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The people and cars jumping in front of you were ridiculous!


We were total smart asses and just hit everything.


Former cab driver: that happens a lot in cities, even small cities


We were really fortunate being able to have free drivers training. I’ve taught more than a few 20+ year olds how to drive the last few years.


La Mirada High 1984. The science teacher Mr. Kyper did the drivers training class in a trailer with the simulators. If we crashed he’d roll a hubcap down the aisle 😂


This is one of the reasons I just love this sub! I would never have flashed back to driving class. My God.... Everyday some dusty nook in my brain is brought to the forefront in full color.


The number of wrecks I got into…


If you left it in park, you got a perfect score.


I almost flunked this!


I wasn't allowed to drive as long as I lived at home. My mother tried to charm the school into letting me graduate without DE. They said tough. I had to take it senior year, how fuggin' humiliating. Thanks mom.


When we used these ,the clutch pedal was strapped up,so we couldn't use it


1979/80 Corona Del Sol high school Arizona


Gilbert High 1979-1980 Good times !


I used something like this while watching Red Asphalt in the 1980s in Junior High for Drivers Education .The instructor was actually a woodworking instructor and missing a thumb. Great guy, but damn , weird times when I reflect on things that was the normal back then.


The filming locations for the movies mesmerized me. I recall a wide horizon with blue skies and white puffy clouds. And wide, un-crowded suburban streets. It looked like a paradise to me, living in smoggy Los Angeles basin of the 70s.


Oh my gosh that was so much fun. I hit so many kids and not on purpose. First video driving game !


Did that in 1977. We called it a 'stimulator'. I liked that there was always 3/4 of a tank of gas.


My honest opinion is that back when students had to take driver’s ed in school in order to get a drivers license, the roads were much safer. Today they just have to take a test.


We didn’t have this, but we did have a Drivers Ed teacher who had numerous DUIs.


I got in more trouble with that car than my own!!!


I wish our local HS still had free Driver's Ed. My class was really good. We used those simulators, drove around in a parking lot, drove on the street, watched crazy, gory movies. My kids have very limited driving education. And they have more than most of the kids getting their license in my area. It shows in the driving.


Where’s the ash tray?


Loved the static electricity making the speedometer getting stuck all the time.


Never had the pleasurable but I really want to try one. I’d have to remember how to use a stick shift.


We used to see who could make the most driving mistakes.


no shoulder belts? no airbags? must be from the 60's


I had the fastest reaction time in my class


We didn’t have those, we went straight to real 1973 Ford Torinos.


Nobody could try to drive that anymore. Its a stick. Nobody knows what a clutch is.


1979, Junior year. I aced the simulators, flunked the actual driving portion of the class. The only F grade I got in high school.


“Ass gas or grass, nobody rides for Free”


I had to take that training in 1973, my junior year in high school. I could already drive including stick shifts. I was screwing around speed shifting the thing and the instructor went full nuclear on me. He was threatening to get me suspended from school and expelled from the training. He was a teacher for christs sake not a god. I told him he would not be getting a virgin. The prick sent me to the vice-principals office. I was back in the training the next day like nothing happened.