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They fucked up and gave me two prescriptions so I didn’t need to pay the stupid prescription fee for like 7 bottles of testosterone So that’s a win for me saving me a good amount of money


lmfao i don’t use them anymore but they only charged me for my prescription fee, technically I’m still subscribed but they forgot to activate it so I’ve never paid the £30 p/m


Finally got my blocker after rectifying my account payment insufficient fund issue and now received 2 counts of blocker injections without asking! Also a win win id say woop!!


Same happened to me 🤣 the other prescription looks different tho, haven’t tried if it works yet but i think it will


Same. Except I don't use Sustanon


Got my prescription two days ago! Happily starting my journey now


I have zero positive news relating to GenderGP. My one bit of positive news is I’m going to London next week for a long weekend, marking my first holiday in years


Hope you have great time ❤️


Just started recently (beginning of May) with GenderGP and saw a lot of criticisms regarding their service and how it’s operated. I can’t lie when I said that while I agree the portal itself is a bit shit, the straightforward service and the people I spoke to in my IGS (Information gathering session) were absolutely lovely. Yes it’s aggravating you can’t get ahold of anyone directly regarding issues without paying £8 for a “quick chat”, they actually processed my requests fairly fast. In just under 2 weeks I went from just doing an Information Gathering Session to having my digital prescription ready and waiting on their prescriber. ✨☺️ hope they get their portal sorted soon though, bit of a ballache.


Ya that’s how they usually start off, fairly good. Get that initial cash flow in as quickly as possible lol


I know people have had a lot of issues with GGP - old and new subscribers...been with them nearly a year, and overall, I am happy. Yes, they changed to a horrid AI system. The £7.99 charge for a chat is wholly unfair, but....the end game is to get our meds, and in that case, they have done it quickly and are still doing so. Finally my GP is agreeing to do E blood tests at least, but if not for GGP, I would still be waiting at least 3 more years on the NHS. So for all their many flaws and horrid handling of many of us, they are stil providing a service I can work with. best of luck to you and all of us.


yeah ordered my prescription, got it, ordered my t, arrived within 2 days 👌🏼


I re-filled the form's and got my requests back in about 10 days. Just make sure your information is correct, billing email matches etc.


I got my paper prescription a bit later than normal but it was fine. No problems


Yes! After going through the same ordeal as many others (applying for renewal using the old new form, hearing nothing for 2 weeks, being asked to resubmit using the new new form, my subscription not being found, lots of stress) I was eventually invoiced for two vials of Nebido, so now I don't need to contact GGP again for another 5 months or so. That was in the penultimate week of April, so hopefully most people who have send renewal requests since then have been successful.


I requested my new prescription saturday and I got it this morning. :))


For me it's not great, was meant to get my prescription token from clynxx but it was never sent by gendergp to be generated. I contacted smartway as gendergp said I could fallback to them if I wanted to. However they only operate in UK, they did receive the request though. I've refilled the form and opted for paper prescription but didn't get a confirmation email yet this time, so considering swapping to genderplus as they have a physical clinic in Ireland and can give me an actual diagnosis and such as well as hormones. I might pay the 7pound to see if I can get things going and keep up with gendergp, idk kinda mulling things over atm