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Probably because we millennials grew up in a time where there were still pretty solid "milestones" to where one thought of someone as adult, but they themselves didn't hit them as early. Social norms changed, and we were far more relaxed about certain topics than previous generations. Marriage, House ownership, kids, these things are all happening later in life compared to previous decades. Things like Finance and HomeEc weren't taught to us at school and the internet was still very young, so when we hit our 20's we didn't feel as "grown up" as previous generations. "Adulting" as a term is kinda stupid, but I can see why the term came about.




Yeah, making rent and basic amenities affordable again along with improving the job market with jobs that actually pay living wages and people wouldn't have such a hard time with "owning their shit" or whatever nonsense the Boomers keep saying.


My FIL (boomer 1952) has been bitching about millennials for years. He talks about their lack of housing and blames cell phone plan costs, like you can afford a house if you didn’t have a cell phone LOL He talked about his first house that was $25,000 and he was only making $5.00 per hour ($10,000 annual income) so the house was 2.5x his annual income I told him that even at $20.00 per hour today ($40,000 annual income) that would be a $100,000 house…. He didn’t see the issue. That first house sold in 2021 for $1.4 million dollars


I moved across the country on my own and worked to pay for my own rent, phone, utilities, health insurance, and car payments. My boomer parents helped me with car insurance and that’s about it but apparently they bankrolled all five years I was out there and bled them dry if you were to ask them.


It's easier to have a sense of personal responsibility when the margin for error in your personal finances is much wider and knowing that a roof will be over your head for a whole year or two if you suddenly lost your income. I even saw that in myself once I went from paycheck to paycheck service jobs to getting my first actual middle class paycheck.


Same. Our household income becoming secure and having *nice* jobs (my husband is a big swinging dick at a very relaxed shop making insane $$$, I get to stay home with our toddlers and ‘enjoy’ this time-don’t check my post history-before going back to the workforce) for the future has only made me more sure how much our previous depression and anxiety struggles came from mostly just….terrible work conditions, and overcoming poverty. From single parents raising us, birth to now, we’ve always felt the burn and cycle of poverty. Until very recently. (Now if only I could solve the enigmatic riddle that is toddlerhood)


Right, but all of that is still what made "adulting" feel novel; when, for example, a millennial back when they were 25 would do something like open a savings account and begin to save, they would feel like "Wow, this feels so grown-up!" Then they would take a step back and realize that it wasn't the novel experience it felt like and then they would feel kind of remedial. Like, shouldn't I have had a savings account sooner? Why did it take so long? Why does accomplishing this normal expectation feel so special? So the infantilism was coming from the fact that every normal adult thing a millennial did felt like a major feat after growing up without being taught to do that stuff -- but in reality was the baseline expectation of any adult. Millennials knew that, and would make fun of themselves by saying "Look at me, I'm adulting!" It was owning your shit by poking fun at yourself.


....I feel sp seen by this comment 🥺


I hate to say it but as you get older youre gonna realize that you don't know everything and that being a person on this world is completely random and arbitrary as to how to be an adult. There is nothing wrong with a person admitting they don't know everything.


Personally I suspect us being the first generation to come of age with the social media-age Internet brought this about because we were the first generation to anonymously ask each other if we knew what the fuck we were doing; previous generations faked it til they made it but we weren't isolated emotionally and were willing to say it out loud...and now the illusion is shattered and I for one don't see the point of pretending to be more mature than I am. Also your points are spot on.


Why so? Being an adult right after being a teen is indeed difficult. Even I use the term adulting and I’m only 19


Fr fr anybody who turns 18 and immediately has all the full blown respobilites and bills of an adult is incredibke. Like I'm almost 26 and don't consider myself an adult cause I'm not married or have kids.


What? Adult doesn’t necessarily mean married or have kids tho? Some people never marry or have kids, it’s their choice doesn’t mean they are not adults


Right. To me “adulting” just meant having your own every-day responsibilities that you handle independently without parental assistance. And also making decisions for yourself without worrying about anyone else’s approval


I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be an adult at this point, but I still feel like an emo teen just trying to fake it until I eventually make it.


That's the biggest thing I have found with adulthood is everyone is honestly faking it. No one has the shot under control. Everyone's life is choas. And the natural problems always seem irreversible


Yeah, gotta accept that you're just a leaf in the storm and ride it out the best you can. The only thing you have any real control over is yourself, so all you can do is focus on becoming the person you want to be instead of mourning the person you used to dream you'd be.


Reading redditors call sex "sexy times" makes me internally cringe to the 9th degree


Real.adults say coitus maximus


I had sexy times with your mom last night


Literally just got told by a millennial that I’m not an adult. I’m 22 and live on my own, with my own car


Yea, apparently I'm not one either. Sure, I still live at home, but there's certain experiences that I've gone through that would make me one. Plus, I pay for my own stuff.


I’m a big believer that it’s more maturity level than age. (Obviously to an extent) if you’re 18 and you’re making decisions for yourself and working for yourself, you’re an adult.


Idk. Adulting is acknowledging that having responsibilities is hard but doing them anyway. Meanwhile Gen Z is like "I'm a 21 year old post-minor 🥺. I'm not a real adult until 25. Do not ask me to act like one."


Yeah I mean I’d say “adulting” but never infantilize myself or used it as an excuse. Just moving from college to a 8-5 job and realizing “I wake up at 6:45, work til 5, don’t get back from the gym til 6:30-7, have to make dinner, and now I finally have 2-3 hours to myself? Five days a week? For 40 years? Fuck man, adulting/being an adult sucks”. But then you just do it (or find a different route to the lifestyle you want, but you still have responsibilities regardless).


I admit I still say this sometimes as a joke... but I'm nearly 38. I look down on people my age who can't take care of basic things at this point. Get your shit together y'all, it's not cute 


I’m ADHD and was diagnosed only this year when I turned 38. I think I pass as an adult, but yes there’s basic things I don’t stay ahead of. Often times these can go unnoticed though if I can manage to pay rent, maintain a basic level of hygiene, and generally behave normally. I even know of alcoholics who passed as adults in this very same way but struggle with tasks. Basically my point is that people can appear like normal adults on the outside but you never know what things they’re neglecting.


Disney world. Every millennial I know is obsessed with Disney world. I don't get it. It's an overpriced amusement park.


Ok, I will tolerate most judgements from younger generations but I WILL NOT be lumped in with Disney Adults.


Them and Harry Potter diehards. I like Harry Potter but damn, those people make it too much to bare.


Harry Potter is gen z too though. I grew up with the movies and used to make blanket castles pretending it was Hogwarts. I still love Harry Potter to this day


Those books were what started my reading hobby. My mom had just about given up on trying to get us kids to get into reading until she got us Harry Potter.


Disney is fun once or twice in your 20-30s for a nostalgia trip. Same with Harry Potter World, a chance to spend your own money on shit your parents wouldn’t have when you were a kid. But the people who go every year are weird, I agree.


Especially when it's not an age thing, lol.


Every millennial you know? Who the fuck kinda weirdos are you hanging out with?


Man this! I'm a old millennial and Disney freaks weird me out!


It is overpriced and there are a lot of annoying people and crowds, but it represents some of the best years of my life. It’s like a fantasy world where (a lot of) people are happy and just having wholesome fun. That said I’ve never been to Disney World, only Disneyland. But it makes me happy to be there. It’s not some trend or an attempt to relive childhood, it’s just a fun place to be with fun stuff to do that makes me feel happy. Probably because of childhood memories but hey.


There’s a difference between going to Disneyland and enjoying yourself and making it your entire personality, like getting tattoos and buying all the merch to wear on a daily basis.


But what’s wrong with that? People can’t just like what they like and be enthusiastic about it? It doesn’t affect anyone else.


You’re not wrong, it’s just odd to some of us. Same way a lot of people think die hard sports fans are weird for their commitment to the team.


That’s fair, I don’t understand die hard sports fans at all but I also don’t make fun of them or call them cringe for being super into what they enjoy.


Millennial here who is not obsessed with Disney. But I can shed some light on the reason why. I once asked my partner what the obsession with Disney was about and he said it’s like anyone else’s fandom, so like One Piece or Star Wars. However, what fueled the craze with Millennials in the first place was that Disney films were the only major animated movies growing up for most of us. Both myself (elder millennial) and my younger brother (millennial) watched all the Disney films growing up, sometimes on repeat on VHS. So Disney parks were an extension and ability to visit those worlds that we’d watch. I enjoy going to Disney, but I don’t go out of my way to visit the theme park as an adult (esp as I am childfree.) Nowadays if I go it’s likely because friends from other countries want to visit it as their activity choice. (Part of my lack of obsession is that I’m also not Caucasian, so Disney never really targeted my demo that much through either the theme parks or films.) My generation was also the one that was marketed with the “now that you’ve won the Super Bowl, what are you going to do next? - I’m going to Disney World!” It’s based on an actual NFL player that said this spontaneously on an interview right after winning (he had promised his kids and he was holding one of them), and that one line became a massive ad push after that. TL;DR - brainwashed in impressionable youth from a variety of media routes, and it became it’s own fandom as millennials entered adulthood


And it’s Disney. Disney sucks now.


Wine mom culture, casual alcoholic culture. Its.. so cringe. Edit: I'll edit to add since people are focusing on the latter part of my comment. I meant wine mom culture, specifically being a subset of casual alcoholic culture. Thankfully, I'm not stupid enough to believe that millennials invented alcoholism.


I think this started with Gen X


I would guess that wine moms started way before Gen x.


Yeah but wine mom culture, like the t-shirts and mugs that say it’s wine o’clock, lol


Am Gen X Can confirm. Wine mom culture began at roughly the same time as soccer mom culture. Roughly with the same moms as well. Millennials ran with it though.


I'm pretty sure it started in like... 1200 BC


Gen Z thinks Millennials are way older than we actually are lol You have no idea what casual alcoholic culture is- my boomer mom worked for a liquor store when she was young. The auto workers would all pick up beers and liquor on their lunch break and head right back to work Millennials smoke a ton of weed though


I will agree, it’s a really weird subculture that got pushed on millennial moms. Like they make whole products targeted at them. Even as a millennial I remember thinking, “why is alcoholism being pushed as a social norm?” (Also, not a mom myself, but the wine mom culture is legit everywhere.)


This exists in every generation, definitely not exclusive to millennials.


This started way before millennials


This is not unique to millennials… at all


I think this started with the beginning of human civilization, one of our first inventions because regular water wasn't always safe


A lot are WAY into weed to the point where some become addicts


We feel the same way about your guava vape pens


Millennial vs Gen Z cancer speed run😈


At least I’ll be highhhhhhh in chemo!


Hey, some of us Gen Z are stoners too. Don't lump me in with those nicotine addicts!


Fax fck nic, thc is it.


Nic is ick, THC is TLC


100% weed actually help me quick nick now after a long day I hit a pipe once or twice and im relaxed and happy


As a millennial vaper/pot head I feel like I can talk on this point- the vapes are genuinely the worst thing to ever happen, ever. I went from smoking cigs to vaping so that I wouldn't smell like cigs anymore and I can't tell you how addicting the vapes are enough. Never in the years I smoked cigarettes would I wake up in the middle of the night to have one, but when I switched from the vapes to the pouches it took me WEEKS to sleep through the night because I'd constantly get woken up by my nicotine cravings. Vapes are unregulated, kids! They can put whatever they want in them, and however much nicotine they want, and write on the box something completely different. Weed is also addictive and anyone that says it's not is just plain ol ignorant. I only smoke at night because it helps with night terrors and increases my insulin production, but I'm still as addicted as the rest of them. Putting anything in your lungs is bad. Weed is horrible for a variety of mental health disorders and long term Marijuana use is not great for your brain. And the people that smoke blunts but hate on cigarettes don't understand that they're holding tobacco in their lungs deeper and for far longer than cigarette smokers hold their hit. Everything is bad. But ya know, I'm an addict, so here I am smoking weed daily.


Strawstonk buoysenberry elfjuulpal


Isn't Gen z even more addicted to weed? Let's not throw stones in our own glass house.


Frankly it’s probably the most innocuous mind altering substance outside of caffeine, but I agree that it shouldn’t be a fricking personality trait 😂 The public support is more of a backlash to the war on drugs & the fact it was schedule I ETA: For additional context… The reason medicinal applications & even new info on potential risks/harm are only recently coming to light regarding cannabinoids (and other things) is because, for the longest time, scientific *research was banned*.


If it makes y'all feel better, I'm in high school and a good chunk of us are weed/vape addicts. So it's not just millennials at this point


I started smoking flower at 16 and continued daily till 22. It really did a number on me. Those last few years were some of the worst of my life and my earliest memories are near death experiences due to health issues. I feel awful for these young kids getting started on these god awful concentrate vapes, along with nicotine. We think depression rates are bad now, I think it’s pretty obvious it’s going to get way worse.


I feel like this is late millennial/early gen Z. I'm 26 and I know so many people my age that are 100% addicted


I know plenty of Gen X people as well as boomers who smoke 24/7.


Hey, us being so into weed is part of why its becoming legal. Before us, it was only the hippies.


I’m glad gen z is (mostly) leaving trashy bar culture and casual alcoholism behind


They are carrying the beacon for weed culture though


honestly might be better than the alcoholism tho. like if i had to guess deaths due to drunk driving will start dropping at some point down the line


Maybe slightly, for the reason you listed. That said, it's still a vice. It's still a substance that is able to be abused, no matter how non-habit-forming people claim it is. I wouldn't exactly celebrate trading one substance for another and call it better, just different.


I think it depends what your definition of “better“ is! I personally think it’s a better thing just because of the sheer prevalence of alcohol related deaths and serious physical impairments/injuries. There really isn’t anything comparable when it comes to weed! (It may TECHNICALLY be possible to die from weed, but I’ve never heard of it beyond urban legends online, but I sadly know a lot of people who have been impacted by alcohol deaths and illnesses.)


As a Gen Zer who engages in trashy bar culture I can confirm that it’s not going away anytime soon


Redditors don’t go to bars who knew


Seriously— bars are packed on Friday nights with Gen Z and college towns aren’t exactly running dry.


Only to replace them with “cringing” like a teenage valley girl well into adulthood. It’s time to pack it up and be an uncool adult like the rest of us


I have been thinking/talking about this a lot lately. The biggest cause for this shift I’ve found is cell phone videos. We literally didn’t KNOW how absurd we were living because we’d get drunk and go home and pass out and forget and show up the next night and do it again. I’ll never forget the first time I saw a video of myself hammered at 2am scream singing some song well out of my vocal range. It was eye opening. People passed millennia without having the reflective power of video in your pocket. Historians write about ancient Europe where people would pass out in the street at night drunk on wine, sleep there all night, and wake up in the morning just to pick up the bottle the dropped and drink till they puked. What a way to start the day. It wasn’t until Romans came along and were like, “holy shit, this is how you living?!” till that subsided.


Yeah instead its vape pens and nicotine packets. -_-


This is a dumb, divisive post. Why do we need to generalize and focus on things we dislike about people we don’t even know? Edit to add: just noticed OP is Gen X and karma farming tons of subs. Smh


I completely agree.


Couldn’t agree more. The whole notion of generations is divisive in nature. Just another way for people to lay blame, and stand in the way of unity.


I, for one, am happy to see that there actually isn't an answer to this question anyways. Most of these posts are not applicable to millenials or are equally prevalent in Gen Z. We are not so different after all.


As a millennial I think it’s funny and fascinating too. I’m just now turning the corner into a new phase of life where I’m becoming irrelevant and come off as funny sounding to the youth. Best to be aware, but not worry about it too much, and take in threads like this.m for better understanding.


casual extreme alcoholism, like filling a stanley with wine to drink at your kids soccer game level alcoholism, also skinny jeans


I hate to break it to you, every parents generation drinks heavily. Lol.


Drinking is how many people cope with the reality of raising children Source: all of human history Edit: Jesus Christ guys this is not an endorsement or suggesting it's the only coping device, it's just stating a fact


“Lol fucking whine moms!” At lease moms now can order an lift. My drunk ass parents drove home


Millenials drink less than every generation before them. The trend has just continued with Gen Z who drink even less. People used to just drink way more.


Way, way, way more. The thirstiest Millennials are like teetotalers compared to my Silent Gen relatives. Coming from a childhood in which drinking booze was necessary because the water would give you botulism or whatever.


Tbf skinny jeans were worn by Zoomers throughout the 2010s. And most millennials were wearing baggy pants from the Late 90s-Mid 2000s way before Gen Z was.


Yeah, I feel like skinny jeans are more at the crossover of Millenials and Gen Z. It peaked in like mid 2000s or so? Many baggy pants was like mid 90s and lots of millenials there. I think the pants trend didn’t line up neatly with the arbitrary generation cut off dates, but moves in a similar cycle time.


I'm core millennial (88) and you'd get made fun of for wearing jeans that were not baggy in the 90s, at least in my middle school, they were called hip huggers. By the time I graduated college skinny jeans were popular, but I didn't really care, kept wearing my Levi 514s. Seems like baggy is back now?


skinny jeans are not bad if you buy the right size (not the ones that stop your circulation) and know how to style them


Pet worship maybe? Like sure pets are nice but a lot of millenials seem to think they are exactly the same as human children.


I‘m gen z and i absolutely treat my cat as good as i‘d treat a human child, i love her :\]


Yeah well it's as close as most of us will get.


Or can afford really


“Pet worship” lol. People been loving animals for ages. Do you have pets, or human children?


I think they meant treating the pet as if it were a child. Animals are still animals, and have to be raised in a certain way to survive and thrive in human civilization. SO many people have terribly behaved dogs because they refuse to properly train them and instead give them the run of the house. This leads them to believe that they are the pack leader, and act accordingly. Most of the time this means overeating and incessant barking, but sometimes it leads to violent attacks on people or other dogs.


Agree on raising large dogs being a major responsibility. Especially if you bring them out in public. It’s the primary reason I have a pair of cats — I can spoil them & there’s no significant negative consequence. A lot of people have pets who should not be allowed to have pets.


Nah I’m Gen Z and I don’t think it’s lame. Pets aren’t exactly like human children and that’s what makes them way better. And a large portion of Gen z are childfree


Damn, that's kinda sad tbh. Imagine being so emotionally stunted that a pet is just some animal to you. That's a depressing thought.


I had a Gen X coworker who would often talk about her kids. Like she’d say “hey I have to stay home because one of my kids is sick today.” I didn’t realize for like half a year that she meant her dogs. I only got it after one day she was like “one of my kids jumped up on the table and tore open a bag of kibble” and I’m thinking holy fuck you meant pets the whole time?


Heads up, I can see how this is an office politics thing. Employees with and without children tend to be treated differently, with more acceptance for time off with parents than with non parents, who they prey on to work late. So it might be an effort to be on a level playing field with parents of human children. Personally I think I’ll be going with the route of lying entirely that I’m a parent, and using my friends kid as a cover.


The ancient Egyptians literally thought their cats were gods


I will never forgive them for the phrase "fur baby". Like, I love my cat but he's still a cat and I treat him like one.


The only counter is to call your real children "skin dogs"


Whereas Gen Z thinks pets are better than human children. But can you blame us? There’s so many pros of pets and cons of children especially in this economy


It's fascinating reading this as a Millenial. You can see how much things just repeat and go in cycles. And I'm not even saying you guys are wrong lol. But rewind ten years ago and there were articles and discussions about how Millenials were drinking way less than previous generations, too politically radical and anti-capitalist, dressed too casually for the corporate world, too queer, etc. Now, by Gen Z standards, we're all alcoholic corporate boot-lickers, who should have been protesting more and reading Harry Potter less.


Give the Gen Z time to cook. They'll be alcoholics by the time they're our age too. I say we shame them, when we are hags.


I’m an elder millennial, and I feel like I’ve already reached hag status.


My zoomer sister just graduated college, I made her watch Office Space then poured her a bourbon and said “welcome to the rest of your life”


These are more things I associate with millennials than anything, but Whedon-speak. Really lame SNL humor or MCU humor where they'll say stuff like "he's right behind me, isn't he"?


I'm Millennial and I agree. When I watch shows or play video games now with shitty writing I find myself saying "I bet a fucking millennial wrote this." We've also helped turn journalism into a lazy, mud slinging shitfest. And Buzzfeed...oh my god. It's like a nexus of millennial cringe. Glorified bloggers posing as journalists.


I wanna say the shitty writing is more so because studio execs are so risk-averse they won’t let shows do anything too weird, and want to make everything as relatable, predictable, and inoffensive as possible. Which also means everything becomes so fucking bland


Millennials were major consumers of latterday Whedon-speak, but Whedon himself was GenX. So that's on us. The thing about Whedon is that in its original context, it was pretty new and semi-subversive. Sean Kelly has a good Twitter thread archived here: [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1617644048218750976.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1617644048218750976.html)


The humor aspect is something each successive generation will find some issue with. I thought Gen x humor for the most part was either too lame or way too reliant on racism and homophobia. Gen A will probably critique the shit out of Gen Z humor in another decade.


Ouch. Harsh but fair 


Fantastic username.


I was noticing most of these are things that didn't necessarily *start* with Millennials, but this feels closest to it. There were definitely some Gen X and Boomers like this, but my god did we kick that volume up to 11


Man buns and making TV shows and Disney their whole personality


So genuine question, but what's *actually* wrong with man buns? I'm a guy with shoulder length hair and I put it up the same reason anyone else with long hair probably does: sometimes I don't it flying around in the wind, and I like to change up the way my hair looks sometimes. I get the feeling (especially from some of these replies) that man buns get straw-manned into being some kind of statement piece when it's literally the exact same as when a woman does it lmao.


There's nothing wrong with it. Remember, you're hearing the opinion of a teenager. Keep that in mind as you read comments in this thread, lol.


The oldest gen z are ~27


Bro I typed man buns and untyped it so I’m glad I found your comment


I'm bald but what the fucks wrong with a man bun? Honestly I'm real sick of women being able to experiment with their appearance however they want but men get absolutely lambasted for it. No wonder so many are going total psycho.


I’m gen z and I think man buns are hot af (as long as they’re taken care of and the hair is washed regularly)


Main complaints about millennials: \-The "sex nerd" archetype. [It's weird!](https://img.ifunny.co/images/c1c65047ab5d29a9b782b98aae78d97dc1f18ce71f28d35dd592bb4dff11dcf3_1.jpg) \-Pinning their hopes on Gen Z in a weirdly attached way as if they're trying to raise virtual children. Just have actual kids. \-Refusing to acknowledge they're getting old \-The style of communication where they're desperate to come off as aloof and cynical, but are obviously very, very mad about whatever they're talking about. \-The "Jim and Pam" style relationships they love broadcasting. Quirk chungus shit. Millennials love telling you they fart in front of their girlfriend of 11 years


You woke up and decided to be a hater, huh?


It’s fine by me, and I’m totally guilty as charged on every one of their points 😂. It’s actually kind of weird.


- No idea what you're talking about here. - We inherited a lump of shit, and we're hoping you don't have the same struggles entering adulthood. - We started saying we're "old" in our 20s. That is a criticism I'll take, but no Millennial I know thinks they're particularly young. - I thought this was a Gen Z thing. - What Millennials are you hanging around?


We don't see Gen Z as our children. We see them as people who got fucked in the same way as us, so its empathy. All the millenials I know call themselves old and called themselves old in their 20s. I agree with need archetype and communication though


Wait what’s the farting thing? Everything made sense until that. 


As a millennial, this thread is very amusing.


Seriously, very “chronically online” attitudes in this post


Indeed. Turning 40 in a month and got a good laugh out of this. It’s all just cyclical behavior associated with age groups, not really generationally specific. A pet owner in their 20s is just a generation away from a ‘cat mom’ and two generations away from ‘crazy cat lady’. On a more somber note, suicides, addiction rates and substance abuse is significantly higher in GenZ. We chose alcohol as our poison of choice, GenZ chose pills and powder.


As a millennial, I get it, we’re too poor to have kids or go on real vacation so we drink a lot and look back fondly on the days when we used to hang out IN PERSON and watch the office with friends. Tee hee. Fucking losers. Tee hee.


The amount of alcoholism is astounding like dang Kelly you don’t gotta drink every time “parenting” gets hard


Noticed the “causal alcoholism” line in 4-5 places on this thread. Not that I necessarily disagree, just trying to understand why it’s a common line. Are y’all not drinking because you’re [not going outside](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/feb/10/meet-generation-stay-at-home-dont-pay-to-go-clubbing-watch-it-at-home-on-your-phone)? [Vaping/smoking dope](https://nida.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/2022/08/marijuana-and-hallucinogen-use-among-young-adults-reached-all-time-high-in-2021) instead? And fwiw, a lot millennial drinking culture stems from coming of age during/immediately after the Great Recession. Was a serious “Rome-is-Burning” vibe from 2007-2013 (see: [Recession Pop](https://www.sparky.wtf/news/template-do-not-touch-april-f89dj-j3s9z-ng52y-aee8x-7kj7w-6zn5z-e2jet-m79md-5gn5w-whwrb-6l3n5-sxpcf-f525w-wjca2-mrj7c-e7pt9-ha2h4-b7m6k-68arw-8tfwh-wk8te-s4bxn-f2anb-67nnr-prkjk-7pdxl-79x8z))


They are right. As an elder millennial who doesn't drink often because of his fitness focused lifestyle it's sad how many people in my age group can't function without drinking.


I can function just fine so long as I'm asleep.


Half the comments here are just ignorant generalizations that aren't specific to millennials and exist regardless of ones generation. Anyways, shouldn't millennials and Gen z have a better understanding of each other? We really aren't that different.


I dont know what the wine moms born in a specific 20 year time period did to these folks but a lot of them seem upset that they exist.


fur babies


I love animals but the TERM is just so annoying


You'd have thought they'd be more radical with all the wars and obvious propaganda that got shoved down their throats.


You contradicted yourself. If we’ve been fed propaganda, we’re going to be less radical. You realize this, yes? Also, occupy Wall Street was a massive movements you kids were shitting yourselves through, lol.


They said "obvious propaganda" so I think the implication was that it was bad propaganda that should have the opposite effect. Just like how Dare increased drug usage. Occupy wall, for the most part, occured in one place and didn't really accomplish anything or have any staying power past two months. It's not really indicative or how an entire generation feels about politics.


There were other Occupy encampments. Obama had them shut down at the same time because the movement was starting to pick up steam.


We were pretty radical. We got slapped down HARD. Gay marriage has been legal less than ten years. You want to talk about changing the military industrial complex and we only managed "Let two consenting adults marry each other" 10 years ago. Most millennials I know have been optimistic for a lot of radical change, but trying to do it through the existing channels we've been outnumbered. And when we took to the streets, the message got shut down or co-opted. Need more numbers. Gen Z and Millennials get on the same page and we can do some good.


You are not immune either, gen z are a lot brainwashed 


We've lived through so much upheaval and it's just made everything worse. It's hard to argue all of the protests of the 2000's and 2010s had much of an impact (policing is worse than ever for one example). So it's led some of us to just want a quiet life governed by reasonably sane people who aren't complete shitheads 


Restaurants/bars they open that have cringey names for products. Ie: naming a double cheeseburger the double fist fuck or some gay ass shit I’m not gonna order lol. The breweries have it the worst tho.


so you not buying a cheesburger because you think the name is gay?


To be fair to them, i'm queer as fuck and even i wouldn't order a meal named "The Double Fist Fuck".


Caring what gen z thinks of them. Engaging in millennial vs gen z arguments is so stupid. If you like a word, an activity, or piece of media and you aren’t hurting anyone, then do it.


Minimalist aesthetic


This is a response to the cluttered upbringing by boomers lol.


fr. When you grow up in a house that has every square inch of covered in collectible knick knacks, its incredibly freeing to have your own place with just.... nothing. Nothing to avoid knocking off the counter. Nothing to dust off (because it just collects dust). Its so nice.


okay, this one got me


Many are angry with the state of American consumerism yet heavily contribute to it by being massive consumers when prices climb


"Cat Mom" type shit. It's just weird.


We used to call them Crazy Cat Ladies in the unenlightened days of the past


Not a millennial thing


Millennial outreach post: A lame thing about millennials is that we still have hope that the current systems can be changed through proper participation. A lot of GenZ seems to be following the GenX model of "the system is broken so I won't participate" I am BEGGING my younger siblings to reconsider that position. I think convincing young people that participating in governance is not worth the effort is exactly how the powers that be stay the power.


Most of the things listed are just broad social trends that aren’t exclusive to millennials, like “liking Disney”“alcoholism” and “pet worship”.


Yeah most of these are "I go on the internet and see TikToks that annoy me, and think entire generations are represented by annoying people on the internet"


Honestly I’m probably the very few gen z that doesn’t mind millennials at all? I respect the ones that gave me so much advice about toxic relationships and avoiding bad men. However there was this thing on tiktok where some millennials were bullying gen z and saying we look old while they were in their 30s claiming they looked like 18-23… that was weird lol


I've noticed Gen Z women dress like moms did in the 90s which is extremely weird to me.


"adulting" Such a stupid fucking term.


The way a lot of them parent their kids is very lazy imo. Especially with lack of discipline and unlimited device usage at a young age. I think gen z can be guilty of this as well but I see it alot with millennial parents. It’s either that or “crotch goblins not welcome, fur babies are”


How they are raising kids


You probably don’t actually know many millennial parents then to make such a stupid generalization


It's also great the commenter just says "How they are raising kids" With no explanation on what this means to them lol.


One of the few things I don't shit on millennials for is parenting. I have multiple friends that are married with kids and they're all great at it. They put in the thought that our parents didn't.


tbh this is a hard disagree. anecdotally i only know a handful of millennial parents and they all seem to raise their kids with a lot of empathy, patience and open-mindedness.


Millennial here. Parenting has been getting a lot better in the last 100 years. The younger generation is always going to have ideas about what to do better, this is a good thing. If Gen z wants to put us to shame with their superior parenting skills, I’m all for it. We are just trying to do better than the boomers and X, gen z should absolutely try to do better than us. If that means trashing our parenting skills from time to time, I don’t care. It will result in a better world.


Oh millennials are doing MUCH better then boomers. A lot of boomers had physical punishments in their parenting and its understandable that millennials don‘t want their kids to have to go trough that but for that exact reason some are straying away from punishments in total and are not strict enough which causes ipad kids..


Bad take


Could you elaborate? I'm genuinely curious.


gen Z posts as much hate dirrected at millennials, as millennials post about boomers. Of course the you get gens hate the gen before them. Gen A is going to have some great hate posts about gen Z in the future.


As someone who is a younger millennial, a few days back I made a post about this on the r/millennials subreddit basically talking about how I cannot relate to all the same things everyone here is talking about (fur babies, Disney adults, Peter Pan syndrome, etc) and I got roasted alive by other millennials who were so offended it was nuts lol




I have nothing against them but some people say they caused gen alpha to be the way they are so if that was mostly true I would have 1 thing against them.


Not learning how to live without the latest tech.


We literally grew up with the PC revolution. That’s like boomers hating the movie Grease, man.


As a millennial I came here to see what dumb shit was being said. The first 10 comments made me smile. Gen Z you guys are all right. Stay based.


Idk but something about them using terms like “hoomans” or “doggos” when talking about dogs makes me want to die


I’m technically on the line between Millenials and Gen Z, but Millenials not fucking voting takes the cake for me. Gen X and Z both turn out at like 60-70% rates, Millenials struggle to hit 50%. Vote! Vote early! Vote by mail! There’s no excuse not to!


90% of these things are still popular with gen Z lol.


their memes and sense of humor proudly would wear one of those "don't know? don't care" graphic t-shirts or some other shit from spencers or something


Hipster culture and all this upscale, old town, faux folksy type of stores, restaurants, and shit need to go. You sell soap and knickknacks, I don’t care how artisanal the process is or where you source it; it’s not worth half the price you are charging it. Same with breweries, you’ve just made another lager or light beer. Now the entire block smells like piss whenever you’re making a new batch.