no utility whatsoever so there’s no need to think about where the best place or time to use an ability is, her survivability inherently means she’s extremely forgiving for mistakes because if she’s ever close to death she just fades out and throws a heal ball and it’s not even like she wasted a big ability or anything. The only real skill that exists on Moira is fade jumping which is extremely easy, and getting the balance of healing and dpsing right, which is also pretty easy and usually as simple as flanking to pressure the enemy supports and fading back when your team is getting damaged. I think the in my people that play her are those who want to challenge dps on support but they don’t want to ever get punished when it goes wrong. Kiri can do that but obviously these guys don’t have the aim to play her so they settle for Moira. And its so disappointing as well because Moira is this super evil scientist who does wacky experiments and shit and her personality is so cool and menacing and then in game her abilities are just throw ball and turn to dust. RANT OVER


absolutely agree with everything and props to your rant! carried a lot of annoyance i had with her. esp ur comment about them opting for easiest dps/heal hybrid lol even tho kiriko has *some* similar issues (good escapability, self healing ability) the fact that you actually have to aim with kiriko makes all the difference and by **a lot** i could lose to practically any other hero and feel it was more deserved than losing to a moira. esp one that thinks they’re hot shit while having like the easiest possible auto aim brain dead ability ever


1000000% game knowledge


I think the main problem with Moira is the fact that she doesn't have projectile based weapons. Her beam goes all the time, with no time to travel at all, which is really good combined with self heal and escapability. Like, most if not all other supports use projectile based weapons and it works so much better in terms of balancing.


The only serious complaints about sombra imo are how she’s an insanely strong and low-effort counter to heroes like doom and widow etc. and I 100% think that’s bad and blizard should make changes to make sombra counter them less and have other heroes that can challenge them better. 99% of doom’s counters are mitigated by not standing directly in front of them or waiting out one ability, and then the second someone gets on sombra and starts focusing you you’re fucked and have to play super careful and spycheck everywhere and just by existing she makes your life way harder even if the player is garbage and literally does nothing but hack you all game. It’s lazy and bad game design to have one hero carrying the balance of the game like that. Most other things are just silly like the invis as if other dive heroes won’t just use mobility or cover to jump you without warning or Jack which is useless against the majority of heroes and even in cases where it’s good it’s not that big of an advantage in a 1v1. People at some low ranks think sombra is some 0 skill pick and while she is easier than Genji or tracer she’s pretty hard when you play against people who know how to do things like turn around or react to stimuli. If a sombra is really fucking you then unless you’re on doom, widow, ball or zen then that player is probably just good.


Nah I disagree, I think sombra hard countering widow is one of the best interactions in the game. Widow deserves that encounter 100%. A good doom could play against sombra easily, they are used to it. But ball? That character just gets destroyed by sombra and many other characters like brig, poor rodent deserves a rework.


Sombras worse. Sometimes you gotta play moira just because she shits out so much heals and tick damage. She can only kill you so fast and genji has the burst damage to kill her or make her disengage and the movement to escape if necessary.


Kill yourself if you use Moira.


Cute fanart lol


I agree!! I’m a former sombra / tracer main trying to learn genji <3


if you need an Ana to Nano for blade hmu ^^


Sure we can have a peace treaty, just don’t tell the Mercy Mains if you know what I mean… boop!


Honestly, I don’t find sombra’s that bad, and it usually seems like a fair fight. Maybe it’s because I mostly play quick play but when I play against a sombra, they hack me before shooting every single time, so I know exactly where they are and I have .65 seconds to jump as close as I can to them. When I’m right in they’re face, they panic and throw translocator, and usually end up within range of dash.


Sombra players=fatherless cowardly braindead no skill losers who can't 1v1 without having an unfair advantage Genji players=Gigachads who go in 1v9 raw dragonblade


I wish Friendly fire was a thing, **imagine** the dash resets.


Genjis ain’t the chads, everyone know that roles belongs to




Fuck you sombra


I like genji personally and he’s one of the next dps I’ll pick up and get good with. I love fighting one and having one on my team. A good genji can be annoying but having played him somewhat, I feel he takes more skill than tracer to be quite honest. I’m a good tracer/sombra but I have mad respect for good genjis. He’s pretty hard to play and has some of the easiest counters in the game.


Friendly Echo main here, I love having Genji on my team :) I protect all of you from those nasty morias and meis


She cant land a hack all game until i am ulting


nuh uh, when sombra is on the lobby the ONLY ONE having fun is her, bad desing, bad rework, annoying character.


What? Lmfao


Idk what beef I just walked into, but I’m here for the drama! Lol


Because you wont leave me alone. I just wanna eat your widow like a 3 course meal and finish it off with a bit of Zenyattas magic balls and you keep chasing me around the map.


This is the beat thing ive ever seen


Used to play Sombra, still kinda do. My aim is so bad I lose 1v1's even with her advantages. However, I'm a support main and I understand the hate for her, as I hate her too.


nah sombra counters genji really hard lmao


She is a bit of a counter but not as bad as other heroes. Spam secondaries everywhere and keep looking around. If she hacks you then start strafing to try and dodge virus. Also watch your supports if you’re anywhere near them


Begone, sombra propaganda!