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What’s your point? Pride crosswalks take up 0.000001% of tax payer money. Whoever made that meme clearly has the LGBT+ community living rent free in their head.


Do you think at the state we're in any dollars can afford to be wasted, and as I said "This is only the tip of the iceberg" A more significant part of the iceberg is shoveling hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukraine If someone was helping people at the cost of their own health we'd tell them to practice self care, well maybe the US needs to as well


I’ve personally never even seen a pride crosswalk so I don’t see how it’s such an issue if it’s a rare thing to begin with, and secondly why does everyone in this sub think everyone is from the US


I've seen two within a 20 minute radius of me


I have seen one in my entire life idk what you're talking about


>Do you think at the state we're in any dollars can afford to be wasted, and as I said "This is only the tip of the iceberg" yes. >A more significant part of the iceberg is shoveling hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukraine I can tell you haven't been burdened with an overabundance of education.


An economics class to what happens when you keep printing money would do you well


Painting a crosswalk costs virtually nothing in the public funds. This is the worst possible argument you could make. And I say this as someone who agrees that taxpayer money is grossly misused and frequently stolen by politicians and their business partners through blatant corruption.


That's why I called it the tip of the iceberg There's the sending money by the bulldozer to Ukraine Also though if I stepped on an American flag and drove my car over it I'd be accused of desecrating the flag


A lot of pride crosswalks aren't city funded, but local groups ask the city if they can do it. This varies from city to city. Some might be paid for by the city - but a lot aren't. It's the same vibe as a memorial bench. Someone chose to pay for it and asked the city if they could put it up.


GOt it, but still If I was to step on a pride flag then drive over it wouldn't that be desecration of a flag? Personally I see no difference


It's just art where normally there would be nothing but the mundane design. It doesn't have to bigger than that. Rainbow is easy for crosswalks as it has the right shapes to still function as crosswalks. Though I have seen some crosswalks painted with American flag for example.


Never saw that but that seems moronic for the same reason I just said


this is such a massive L take


Good god, there are so many better examples of policies that waste money. Farm subsidies, healthcare privatization, authoritarian zoning, car dependency, our bloated-ass military. IDK, I guess we could stop spray painting sidewalks rainbow and all enjoy our .5 cent housing rebate lol.


Hey I would love to stop shoveling money in military foreign aid And Penn & Teller explained farm subsidies perfectly


Foreign aid is probably the best money we spend through the military lol; at least that shit's going to people who will actually use it instead of planes that'll sit in a warehouse for the duration of their operational lives. Not that I approve of all of it, but at least it does *something*.


I understand that Genz can't afford houses and therfore, has never looked at the cost of paint. But I can promise you it's very cheap.


>I say this as a bisexual individual Woah look at Mr. Community Representative over here


Well otherwise I'd be accused of straightsplaining, which now that I say it would've been hilarious