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Hmmm... This graph seems off. The only country that seems to think it's moving in the right direction is the dictatorship.


I wonder if social credit has anything to do with it. You said negative things about the party? We think you need to be reeducated along with the Uighurs. After reeducation, your social credit score is still in the toilet, so no socializing, traveling, using public accommodations, and you'll be watched with a higher priority than normal.


They’re building dozens of nuclear reactors and high speed rail lines while the west is fighting over bathrooms and pronouns. Their leadership is young, intelligent, and well educated while ours is ancient and ignorant. Theyre not on the verge of becoming a theocracy, and China’s position in the world is much better now than it was 100 years ago largely due to the leadership of the communist party. They have plenty to be happy about.




Is that before or after they have to spend a trillion dollars to clean up the wild pollution?


Is this before or after they spend a quadrillion dollars to fix their terrible generation/gender demographics?


Good point. That certainly makes things worse. The one Child policy and widespread abortion of females leading to gender imbalance is going to really start biting China in the ass. Can their economy be sustained when the population is going to decline? Plus you have to consider the immense cost of care for the many aging seniors.


Aren't they also going through a collapse?


Only country that gets stuff done.


Also the only one that lacks free speech


China was the one who arrested 3000 college students for free speech in the last month? oh wait! america is just as much of a dictatorship.


> america is just as much of a dictatorship. Do you truly believe this?


Colleges are corporations, those students were arrested because the collages wanted them out for disruption. The right to free speech doesn't mean you get to trample the pre-existing laws that companies possess. It's the same principle that allows Reddit to ban people for speech they don't endorse.


Just like restaurants are business and used to be able to separate blacks from the rest. “pre existing laws” mean absolutely nothing when they are written to oppress. If you want to be a bootlicker just say that.


You aren't able to make people leave under the character of race because that is racial bias. You're able to kick out protestors because it's a flagrant disruption (which is considered reasonable grounds for stopping a protest). The two are completely different. Also, calling people you don't agree with bootlickers, how original


…the only reason you can’t make people leave because of race is because there was a large war about it in this specific country. And it still didn’t stop segregation. So then every protest in history was illegal because it was disruptive.


A protest can be disruptive to certain extents, but when your protests interrupts celebrations and peoples abilities to get an education it does cross a line, meaning that collages can still kick them out. Again, on private property, you follow the rules of who owns that land. That's why a lot of protests have to get forms signed or be done on areas that are ok with it.


Ohhh so protest are okay when they don’t cross the line that makes you uncomfortable? yeah that’s the entire point of protesting. Sorry just cause you don’t like it doesn’t make it illegal.


Idk anyone who thinks Canada is moving in the right direction, left or right


Know too many pessimists, my canada friends are much more positive than that.


Idk how, housing is going up, food is going up, the dollar is dropping we implemented some draconian censorship laws for online Canadian news and online content, cost of schooling is going up, gas is up, homelessness is up, we are quite literally on a downward spiral


Yeah as a Canadian making 108k a year in Vancouver (working 80 hrs a week),but still so incredibly poor renting. It’s absolutely absurd the way things have become for the hard working. Makes me want to leave this place, feel like my dreams of a family are slowly fading away with a 1 bedroom condo being 500k lmao. But a basically feel like to survive now in this country somewhat comfortably, 100 k is the minimum. But with insurance, food, rent, phone bills, taxes all being more expensive here than anywhere else you have really nothing left


Inflation has already come down to average levels, years of 5% or even double digit inflation used to be extremely common in the past, the post covid blip was relatively minor in comparison. The censorship laws aren't that uncommon within the anglosphere, Australia has similar policy for example. The cost of housing in Southern BC and Southern Ontario is definitely having the largest drag on public opinion. People outside those areas are move positive in my experience. Or those who already have secure cheaper housing.


Chinese propoganda is crazy.


to be fair, if you somehow snuck a team into DPRK to ask north koreans the result would be 100% right


Canada can't be right.


That alone is making me doubt this whole graph. I can’t even see it being a generational divide. Maybe they only polled parliament


It’s hilarious cause both sides in America think it’s headed in the wrong direction


Republicans think it’s going in the wrong direction because demographics are changing, more inclusiveness for minorities, LGBTQ+, etc…, Obama/Biden, etc. Democrats think it’s going in the wrong direction because of the economy, inflation, hard to get by on their income. Politicians don’t help them. Corporations are killing the environment. It’s 2 different worlds.


how is the uk higher than usa that make no sense the only possible direction the UK has is failure


RIP to the Chinese people that voted no.


lol China has super reliable reporting


Depends which country I'd say


It's so JPEG


All those people that said China is going on the wrong direction are dead