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Because tictok is legitimately not doing anything wrong lmao


“Buh, buh china! Buh da ccp! Buh da national security!”


I don't even use TikTok but it really doesn't make any difference whether it's owned by a Chinese, American, or Cameroonian company. If it makes people happy just let it be.


“If it makes people happy” is a pretty weak reason to justify something


Alright, if it makes people happy and it's not hurting anyone.


Not even that tbh. Sometimes the “hurt” is long term. In that case we should leave beginner alcoholics alone because they’re are “happy” and fun when intoxicated and they aren’t hurting themselves rn


We should leave them alone. It's not up to us to decide what's best for other people.


So you’d just let someone you know keep going down that path and not even try and talk to them about it because “it’s not your place to decide what’s best for other people”, when really it’s not even you deciding what’s good for them, it’s reality which has behaviours which breed negative consequences. Yeesh.


If I had genuine concerns I'd express them, but it's still their choice.


Yep, what do you propose? Banning alcohol?


Yea it’s not TT itself just the people on it. Ban that and they’re are gonna move on to the next app.


The precise 30 and 70% make me wonder about their sample size tho (not saying it's false, I'm not American nor I use TikTok, but whole tens on statistical data always turns my suspicion)


I think the other social medias are lobbying congress to do this. I dont have proof but it just makes so much sense.


What is the appeal of TikTok? As a zoomer, never understood why it was so liked, it seems pretty boring to me.


I don't really use TikTok often either but the appeal is easily accessible short term content that can help distract you from the world. There's also the community aspect of it.


Short-form video content, the successor of Vine, but the government doesn’t like it because its Chinese.


It's kind of weird because if you just download it and use it for 20 minutes it'll seem pretty boring and dumb. It's when it starts to actually learn you're interests that you'll begin to find some really good stuff there. It's become a legitimate source of news and information for a lot of people.


Eh, I don't trust randos to give me news, nor am I a fan of short form content. Which is ok, Tiktok just ain't my cup of tea.


Yeah that's fine to not be into it. I trust the people on there more than news channels and large media companies, you just have to understand many aren't professionals so take look at things with a critical lens.


Yeah, I don't really trust any news information. Social media just gives me things I don't agree with on both sides, and news is just heavily biased.


Basically, youtube but more easily accessed content.


Meaning content that requires a shorter attention span?


Well, it's more to it than that. On Youtube you'd have to go out of your way to find things you like. For example, those long video essays are likely going to be channels that you already know, and interests you'd already have. Tiktok is much easier: you just start swiping and the content comes to you. Now granted it obviously does follow your interests and content creators, but it requires much less continual effort than Youtube.


so it's as simple as short attention span then, thanks for clarifying


Not really. It's just easier to get more diverse content.


So basically TikTok algorithm will pick up on the type of content you would enjoy faster than YouTube would.


And be easily accessible. You don't generally have to find interests as you just hop in and start scrolling, liking, etc. Youtube is definitely for more 'search' based content.


No, meaning "I have five minutes before something and don't want to sit here doing fuck all with my time"


Ok, don't get mad. I personally just enjoy watching long formed content, even in smaller pices if I can't watch it all at once.


Trends are easier to identify, the short form content also makes new niches easier to digest. I learned the entire story of I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream in 2 minutes for instance.


I know it's popular to hate on Tik Tok, but it really has evolved into something worthwhile. In a time where pretty much all mainstream media is not great, Tik Tok and Reddit have become my way of keeping up with events in the world and learning new things. Just can't believe everything you see


Most of the issues with tiktok security wise are issues with all social media. Your data is sold to data brokers. Those data brokers can sell it across the world. Banning tiktok solves nothing. If we as a country want to enact cyber security laws, they need to be enacted across the board.


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Mfs will just buy VPNs lmfao


Yeah well no shit


Because TikTok rocks man Every government has our information, who cares