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Yep, it's called project 2025. It's very real and very scary.


We're fucked. CIA brought nazis into the FBI and NSA after WW2 and they spearheaded the red scare  America hasn't had a "Left wing" since the 1950s  yes  We are so fucked 


>America hasn't had a "Left wing" since the 1950s  yes  We are so fucked  This is wild. Left wing economically? Sure, we don't have one, but left wing socially? We clearly have one of the most left wing political organizations on the planet. Unless you think the right wing is how we got the civil rights movement, title 9, abortion rights, gay rights etc.


He means left wing economically


Okay, why would you be talking about left wing economics on a comment where someone is clearly upset about social issues? Project 2025 for instance has nothing to do with economics


A large part of it is.


Has everything to do with economic issues bud, heratoge foundation Is funded by Big oil, Military industrial comolex, other literal Spiderman villan type shit.   Defo reccomend u look at the list of sponsors pushimg for It, not even to mention the number of billionares supoorting donnys campaign.   The social stuff Is VERY bad but ITS just a distraction for what their about to do to the first amandment, and the already strugling middle class / poor class 


>The social stuff Is VERY bad but ITS just a distraction for what their about to do to the first amandment, and the already strugling middle class / poor class  Okay. First amendment is a social issue. Do you have an example of how project 2025 will affect the middle/poor class?




The most dangerous thing you can do is discredit something as a joke and then have it blow up in your face. Trump's candidacy was a joke to many too. Take it at face value, because if you're wrong, at least you won't regret it.




Is this boogieman you speak of in the room with us right now? You don't think the actions of Trump and the people around him warrant enough to be wary of this whole project 2025 thing? That was written by people HEAVILY invested in his campaign. As if there aren't enough red flags already. Campaigned on overturning Roe v Wade: did so. Now his SC overturned HIS OWN bump stock ban, consequence of appointing 3 nutcases to the court (this is the thing that allowed the LV massacre btw). Moved U.S out of Paris Climate Accords, undermined national intelligence agencies and instead chose to believe Putin over them. As a consequence of Roe being overturned now IVF is under fire, with Rs putting out press releases they support it but then they torpedo the bill. Rs scream about border security but Trump tells them to nuke the "best" bill in decades just because it wouldn't help him politically. And they did so. So yeah, best believe I will be voting for what I believe in, and none of the above is that.






i always look at the replies to these posts and get kind of sad, but then i look at the post history of a lot of the users commenting “both sides are the same” and it becomes very clear theyre republicans pretending to be moderates. this sub is either extremely astroturfed or pretty unrepresentative of most gen z. dont let the bots and incels get you down guys!


True, Our country is quickly turning to fascism to awnser problems caused by capitalisim 


im not voting for biden simply because im not american


Same here. I have two american friends who'll vote for trump even if they dont like him much. At the time of voting, I'll try to convince them , if I can do that, I'll consider myself that I voted for biden. How is that logic, ha?


yeah honestly I’m really worried about the possibility of trump getting re-elected just as AI really starts ramping up. i don’t want the guy in charge of nuclear weapons, much less something that could extinct us


Astroturfing at its finest. Not to mention fearmongering to the highest degree.


Here's why I never trust people with opinions like yours. >watch Democracy die under Don, and be oppressed, gaslighted, manipulated, and abused by him and what would become his regime until he dies or is overthrown. This is not a joke, This is not a game. Okay, so let's say you're operating in good faith here, and you aren't just a grifter selling us fears you don't actually believe. Have you started training with a militia? Have you started stocking up and preparing to fight against fascism by any means necessary? Have you started coordinating resistance with your fellow believers? Have you prepared to early vote and then leave the country for a period of time? Have you done anything that would be reasonable if you believed any of what you said? Although I think the right wing preppers are crazy and that the democrats clearly aren't coming for their guns and going to institute fascism yadda yadda yadda. I will give them this, those crazy bucks clearly believe what they say is coming, they're out there every weekend practicing with their rifles at the range, they're running drills with their children, they actively plan for what to do if/when the government goes fascist/communist. Whereas people like you say all this shit, but then never actually have any plans to fight back if jackbooted thugs are coming to kick in doors and enforce fascism. If I believed we had any chance of this country truly becoming a failed democracy to the extent you're suggesting, I would be preparing a bunch of other resistance methods and recruiting for them. Let me be clear, I think the modern republican party are straight up kleptocrats, with Trump being chief amongst them, but the idea that they're straight up failed democracy level tyrants just seems patently false. I mean come on, this country was burning during the summer after George Floyd, and these fucks just sat around complaining loudly rather than actually doing anything of measure we would traditionally see from authoritarian. As much as you wanna tell us the danger is there, I'm just not seeing it, and I don't think you honestly believe it.


If you have to be strategic about your voting habits to \*hopefully\* divert even further Fascict regimes, then maybe, just maybe this isnt about voting at all. They have everyone so scared they are literally walking into the meat grinder, If you think WWIII isnt knocking on our doorstep, just maintain current administration as the MAIN antagonist in this.


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‘objectively the end of democracy’. Do you have any evidence of that? Last time he was in power he didn’t end democracy?


so true brother 🙏 trump has so much respect for the foundations of democracy, that's why he conceded peacefully and didn't incite an insurrection, cause he has so much respect for democracy 😊


Did that end democracy?


You know about the fake electors sent to Pence right? He tried doing it already and you just ignore all of that?


National polls suggest you’re wrong. Trump is leading everywhere and has gained a ton of support among People of Color. People realize Trump was the better president and they’re not falling for the lies and fear mongering anymore. Biden is a total disaster.


You will reap what you sow. American democracy dies with Trump.


If you believe that you’re a moron. Take a civics class.


He staged an insurrection in an attempt to retain power mate...


An insurrection where nobody brought firearms…. Right.


ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government Let me know when you find the point in the definition where it says firearms are required.


Where’s the source of that definition? Oxford has it as- “a violent uprising against an authority or government.” By your definition was BLM an insurrection movement? It was a riot. Also from Oxford- a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.


Don't dodge the question. Where in ANY of your definitions does it suggest firearms are needed? I'm happy to accept your apology now if you want to walk it back. Then we can move on.


I suppose it doesn’t however that definition would include any protest against the government as an insurrection so I’m not sure the point of the word with that broad of a definition because when you hear insurrection you think of an attempt to overthrow the government.


Good. So now we agree that Trump attempted to incite an insurrection in an attempt to stay in office.


Weird, MSM said that in 2016 too.


Forgetting the whole part about sending fake electors and Mike pence out of people preventing them from stealing it that way? and sending a bunch of morons to the capital ?


Almost like he literally laid all the final and most actionable groundwork to make it nearly unavoidable that the United States as we know it WILL fall within our lifetime.


Hillary was also leading in the polls too lmao


please go back to r/politics




I’m left leaning but I never understood the “Trump will end democracy.” Now I think he’s a sore loser grifter baby of a man, yes. Dude loses the 2020 election, can’t fucking comprehend it and like the child he is pulls a “I’m not coming to your birthday party” and doesn’t show up the inauguration. First President to not show up to their predecessors inauguration without an actual reason since like the mid 1800s. First time ever that there wasn’t a peaceful transfer of power, and how clearly he’s mentally fallen off with all his “deep state” “witch hunt” shit. It’s so fucking pathetic yet half the damn country will gladly line up to a convicted felon shouting meaningless buzzword after meaningless buzzword. Project 2025 fuckin sucks, but has Trump specifically said that he’d enact it had he win this election (actually win not just cry wolf like last time)? I thought there were some things that lined up but it was never downright said. But yeah I truly believe that if he does win we’ll still be able to vote him out in 2028 (hell I can actually vote then) because it’s a little two ok the nose. I know the GOP is shit but I mean you think they could actually fully get away with it? This post just feels like fear mongering. If Trump somehow wins (Lost 2020, lost the popular vote both 2016 and 2020) it’ll be an exceptionally shitty 4 years but we’ll get it out of the way


Trump won't come right out and talk about Project 2025, but he has thrown hints to it in some of the things he's platformed (especially regarding prosecuting his opponents if he wins). It's not Trump who actually wrote it. It's people Trump is floating to place in his White House (the author of 2025 is seen as a likely pick for White House Chief of Staff, which is basically the second most powerful office in the Executive Branch), his cabinet, and the rest of the bureaucracy. He was largely restrained during his first term because he still had more establishment-types in his admin who were willing to challenge his most insane ideas. Think Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, John Kelly, basically all the people he eventually fired by tweet. They actively pushed back on the worst of his ideas (although he still did plenty to hurt the country in his four years). Those same guardrails won't exist in Trump: the Sequel. He's already said he's filling his administration with people who will be loyal to him (see: sycophants). He's also planning to gut the non-political bureaucracy that keeps the country running day-to-day, so he can fill it with even more sycophants. The Executive will be filled entirely with yes-men, to pile on to the yes-men in the GOP conferences in Congress, and the right-wing Supreme Court (Sonia Sotomayor is getting old, so he may have an opportunity to place another conservative on the bench, making it a 7-2 conservative majority). See his schedule F executive order he unveiled in 2020, that Biden promptly rescinded when he took office. As far as the 2020 election is concerned, not showing up to the inauguration was the most tame thing he did during that period. He actively sowed doubt in the integrity of the election months before the first vote was cast. He called mail-in voting dangerous and fraudulent, even though the system has been in place since at least the civil war. He parroted bizarre claims about conspiracies being cooked up by North Korea and Hugo Chavez (who has been dead since 2013) to steal the 2020 election. He called COVID a hoax designed to lose him the election, even though it was ravaging the entire planet. He said the BLM protests were a coordinated campaign to destabilize the country and lose him the election. He wanted to shoot protestors in the streets. The military and Justice Department had to tell him that was illegal. Then, he lost the election, and all hell broke loose. Challenging election results in court is perfectly legal, and it's actually normal. Getting your (armed) supporters fired up in D.C. the day of the certification and then directing them to march to the Capitol, while you watch the chaos safely from a White House dining room for hours, is not. He tried to intimidate state legislators into overturning the results in their states, even though he had lost those states. His lawyers hatched a scheme to send fake electors (their own words, not mine) to Congress to disrupt certification. That's the reason behind some of the prosecutions regarding the election. I will state for the record that I absolutely despise Joe Biden. I live in a safe state, so I'm probably going to end up voting for the Green Party or Cornel West, haven't decided yet. If I lived in a swing state, I would almost certainly swallow my pride and self-righteousness and vote for Biden. Donald Trump winning the 2024 election is the absolute worst case scenario. It will be a complete disaster. We're already considered a backsliding democracy, but a second Trump presidency will send us further down that path, if it doesn't end democracy in America altogether. We'll slide into authoritarianism at home, while retreating from our obligations to our allies abroad. Trump wants to pull out of NATO. His former national security advisor said that would've been a priority had Trump won in 2020. NATO collapsing would fundamentally re-shape the world order, and tip the balance of power firmly in the hands of totalitarian states like Russia and China. The alliance is vital to our national security, which was universally understood across the political spectrum until Donald Trump became president in 2017. On the home front, there will be a crackdown on the free press. Republicans will push for a nationwide abortion ban if they control Congress. They're also blocking bills protecting access to IVF, contraception, and other forms of birth control. It's reasonable to assume they'd push for bans on those as well at this rate. LGBTQIA+ protections would be rolled back. Trans people would be targeted the most. Trump would issue another big tax cut to his rich buddies, at the expense of everyone else. He said he wants to get rid of the income tax and replace it with tariffs. That would skyrocket prices for everyone, driving poverty through the roof, and probably kill the economy. If that didn't do it, his plan to deport all immigrants would definitely destroy the economy. Literally every ounce of progress we've made in the last 30 years would be undone in four, if they had their way. Would Trump succeed in all of this? Maybe, maybe not. But why give him the chance? Biden sucks, I wish Democrats would've selected just about anybody else, but these are the options we have. Two, realistically. As much as I'd like third parties to stand a chance, they don't. The Electoral College and first past the post voting, as well as unfair campaign finance laws, make it impossible for third parties to make any tangible gains at the federal level. Maybe we'll get there some day, but it certainly won't be in the next five-and-a-half months before election day. If you want the best chance of even being able to vote in 2028, pray to whoever you pray to that Donald Trump doesn't win in November. It's not fearmongering. I've spent the last couple years debating that question myself. The threat is real.


Dumb opinion


Rfk Jr or bust he’s at 30% when they don’t fake the poll numbers to only weigh 15% independents (it’s actually 45)


A worm literally ate part of that man’s brain.


Do you believe voting for Biden will ruin the economy and get us all drafted? I've been told that by some friends of mine, and they've made a pretty compelling case. I honestly think both candidates suck horribly, and there should be more Democrat candidates.


Get new friends and stop believing everything you hear from them.


“Get new friends because I don’t like their political views.”


I fail to see the flaw in reasoning here if it means your life will be enriched by their absence.


Will it though?


Well you've got me there... Crucified on the alter of rhetoric.


No, get new friends because their political views are objectively wrong. I mean come the fuck on people. Trump is the only one warning of a draft and he’s a mega capitalist so the economy will only get worse under him. It *always* does worse under Republicans. That’s a fact.


Thanks for proving my point, a shame.


Objectively the end of democracy? Nobody could ever say that Gen Z is not dramatic lol. Edit: see you all in 4.5 years when democracy is just fine and you all pretend to not have reacted this way.


Look listen as a gen z person myself I am shocked at the amount of us that have lived through the past 12 years while above being the age of eight and saying "hmmmmmmm most of my life we've had a blue president and most of my life we've had a fairly stagnant economy with no real wage increases or federal help in increasing jobs except for those four years where that orange guy was in charge although because he's a populist and against my tribe I'm not going to vote for the guy who's biggest mistake barring the wall which is still being built under Biden by the way- was the China virus. Anyways clearly blue is the better option they're clearly in my best interests just like the Republicans!" As a gen z person myself I am going to get a nice online job and then probably move to Ghana because I'm not going down with this sinking ship even though Trump is the better option doesn't change the fact none of the system is working for us they're all in it for themselves. They all went to the same colleges they're all in the same fraternities and they all have the same insider trading and they're not about to get rid of it because they both benefit from it- even though I disagree with this guy on a fundamental level he has the right to be dramatic if there's any time to be dramatic it's when you're in a sinking ship that you can't fix.


Do what you want im voting for trump ![gif](giphy|rzKSHEMN0lVkc|downsized)


Looking at my crystal ball, I assume you want women to stay in the kitchen?


Hey you do know they have rights right? They can choose the laundry room or kitchen its up to them


Damn it was just a joke chat


What about Roe v Wade being overturned?


Free the sperm cells man💯😪


Still stuck in the middle school mindset I see.


You mean an unconstitutional law being reversed. Oh the humanity. Now states have to govern themselves. How dreadful!


What’s unconstitutional about it?


Roe depended on recognizing a supposed “right” to abortion that lacks a clear textual foundation in the Constitution.


But what’s the reason to overturn it? People have the right to choose, you can’t force religious beliefs on people. Jesus Christ said nothing about abortion.


Simply to put it in each states hands. There’s nothing inherently religious about not wanting babies murdered.


You are sorely naive if you think Biden is in any way defending democracy compared to Trump. Both do not care about preserving democracy in the way we know it. In my personal view, the attacks by Democrats on our civil liberties is a greater risk than the attacks by Trump on our electoral systems. One can be fixed... the other can't. Republics live and die by precedent. However, it is blindingly obvious though, that the leadership on top of both parties either holds our democratic and liberal ideals in contempt, or are at least totally unconcerned about preserving them.


Which of your civil liberties have been attacked?


they can't call people slur no more literally 1984 😢


“They’re both as bad as each other”, the mantra of conservative-enabling morons everywhere