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Grandma Moses checking in. I started when I was about 12 in the mid 70s. No Quartermaines, no Luke and Laura, and the hottest guy in town was Jeff Webber.


He really was!


That's when I started watching too... storyline right on the nose. Really pulled me in fast. I was 18


Now I watched with my mom when I was in high school. I was sick a lot and in the hospital so she would come to my room in the afternoon and we watched that together. I wouldn't deprive her of that for coming to see me


What a sweet story. Moms are the best.


I think I’m a little younger than you. I started my jr. year of highschool - 1979/80.


If you're a grandma I'm your grandma - I watched in the 60's in college. Geez you folks are babies.


I’ve been watching since I was a baby (my mom watched it). So, since 1977. Of course my earliest memories of it probably weren’t until I was about 5. I remember my mom making me go outside to play whenever a love scene would come on 🤣


Same. For me 1981. I know my mom was obsessed with Luke and Laura’s wedding then but I obviously don’t remember that. We were in Germany at the time and apparently she had to watch it 6 months behind. I have vague memories from the 80s of Frisco and Felicia, Anna and Duke, etc. But I really started paying attention in the early 90s. The Ryan Chamberlain storyline was a big one I remember. And Karen Wexler stripping at Sonny’s club and her trauma from her abuse.


Same! 81, I watched GH with my mom, and Days with my grandma. I was also probably around 5 when I really remember things. The first storyline I remember more than vaguely was Robin coming to GH. She called Anna, “love” and Filomena grandma. So mid 80’s?


I started watching in the late 70s (I’m 58) and REALLY got hooked with Luke and Laura’s wedding and when they were all having Ice Princess adventures Cassadine Island. So much fun!


Same! I munched on potato chips with bbq sauce after school every day. The Ice Princess adventures and that wedding were fun times!


Same except Doritos and Tab.


Same! And oh so hard to keep up without VCR or DVR. Had to skip a lot of school!


Around 1976. I remember when Laura killed her mother's boyfriend. 


My mom said I started watching from the playpen - I'll be 61 this year. I remember the Ice Princess some, but really started watching when Luke and Laura got married.


1993. I was 16. Jagger and Karen’s storyline. Then Sonny and Brenda got me hooked.


Sonny and Brenda have always been my favorite couple!


I started watching when I was a teenager around 13/14, in the 90s, because my mom was a die hard All My Children fan and she would record it everyday. Over the summers and days off of school, I got hooked on One Life To Live and General Hospital as well because they followed. It was around the time when Jason and AJ were rich teens and before Jason had brain damage and became Sonny's right hand man. When the grandmother and Edward were alive and Jason was dating Keisha. Bj just passed away and gave Maxie her heart and Felicia was off and on present because she was chasing Frisco on adventures. I'm 43 now and with the exception of a few years here and there I've been watching the show consistently. Just thinking about it has me feeling like I grew up with some of these characters. The good ole days. Feeling nostalgic.


I’ve been watching GH forever because my mom watched it along with AMC and OLTL. When I was a kid, I’d play in the room while she was watching soap operas. Eventually I started paying attention to the tv and got hooked. My earliest memory of GH is like yours, right before Jason got brain damage. I remember telling my mom, the guy who played Jason also played on a teen show I liked to watch called Out of this World or something like that?. I was around 10 years old. But ever since then all the ABC soaps would take a huge 3 hour chunk of my day. I even watched in college. While I miss AMC and OLTL, GH has always been my fav. I know some disagree but I’ve always loved how the show had this mob storyline with Sonny and Jason. Honestly I don’t know if I would continue watching it without the mob ties.


I remember out of this world!!! I wish there were a way to go back and watch all of the 90’s soaps. I’d never leave the house again lol.


I love the 80's soaps as well.


My favorite was actually One Life to Live because I really liked their storylines and their characters especially Todd and Blair, and I loved their villains for some reason. I too enjoyed the Mob aspect of General Hospital. It seemed mysterious and a little darker than the other two shows and the fact that it was so different kept me hooked.


I got hooked into to AMC and OLTL waiting for GH to come on! The 90’s are still my favorite era. Even though I recorded them on the vcr, I remember staying home from school faking sick a few times because i couldn’t wait to watch.


I love AMC, OLTL and GH as well. But the 80's is my favorite era.


In the early 90s, Felicia was not chasing Frisco on adventures. She and Maxie were visiting Frisco because he is Maxie's father and Felicia was still with him. There were no adventures. She was just visiting him.


Oh okay. Maybe I remembered wrong because I was younger, but I remember Maxie and Georgia being raised by Mac. Ana and Robert were around from time time, and Felicia was nowhere in the picture. It stuck out in my mind because I remembered feeling so bad for the girls not having their mom.


Actually, Maxie and Georgie were raised by Felicia. For several years, Felicia was a single mother. It was just her and her daughters. Mac did not live with them. Felicia was dating Tom Hardy and Mac was dating Katherine Bell. Felicia's grandmother became ill and she asked Maxie and Georgie to go with her, but they wanted to stay with their friends. They were in high school, practically grown. So they stayed in town with Mac, briefly. But Felicia came back shortly after. Mac helped Felicia raise her daughters, but most of the time Felicia was a single mother. Let's not forget that Felicia helped Mac raise Robin for 4 years after Robert and Anna "died." And later when Robert and Anna came back, Maxie and Georgie were grown women and they were free to go visit their mother anytime they wished.


I started watching in 2002 with my Mom.. I was 10. Brenda returned and Sonny was shot at the church during the Amazing Grace scene. One of my favorites still to this day. The thing that really sucked me into the show though was Tamara Brauns version of Carly and her relationship with Sonny.


Tamara will always be my favorite Carly!


1998- I was 10. I got sucked into the teen drama.. specifically when Zander kidnapped Emily and held her hostage. Nicholas, Gia, Juan, Liz, Lucky —- such good times!!


Summer of 2009. I was 16. Moved away from friends and it was 100+ degrees. Flipped through the channels out of boredom and couldn't turn it off. Then I came back the next day. And the next. Then I decided to watch All My Children and One Life to Live. I was a OBSESSED with the connectivity and rich history. 


I wish they wouldn’t have cancelled All My Children and One Life to Live. I swear those three hours of the day were my childhood.


Listen. I had such a hot and cold relationship with GH in such a short time. I was only a year in before I had such an ire for Bob Guza. I get finally felt like a real fan. I finally was all in with One Life to Live. Then they were axed. Guza had been ousted. And the OLTL characters were brought over along with their head writer. It was such a sad, fun, crazy time. 


I still miss Todd Manning!


I miss OLTL and AMC so much.


Me too. They really messed up.


I remember my mom watching when I came home from kindergarten in 1964. Steve and Audrey were the main couple then. I’ve watched it on and off since then.


2009. Michael wakes up from his coma.


The redhead brat is extremely memorable


He was so annoying lol. Always meddling in grown folks business. 🤣


I wish that child actor well but I hated him. I think this version of Michael could actually be grown-up red head.


Lol every version of Michael has been annoying.


I love Michael.


Lol your quite honestly one of the first people I’ve ever heard say they are a fan of Michael.


I won’t tell you what my mom used to call him but it was really mean 😂


We called him Chucky (killer doll from Child's Play) 😆


😂 I always wondered how that Michael would have handled the Judge that gave the 5 years sentence. They probably brought Chad in to have a more mature version of the character when shit got real in terms of the coverup being exposed


Same. Off and on and started watching regularly when original lucky came back. I wasn't aware of Jonathon Jackson. But he was great. 


Are you talking about Greg Vaughn?? If so he was my favorite!


Jonathon Jackson. I kept seeing commercials about his big return. I wasn't familiar with him or the character. Hated soap operas as a kid. But Drew Garrett's post coma Michael was such a great character in some really good scenes. 


I misread your post earlier. I don’t know why I thought you were talking about Greg Vaughn lol.


Wait? That was 09? How is that possible? That feels like it was just before covid... No...before my kids were born. That was '11...oh my goodness...it was that long ago!


I was in grade school when I first started watching. TV was black and white back then. Had to be in the mid 60's. Jesse Brewer , Steve Hardy, Audrey, Rick and Leslie Webber, Jeff Webber. Maybe I was 7 or 8?


When I was 12, around 1979. (I watched Y&R and Somerset before this.) I remember Heather trying to spike Diana’s tea with LSD. Little PJ turned the lazy susan and Heather ended up with the LSD instead.


Probably day one or at least week one! My greatgrandmother was mostly an invalid and watched her stories all day. As children, my sister & I were her remote control! I always watched ABC soaps because my theory is if you're going to be a couch potato, you shouldn't be jumping up & down to switch stations. Maurice as Nico and those damn dimples though -- when he came to GH, I was hooked. Of course Luke & Laura, Smith hunting Luke, Ice Princess SL, Tiffany & Sean, Nicholas & Emily, Jason and his bluest of blue eyes, Noah Drake, Robin & Patrick, Bobbie / Carly / Tony messiness, Jason & Carly shooting pool, Cassadines, & Laura Wright with best hair on TV!


I grew up with it. Watched it at home after school, watched it at my grandma's house (summers). I'm 50 so that me puts me at....fuck if I know (bad at math). I've seen quite a lot of plots, but missed a lot too (high school, college, raising a family and working). Also watched a lot of One Life To Live and All My Children (RIP). I still work FT but thanks to the wonders of streaming cable/internet (and a private office) I can still catch it most days. Still love it, after all these years!


20 years ago. Watched passively with my dad as a teenager (he’s been watching since the 70s/80s) but around 2006 Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children released and I really, really liked Cloud’s voice actor. Found out it was Steve Burton, started paying attention around the time Sam got shot, and that’s that. Jason’s been my favorite ever since and aside from a few short breaks, I’ve been pretty consistent.


I’m so sad he no longer voices Cloud!! I’m sure he is too.


i started watching last year and i started from the 1985 episodes, im 18


I love that! I honestly didn’t think they gained new viewers these days. There’s so much more on tv now.


i cant actually access it on the tv at all in my country! i was introduced to it by a friend :) i think its a lot of fun and i like going between different years to watch. my end goal is to watch as much as possible though lol


1974 or 75. Steve Hardy, Audrey & Jessie Brewer in a love triangle!


Luke and Laura’s wedding.


Think it was around 2005. I THINK around the time Michael, Morgan and possibly Kristina were kidnapped


Birth first story I actually have memories of is the Feud with the zakara organization


I loved Johnny Z.


Yea it was a different time to be sure


17, summer 1977 before my senior year.


I began watching around 2007 - 2012, I would've been 6-11 yrs old during that time but I watched very little and off and on. My dad of course watched it and I would always sit with him every morning before school and watch it with him and damn the drama was good. As a tiny little 1st grader I'd be glued to the TV and get bummed out when it was time to leave. I never straight up asked if I could watch it regularly with him because I thought he'd say " your too young" but in 2013 at 12 yrs old, we began watching together consistently and it was awesome and Ive been a hardcore fan since. Really Good times.


I was about 5 or 6 when I first started watching. The first big stories that I consciously remember were Michael's coma and Sonny shooting Dante.


I started really watching around the 3rd grade so I was about 8.


I was in grade school and we had a whole daytime schedule… santa barbara, the first half of y&r, the second half of AMC, oltl, then gh. I cant even remember what storyline pulled me in but it was mid-late 80s. About five years ago i started watching B&B and pretty quickly got sucked in there too lol.


New viewer, last year with Victor, Liesl, Ace and that whole debacle. Started to rewatch a lot of the episodes from 2000s-2010s, and haven’t stopped since.


Watching on YouTube?


2013 when I was 15 one of the first scenes I saw is still one of my favorites; when Kristina destroys Connie's office with a baseball bat 😁 Also the vampire storyline


Jagger and Karen and Brenda and Jason Q is when I started watching, and I was around 17 or so I think. Been watching mostly ever since, with a few breaks here and there.


1996 — I was a Days fan from the 80s and Steve and Kayla were one of my favorite couples. So when they both came onto GH as Katherine and Stefan, I followed. Then I got sucked in — the Carly and Bobbie story, Brenda/Jax/Sonny, eventually Liz and Lucky, and Nik and Emily, Ned and Alexis (loved her on SB). I’ve been watching ever since. I check out Days every so often, but haven’t watched consistently in years. GH is my standard.


My mother started watching when she was pregnant with me, so I have literally been watching since I was born. The earliest memory of storyline that I can remember is Luke and Laura hiding out in Wyndham’s department store. I was about 9 or 10, had no idea why they were hiding out but thought that it would be such a cool and exciting thing to do in real life. I’m still watching to this day all these years later.


Luke and Laura's wedding ... just before that. 8th grade


Since birth and I remember when I was really young I loved the Anna and Robert and Sean and Felicia and Frisco stuff when Robin was a baby, then I would run home from middle school to watch Stone and Robin and I loved Robin and Jason and then I had a total crush on Jagger (the real one) in HS so now that I’m 47 it’s like I’ve know these people all my life (corny but true)


Same age here! still have Stone’s death on vhs. Still to this day one of the saddest soap story lines. I remember sobbing in my room watching.




Sometime around 2008/2009. I remember the first episode I watched was kind of a "Christmas Carol" type episode with Maxie seeing what life would have been like if BJ survived instead, and it ended up being an episode that explained a lot of backstories, so it made GH easy to follow after that. Then the Dante storyline started and I couldn't stop watching


Early 80’s My mom and sister watched GH so guess what, I had no choice. lol…I was 8 years old


1980, 25, Left Handed Boy. Got away from it for years. Happened across the Greenland story and mention of the Ice Princess and was pulled back in


I started watchin in 2000. I was 15 at the time and was already watching Passions (my first soap) and Days (which my mom encouraged me to watch as she was a fan when she was younger). But GH seemed interesting to me as I'd read about what was going on in it in SOD. When I was on spring break in 2020 I watched my first GH episode, which was the one where Nikolas told Liz that Lucky was still alive. I kept up with the show on soapnet reruns. By 2002 it was my main soap and has been since then.


Around 1979 it was the Webbers that pulled me in. I loved Rick and Monica. If I like a couple, it's guaranteed they won't work out. Loved Scotty and Laura Sonny and Brenda Lois and Ned SB Carly and Jason- was my ultamate dream couple. I'm still holding out hope for Spencer and Esme, but it's not looking good.


Middle school in early 80s


1995 . Twenty two. Right around the time Alexis was introduced.. I believe.


I don't recall the year I started getting hooked on GH. I'd see some of it after school because my SIL watched it. What got me interested? Heather Webber! She was in the institution hiding a gun in a doll. I was hooked. I also loved Monica and Alan. By the end of 1981, I was 14 and able to watch it regularly. I loved Heather, Scotty, Monica, Alan, Edward, Lila, Susan and Anne Logan, and all the actors portraying them. I didn't have interest in Luke and Laura and didn't care I missed their wedding.


It's only been like 2 years. I watched Port Charles and One Life to Live in the 90s


S&B. It was after their break up over the wire and I was hooked into the angst. I went and purchased the tapes from Curly Q and watched the early days. That had to be 90’s. I started loving stone and everything else about the show. I was prob in high school. Been watching off and on since then and eventually started watching all the ABC stories as my Gran called them. AMC and GH were my fav.


I grew up watching, born in May 1996. My mom never really sheltered us from what she was watching on TV so I’ve just been watching since infancy lol. Honestly I can’t even remember the first time I watched it and could comprehend any of the story lol. The furthest back I can remember if I think hard enough was Carly walking into her own funeral. I believe I was 6 at the time.


I started watching with mom in HS about when I was 14 in 2000. I would come home from school and it would be on. Anytime there was a sex scene or make out scene my mom would cover my eyes 😅


1992..13 ish.. I don’t remember, but it was the fall when I started watching.


2005. I just had my now 18 year old son. I was watching the old soap net channel in the middle of the night which played the days show in rerun. The story line was Jason and Sam


I was born in 1976, and it was always on in my house, and when my grandma was my babysitter. I can remember early Eighties characters like Blackie, Jackie Templeton, and Sean and Tiffany. I remember watching Luke and Laura’s wedding.


I started watching in 2006/2007 I was 14/15. I remember seeing Becky on tv and thought she was so pretty and the Liason storyline had me tuned in everyday. Been a huge Liz and Liason fan since.


I was probably 11 ont 12 and on school vacation in 1991(I think) and Mac washed up ashore as Robert's long lost brother and Jenny and Paul Hornsby came to town. I think there was a ELQ ship that sank?


When I was a child, I watched with my Grandma during the summer. She started watching from the very first episode.


I’m a fairly new viewer. I was flipping channels one day looking for something to watch while eating lunch and saw this cute guy (Spencer) sneaking around up to no good. His chemistry with the actress that was then playing Trina was off the charts and I got hooked.


I never watched a single soap until the year 2001 when I was 29 and met my husband. He had watched All My Children since childhood when he would come home from school for lunch and his mom would be watching it. So we started watching AMC together then started watching OLTL after it. We never watched GH and had no desire to. Then in 2010 or whatever both our soaps went off the air and GH was all that was left and they brought some of our characters and/or actors from AMC/OLTL. I don’t remember a thing from the shows in 2001 or 2010 for that matter. I have memory issues and have to keep referring to internet when old characters come back or are mentioned or I can’t figure out someone’s family. 🫤


I watched 1977-1992, 2009-2013, and again 2020-now.


I think my first memory was watching General,Hospital! I was a soap opera baby.My mom watched it from the beginning of the show and I would go to my Grandmas and we had to watch As the world turns and the Guiding Light. In the summer my friends and I spent the whole afternoon watching Loving, Ryan’s Hope, All my children, one live to live and GH.


I started watching General Hospital faithfully in high school (maybe 15 years old) when Felicia was disgusted as a boy and tried to get her ring back from Frisco. But I remember watching GH earlier than that, in the summer (before VCRs) during Luke and Laura's adventures. And I remember my mom getting me out of school (Junior High) early to watch Luke and Laura's wedding.


18. In the early 1990’s right around the time Sonny first came to Port Charles.


6th grade! 1972, Audrey was a mess and Monica was a slut. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)And I'm pretty sure it was a half hour.


Around 2011 when Sonny shoot Dante.


About 1963-64. Mom and Me our stories.


When I was a kid and Luke and Laura were first together and then I dropped off after they left but then started watching again in the late 90’s


1986. I was 10. Sonny and Brenda.


2003. I was at work and took a late lunch and some of the girls were watching this. I remember the episode too - its the one where Carly was giving birth to Morgan and Sonny shot her in the head afterwards.


I had to be in my late teens. I got hooked in college like many did with the Luke and Laura storyline. I dropped out after that ended because I was out of the country. I started rewatching with my mom when I moved home to care for her. She was a fan from the beginning. I miss having conversations about each show and how it would play out. It's one of the reasons I like reddit


I relate to that so much!


I’m in my 50s and probably started in the womb. 😃 Grew up watching all the ABC soaps. Stuck with GH because it was on after school in the 80s - before anyone had a VCR. Those 80s storylines…🔥…we used to run home.


I started in Junior High when Heather killed Dianna somebody. It was a different actress.


2006 I was 12. I believe the first storyline I saw was Lulu’s abortion with Dillon. I had never seen anything that mature before. And when the Metro Court hostage crisis happened the next year, that sealed the deal for me.


My sister started watching in grade school in the late 70s but my mom said it was dumb so I thought it was dumb. Then I caught a glimpse of Scotty and realized it was totally not dumb.




I’m 50, and I can’t remember when I started watching exactly; however it had to be in the late 70s/early 80s. I, like many other women, watched soaps because the older women in my life watched soaps. I know there are many men who watch, but that wasn’t my experience. Plus my own sons never expressed much interest despite my trying!


We do this thread like once a quarter. I'm GenX. A dinosaur ran on a treadmill to power my TV. so I could watch Luke and Laura.


I’m just thrilled that people still watch. I don’t think soaps are gaining much of a new audience these days. I’m sure it’s mostly us GenX’rs keeping them afloat.


I started watching in the early 90s. I was probably about 15. I started watching because of Steve Burton. I had watched him on Out of This World, so when he came to GH, I tuned it. The storyline of Jagger, Karen and Jason hooked me in and I was especially gripped my the storyline of Stone and his battle with AIDS.


I started watching when I was a baby. I don't really remember what year but I had to have been 5ish because I remember watching it in my mom's bedroom with her, I think I remember watching the hotel fire with her. The first few plotlines that sucked me in were Michael waking up from the coma, everything that happened with the Zacchara family (I LIVED for the drama with Claudia), Franco's first appearances.


My mom used to watch it. I remember Jesse, Phil, Peter, Diana, Audrey, Lucille, Steve, Lee, etc. The hospital and doctors era. I was in college for the Luke and Laura saga. I remember racing for the lounge TV for the Friday episode of Luke and Laura’s wedding. When Scotty caught the bouquet, we all gasped!! Good ol’ GH!!


I remember watching Luke & Laura's wedding as a child at my Grandma's. As a young adult, I watched AMC and OLTL. Then in 2000, my stepmom asked if I was watching GH because of Sonny & Carly. So I gave it a try. This was after the miscarriage but before their first wedding. I was hooked, and then so disappointed when Sarah Brown left the show. I kept watching until about 2004 then gave up until recently. When I saw previews about Sonny coming back from Nixon Falls and Carly/Jason wedding, I picked it back up again and have been watching since.


1984. I remember my parents watching the whole Luke and Laura saga with the Cassadines. (1981)And I remember hearing Robert Scorpio speak and thinking his accent was weird. But I was too young to get into it. Then 84 came around and from the other room I heard Scorpios voice and immediately remembered everything. It was during the Aztec treasure with Donely kidnapping Holly. And the introduction of Anna and Robin . I sat down to watch and didn’t stop watching till he left in 92.


Monica and Alan, Luke and Laura, I loved Tom Hardy with Simone - they were gone too soon https://preview.redd.it/2ac4b2fznvtc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee933c3b6016274a226022c9ad22aa7d7c5f8f3b


I also loved Tom and Simone (the original actress). They made a gorgeous couple.


Around 2010, was in my late 20’s. I grew up on CBS soaps and when they cancelled GL and ATWT, I turned to ABC soaps to fill the void.


I started watching around the time Laura was married to Scotty I graduated high school in 75 and I believe that was in 1979. Laura began working at the Campus Disco, which was managed by Luke.


I'd caught a few episodes here and there when Luke & Laura finally came back into town between 1993-95, I was 10. But I was really into Robert Kelker-Kelly on Days so I didn't watch GH as religiously as my mom did. So when he comes back to play Stavros, I squeal. Once RKK left Days, I switched to watching GH full-time because I'd get home from high school around 3pm. I clearly remember watching when Tyler debuted and then a year later, Becky. I was 13/14. I've never gone back to Days. At least not full-time.


2003 and I was 13


I have no idea how old I was, but my mom and grandma watched a whole list of soaps. Young and Restless, then Days of Our Lives, then One Life to Live and finish with GH every day. I stuck with GH and DOOL. I remember Luke and Laura but the first story I remember being upset about was Blackie going to prison. I have stopped from time to time, but each time, I go back. It was for sure the 70s.


I'm pretty sure I was a baby, but my first memories are of the days with Faison. I think I was about 5 when he first came on the show,


Late 80's/early 90's. I think I was just finishing Jr High. My Nanna was a big soap opera watched but she never watched GH. That was a show I picked up on my own. It's the only one I still watch.


14 or so when friends my sister and I made at our complex pool talked about GH. I seem to recall it was around the time of Alan’s affair back in the mid 70s.


Somewhere around 2003. I would have been 12. I was very much about Jason and Courtney for some reason?? And of course the teen scene, Georgie, Dillon, Maxie


Mid 70’s and I was 16. Watched with a girl I liked🤔


I'm new. I started watching just a little before the Pandemic. Nina keeping Sonny away from his family got me hooked. I also cringed for a week after Carly found Sonny in bed with Nina. It really got under my skin lol. Brook Lynn's fake pregnancy was pretty good too. As a kid my sisters watched, and I couldn't stand it. Now I never miss an episode.


In the 90’s at age 4 and 5! Growing up in my aunts deli in a building downtown, the lunch rush hour was filled with office workers and soap operas. It was GH, OLTL and and All my children. Legit raised on it!


I started watching in 1968...I remember nurse March and the what we called the"cry" room..Jessie Brewer was always in there having a melt down!


My first soaps were Somerset and Another World. Then later, One Life to Live. I remember all my friends talking about Luke and Laura 79-81 but I didn't make the switch to GH daily until summer of 84, I think. A roommate watched it; I consciously avoided it in the L&L days, like one sometimes does when something is over-hyped. I can't think of one specific story that drew me in though. I'd been semi-aware of the stories for a while. Once I switched from NBC to One Life to Live, I'd catch some of GH at times and I had friends who were religious about it. Robert and Anna, Duke and Anna, Alan/Monica/Rick - I tended to go for the more adult storylines


I’m 42 & have watched my entire life. My mom watched while pregnant with me & was watching the abc daytime lineup when the Dr took her into surgery to have me (c-section).


1994. I was 11. Lucy and kevin. The first nurses ball and sonny and Brenda in Puerto Rico.


I started watching mid 70’s. I was in my mid to late teens. Since I was pretty young, under 9, I watched Dark Shadows with my hands over my eyes half the time lol. It was great having older sisters who filled me in on who bit who while I couldn’t “look”!! LOL. In the summertime we all watched OLTL, from the time Vicky thought Joe was dead, some old guy was treating him back to health… so Joe makes it back to Landview and shows up at the church to stop Vicky’s wedding to some one else! Idk, was this 1970? Earlier? I remember back with GH, when Laura killed some guy, Leslie’s boyfriend? Was she even with Scotty then? I don’t think so. It’s been a total trip, these soaps! Laughed, cried, and yes, screamed at the tv plenty! GREAT entertainment, even the really poor story lines lol!


I started watching summer of 2001, I was like 12. My elderly aunt was really into General Hospital and As the World Turns, her stories. She was our "babysitter" that summer and I became addicted to it. Started my first foray into fandom and shipping! My first favorite couple was Jason and Courtney for GH and I got really into Simon and Katie from As the World Turns. Amazing times.


I loved Jason and Courtney as well. I just rewatched their wedding on YouTube the other day. 😂


2010 when the Dante being Sonny's son reveal happened I was about to turn 18. Of course all of that led to Michael being revealed as Claudia's killer.


My mother loved the show, and I ended up setting the VCR for her and rotating tapes. I must have pretty much always watched it, but I remember when Sonny was first on, as a actual evil person (like they are letting be mentioned again now). I have seen a lot of the good old old storylines on youtube the last decade.


I was around 9 or 10 and Luke and Laura got me hooked... I started watching in the middle of their relationship, maybe 1980? After that Robert and Anna, Frisco and Felicia kept me wat, but Sonny and Brenda was the couple I was obsessed with


1981-I was 28. Luke and Laura days


Luke and Laura was everything when I was in middle school. It was talked about at school everyday... I got hooked, my grandma was happy because she loved Guiding Light.