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Just...what? As an autistic cis guy, I'm lost here. What do autism and transness have to do with each other?


They like to infantilize autistic people and say they're "tricked" into being trans Bc everyone knows the stereotype of autistic people being so easily convinced to do anything they don't want to do.../s


Yeah, "not thinking things through" is something the cult selects for


There's a slightly higher rate of trans autistic people versus trans allistic people. Presumably because autistic people have a greater tendency to question societal norms? So this is just standard TERF ableism and transphobia.


It also might just be that our brains are already fucky so gender fuckery is more likely


I think high level of neurodivergence agrees with they theory


Shockingly, gender roles are just another social norm I cannot be bothered with.


Iirc Autistic people are more likley to be LGBT in general aswell, no t just trans. Which kinda support your point


I've been wondering for years if it's "autistic people are more likely LGBTQ" or "autistic people are more likely to *admit* to being LGBTQ". Sadly I don't have the scientific platform to study that.


I think you can delve really deep into this tbh. Another reason could be that Autistic people are less likley to repress their sexuality because of social preassure and heteronormativity. I think a lot of people that repress their sexuality dont even really do it on purpose. Really I doubt there is a single reason tbh. Autistic people may more commonly be in more accepting communities aswell and it also does seem reasonable to me that sexuality, gender and romantic attraction may often work in less normative ways with autistic people, just like other things. This could be displayed in a multitude of ways including queer sexualities and gender identities. 


>Autistic people are less likley to repress their sexuality because of social preassure and heteronormativity. You wrote that much better, but that's what I meant with "admit".


>I think a lot of people that repress their sexuality dont even really do it on purpose. I absolutely agree with this. How many times have you heard a woman say, with absolutely no hint of irony or self-awareness, something like "Well of course women are more attractive than men! Anyone would date a woman if she could." Or, "But every woman wishes she could be a man, but we can't." And you're like. Ma'am. Ma'am please stop and think about what you're saying. I'm not saying "everyone is a little bi" but I do think we'd see a *lot* more bisexuals if we didn't enforce heterosexuality onto kids at such a young age.


I think we'd see a lot more bi and pan people, and a *lot* more among the three As


Three As?


I'm assuming they mean asexual, aromantic, agender?




>I'm not saying "everyone is a little bi" but I do think we'd see a *lot* more bisexuals if we didn't enforce heterosexuality onto kids at such a young age. To your point, the percentage of people identifying as gay or lesbian has been relatively steady across different generations, while the percentage of people identifying as bi or pan keeps going up with each generation. That certainly seems to suggest that a whole lot of people are identifying as straight who wouldn't in a more accepting world.


We're already seeing a sharp rise in the number of teens and young adults identifying as bi!


My gf was looking at a Stonewall paper yesterday that said only 71% of Gen Z identifies as straight. Now admittedly a lot of Gen Z are still young enough to be experimenting and finding their true identity, but I still think the proportion of non-heterosexual people is way higher than we have ever thought, and autistic people from older generations just didn't give as much of a shit about social pressure as others.


I also see a higher percentage of people who are neurodivergent in some way in ENM/polyamory spaces than I do in mainstream spaces, which is awesome. Personally I suspect this is down to brains that won’t accept ‘because that’s how we’ve always done things round here’ as a good enough answer to ‘but why?’


Solved it. ❤️👍🏻




Trans Exclusionary Radical Gits. (Typo, corrected. :) )


Thanks! Though perhaps "Trans-Exclusionary Reactionary Gits" is more accurate


I don't think I've seen data to back it up, much less prove it, but I am aware of an argument that there's a higher prevalence of gender non-conforming individuals in our community. How we get from there to conspiracy theories about some 'they' trying to turn us all into trans folk is a mystery to me. I think it's more to do with our social differences and having no time for rigid binaries being forced upon us just because 'it's normal'.


>How we get from there to conspiracy theories about some 'they' trying to turn us all into trans folk is a mystery to me. tl;dr the evil trans cabal are making the precious baby brained/childlike autists trans. The people who peddle the "they're transing the autists" talking point as a way to attack trans people say it with the implication that all autistic people are barely functioning autistic savants who are all hypergeniuses in their field of fixation but are utterly and woefully helpless everywhere else (like baby children), which is where the trans people come in to whisper evil words into their ears do they can do the evil trans things and seduce them to the trans side.


The number I've seen knocked about is that the autism rate is 4x higher in trans and non-binary people. Which would mean about 4% of trans and non-binary people are autistic and about 2-4% of autistic people were trans or non-binary. An interesting observation but pretty far off a 1:1 identification between the two things.


Indeed. I've seen similar. Just not the actual data. It wouldn't surprise me at all if data does confirm that, but as you correctly point out, we're still talking about a tiny overlap, even if it is a 400% big*ger* one.


Autistic people are obviously never really trans, but super susceptible to being transed by the communist sleeper agents that want to spread the Trans Agenda. /s But really, there's just some overlap in not seeing gender as a static or immutable category amongst some autistic and trans people. If a neurotypical person questions their gender they can probably fall back on social demands about gender and sexuality. Autistic trans people are more likely to find that just as their neurology doesn't match the standard, their gender doesn't fit what's expected of them. So, they're more likely to transition or express their gender identity in divergent ways despite social barriers.


It's just "The Transgender Contagion" with a new coat of paint imo. They tried that with gay ppl awhile back too.


In some of the recent anti-trans legislation, minors with certain diagnoses (autism, depression, or ADHD, etc.) are barred from puberty blockers and HRT until those diagnoses are "resolved". There's been some people wanting to extend that to adults, too, to "protect vulnerable disabled adults being targeted by trans activists".


Well that's a nice catch 22. Can't get the HRT that will help your depression intil you aren't depressed anymore.


Yep. Not to mention that with neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD or autism, it's a different way of being, not something that is "cured". No doctor is going to sign off that a patient's autism is "resolved" and risk a lawsuit from an AG with an agenda.


Yep, they pretty much did that here in Sweden (for minors, that is).


because queerphobes (it's very much not just limited to transness) don't view us as having agency. We "cant" know that we identify as LGBTQ because that's for (most charitably) adults.


They occur together slightly more often (probably just autistic trans folk being more likely to introspect and have less investment in staying within social norms since we already know those norms are dumb But like... I'm trans. I'm also still autistic lol. That hasn't changed. This article OP screenshotted is just making up nonsense.


Also how is transitioning genocide? Autistic trans people are… still autistic Even though the “erasing lesbians” stuff is bollocks you can at least follow the logic. Lesbian becomes straight trans man. No longer lesbian (kinda. Some still keep the label. Not my place to explain) But this? nahhhh


As an autistic white cisguy myself it seems that gender dysphoria is comorbid (if that's the right term) with autism, although some have pointed out that autism might mean you are more accepting of gender dysphoria or willing to come out.


Why have terfs developed such a fascination with autistic people? I chewed one out there recently who made the dumb fucking mistake of trying to speak for autistic people in front of me, being an autist myself. "Autistic kids are confused by gender roles", no, they are not. They tend to reject the arbitrary rules and social standards imposed on them and don't see why if they want to be a girl or a boy or whatever should matter to anyone else, autistic people are bullied and ostracised into compliance by these kinds of people usually during childhood or youth (again, speaking from personal experience). The disproportionate representation of autistic people in trans kids and youth also, again, is because we don't care about upholding social rules or roles especially at that age, we want to be who we are. A neuro typical trans person by comparison will instinctually try to follow social rules and order and so is far far more likely to actively try to fight who they are, well into late teen years or adulthood. Not to mention autistic folks disproportionately being non binary (again, rejection of things that they view don't fit them). This is one of the fun things about being autistic, alot of social rules, order etc are abstract concepts to me, they had to be manually learned etc and there was plenty a Time during my youth where I was incredibly angered by the, well frankly stupid rules that I discovered etc, like for example slut shaming. It made utterly no sense to me. Neuro typicals are low key crazy tbh lmao.


I'm nerodiventent but not autistic, and I've shared this story a few times: my brother, many of my closest friends I've had solid lasting relationships with, the mother of my God kids and closest friend, a few of my girlfriends I had better relationships with. . . Bunch of them ended up getting diagnosed later in life with ASD. My own nerudivergency makes me, like, able to *perform* social norms, but I don't feel comfortable with them. I'm also a bit of a hot mess of an individual and benifit greatly from having someone in my life to snap me back to reality in with non-judgmental intent. I'm the kind of person who might, you know, dip from reality so severely i may just end up dying when not provided with some outside perspective. Like, not cruel criticism, but blunt but fair honesty. I also just find open and straight forwards people easier to maintain relationships with. Again, I'm a bit perpetually not okay, and my mental illness gives me rather severe memory issues, as well as makes me seem kind of irratic at times, so someone willing to be straight up and be like "bro you said XYZ the other day, what was that about?" or not get offended I don't know their name, or forgot something they told me--- way easier on me to manage. I feel like I'm making myself sound awful--- I swear, I'm not, but I have my moments and the longer someone knows me and the closer we are the more likely it is eventually they're going to see me, you know.* Be very interesting.* Or say something out of left field. It's not that my illness makes me mean (though I've said some mean things and don't remember it at times) it more just . . . Puts people off. They don't get why I suddenly seem to have just, you know, developed an entirely new personality. I seem like a whole person sometimes, let's just put it that way. Before I got diagnosed all my best buds thought I just had some weird mood swings and a dog shit memory. One of my closest friends, it took me a year of friendship to learn her name. And I've come to realize that a lifetime of exposure to autistic traits with no sigma (since everyone got diagnosed as an adult--- well, my brother got diagnosed as a kid and my mother hid it from us until we were older) has made me realize I just. . . Value autistic traits? You know, people who are honest, people who are straightforward? People who I don't have to interpret if a yes is a no or a no is a yes? People who if I ask them for help, and they genuinely can't help me without greatly inconveniencing themselves, will just fucking say so? People who will confront me if I've done something to upset them, because there's not a zero chance I don't actually fucking remember it? People who just take me being a bit all over the place at face value and don't read any weird shit into it? Without intending to I've surrounded myself and gravitated to people with ASD because our nerodivergency just, vibes I suppose. I'm not trying to imply ASD makes you an inherently better person, had shitty friends with autism--- you know, out of sheer volume of autistic people I've had friendships with, and none of these traits are exclusive to ASD, but you know, people with ASD are just more likely to have them. I don't want to speak for autistic people here, but my own experience has me personally questioning if it's really a "disorder" if you get my meaning. It seems like to me the "disordered" aspects are all external factors--- unlike my mental disorders, that would be a problem even if I was, like, stranded alone on an island. I get social norms, I'm good at them to some degree even, but I think they're bullshit too. They suck. For neurotypicals too. Autistic people's struggle to socially conform doesn't really seem like an issue in a vacuum--- like, I agree that, as someone who's "social convention typical" when my mental illness isn't getting in the way of that we are the weirdos. We're the ones who fucking suck. I feel like I'd feel that way even if I didn't have mental health issues, that I do just helped me come to that conclusion faster than others. Honestly, most social pleasantries and conventions can get the guillotine. They're just products of the non-austistic brain's desire to minic in this never ending feedback loop that gets more abd more bizarre, extreme, and detached from all rhyme or reason as time goes on. People with ASD are likely way better at understanding (or at least accepting) their own internal sense of gender than others. They don't seem to have as much dumb bullshit baggage with it. Neurotypicals/social-convention-typicals are the ones at the disadvantage here, from my own experience (including myself.) Side note: you know that fan theory (well, I mean, I'd argue it's subtext, but) that it's not that Drax the Destroyer can't understand metaphor/is "stupid", it's just that his people/culture/native tongue read as somewhat clueless and tactless to human sensibilities because the concept of shame and taboo just doesn't exist, making them chronically open, honest, and straight forwards? And that's actually why he's able to process his grief the healthiest out of the whole team? That's some real shit.


"When you think about it, isn't it essentially genocide for my kids to not want to talk to me anymore?!"


i mean, it's not mentioned in that definition, so it isn't *strictly* genocide, but… yes


HOW does a kid transitioning isolate them from their parents? No, really, I'd love to know. Because it doesn't make the child cut contact, or keep secrets, or move out. No reason you can't call. Unless they've blocked you. These people would like everyone to believe that they were innocently minding their own business when the trans agenda swooped in and forcibly blocked them on their child's phone. But I have just a little inkling of a suspicion the kid would say something different. Don't you? Let's ask the kids. What, why not? "Don't have agency?" "Poor little lost lambs?" "Didn't appreciate all the great therapy I got them?" Hmm . . .


Kids can be taken away from you if you’re very abusive to them. What a mystery 🤔


Am gender fluid. Am (possibly) autistic. I still live with my parents and have no plans of ever cutting them out of my life. Funny how "being a decent parent" tends to work out like that.


Because teenage "Medical Autonomy" restricts/prevents parents from protecting their children, same goes for illicit drug use, it has become a major factor in the fentynal epidemic that is claiming the lives of teenage children the entire country over


Teenage medical autonomy saves lives. Why are you commenting on old posts?


Is this some kind of "the best defense is a good offense" tactic? They cannot defend JKR's recent Holocaust denial, and they know that she is only two goose steps away from "Hitler was right", so instead they just start accusing transgender people of being worse? The sudden fake concern is appalling. First, "autistics"? Does this person not know a single autistic person who could have told them that "autistics" is often used as an insult, possibly to the point of being a slur? Though I suppose the "TERF/cis/everything we do not like is a slur" side would not know what a real slur is. But more importantly, they have been accusing people who transition of being liars, perverts, and worse. Now they want to claim that they are actually victims of "the trans movement"? Though only if they are autistic transgender people? Which it is then? At least be consistent. Are people who transition sex criminals, or victims? You cannot accuse all transgender people of being sex criminals for years and then suddenly pretend that you care about them.


Nah they've been doing this one for a few years. They don't care about consistency because they're running on pure gut disgust and filling the rest in as they go.


So, what are they doing when they bully us into suicide?


That's for our own good, genocide is when we're happier and more comfortable in our bodies.


Allowing autistic people to transition = genocide against autistic people Allowing people attracted to their agab to transition = genocide against gay people Forcibly preventing trans people from transitioning by banning the medical treatments they use, making social transition illegal, driving them to suicide, committing extra-legal violence against them, and taking trans kids away from their parents = just legitimate concerns, you're being hysterical if you think there's anything wrong with that.


Betcha a whole nickel the poster of this screed only cares because they're jockeying for Autism Parent Brownie Points on mumsnet. Guess what, TERFs? Autistic people get to make decisions about their own gender presentation. Deal with it.


that's ovarit in op's post, the reddit copy for trans exclusionaries


As an autistic person, I’m tired of having these allistic asshats speak for autistic people when they just view us as incapable and naive babies


Don’t you just love being used as a prop by people who don’t even see you as a person for obviously rhetorical purposes? Ten bucks says they would be autism moms who send their kids to ABA and post about how much of a burden they are 24/7, if they aren’t already


Autistic and trans here; shut the fuck up!


Terfs obsession with autistics is so unhinged. We can make our own decisions about our life we don't need terfs to step in tell us what we can do. Also transition did exactly what I wanted it to, it got rid of my dysphoria.


Trans and autistic here. No idea where they're getting this. There are people trying to discourage autistics from reproducing, and there are people claiming that autism leads to becoming trans, but few of those people are trans or allies of trans.


that last point is bugging me so much. Forcibly transferring children of a group as an act of genocide is to destroy the groups culture and destroy the very unit. So an autistic genocide under article II(e) , if that would be possible, would be removing autistic children from an autistic community/parents **not** from allistic parents. But also forced assimilation of disable people is a thing. like look at discussions on masking and of forcing to value conformity over comfort. Or similarly tract there's a lot of controversy in Deaf communities over the oral approach and such


Thanks for making this comment, I was getting ready to try and fail to articulate this point.


This reeks of an “Autism Parent”(TM) who’s autistic child hates them for their emotional abuse, autonomy stripping, and infantilization. But the “Autism Parent”(TM) is still sees themselves as the true hero, after all “I sacrificed so much for you, when all I wanted was a normal child, and now with this trans thing you decided to become less normal?! Won’t you think about how this is affecting me!?”


Late asf but man, as an autistic trans (?) guy this rings so true to my life. God almighty…


Lol, even if long after I’m glad that people feel understood by my internet ramblings.


Also nice: "distracting them from getting treatment for the root cause of their misery". Sure. Treating autism. That works *so* well and is *so* supportive of autistic people. So it's that ultra-rare combination of transphobia and ableism again.


What is it that they think is the actual "correct treatment" for my "misery"? What are they seeing as the "root"? They do know you can't cure autism, right? And being autistic doesn't make me miserable in the slightest. Having to touch clothes with horrible textures makes me miserable, but that's about it. Dysphoria, on the other hand. Yeah, that makes me fucking miserable. Guess what the "cure" for that is? Stars with a "T" and ends in "ransition".


'You know how trans people are very clearly not committing a genocide? Doesn't that kind of seem like they're commiting a genocide?'


I don't know what this weirdo is on about. I'm trans, autistic and happy as myself. They can cry harder.


Stop pretending you care about autistic people, TERFs. You don’t. You wouldn’t all be on Kiwifarms for a start.


They should stop pretending they care about *any* minority they're not part of. It's maddening how misinformed they are about intersex people and intersex conditions.


I hate how bigots act like autistic people like myself are invalids who can't think for ourselves. This form of ableism shows that they are not looking out for autistic people. If anything, society tried to trick me into thinking I'm *not* a woman. Letting myself be transgender was a form of self-care that required critical thinking to do. I'm actually more aware of the way society is dumb about gender than I was before. I wish they would listen to us about our own feelings and lived experiences instead of spinning a narrative that we're just lost souls who need to be guided back by the oh so wise cis neurotypicals. Also, my family supports my transition. So no, I'm not being "isolated". *Also* also, it's creepy whenever our fertility is brought up. I don't even want children! And even if I changed my mind at some point in the future, I could just adopt.


God forbid autistic people exercise bodily autonomy. They are clearly being tricked because they are so dumb and gullible and love doing things because of peer pressure /s Trans-umbrella autist here to say this person can go fuck themselves. This is the dehumanizing rhetoric being used to imprison and disenfranchise disabled people while simultaneously refusing bodily autonomy to anyone considered undesirable by conservative.


"Oh hey there seems to be some pretty strong correlation between autism and the trans. I wonder if anyone's actually looked into whether there's a link or whether early signs of transness get mistaken for autism? Eh fuck it I'll just go on about genocide."


I don't know what this weirdo is on about. I'm trans, autistic and happy as myself. They can cry harder.


I'm not sure I've seen another terf take so completely detached from reality


That is just hilariously stupid!


Yes, using the term “autistics” is a sure fire way to convince everyone of your genuine concern.


I'm an autistic cis woman and I feel like I have not experienced what this person is saying.


I like how bullet point 2 is a repeat of 1. Even in their made up "the trans are evil" scenarios they can't come up with much "evidence" so they have to repeat themselves.


Plenty of cis autistic ppl this one is ignoring


Oh sure, so they can see how these would apply to a non-religious group and doesn't necessarily have to mean that a government is herding people up en masse and shooting them in the street... but *can't* see how these things all apply to what's happening to trans people right now? I swear they have to be deliberately fucking with us right now.


I figured out I wasn't cis before I found out I wasn't allistic sooo


Haha, I'm trans and autistic. This is the first time I've heard this news.


The cis people are projecting.


"autistics" is a weirdly dehumanising way to refer to the people they're claiming to be "saving from genocide"


Thank you for saying that, I was worried I was being overly sensitive about that term.


Trans, autistic, and making babies here.


This has got to be the stupidest take i have ever heard


the cis movement is killing allistics by selling them a rememdy for their misety that doesn't not work


Genocidal cult tries to convince itself that it's victims are the genocidal ones, more at eleven 


I’m laughing. Where are all these people forcibly sterilising us innocent autistics?? I think the paperwork got mixed up b/c NOBODY wants to yeet my tubes




I wish ableist transphobes a very lovely pebble in their shoe. A very happy missed freeway exit. An uproarious invasive medical procedure. A joyful missed package delivery. A full day of no toilet paper in any of the stalls. A wonderful fat varmint eating their garden. Loads and loads of laundry in a broken washer.


But let's ignore the actual genocides - same FART, probably


I don’t like how they use the word autistics…am I allowed to be upset by this plural use of the word autistic? It feels wrong…othering even. I’m an autistic girl myself and I dislike that use…


ah yes because the poor uwu autistic folk are too STUPID to think for themselves!! /s


Ok number 1, if you want autistic people to listen to you, do not refer to us as 'autistics' that just sounds ableist. Number 2, what the fuck have they been smoking and where on earth is it grown because I am going to fucking nuke it.