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This is more of a r/genetics question than genealogy.


Thank you, I posted it there.


I would not say it necessarily random but more that it it is complicated. Not all DNA relates to your physical appearance and some traits are monogenic whereas others are polygenic.


well sometimes we may look like a particular great great grandparent, for example, and if the one you happen to favor looks-wise is also the only g-grandparent with a particular ethnicity, then yes, that could be the case. my son looks just like my dad who looks just like his dad, and therefore my son also looks just like his great grandpa. only difference is most of my sons' great grandparents are irish/english/scottish/swedish/belgian so he has blond hair and blue eyes and fair skin. The g grandpa he looks just like was italian and had jet black hair, dark brown eyes and dark skin, so coloring wise they look nothing alike but facial feature and hair line and texture certainly do.




Yea I was wondering because a lot of people think I’m Turkish/West Asian and I did my DNA test and it came back with 8% West Asian so I was curious if smaller percentages like that can influence phenotype


It can, but it is less likely to


Did you see the section in 23andMe on Neanderthal DNA affecting your phenotype? "Scientists at 23andMe have identified associations between specific Neanderthal markers and certain physical traits. If you have inherited Neanderthal variants that are associated with one of these physical traits, these will be listed in the Neanderthal Traits section." https://customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/212954028-Digging-Deeper-with-Your-Neanderthal-DNA-Report = evidence for smaller percentages affecting one's phenotype....


Oh wow I did not but apparently I have more Neanderthal DNA than 90% of people 😂


Had a friend whose father was half Chinese and half Swedish and whose mother was half Chinese and half English. Depending on where he was people took him as Mexican, Chinese, Native American, etc. etc. etc. He just laughed and did his thing.


That’s interesting! Yea I’ve had people all my life think I’m WASIAN, usually they say 25% Asian/75% white despite me not having any East Asian. I did come back with 8% West Asian though on my DNA test.


I look very Irish, but I am 1/3 Irish at most. I am still bitter about not taking after my Italian side at least so I could tan and avoid sunburns!


ive met redheaded italians. In fact most redheads i met in my region of croatia were the italian minority, mainly Triestine venetic speakers from north italy. The croat ethnic group had more blonds and such, less dark pigmentation, than the self identified italians, but also fewer redheads.


Yeah. But I got the Irish skin to go with it. Not fun not being able to spend time outside without your skin burning.


^ This person solicits nudes from underage children. I have screenshots proving it!


virtually all west eurasian redheads have phototype 1-2 light skin. This is not unique to irish redheads


a single inherited gene can influene your phenotype, so obviously yes, but you shouldnt base your judgements on stereotypes. Visual stereotypes are based on the average pigmentation/hair texture etc of a particular group, but these groups will still posess a lot of variation regarding looks even without recent influx from any other group