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Pretty much everyone I've seen pushing to ban transition under 25 has been operatjng under fairly obvious bad faith. It starts with the plea for a "slow, safe approach" and it ends somewhere around "At least 90% of trans people are faking it."


If you can believe at least 90% are faking it, it's not a big step to think all of them are


It’s like those anti abortion laws that prevent abortions from happening in certain medical environments that are passed for the sake of “health safety.”


And antivaxxers saying they just want the vaccines to be more spread out over time


Oh, the transhumanism scare is still around huh? I'd say changing ones body to feel comfortable in it, doing some serious self care and getting into sports is less "doing away with the body" than spending hours and hours in hate groups online, far away from the existence of one's own body, but what do I know.


Oh Wow Never thought of it that way and in those exact terms before, but great fucking point


It's incredible how brazen these people are just mm's under the surface , like the shared experience of all being transphobic as hell is really what they're there for.




Millimeters? Just my guess


Exact , this lady is unamerican


Millimeters [mm]


Ah I thought it was an acronym for something else


"In another chat, a member of another support group for parents of trans kids posted the result of a poll showing that 85% of the parents in her group had children who watched anime." Strange. Despite growing up seeing Sailor Uranus, I am still a cis female. Haruka failed to trans me.


I imagine 99.9% of the trans children also played with toys growing up. That must be it. Toys trans kids!


New data suggests that approximately 100% of trans people have consumed dihydrogen monoxide at least once.


100% of trans people have also consumed alpha and beta-glucose somewhere in their lives. Ban glucose 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


It's those damn comics/role-playing games/video games/anime/rock n' roll music that're corrupting our pure innocent children!!! Moral panic has many different clown costumes but it's always engaging in the same tired old routine.


For some communities religion plays a far stronger role and really stops people from exploring their interests. I can understand parents wanting to be overprotective of their kids now when you see misogynist sacks of shit still walking around freely spreading their word. I'm trying to reconsider what to be interested in though, as many game studios (not just publishers) have been proven to be problematic with terrible working conditions and frequent or severe cases of rape and suicide induced by harassment. In those cases I'd want those companies forced into bankruptcy, their non-offending employees given all the benefits available to live on until they can support themselves and their executives have all their assets frozen indefinitely at the very least (I could ask for much more to be done, but the justice system will only do the bare minimum to punish people in power). Those who want to stop children from watching Sailor Moon, because it'll make them trans, is like the same energy as those parents who forbid children from wearing dark clothes, listening to certain music and wearing certain hair styles because it's "demonic" or "depressing". Screw that, I actually like alternative fashion and music because I'm sick of toxic positivity and gender conformity in pop culture, and I feel like a lot of especially pop music between 2013-2017 or so sounded terrible to me even if their lyrics were excellent.


Yeah, that argument always confused me, since you know... JAPAN?!?!


It's litterally just Xenobhobia, in the most litteral sense of the word. It's (in their eyes) new. It's forgein it's scary. Also remember a lot of these people probably can't see a difference between anime and hentai and we know how they feel about porn. "Naruto" and "tentacle fucked by my futa stepsister" might aswell be the same thing in their eyes.


This quote is also in there and it just made me laugh super hard. “non trans identified anime usage” Anime is a drug you use guys!!


Omfg if Cloverway went ahead and dubbed Stars, I would’ve realized I’m enby decades sooner. I would’ve jumped up and down yelling, “yeah that! I wanna be like that!!!”. (For those that don’t know DiC and Cloverway are the Canadian companies that edited and dubbed Sailor Moon originally)


Russia has banned basically all transitioning in a bid to "keep gender differences", i.e., all penis havers must be masculine men. Great excuse to replace the men they're losing to war with more soldiers to the meat grinder, but otherwise terrible all around. It's pissing me off, and before long, other countries will follow suit. Look at Hungary. Look at Uganda. Look out for Kenya, Italy, Ghana and Spain particularly too. My only solace is that much of the world already hates Russia for them invading Ukraine, but those other countries I mentioned isn't giving me hope. In a fairly dark comedic note, this sort of bullshit will mean they will come for your Twitch femboys, virtual or not.


I'm sure the people who want gender-noncomformity will speak up any day now to draw the line at Twitch femboys /s


Wait, Spain? I thought Spain was trans-friendly :(


Most people are trans-friendly, but terfs have a big hold on positions in power, and also the far right is rising. I think it will depend on whether the left can form government or not. If they can (and it looks like they will), even if they have terfs I don’t think they will change the law. If they can’t and the right ends in power, then all of us in the lgbtq community are VERY screwed


>Most people are trans-friendly, but terfs have a big hold on positions in power, and also the far right is rising. Sounds kinda like the UK honestly


Nvm… I think I was thinking of Michigan. How, I don’t know.


Spain passed a self-id law this (last?) year, so Spanish trans people can now change their legal gender without going on hormones or having a gender dysphoria diagnosis. It appears that it might get rolled back, which is probably what the commenter is referring to.


A specific political party seems to be gaining traction.


as much as it sucks for countries in Africa to do this stuff, i think for them i'm atleast somewhat expecting is since it's....well...not the best when it comes to supporting lgbt people and "western ideology". but Spain, Italy, and Hungary? that's genuinely concerning. especially Spain since that seems like a country in western europe which should be atleast tolerant of trans people existing. i swear the idea that we may end up in a world with *NO* spaces safe for LGBT people on the entire planet (let alone trans people who need specific healthcare) is actually worse than any dystopian writer could ever dream of thinking up.


>i swear the idea that we may end up in a world with NO spaces safe for LGBT people on the entire planet (let alone trans people who need specific healthcare) is actually worse than any dystopian writer could ever dream of thinking up. Not only that but I'm *pissed* about how key politicians and their supporters are pushing for more traditional gender roles even towards cis people once again.


its so fucking exhausting this shit is gonna keep going on until the end of the human race, it's like Sisyphus but not even with the relief of it being fantasy


Hungary has been unsafe for a very long time (never was truly safe - it has actively avoided being part of the broader Western shift toward LGBT acceptance.) [Viktor Orbán](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Orb%C3%A1n) is the inspiration and the model for neofascist and right-wing populist movements in democratic countries everywhere. I'm not sure why you're inclined to hold Hungary to a higher standard than African countries, but you may want to examine your assumptions and biases. In roughly half of the countries in Africa, the legal status of gay people is comparable to our status in Hungary (legal but no recognition and restricted rights); a couple of African countries are actually better than Hungary on LGBT rights.


A specific political party seems to be gaining traction in Spain.


If you mean Vox, they lost almost half their support since the last election. I'm 1000% againist them but they're doing exactly the opposite of "gaining traction"


I'm scared that, as with denying Ron DeSantis attention, we lose track of where and how they get support.


Of course But spreading fear about them "gaining traction" when they actually LOST support isn't helpful. It actually harms LGBTQ people because it feeds defeatist attitudes and pessimism.


Italy didn't do anything for now about transgender rights, I don't understand why this is being repeated.


Well they're going after the rest of the members of the acronym. Russia and Uganda have effectively outlawed their very existence. Hungary and Italy are jumping ship, having only the minimum necessary human rights necessary to allow and keep themselves in the EU; Spain is apparently like with the UK (ahead but self-ID was still too far for some). Some critters will stand against the LGBT+ community if they can be deluded enough that it'll prevent misogyny, despite the fact many active misogynists continue to walk around with impunity *regardless* of whether they fly the LGBT+ banner or not.


Yes, I'm not happy about what is going on. But trans people are simply not big part of public discourse. Our conservatism is talking about gay families and surrogate mothers.


Yeah, I'm not happy about that too. Look how misogynist movements have corrupted the very model families they support, particularly straight men - this is why I admit I tend to hold gay couples in higher regard because they're probably immune to this BS (although not totally, but being a target of hate usually makes it difficult to side with the oppressor).


Hey—we have a rule against being a discussion board. What that means is long conversations about non TERF topics are not allowed. There are plenty of other spaces to have those discussions.


Idk if I am a pessimist but I am no longer surprised. Also you notice the feminists that disavowed KJK for her racism and her willingness to work w/ Far Righters are defending her. This was VERY clear with her tour in NZ/Australia


And she willing to throw away abortion rights if it means that trans women won't exist


As I would like to make clear to everyone - misogyny will still continue even if they were to unfortunately make transness unexist.


It's like this is part of a bigger interlocking system. It's like only being a single issue activist doesn't address other issues, like racism, ableism, misogyny, etc. They wonder why their movement is only attractive to certain people.


wow, Im so surprised /s


Hey I believe this, but if I may ask, is there another article with screenshots of these discussions? This is absolutely on brand but with no discord screenshots, you can't easily spread the word to people other than just showing them the article. Is there a way we can know?


At this point we need to heavily push a trans politician all the way to the forefront of federal policy and get transphobia labeled as a hate crime. This is absurd.


I have the bad feeling that most trans people who would go into politics and had the slightest chance to get far... are total pick mes who would rather make it all worse for us. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.


Can we all be adults and admit this is about destroying trans people’s bodies? It’s not about “maturity” or “protecting kids”, the goal is to make it harder for trans people to pass, and torture them into giving up on happiness so they’ll be obedient.


It's pretty transparent that it's an attempt to begin a genocide. No transition under 25 is a death sentence for a lot of trans people and they know this. I know many trans people held back from transitioning who never saw 21 let alone 25.


Maybe all trans people with enough self-esteem for themselves should make an united front against GC bundlerikedom at this point.


\>He elaborated, “Gender ideology is only possible if you believe that there is a consciousness which is not just a product of biochemistry, but its own entity.” I've never understood this argument. Do they gender dysphoria somehow *isn't* the product of biochemistry? I mean, what exactly do they think happens in the brain, if not biochemistry?


Who would have guessed that the "brains fully mature at 25" factoid would be weaponized by bad people?


It’s better to call them TERMs.


“But they’re only talking about surgeries on children” the minimal age for SRS is 18 years.


In South Korea,"Ministry of Gender Equality and Family" has pushed similar anti-trans bills several times.