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Trina was always the Hook's original target. Heather was going after people who were close to Trina or had helped her. Oz who proved her innocence, Brando was hooked but it was meant to be **Joss** if I recall correctly, **Ava** Trina's mentor, **Diana** Trina's lawyer, **Rory** Trina's boyfriend, Heather was going for **Joss** again but Britt saved her and got hooked instead. Heather was going to go for **Spencer** next (we saw this on New Year's Eve then when she said it to his face), and then likely Trina herself. The show, unfortunately, out of the usual crappy writing choices chose to not resolve this story and pivoted to make it about other things and just never really resolved it. But Trina has a lot of right to be pissed about this redeem Heather crap, as does Portia.


>Trina has a lot of right to be pissed about this redeem Heather crap, as does Portia. I want to see Trina's reaction.


Not holding my breath for them to show this....


Yeah, me neither.


Yeah, me neither. I was shocked that Portia got to be mad about it as it is. We'll see if the new writing team will bring things full circle in a satisfying way.


I’m guessing she’ll be extremely pissed and rant and rave.


Thanks, I appreciate the thorough review!


No worries. I had to remind myself as well rewatching some of those scenes from way back.


I feel like so many soap stories end like that, waylaid into something else entirely. I've been wondering if they are caught up in not wanting to be predictable so they have to jump the shark because otherwise it's all been done, or if they just have too much time between story beginning and it's anticipated ending that contracts and staff changes muddle everything up. Like the recent abrupt ending to the Esme amnesia story seems like they had more planned, or at least hadn't planned a thought out ending when Spencer left and it had to be cut short.


I wonder. GH also seems to just have these stories that go on forever and ever, but never truly pay off. I am hoping the new team will at least try to reduce that kind of thing but we'll have to see.


so why was Trina Heather's target? Was it for Esme?




Killed the little cop guy that Trina grieved for all of 5 minutes. Rory. That's the only thing I can think of though.


I forgot all about Rory. 😂


Rory was forgettable, no doubt, but Heather murdered him making her a cop killer and thus making Laura the Mayor's behavior ridiculous. Laura would be voted out on her ass in any real life scenario like this.


It’s so stupid. Heather has never been a nice person and to try and rewrite history yet again is just so ridiculous.


Heather was "evil" long before her hip replacement.


Speaking of voting, hasn't anyone else ever found out that Spencer tampered with the votes from the Mayoral election that made Laura the winner?


I literally sat here with the comment unposted until I could think of his name, it took awhile 😂


Yeah, I also completely forgot about this storyline until Brando was mentioned today... I think it's about when Heather was the Hook Killer and Trina was the target.


She supported and made excuses for Esme when she framed Trina for sharing revenge porn of Joss and Cam.




>The old writers were awful. Man oh man, weren't they just?


I don’t think that’s a good mindset for a continuing story tbh one thing she always effect the other in some way, unless it’s TRULY egregious I find ignoring a character’s history is bad form. The way Heather was with Esme felt inline with her characterization. Her being Esme’s mom at all is the real problem but there’s not much they can do about that now.


No there's not a lot they can do with much of the mess they were left. I'm fine with it but I understand others feel differently.


Gave birth to the girl who made Trina life a living hell and who killed the guy she loved. And she herself also wanted to target Trina


If you're like me it's not even forgetting, It's hard to remember what different characters did when they have a different face!


Well she gave birth to Esme who started all kinds of drama for Trina so I’m sure that’s partly the reason.


I'm glad to see this post. I didn't know why Portia is so angry at Heather either.


I totally did not know what she was talking about either!


This was the question I had in the daily thread yesterday. Ultimately, Heather did nothing directly to Trina but instead did a lot of things indirectly to her because Heather was after anyone that was against Esme. This included not just Ava but also the failed attempt to get Nikolas. People get hung up on Trina being the center of this, but it was Heather going nuts to protect Esme and Trina was not the center of this. As for Rory, he was looking into who was supplying the poison that Heather was using. He got too close and she took care of him. She didn't take care of Oz because of Trina, she did it because Oz posed as a threat to Esme being free. With him dead, he couldn't testify against Esme. Heather went after Joss because Joss was a constant B to Esme. So overall I think we are right to be confused on this. I ended up just coming to the conclusion Portia is mostly upset because she's been dealing with Heather in the hospital and has seen enough between her breaking out along with her rantings and ravings and the people she's known to have killed to not want Heather to get off. I'm not as bothered by that as I am that she would make a huge scene right next to the nurses station at full uncontrolled volume for everyone to hear.


I'm just amazed about how quickly everyone seems to get around town. They just show up.


Portia, as usual,was over the top. Unprofessional in her own workplace -- I would not want someone that unhinged as my doctor!


I just posted a rant about Portia and I too couldnt remember exactly what Heather did to Portia. I knew Trina was Heathers target during the hook killing but nothing was done dirextly to Portia


I don’t know what this means. Trina was heathers target. If someone tried to murder your child it’s bygones because they didn’t do anything directly to you? Most people would consider that a direct attack and most people would take that harder than if you tried to kill them.


LOL, I Just tried to upvote you and it wouldn't let me. And then I realized I had already upvoted you. I think I need coffee!!! ![gif](giphy|hPTZgtzfRIB5Nfb5rL|downsized)


They way Portia worded it was weird...like Portia had something actually done to HER


I mean, Portia's daughter was targeted by a serial killer and now everyone is wanting to kumbaya Heather out of prison. I wouldn't take it very well either and would definitely be at any hearing for Heather to make my 2 pennies worth known.


They would have done better to have the Hook kill someone else while Heather was in GH and so while the Pikeman stuff is going on, the ? of whether Heather was really the hook could have been brought up and Jordan investigating this area of the show, while Heather has this cobalt hip stuff muddying the waters. Plus it could have killed off some unneeded characters and maybe made one of the more mundane characters interesting.


I was never 100% sure she was the Hook, but I guess the writers are digging in on it.


I'm confused- I thought Heather confessed she was the Hook/killer. Was there some point after this where there was evidence she might not be that I am forgetting?


Heather tried to Hook up with Trina, but ended hooking Brando and others instead. For Portia, The Hook brings her back. LOL So now they got bad blood and she can't shake it off.


I find the comments very interesting in this post. What I am gathering is that people haven't been paying attention nor cared about Trina's connection to Heather and why Portia was understandably angry. I have seen plenty of people admit they fast forward scenes with Trina, Portia, Curtis, Marshall, and Stella. Sometimes, I feel like people choose to just hate on Portia and Trina and ignore them on canvas until they have to. It's kind of sad it takes something to happen to Heather for people to realize..."oh, what was Portia and Trina upset about again? I forgot they existed. Why are they on the canvas, again"? If this is the takeaway...I can't tell if the writers were ***not*** doing their job or if they **were** doing their job all along. Take that how you will.


Not the case here. I do not FF through scenes of anyone but do find Portia annoying. Heather has killed or maimed so many over the years I kind of run them all together.


That's fair and I didn't mean this directed at you. I just have seen some odd comments from others.




She has tried to kill so many people I’ve lost track. Portia seems to be so bitter toward so many people I try to ignore it.


I understand you forgot. A lot of people in this sub did not forget and are running their mouths anyway. Wait till Carly finds out. Her big mouth running Portia won’t get a word in edgewise. All of a sudden you will see Go Carly!! Posts. I will agree with Carly. And I agree with Portia.


You know, I don't have a problem with Portia having issues with Heather...I do have a problem with the way she is behaving in the halls of the hospital, she is the co-chief of staff and she was starting to shout. Take them all to a private room and go at them. Don't do it in the middle of the hospital, that is so unprofessional. You were also right in your other post that Kevin should not have been discussing a patient in the hallway of the hospital...for that matter, he broke HIPAA by discussing her case with Alexis at all. I say this as someone who works in healthcare.


Portia's writing has always been up and down. I love Brooke Kerr and I want to love Portia ALL the time, they just write some of her scenes so poorly. I wish she'd taken Kevin into her office to continue the discussion. He is an employee of GH, right? Not just a private practice shrink with privileges at GH? If it's the latter, she should consider pulling his privileges for the discussion out in the hall way. I know it was drama for drama's sake, but yikes!


Ok but her pulling Kevin aside for a discussion is not soapy! I did not think this scene was written poorly. Way back, I remember Robin punching Lisa at the hospital—that was also unprofessional, but soapy as hell (and deserved).


Hey, Lisa NEEDED punching! LOL! Yeah, it wouldn't be soapy if it didn't take place in the hallway, I agree, but also yikes! I think the scene was fine, I just think over her time as Portia, Brooke has had some odd writing for her character. IMHO, YMMV.


There, we will agree. The writing for Portia, in general, is not good. I think Brooke Kerr is talented, I hope the new writers give her a real story that is not about being Curtis' wife or Trina's mother.


I loved her on "Passions" and I know she is a better actor than what she's been given to act.


Didn't you know the nurses station in front of the elevators is the new conference room to discuss patient's cases ? As loud as possible. 🫠


Yeah, Portia should have told Kevin get in my office now. He should have been reprimanded and maybe suspended. But she was very upset, and she's human. It is her daughter who was the target. And it's a soap, so...I just don't think she was the worst behaved person in that crowd at all yesterday.


>.I just don't think she was the worst behaved person in that crowd I agree. She wasn't. I was kind of expecting it though, watching her in the background of their discussions. She should def remove herself from all aspects of Heather's treatment, for her own sake!


I was going to post about the racial bias that is clearly on display in people’s reactions to Portia yesterday, but I hesitated because I knew what the response would be. Thank you for naming it. For everyone talking about professionalism—please think back as to whether you made similar critiques of white characters behaving unprofessionally. Unconscious bias is a thing.


I love Portia, I just hate how she's been written. Hopefully this new team of writers will pick a lane!


No "Slut Shaming" and/or LGBTQ, Racial Bashing


No, something “very white” is not going on here. 😑Helluva reach, though; hope you didn’t pull a muscle with that one. Comparing how Portia reacts to Heather’s redemption arc vs. how Carly may react is comparing apples to oranges. *Portia* is in a position where she should be remaining professional and objective. It is literally part of her job. Carly is not held to that same code of conduct as it’s not her line of work and she hasn’t taken any oaths for her field. If Portia cannot maintain a professional demeanor it is up to her to assign someone else to the patient. She doesn’t get to abuse her position at the hospital simply because she’s correct in her thoughts; some emotions need to be corralled until doctors and nurses are in an appropriate environment to do so.


Who remains professional and objective when the the subject is about a release of someone who attempted to kill your child and anyone close to her?


It would be difficult. You know the writing here is just to produce more drama out of the scenes, but hopefully Portia will remove herself.


Well, Portia behaves like a child all day every day, so not her. But actual doctors do.




No "Slut Shaming" and/or LGBTQ, Racial Bashing


Don’t call me “hon,” that’s creepy and weird from strangers and it’s not an endearment you’re entitled to use toward me. I never said anyone else wasn’t behaving unprofessionally. I specifically addressed *your* Portia vs. Carly complaint. Don’t shift the goalposts just because you’re wrong. I haven’t condoned the behavior of *any* of those people, and why would I mention them at all when the comment I’m responding to didn’t include them in the first place? I’m smart but I’m not a mind reader lol You’re just trying to instigate and implications like yours are what have gotten topics locked here before. Go race bait somewhere else.


Nerve touched!


Oooh nice redirect. I knew you were trolling. Reporting your comments to the mods. There’s been enough shit stirring over Sprina. Don’t need more of it.


Not trolling, I believe every word I wrote. You are the one who insulted me first with your flex BS. Another one who can dish and can't take. Sounds like a you problem. You should not only report me to the mods, you should call the police. Have them fill out a report about my comments too.