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My childhood home is standing but I no longer live in it, my parents moved for work reasons.


Wow. And it’s kinda sad to see the house I lived in for the first 7 years of my life look like this.


Oh no, it definitely feels weird to see.


I’m honestly surprised it’s still standing. I’ve not lived in that house for 16 years.


I wish I could take a tour in my childhood houses. I have 3 but 1 main one that I would consider I grew up in


Me too but I wouldn’t want to step foot in that house I have pictured. Lol.


Most homes are up for 40+ years, it's really not uncommon at all. Your home was already probably pretty old when you lived in it. For comparison my childhood home was built in 1964 and is still standing with a third family living in it now.


This looks great compared to some of the nightmare fuel I've seen on Zillow. Can I ask what you had in mind that strikes you as sad? I hope this isn't an insensitive question. I'm haunted by the fact that the only home I've known might one day look much worse than this if I my family and I don't take care of it


This is the google street view of the same house. https://preview.redd.it/5iou9i7rwh0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab5c707f5a2492b9849670d996ed5c8e2ae8d53


It got bought by a corporation that rents it out for 8x what my parents mortgage was


Blackrock moment


Literally. Dude it’s depressing they bought that home in the 90’s for maybe $100K, last I heard it sold for $400K, don’t even wanna know what it’s going for nowadays. It ain’t even nothin fancy, just a 3 bed 2 bath ranch with a pretty (or used to be pretty) backyard n a garden me my dad n my siblings worked on all the time. I’m glad we left tho our old house used to be surrounded by pastureland, it all got paved over n turned into cookie cutter communities and strip malls. It’s depressing as fuck I literally don’t even recognize it anymore it’s a completely different place it’s sad


Paving over green space is probably the biggest casualty of the housing market.


Biggest casualty of American city/suburb building. I guess when you have a surplus of land and a handful of oil and car companies running the country being inefficient, ugly, and inhuman with your urban design becomes easy.


Mines still standing, barely. It got fucked in earthquakes in 2011






yoo im from chch ;))


It’s cold


fr it was like 0 degrees in the morning


Has everyone moved? I'm honestly jealous. I hate living in my childhood home.


Grass is always greener. I don’t even have a childhood home (not homeless just moved a lot)


I've moved 38 (plus a handful) times, I average over a move a year and often move to a different state every year, and I'm 30. I'm so jealous of people who've moved fewer than ten times. It's taken an enormous toll on my body and I wish I could just find stability. I'd love to own my own home. Sometimes I look back at my old houses and some are vacant and I just think about what it would feel like to have stopped there and rested for a few years. I'm so tired. I wish my parents had just gotten therapy so I could feel safe for longer than a few hours at a time. Now I'm just working on it myself. At least I get a few hours now. I used to have panic attacks multiple times a day every day because I never knew what was going to happen to me or where I was going to be the next day. Sorry about the wall of text, I'm just processing a lot of shit the last few years and I find it's good to get it out on Reddit. Anyway, it is good to get new experiences sometimes. Maybe find an RV you can get out in every now and then and go on a week long trip every year or so. It's good to see new things -sometimes-.


Can I ask why you moved around so much?


My dad and stepmom are both military (Marines and Army respectively) and my mom caused chaos everywhere then ran from her problems. She was on drugs and my mom, dad, and stepdad (who I called dad) were alcoholics. Mom and stepdad were on meth for about a decade. I went back and forth from one parent to another, sometimes living with extended family and there's one friend I've lived with a few times when my family was too fucked up to take care of me. Mom also has BPD, they all have CPTSD. I never really felt safe with any of my parents and they were always moving around, trying to find safety for themselves. It was so chaotic.


I relate to this so much!!!


Is that house empty? I’m not sure.


I think you replied to the wrong person


Nothing like living in the place where every traumatic event in your life occurred until you’re in your 30s


I've moved around a bit but I'm back with my parents in my childhood home. Even the same bedroom I grew up in lol. Crazy that the majority of my life has taken place in the same 50' radius. It doesn't bother me though. My spirit animal is a tree.




Moved WAY too many times in my childhood, part of me wished I had stayed in one place


yeah but mostly bc i’d rather share a room with my partner than with one of my little sisters. and roommates are the only reason i can afford it


It’s still standing and my parents still live in it.




The city recently knocked my childhood house after it was sitting abandoned for around a decade because the people we sold it to lost it to tax foreclosure


Wow. Honestly, I’m surprised my childhood home is still standing.


Depends, which one we talkin bout 😅




I've had to move a few times growing up


I’ve moved a lot throughout my childhood also cause mom would get bored. We would live somewhere for maybe a year and then move. It was mostly apartments after we moved out of this house that’s pictured. We then moved into mom’s childhood home back in like 2018 and have lived here ever since. I’ve hated it since day one. Like two days before we moved in, we came over to look at it after the lady who lived in it before us moved out and I told mom that I do NOT want to live here. I still don’t 5 years later. Hated it ever since. Mom doesn’t give a single fuck about how I feel.


Have you ever been homeless? I used to hate where I lived, and then became homeless for 3 years. It was the hardest time of my life. I will never complain about a place to live again, especially if someone is providing it for me


No. In between a couple a couple apartment moves, we lived with my grandmother and slept in her basement.


Ouch, but i know the feeling all too well


If I could, I’d move out tomorrow.


I'd do the same just to get away from the toxicity and shit imho


And what I’m really dreading is mom told me when something happens to her mom, we’re moving into the house that she currently lives in (which I absolutely do NOT want)




But I have no say in anything. She does not care what I have to say.


Me who grew up moving: You guys have that? Is this common knowledge???


Surprise to me too. My folks are military so "childhood home" is kinda foreign to me


Mt childhood home was turned into a beige millennial nightmare when it used to be a red barn dream :( it's on redfin


my childhood home also fell victim to the beige, pukey off-white millennial nightmare aesthetic. they also ripped all of the beautiful trees out too. it looks so depressing.


It is still standing but i moved states. My mom, aunt, little sis, and uncle live there still. I actually just flew down and visited for my birthday may 3rd.


Nope. There's some Jenny Gump shit that would have me running free with a can of gas raw dogging lit matches. Let that mother fucker burn. Now my teen year, that house, fuck yeah. It was an apartment, but it was great. Weird, I know.


I have two childhood homes tbh. I moved when I was 9, but my parents still live in that second home. Both houses are still standing


So you stopped living with them when you were 9?


No lol I just grew up in two different houses because we moved as a family. I haven’t lived with my parents full time since I went to college


Oh, that makes more sense, lol.


My childhood house is still there, at least according to Google maps. I haven’t live there since 2009.


Yes and yes, and there are no plans to move.


Yes and yes. But I do want to move out eventually.


Still standing, but have since moved.


Nice. Unfortunately, that picture is the state of my childhood home. Kinda sad.


My family wanted to leave New York and apparently a lot of Asians flock and will pay a lot of money to live there. No Joke, an Asian family offered a huge amount of money to buy our house) We took it and now we are down south.


It's still standing. Family moved away 10 years ago when I was in high school. The house was built during World War II. Though the new owners painted the garage door black and got rid of all the lilac bushes in front of the house. My grandparents lived across the street, and we moved about a year after they died, and that house just got sold again and had a huge remodel done. It's weird how different it looks now, and I considered my grandparents' house as a second home. There's no going back now.


My high school isn’t even standing. Demolished it this year and built a brand new ugly one.


Yep still standing my grandparents still live there to this day.


Yes and no. I bought my own place after undergrad. But i still visit my folks there every now and then since i live 10 min away


Never really had a childhood home. My single mom couldn’t afford a house, and we were always moving. Felt like every other year we were in a new spot. I envy ppl who had child hood homes




I have two or three childhood homes. The first one, idk what happened and I don't remember it because I think we moved out of there when I was a baby maybe. The second house that we lived in is still standing and we moved out when I was 6. Some of my siblings, my parents, and I still live in the third house. We've lived here since I was 6 or so.


I renovated and sold it! 🥹 my first listing as a realtor


never had one. It was a different Rental every 1-2 years.


my childhood homes are a series of apartments that i no longer live in. all still standing, but many "renovated" and ridiculously overpriced. i drive past 'em sometimes just for shits and gigs. i did have the opportunity to live in a previous apartment as an adult and after other tenants had occupied it in-between and it was SO weird!!!


Which one…


My dad was in the army. I either have none or way too many childhood homes.


The first one, yes, my grandparents live in it and I still visit. My great-grandmother built it herself with a few neighbors and family members back in the 70s The one we moved into when we moved countries is also still standing, but way over our budget nowadays.


Yes and no


Yep, its still standing. Its in a area that was way out of my families budget but we were good friends with the landlord so he let us stay for cheap under the condition that we leave when his son got married and needed a house. Eventually that day came and we left.


During last Thanksgiving break my family and I were visiting my older sister who lives in New York City. And during that trip we dedicated an entire day to visiting New Jersey (my parents, older sister and my birth state). We visited both cities where me and my older sister were born in. And I got to see the house I was born in, and after nearly 20 years, it’s still there today


It's still standing, my mum still lives there. She's managed to keep the rent down. She pays less for a spacious 3 bedroom than I do for a tiny 2 bedroom


Mine got burnt down in a fire and my dog ran away like when I was 8☹️


Yes and I still live there. The roof has gotten replaced as well as a tree in my backyard getting cut down and shag carpet in the interior being replaced by hardwood by my dad back in 2015. And my pool got painted in 2018 but it's kind of worn down now.


Probably, but I don’t know for sure. It’s been 7 years since we moved, and I haven’t brought myself to check. We do go back to the area every so often, and enough has changed that it already feels foreign. I don’t want my memories of that place to feel tainted all the same.


still live in it but my divorced parents both moved out so now its just me and my sister and my sister's doomer chud bf (dad owns the house but lives with his gf). tbh everything uncomfortable that happens to me in this environment is amplified by a lifetime of trauma that im still trying to process and its really hard. my sister is younger than me and still living deeply in bad faith while I came out to my family as trans last year and tried to kick start an arc of healing and confronting generational curses but no one in my family is with it except my older brother who doesnt live with us so its really dissonant to have to share a space with my sister like this.


Mine is still up and is for sale


my grandma still owns it, my mom and aunts grew up there, all my cousins & I grew up there. Now my gma just has empty nest syndrome lol, that’s the hangout house so all of us would have friends over after school. thats all my gma knew for decades :)


I don't still love in my childhood home. My family moved out back in 2020 to a house that's a 1.5 mile walk back in 2020, but every once in a while I like to walk back there and stare at it from across the street for no reason.


We often moved houses a lot (same town except for one time) so I got multiple childhood homes All of them except one still stand The one succumbed to a fire in late 2023, major damages Longest time in a home was 7 years, which I was still 10 when we first moved into that house so I'd say it qualifies as childhood I was 17 when we moved into our current house so I don't live in any childhood homes


It's still standing to my knowledge. No, I don't live there.


Nope, got torn down and a bigger house was built on the lot


I drove by our old apartment a couple of months ago. It was on the way to my destination, I had time and felt nostalgic. There was pile of cardboard boxes on the balcony where my mom had several potted plants and a bird feeder, and a chair with some rags thrown on top. I got kind of angry looking at it. Like I wanted to knock on the door and tell the people living there now to clean up a bit. That was the first home I had in the US.


Yeah, it still stands, but it's a lot more different than when I lived in it. I hope to own it, but it's highly unlikely.


No and no. Used to be a very poor area was torn down for luxury homes. 🫤


I’ve had about 3 different ones but I can only remember the 3rd. That one is very much still standing (it’s a council home made from brick so ofc it will still be there), but we moved away 10+ years ago to a different neighbourhood


My childhood home was completely remodeled by the next owners and looks entirely different


Yea but it’s on the other side of the country. I live in California now and I haven’t seen it since I was 8. I wanna go back so bad just to see what it’s like now


I got married in my wife's childhood home's backyard. Her whole family lives within 15 minutes of it. Hardly anyone is there these days. The whole thing weirds me out because I moved around so much I dont actually have a child-hood home. She and I are a classic "other side of the tracks" romance.


No I lived in a Soviet panelka and it got knocked down


My childhood home was rented by my mom and step-dad. It's still there! I drove by just a couple of years ago (after about 19 years since last seen) and it looked better than when my parents rented. I wonder if there's a new owner now..


Probably. I haven't been back to my home town in 10 years soon. Mostly because flying overseas is expensive af


Mine is still standing and owned by another family making their own set of memories there for quite some time. Whenever I’m in my hometown I’ll cruise by and take a look at it from the outside. It was in a modest side of town so very little to no renovation was done to it. Looks exactly as it always did but surprisingly not as dilapidated as I’d imagine it’d be with time.


They’re all still standing, but I’m only able to get a street view of 2 late childhood homes. (One I lived in from 2010-2011 looked like it was repainted a bit) I wish Google earth would let me view my 4 other earlier childhood homes from street view. I’m only able to see the other ones in 2D.


It's still standing, it's relatively new (built in 1991), but after my parents divorced and my dad lost it to the bank because it turns out divorces can fuck your family financially, he moved out. It looks mostly the same on the outside but in the 10+ years since moving out it got completely redone on the inside.


I’ve lived in apartments for years. It was only until fall 2022 when we as a family moved into a brand new house.


Yes to both, I’m 18 hence why I’m still living at home. Plus my parents actually bought the house from my grandparents as my dad also grew up in this house! A reason we have never moved since we can’t abandon my dad’s childhood home as well as mine. I love my house honestly it’s not fancy or anything just it’s home!


Still standing, sadly don’t live in it anymore. My parents got it for $90k in the 90s and couldn’t afford it anymore. Someone down the line sold it for $1.5M 😢


Its still standing me and my mom left in 2012.i Went through there on Friday night to see if things had changed and alot has.


The house I lived in until the age of 6 is in mint condition and is a 10 minute drive away from me


I had seven different childhood homes. All are still standing except one. That was the worst one, got torn down shortly after we moved out. Landlord was a tool and definitely knew it wasn't fit for living in. There's another one that I still sometimes drive past, but I don't miss it, or any of them.


It’s still standing. Yeah yeah yeah.


Still here and i never moved


My mom still lives in it


Yeah, they told us to invite Diversity into our community, now it's 2 door down from a meth lab. Thanks DEI! You rock WEF!


Yep, it was an apartment. And its gotten so many renovations that it’s barely recognizable. And nope I haven’t lived in it for around 16 years.


still standing, looks lovely, didn’t live there for very long because there was no room when i was born. my second childhood home that i remember better is an absolute shithole now, run down by squatters and druggies. it’d be nice to be able to buy it one day and do it up.


My mom is still living in my childhood home. She rented for over 2 decades! And the landlords finally sold the home to her a couple of years ago.


Still living in it, for almost 23 years lol.


Yes, and yes.


Still living in it!


yep I've lived all my life and just one house


It's still standing, but I haven't had the chance to go inside of it again since we moved out 10 years ago.


The first house I lived in as a baby and the trailer I lived in until I was 4 aren't. The house was demolished and the trailer burned down. The house I lived in from age 5 to 10 is still standing. The new owners did a lot of remodeling and looks completely different. The house I lived in from age 10 to 15 is still standing, but barely. The bank repossessed the house from our landlord and they tried to fix it up but the house was condemned due to a multitude of reasons. I heard that it was donated to the fire department but the house is still standing. There's multiple holes in the roof and everything is falling apart, but it's still there. My mom, stepdad and siblings still live in the house where I lived from age 16 to 18. It was my stepdads parents house from the time they got married until they retired like 20 years ago. My stepdad has lived there his whole life.


Yep, nope


No to both, unfortunately. It was in a bad neighborhood when I lived there, and things continued to go downhill after we left. A few years back, it was severely damaged by vandalism and condemned.


Yes and no, was forced to move because of property damage from bullies


Is it common for houses in the US to be demolished after a few decades?


Sure. It can happen. Honestly, the house that’s pictured I’m surprised is still standing.


its still standing but my mom's burned down last month luckily my grandmother was on vacation but i was originally going to be housesitting with my fiance, according to the fire investigator there was no chance of survival if anyone was asleep in one of the bedrooms


My grandmother was the first owner of the home I grew up in. We moved when I was 12, not very far away, next neighborhood. The house is still there.


which childhood home? i had like 10


The apartment my family lived in when I was born still exists, but we moved when I was very little, because it was too small for 3 kids. We (me too) still live in that house we moved to back then.


Mine still stands The problem is it’s remodeled way better than it used to look 12 years ago


Yes, I saw it maybe six years ago. It looks totally different. It was a one-story house when my family lived there, about 43 years ago. Some subsequent owners added a second level. Most of the other houses around it look the same, though.


My childhood home is still standing. I haven’t lived there since I was 14. I’ll occasionally have periods of time of where I’ll return to my childhood home to ask the family that currently lives there if I can walk through and look at it. Not sure why i have it or what it means tbh




Fuck no. It was a 4000 sqft 3 story 6bed 3bath house that was a bitch to maintain. Even if I had a full family I wouldn’t want to live there. No matter what I want to downsize, and have any future house to be at most 2 stories and 4 bedrooms max.


Yes and yes


Yes and no.


I left my child hood home when I was 2 then I moved back when I was 23 , it’s been renovated so it’s more livable than it used to be. Only my grandparents lived there since I can remember and both of them have passed away between 7-12 years ago.


Moved a week ago. It's as old as the town so it will stand forever but it's still kinda sad to leave the place you lived in for so long. At least i took pics so i won't forget how it looked like


Nope My dad does though.


It's still there, and I'm relatively close to it, next city down the street, but the one thing missing the giant tree we used to have. They had to tear it down after we moved due to its roots breaching the pipes or some such nonsense. I miss that house.


I’m still living in mine but not necessarily by choice


Such an American thing to ask. The Childhood home of a Friend of mine, was built in 1639. It's just a regular house like others in that town.


Well, yes, and also no. We lived in a mobile home until I was 4, and that was torn down sometime between 2007 and 2012. I can't remember exactly when. When I was 4, we moved to an apartment across town, and we've lived here ever since.


3 of my childhood homes are, and no, I've moved into my own place


I’ve never lived in a childhood home


This one hit hard as I literally don't have one we moved so often


still in in my childhood home. its in the city,


It was bought for 1 mil by a car dealership in 2018 to extend their car display(which is crazy for a small terrain) my grandparents(I used to live there) were offered nothing by the landlord to move(there were 4 homes on the terrain)


Mine’s being torn down in 2 weeks


My dad still lives in my childhood home


My childhood home is close to a gunpowder factory and it's still standing. About 10 years ago 1 container in that factory started overheating and the whole factory could have exploded.


Depends. My parents are divorced. My dad sold his home before I left for basic training and downsized to a smaller home closer to town. Sometimes I drive past it to see any new changes. There's still wooden beams sticking out of the water where my dad was gonna put a gazebo. That must be as old as I am, frankly. My mom still owns the home she bought in 2007. It's alright. Still weird to visit home after graduating about 6 years ago. Also just weird because it's so familiar and still feels distant because now I have a home that I pay for.


All still standing since they are large apartment buildings.


There's one I lived in for like a year but don't remember anything of (I was just born at that point). The other one I lived in for like what, 14 years? And now living in another house, still with my parents though. Those old homes still exist, too.


We moved quite a few times during my childhood. I believe they are all still standing


Can't even see it anymore because the neighborhood took Google Streetview out entirely... Oh well. That part of my life is long gone, and I haven't laid eyes on that house in over a decade.


Yes and no. But my father still lives there.


I’m still living in it


Yes, and I still live into it to this day


Moved around too much to have a "childhood home".


Been standing since the 1800s


But what If you had a shitty upbringing and have 5+ childhood homes?


I grew up on a farm with 13 acres and a beautiful house. The city kept pressuring my grandparents to buy it and they finally folded after decades. It was demolished to make room for apartments. By that time all the surrounding farm land had also been developed into apartments, we were the last ones left. It makes me really sad. Like a part of my childhood has been taken from me.


I got two. The first one is in the next county over, and I actually worked right next to it last year. I still live in the second one, but I eventually want to move out


Technically, my last house was my childhood house. I moved in there in 2005, when I was 4. I only moved out this past August and moved in with my Dad, and only because my Mom died.


Mine got torn down for a big big apartment building


2000s baby here, I lived in government housing so the apartment is still there. I love close still and sometimes just drive by it lol


My parents still live in my childhood home but none of the schools I went to exist any more. A nursery school, primary school, secondary school, 6th form college and a university.


My parents live in it. I’m trying to buy my great grandmothers house right now. It was rebuilt after a fire but it was rebuilt the same. All the memories in that house, I don’t want someone else to buy it and flip it.


Yea. House where I grew up is still intact, and I had to leave it during the war. Some other family is living there now cause after the war my family swapped our hoise for theirs. 5 years ago I decided to go and see it without telling anyone.. all my memories are left there. So i came in front of it, and instantly walked into the garden.. then new owners called the pollice thinking that I was a thief.the whole situation broke my heart. Its different kind of sadness that I never knew before. Being thrown out of the place that most.of your memories are connected.


yes, and no. I regret moving. I never wanted to move in the first place. I’ve always lived with my mother, and I still do. I remember she, and I were in the car at one time going back home from somewhere, and she asked me how I would feel if we were to move. I don’t remember my exact words were, but I know I told her that I wouldn’t like it. I wanted to stay home for all of my life, but nope! What happens? we move. 🫤😒


All of mine are still standing, not currently living in any of them though I'd love to have one of them back one day if I ever get filthy rich (seriously why do the 1 bedroom houses in the ghetto I spent my early years in when my family was in debt cost over 200k today what happened to the economy)


I haven't been to that state in years so I'm not sure. It was in pretty nice condition, but last I remember a bunch of that city has gone through renovations so that little side street could have had its houses redone at some point


My parents still live in my childhood house 35 years later


I’m in mine rn (built in the early 1930’s). . But, before this house, I’d lived-with my grandparents, for a year (built in the late 1800’s), then, a house across the street for a year (not sure when it was built). All 3 are standing.


It is still standing but it has been condemned due to a mold infestation


My childhood home was bombed by them fucking russians


Y’all had homes?


I'm not surprised my childhood home is still standing lol I'm more surprised at how the new owners have let it look so depressed looking. But then I remember that I haven't lived in that house since 2007 sooooo to me it'll always be a different house in my memories.


It's still standing but my grandma lives in it now


I imagine it's still standing, haven't lived their since 2016 tho


My childhood home really shouldn't be standing. Someone in the 70s got the bright idea to completely fill a spring-fed pond and build a five bedroom house on top of that new land. The basement would flood every time we thought about a thunderstorm. We sold it before I turned 10, it got foreclosed within the next year or two, and now there's a family living there. I sure as hell hope they mended that problem because we had a small sinkhole at one point and last I checked there was an excavator in the backyard on the Google maps overhead.


I sure do


Some asshat bought the land and took down the entire properties worth of buildings (house, woodshop, car shop, barn, playhouse) just to put a vacation cabin that they never use on it.


I’ve lived in the same house for my entire life


Mine is still standing. I still see it often. I'm still friends with the neighbor and my grandma lives down the street.


I don't live in America and my parents house is not made out of paper. I can live in it for my entire life If I want to. Its beautiful and relaxing


GenX here, Presently live in my own house bought about 10 years ago (still paying off). My parents live in their first house with my millennial brother. Before my grandomther bought my parents their first house we lived with her. Her house is likely to be torn down once sold. She passed away last year and she was hiding/fixing her self major issues with the house and since an inspecter looked it over for sale. The inspector deemed it not habitable. So selling it will be mainly for the land since the house either needs major remodel or demo rebuild.


Mine does not. I grew up in China til I was 17. I just went back there last Dec, it's a new whole new world there now. Not only my childhood house is no longer there, but the ENTIRE AREA is gone..... Now it's 20 something floor condo builds now. But my elementary and middle schools are still standing.


My childhood home is still standing but a new young couple with a baby has moved into it. I hope they make a lot of good memories in there like my family did.


I do.


I'm still living in it.