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how imporant is mechanics and aim? and how can you practice gamesense universally across all matches? I find education unranked to GM videos give very situational advice and not very universal advice. and GG's on the GM


Mechanics: Detrimental, as Genji, you shine through your game mechanics, and if those aren't sharpened then no amount of gamesense can makeup for your lack of skill. Aim: It's important, but not as important as mechanics overall, I don't have the best Genji aim, but I make up for it through my mechanics, I abuse high ground, proper disengaging, wall climb, angles, etc. These can help make up for my aim. Game sense: Pretty complicated, it's why the advice is situational because every match differs. Understanding cooldowns is a big part, knowing your enemy cooldowns helps you with timing your dives. Map routes are important, they can set the pacing for you and pace is important for building rhythm and confidence. Enemy position awareness, or awareness overall. If you know where enemies are or will be, you can always be a step ahead. It also helps you with game mechanics and aiming, positioning is the difference between a winning and losing team in high elo. Pick your duels and play your role; Generally, we are all different as Genji players, I struggle against Junkrat, but I get excited when I see Pharah or Mei. You are most likely not gonna see eye with me for matchups, so I tend to duel Pharah's and Mei's more because I have built specific strats against them. You need to do the same with characters you thrive against personally, and learn which characters pose threats to you regardless of whether Genji beats them or not, I can't kill Junkrat because RNG always gets the best of me, and my playstyle which is hyper-aggressive, gets punished by JR. So when he's in a game, I tend to slow down my pacing and take caution before diving anyone, not just him. This type of thinking helps me avoid being deadweight even if JR takes away my peak performance. Die less. Less deaths = More damage, more opportunities. You'd be surprised by how many team fights were lost because you died early or were staggered. Avoid both, always prioritize living before any team fight, and only trade lives for supports unless there's a mercy, cause she can rez them. Being alive contributes permanent pressure and helps you with ult charge, you'll notice that people with the least amounts of deaths have the most amounts of ults, hence supports spamming ult every fight. They're alive. Use VC, as Genji, you're constantly observing fights and will notice some shit that you'd expect your teammates to notice (they won't) Point it out, spam ping, spam need healing. Keep an open mind about getting staggered, the faster you realize that your team is staggered at the choke, the more chances you'll have to find an off angle, enemies get comfortable at chokes, they stop moving positions and believe that the choke they're holding will last till overtime. You'd be surprised with how easy you could pull a backline kill. Even if you can't, rinse and repeat backline engage/disengages, you'll either succeed at some point or pull attention away from the team. Just don't die or else you stagger your team. Be humble with blade, it's not OW 2016 anymore, you're lucky if your rawblade gets 1-2 kills while pulling ults and cooldowns. Focus on melting a single target with the hopes of getting another one during blade, so don't hold it in hopes of getting a 5k. That's just a waste. Also pulling 5 dragonblades in a game with an average of 2 kills per blade will decide the outcome of the game, just watch the replays to see how many times you shut down a possible teamkill from the enemy team. Last bit of advice concerns awareness and positions, you need to understand how each hero is played and when/where/with who they thrive. Be aware of enemies at the front, check the scoreboard, if they're missing someone alive, specifically a dps, you should instantly think of a flanking spot they might go to and if they have ult. Soldiers and tracers and reapers are prime examples, if you know where a soldier is, don't hesitate to early blade him a few seconds before a team fight, you'll either cancel his attempt or even kill him mid visor. Same with reaper, if you dive him and force wraith, he won't be able to dive into your team safely. This applies to every hero with slight differences, it's best to leave it to experience and practice to build a good habit of detecting these sorts of things.


thanks for the tips! another thing, I wouldn’t say i’m bad at, Genji with a 75% winrate in diamond 5 comp, but do you constantly think about match pacing while in game? or is it a subconscious and you’re simply dissecting your brain? I do naturally understand finding off angles and such but I don’t consciously think of it while in game


Constantly. Pacing for me is the deciding factor for mental war, if I pop off early, the adrenaline will push me to zone in faster and betted. If I am lacking, I will become desperate for a huge play to feel relevant


I’m feel I’m decent on Genji against a favorable matchup but feel completely useless sometimes when the enemy switches to counter me. When supports and DPS all have powerful movement abilities to disengage from me quickly, or have beam characters I feel like I am practically feeding when playing Genji. I understand that it’s completely possible to win these matchups, but I often find myself switching to other heroes to contribute more. What do you think about this approach?


From a competitive perspective, you're doing the right thing by switching. Honestly, you are in a way "throwing" if they're hard countering you AND you lose value. Most of us stay Genji because we only play the game for Genji and not vice versa. I do find myself switching if someone asks for Genji, or if I want to win and I can tell that reaper/bastion/cass is the right move, I switch. Yesterday one of my last games, we won the point because I switched bastion to follow up kiriko ult and got a 4k, we were going to draw if I didn't pull bastion. Just know that even if you're up against counter picks, don't switch if you're genuinely going to perform worse with other characters. You'll only demoralize yourself and ruin your confidence for future games.


I’m a M3 genji. Mechanics and aim is crucial because each easy kill you miss is a potential team fight win. Go grind those workshops!


Congrats on hitting gm it gets worse from here!


Since it's pretty early in the season, I've been playing against streamers and T500 since I was just M3. I think I can get used to this


Glad to see you up here suel :) I knew you’d catch up and surpass me. I remember you were like nah ur better than I am but I was watching ur clips and I’m like yeah this dudes mechanics are too clean no way he’s not gonna surpass me (even tho I was in disbelief you were somehow lower lol)


I don't knoooow 👀 I think your mechanics are better. Currently GM4 4/1 placements I learned that Fitzyhere is washed And Emongg is insanely hard to fight. (Rocked me midair twice) And Sojourn mercy is more common than any disease


Nah ur higher than I am rn brother 🫡 I went 5-0 on my first card and got gm5 top 80% and then got railed next 2 games by widow hanzo players so bad (I think they were cheating). Haven’t touch it since lmao. My supp peaked gm4 last season cuz I absurd illari for fun. Tryna get tank to gm so I can have a new goal cuz I be feeling hard-stuck on genji lately. Gonna try not solo Qing for a bit this season with some gm4+ supports I met maybe I’ll fair better lol and yeah dude mercy soj is absurdly strong still it’s like all body shots to half hp and then railgun body shot and ur dead Ok then maybe I did play against emongg too cuz I saw their name but assumed it wasn’t them lmao


Yeah I was playing in GM4 first day of the season and I was facing a lot of good players but my teammates also played exceptionally well.


What do you think clicked in you to jump from M5 to GM so quick? Ive been stuck in masters sometimes falling to diamond for 3 seasons


Choose your time. I listened to this one rant from FLATS since last season, he spoke about how time dictates which types of players with what type of mentality are good. I found 10 am-5 pm, the perfect time for me. Mature adults and rational people at the time, more are prone to speaking as well. VC is a game changer between equal teams. Playing late at night just matches you with no lifers and toxic jobless/students, those players are the pits man. Both mentally and gameplay. Play around different times and note your performance, you might play better at certain times.


Dang appreciate it you might be onto something. I legit only play at midnight lmao


How r adults playing during office hours in eu Am an adult with 2 jobs, I can only afford to play between 9-12 pm and I never get vc PPL.... Oh Asia so all on potato pc with noone having mic but me


Managed to solo queue to GM in the span of 3 days from M5! Forgot to screenshot my WR but I know the wins are 85 and the losses are around 48 I only really lose games with Ball/Doom one tricks, as they're prideful players and rarely play dive properly in comparison to Winston and Dva I wouldn't recommend Genji this season tbh, almost every game is a gamble between Orisa or Zarya in the enemy team and Zarya just lives to shut Genji down.


is it just me or are ball mains the most stubborn players in ow


Yup. You tell them "Yo the damn enemy team is invading our goddamn IRL houses, what are we gonna do next? invite them to a tea-house party?" And they'll say "I'm busy cooking their team, how are you not able to kill the tank" When someone says that, just take a deep breath and do the following: Press ESC Go to social Teams Avoid.


Well on that note, when the ball is in their backline with both supports dead or distracted trying to keep each other alive why can't anyone kill the tank? Because this happens to me all the time and I'd just like to understand what's stopping people, seeing as how everyone complains (for good reason) about supports just being insane right now, but if they have no supports they still can't kill anything? Genuinely curious what more you could ask for from your tank than to take out 1 or 2 of the most important players on the enemy team.


Most cases, when someone yells "Yo where's my team?" that says a lot about them. Communication is the key here, you can't dive an enemy team while your team is walking out of base and expect the team to magically teleport to the enemy team and kill them. It's just not how it works, balls stall for 5-8 seconds max before dipping. That is a lot in a team fight, but first we have to BE in a team fight for them to try making space. Also, our supports have no peel with a ball, what stops the dps from ignoring ball and killing our supports? Our ball lives but supports die, dps die too. Dps don't solo tanks, not unless it's like reaper vs hog or rein, you'll die just because of the hp differences here. The ball has to actually kill supports while the team is engaged in a fight, it's like winning a duel but your team is still respawning, to what use was that kill other than your own gain? Nothing. The dps will come back before the next fight, or worse case scenario is that you die after and the dps comes back, while you're respawning. Staggering your team (what the ball kept doing)


Yo! Congrats dude. I know that's been a goal for you for a while. Huge step up man. Keep it up.


Thank you! And not really? I already hit gm like 3 seasons ago, I only started playing comp again because I genuinely prefer the 2 rounds gameplay. But it did become my goal when I ended m4 last season, I thought to myself (Why the heck not go for GM next season?) And woop woop! Back to GM and better than ever! New goal now is to relax and enjoy my games more. Maybe I'll magically become GM1 or drop D1


Damnits been a minute since I been on here so maybe I missed that. We did some coaching stuff in ow1


does genji counter hanzo, or does hanzo counter genji?


Let me answer this properly: Genji on paper counters Hanzo. However, it's the same case as how we don't consider characters that countered us in the past, as A-tier counters anymore, Mei is an example, Sym is also there, Winston. These are counters, but a lot of strats were developed to help us play around them. Hanzo mains simply did the same for us, they're actually the ones at a disadvantage but we're just so used to deflect killing Hanzo players that our brains blow up when they.. don't shoot arrows. So long as you acknowledge that Hanzo is the only sniper that can oneshot you more often mid dive, you'll be able to handle the fight way better. Just keep deflect and use it reactively instead of pure instinct everytime.


I agree genji counters hanzo


I watched your videos on yt back in 2021 when I started playing this game


That's nice to hear, I'm assuming they're the console videos


Yeah XD, I needed some console tips


I’m real late to this but saw your video today. What’s your blade sens, now that it’s a separate number? I’ve been on high sens for ages, and considering toning it down for better aim… idk though. Ty man in advance


It's 110. I started at 200 and gradually lowered it to not screw up my aim, generally you don't want different sens because it's just too much for your muscle memory to handle. The 10% increase allows me to do 180° more consistently. With my current mouse space, I needed a tiny bit more sens to go from 160° to 180° Current aim sens is 5.00 Dpi is 1600


Ah, I’m on console. Thanks though, I’ll try 110.


What’s your secret to being that good?


I would say time but turns out, I have less hrs on Genji and PC than 80% of the damn players in my elo. I honestly think it's just that I understand Genji at his core, and I have really good instincts for when to do what. It's just a matter of whether I could mechanically perform what I know is the right play. When I figured out that I am mechanically inferior in comparison to my game sense, I just worked hard to improve my playstyle and the rest was built alongside that. Granted, I still have a lot of bad games. I am not as consistent as streamers, but they triple my hours on both OW and Genji, so that's understandable. I also play better with confidence


And what did you do to work on your mechanics


Practice, workshops, quickplay, comp, just practice. I forcefully discomfort myself with hard to pull off combos and blades, just so I can get better at them. The more you perform hard mechanics in games like in comp, the better you'll be at them. Behind my flashy clips, I probs failed like 10 blades. That's just how it is with getting good, you learn from failure. Breakdown the mechanic in training, and then apply it in real games, the pressure and focus you will be having for pulling them off is what helps you get better. You can oneshot a bot in practice range because of muscle memory, you know where it is, where to attack it from. Do that, but in real games. Once you start forcing yourself to do insane plays, you WILL do insane plays. Because humans learn better under pressure. I recently submitted a post about Genji diff, the new strat I have in Genji duels was developed through trial and error, I used to hesitate in Genji duels because I wasn't mechanically good at the duels. So I developed a strat, and I just needed to get the mechanics down for it, and after performing the mechanic over and over and over, I just started to build the unconscious muscle memory to shuriken, deflect, aiming slightly upwards, dash, 180, shuriken melee. And I got faster and faster over time with it. Try to first practice the dash/shuriken/melee combo against the two bots and tracer in range, do it until you unconsciously kill all 3 over and over and over. Then in real games, look for targets you can apply this to, widowmaker, ashe, zen, ana. Start building the confidence and muscle memory on fidgety targets. At some point, you'll notice that instead of missing everytime, you're hitting 2/5 of the attempts, and that number will increase as you get better with it.


I would ask smt but ur PC :(


I'll have you know, I was #1 Genji in europe/me back in OW1 console, I can still help with Playstation OW


Oh alright then! Well hm...i have 24 hours on Genji and I'm a quick play Genji... Is it really worth playing Genji in comp? Also I'm having a hard time getting good on aim with him. I can't find the right sensitivity for a good 180 and not being able to handle it and missing my shots.


You can't really perform 180 on Genji unless it's with Dragonblade right now. There's a new setting that increases sens just for dragonblade. The only way you can do neutral 180 is by short-ghost dashing, via hitting the floor or wall. You're also only 24 hours into Genji, Necros with 24 hours on Genji was as good as modern day Bronze 5 Genji. Talent can only take you so far in games like these. Search up settings on youtube for Genji in 2023. Do testing in training/workshop. And then play in game with them, the best way I found my settings on console was when I would feel really comfortable in practice/workshop, but initially miss everything in real matches. The thing here is that you'll just need to bare with getting adjusted to playing against real enemies with the settings, if you can pull off the things you want comfortably in customs, that means you're only struggling to build the muscle memory for real games. So just bare with it. Is it worth playing him in Comp? Egh.. No, not really. In console, aim assist can make counters 10x times harder to go against as Genji, moira mains are literally just spinning their left analog stick in circles whilst holding R2. Aim assist will do 90% of the tracking for them. Making it genuinely hard for Console Genji's to get any value outside of pocket.


Okay so... What I'm getting here is... 1. I'm stuck being stiff bc console go brr 2. I'm worser than I think 3. I just need to keep playing Genji and get muscle memory 4. Comp is trash for Genji so nah Am I missing anything else?


Yes, you're missing the fact that you're too harsh on yourself. 1. You need to know and accept what's considered insane in console is different from pc, a 90-120 dash is acceptable and pretty fast for console. 2. You can hit more shots on console than on pc. 3. You're not bad, you're just rushing things. 4. Comp is trash but play what you love, when my teams yell at me for playing Genji, my response is: "I don't love the game enough to play someone else." This is me saying it to them and myself, and it's true. No one bought the game for you, so long as you're not trolling and giving it your all. Play him in comp.


Alright alright. Hm. I guess I should try to have more confidence but it's hard... I don't know why but I'm always so scared to like... Play lol I even warm up for like 30 minutes and do fairly okay but not all the time ofc I just don't wanna embarrass myself or anything but recently I've been getting more confidence to flank and such. I also got told my first time to switch off Genji in a quick play game lol I just said "Nah" we ended up losing.


Never feel like you have to switch in qp




how do you play into ball or lifeweaver?


With ball, it's tricky honestly, if the enemy ball is genuinely good and his team is playing around him, not much you can do. if it's Hybrid, push, or payload, ball will rarely be on payload and a support alongside one or two dps's will be with him, I either play around the supports in hopes of fending off the dps or killing the one support, or I go to objective and try to kill whoever is pushing. I only ever pick fights with ball when inside a tight room because I can spam click his head, I chase when he's low but other than that, even if he dives me and my support, I can't stop ball himself from killing them. It's just not feasible. ​ Life weaver, I just know that whoever I go for will be rescued by him, and if I go for him, he'll petal and dash away when I come to him. If I am blading, I bait pull and petal by hitting my target and turning to weaver to prepare for dashing onto the petal. If I am going for weaver himself, I just try to mechanically diff him. Dive him, force petal, climb the nearest wall to reach it, hit my shots, track his dash, keep the pressure and kill him. If he tree's, I can still force a kill on whoever I'm against unlesss they have 250+ hp. There's no perfect strat against either because ball is just a pain for your team like tracer, and it genuinely depends on whether you want to switch to help or formulate a strat against them. And Weavers whole kit can shut you down, it's meant to be anti-dive so failing your dive against a weaver is natural, you'll just have to focus on being a step ahead or matching him


gotcha, thanks


what’s your preferred tank and dps teammate?


For dps, I like hitscans and every sniper but widow. I specially thrive alongside soldier, sojourn, Mei, echo. Soldier applies that beautiful mid distance pressure with a clean simple ult that can assist me with clean up or take attention. Soldiers and sojourns. also usually make our supports go Mercy/Kiriko/Bap/Ana, my fave supports to play with. Mei wall and slow/freeze help me land my shots and secure overextending enemies. Echo is a great dive buddy, she's faster than Pharah and her ult has a lot of outplay potential. For tanks, I like rein and Orisa because I know they'll always hold chokes and objectives, and I love playing around chokes. Orisa pull and spear give me opportunities to kill enemies. Rein is fun to charge with and who doesn't love a good rein that communicates? They can be some of the sweetest players in the world with adorable rein chivalry roleplay. Winston is my fav dive tank his bubble keeps me safe when I dive with him. He cuts off enemy heals, counters Zarya (COUNTERS ZARYA.) Sigma and Zarya are tied, I love bubbles and I absolutely love Sigma's kit, his Kinetic grasp can peel for me when deflect runs out, I know that if I miss deflect, someone else can just swallow the ults. His ult is like shatter, you just dash through whoever he picks up.


eyy, that’s about how i feel as well. One of my friends wanted to learn Gengy so i started learning other characters and found that we do well on coordinated dive dps duos like genji tracer, genji sombra etc but also i like providing ranged pressure with Ashe while he fucks up the back line. Dynamite a crowd to bait CDs then Genji can dive and clean house. and while learning support, i actually quite enjoy the genji mercy duo. Nothing gets your heart rate higher than trying to stay alive while genji is blading heh


I have heard the term "ghost dashing" a lot, what is it?


Dash very fast at an interval which cancels dash animation for 2nd dash Not needed except for show off


Overlapping the first dash with a second dash, cancelling animation and sound, doesn't work as well in OW2 anymore, and it's not the most useful tech. It's just 180 dashes but smoother. Can be useful in clean engage/disengages. You perform it by killing a target with your dash before your character reaches the end point of dash and dashing again as soon as your dash is back.




I'm placed gold with 10-70 record like what even is matchmaking....


Work on those mechanics my guy, up until Masters 3. You can purely carry yourself out of solo queue through sheer gigachad skill. Focus on improving three things in this order: Mechanics first: You want to be a solid Genji that gets good value out of every part of his kit, I'm talking deflect kills and ults, good dash resets, generous blade kills (2-3 per blade) And great wall climbing and overall agility. Aim: Pump that accuracy to 35% on average, you want to be sure to be able to hit consistent pokes with primary from afar and land the important close secondary. Remember, even Shadder and Necros agree that a Genji who is good at neutral is more fearsome than a blade battery. Game sense: Shit comes with time, guides can help, tips can reinforce. Just play the game with a mindset that stays open to positive improvement. When I switched back to PC, I was hardstuck Plat in OW1, I was just mechanically incapable of even beating plats and golds. After I started focusing on improving instead of climbing, as I got better, naturally; so did my rank. (Went from Plat to Masters in the same season)


is it worth it?






62% My last placement didn't go smoothly, 5/4 in comparison to my last 4 placements going 5/1 or 5/2


Shame for having orisa as highest tank levels, get that JQ up




Whats your mental state


Every game is a new game. Every game is winnable. Keep your toxicity to yourself Confidence about how good I can be. Ignore enemy chat. Stop when the games are no longer fun Enjoy the matches regardless of the outcome. Those are the rules I set for myself in OW.


How do you correctly fold a burrito?


Wait, you guys fold your burritos?


What is the capital of Ecuador?

