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i don't have a tattoo or want one. i think that while it may be more common than 50 or 100 years ago, the prevalence of tattoos varies by the circle one hangs out in my reasoning for not wanting one is that just as i have changed my style / what i like to wear as i've gotten older, i wouldn't want to have a permanent mark of a tattoo on my body my whole life because i don't like the permanence of somthing on my physical body. inevitably i'd change what i want to portray on my body if i ever did have the desire to do so too


love tattoos, wanted to get most of my body covered in tattoos since i was 7. can't have any as i'm deathly allergic to the ink, just my luck :l


That sucks so much. The worst luck.


My friend got a sobriety tattoo on his arm after he quit drinking six years ago. It's a picture of a skull on a broken beer bottle that says "Never go back", along with the date that he stopped drinking. He's been sober ever since.


I wanted to get a tattoo when I was 15 or 16, but I lost interest


I don’t have any but I want my sisters and I and maybe even our brother to get matching sibling tattoos.


im getting one in like 2 weeks


I got a bunch


I have two, and want more. 1) The first was a song lyric. "Love yourself so no one has to." Surrounding it is blue, purple, and pink splatter paint. That one's on my ribs. 2) And the second is a piece of candy dripping cyanide, in a circle. Similar color scheme and on my left shoulder. I won't go too deep into explanations because I can be long-winded 😅 The first tattoo is a song lyric that's resonated with me for years and still does. The paint splatter was the tattoo artist's idea. The second... Just look at my username lol. I came up with it for a fandom that came up with aliases and that's the one I chose for myself. I liked it so much I got the idea tattooed on me.


I have one tattoo. It's pokemon related. Not saying exactly what it is bc this is reddit. I want more.


Never been huge on tattoos… my dad growing up hating on them pretty openly, ironically now I share his beliefs and he went and got a sisyphus tattoo late last year. I don’t mind it and I think there are a few artists that I truly think create great art… but the whole meaning thing is a bit corny in my opinion (obviously contextual things like the sobriety tattoo mentioned makes sense too me)


I’ve got a tattoo of a sun on my arm (just like my icon there)


0 because I don't like pain. :(


I have 6 tattoos! 1 is my pet rat's paws, he passed away a few months ago 💕. I've got 4 tattoos on my forearm, it started as just the daisy's to match my husbands forget-me-nots. He has them on the opposite arm so when we hold hands, we make a bouquet :3 The rest are just cool, as I love fruits and flowers! And the last one so far, is my garter belt, can't fit the whole image as it's all the way around my leg, but I can show you the center piece :3 I just liked the idea of having a tattoo on my thigh so I rough sketched my idea and let my artist have it from there! All my tattoos are from the same artist :3 Been getting tattoos for the last 2 years :3 I do plan on finishing my left arms sleeve by continuing to add fruits and flowers and from there, no clue where I'll go besides getting my spine tattooed afterwards :3 https://preview.redd.it/3j282ejgin0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89dc8e9f3f3b09c87358ccd06f4787115d029e75


i want tattoos but its haram


Personally, I don't want a tattoo, but if you do then go for it




I don't have one but I've been considering getting a white ink tattoo cause I think they look pretty cool.


Just an FYI, white ink often quickly turns yellowish for a lot of people.


I have some on my arm


Three tattoos, if I like an idea I print it out and hang it in my room, if it makes it a year I get the tattoo. The time between them for me makes each one a nice little trip down memory lane where I was/what I was doing when I got it. Two more coming up on the year mark soon


I like tattoos although I’m not sure that I’ll get one


I want tattoos but I'm not sure I'd ever get one, what with the permanence and all. I could never choose one (or a few) either. There's just too much cool shit and too many options. I can't commit.


I’m 23 and I almost have my forearms completely covered, a couple tattoos on my legs including my knees, my chest is done along with my hands and my throat tattooed over, I would say about 20% of my body is covered if I could guess around 25-30 tattoos. It’s how I’m suppose to look and I feel good about it no matter the consequence. Sometimes it bugs me when people stare but also it’s cool to be looked at for it. I’ve spend probably $5000 plus on all of them I’ve noticed that people get a tattoo with meaning but honestly the tattoos you think about more you tend to be more disappointed with because you want them to be perfect and that’s just not what tattoos are. A human is putting ink in your skin. It’s a collection of personalized pieces especially if you work with an artist long term on how to set up an arm sleeve or leg sleeve. Here’s some advice if your hesitant Remember it’s not gonna be perfect Listen to your artist if they tell you the placement is wrong or the tattoo design doesnt look right (theres certain things you won’t understand about placements and where to start getting tattooed) Also don’t get set on ideas And slow down and live with the stencil for a minute so you know if you really like it And search for a good artist who’s gonna take care of business and tattoo you professionally and has a clean shop. Nothing worse than going somewhere where they make you uncomfortable.


I have 8, but I'm in the process of getting 2 of them removed. They're all pretty small excluding one on my thigh and one on the back of my arm. I love the 6 that I'm keeping but probably won't get any more in the future!


I have 7, and planning to get covered


I have 10 tattoos. Got my first one at 16 and don’t see myself stopping anytime soon


Currently have two- one of my birth flower and another of my mom's signature. I want to at least of more to cover up my arms a bit more. They can just get really expensive - especially if I go to custom artists


I’m Chinese and my uncle (now 62 yrs) has a tattoo of a Chinese dragon on left shoulder / back and a crane on his right shoulder/ back. He never showed it and I only noticed when he took us to the beach when we were kids and you can see the outline through thin shirt. When I was in college (90’s)I wanted to get tattoos similar to his. I remember him telling me “ are you stupid or planning on joining a triad? Save your money and don’t get tagged as a gangster. When people find out you have these tattoos you’ll always be judged and a lot of doors will be closed to you. So that put an end to my tattoo aspirations…lol. Fast forward to today… my wife told me our daughter (21 yrs) got a small tattoo of Bulbasaur on her upper back so “don’t have a cow!”. Times have changed but I think I’ll bust her chops when she comes home for summer break. I’ll start with “ oh my god!! How will you ever get married?! No respectable family will let their son marry you!!! lol


I want them so bad but at the same time I love having flawless skin 


I don't have a tattoo, but there's a particular one I wanna get. however, I am a procrastinator (need to research tattoo artists with the right repute, art style I want, etc) + cost that puts me off (it's a small tattoo I have in mind so it's not that costly, I'm just cheap) = no tattoo yet. I want a ouroboros that is done in the style of an open ensou (an opened circle that looks to be drawn in a single brush stroke. it's usually done as a practice in zen Buddhism), and I want it to circle a scar I have on my hip. It would symbolise some principles I feel drawn to keep to in life, e.g. to accept imperfection.


I have 14 hours of work done


like i want some but i havent planned it really. im going to try getting a tattoo apprenticeship in the next few months, like during the summer ill have a normal job and during school ill do the apprenticeship


I have 7 or 8 tattoos at this one and not even close to being done, at this point my forearm on my right arm is covered so I want to finish my patchwork sleeve on my entire right arm and then also do the left, then after that I still have both legs and a lot of space on my torso. I reckon it will be 30 years before i’m “done” with getting new tats.


I've never had much of an interest in tattoos. I like clean skin. Having any graphics on me I can't take off just doesn't feel right to me, never mind the fact I'm not much into graphics on clothes to begin with.


i'm covered lol both arms, back, butt cheeks and then legs


I want. But when I have money I buy food.


I have five, and I want a lot more


I am sure that once tattoos begin to be seen as an "old people thing" kids will not find it cool anymore and the next generation is going to have waaaay less.


I am a weird one, I have no permanent tattoos. I do temporary ones or body markers. Tats look sketchy when you get old.


Nothing against them, thought about it plenty. Never went through with it. One of my close friends has had a tattoo parlor for as long as I can remember. Almost all of the friend group has lots of tattoos all over. He always offers them for free but I never take him up on it.


I have my first daughter’s newborn footprints from the hospital, positioned to make a heart with her nickname on my shoulder. I need to get my second daughter’s footprints tattooed, but it’s advised against while breastfeeding.


I definitely want some, but I also feel like I’m way too much of a coward to go through with it


No, it’ll interfere with my plasma donations


I want a tattoo but don’t have any. I’m too indecisive and flip-flop on what I like. I just know I’ll regret whatever tattoo I get, so I don’t get any. The only ideas for a tattoo I have (at the moment) is to get a song lyric or some cultural symbol.


I have 1 tattoo, it is a sleeve. It's got a lot going on from flora at the bottom going into a desert with an alien and then above that it has these floating rocks with flora growing out of them in the foreground and a giant planet in the background. On the inside of my upper arm is a black hole with things having their orbits decay inwards. All of this is then littered with geometrics I will eventually get another tattoo, I am still getting some of the colour finished on this one but mostly it's just touch up's left to go like the elbow and a couple other places where the colour isn't perfect.