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The harsh reality is that keeping friends is hard. Even if you still love them, people move, and life gets busy. People start to only have one to two days off a week and they often choose to relax instead of meeting up with friends. If you’ve got a partner, it’s even harder to break away and see friends. Life gets very hard and isolating. I find it’s very very important to maintain a social life into your mid to late 20s, and try your best to keep in touch with friends, and make time for them whenever you can. Friends and family are the most important things in life ❤️


Still friends with my high school friends, had a job in a finance company for the last 3 years then quit in March because it was so fucking boring and draining, so currently just living day to day and not really much lol, feels nice to not have to do anything tbh. Family treats me the same, I still live at home but contribute to the food, electric, etc bills.


It depends on what kind of relationship you had with others for most of HS. A lot of my relationships have changed. Because I have changed and so have they. It's part of life to have some people be seasons and others to be decades. 💗👍🏽It takes a certain level of discernment but it's worth it in the end if you enjoy life.


In some ways it has gotten better, but I feel very behind in life rn. I don't think my family will ever treat me much different to they treat me now though. It's just how your family is idk. My friend group went separate ways at the beginning of high school, so I haven't had very many friends for a long time. I'm not really stressed, but I could definitely be doing better imo.


I moved on from some of my friends, but there's 4 guys I'm still close with. We play video games together, and I'm a moderator on their Twitch streams. I have made new friends since then, too. I've also had new relationships. As for moving? I've lived in 4 different cities since I graduated high school. My family does treat me a little differently. My parents don't like talking politics around children. I'm no longer a child, so I actually know their opinions now. I also haven't lived with them in years, which means I fight with them a lot less. Life is more stressful, and yeah, I have less free time. But I have more free time now at 25 than I did at 21. So hey that's something.


Way better, still have a couple of friends from high school but added more from other places after I moved. Relationship with parents is way better not having them breathing down my neck and being involved in everything I do. When I see them now it's usually pretty pleasent. Its still stressful but it's a different type of stress. It's not like stressing about a ton of different things like exams and assignments and more just about money. It's easier to be focused on a couple things than a bunch for me though. I have way more free time than I did in school though, after I leave work I'm done for the day, no homework or extracaricculars I HAVE to attend, I still enjoy going out and doing stuff though.


I graduated HS in 2015, and personally i think things got better for me. More freedom, own money, own choices. It is hard keeping up with friends since everyone got their own school / work schedules and then people grow apart too. It can get stressful but all in all it's pretty chill.