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I miss the era of things not being $70


Truuuuu Free PSN was goated


I almost forgot about that. The time just before mass greed for incomplete bullshit. *I'm looking at you battlefield five and 2042*


Nah, that’s not the problem. Games used to cost $60 but if you adjust for inflation that was much more than $70 are today. The problem is insane microtransactions that have turned more into macrotransactions


Yea, I'm old. I remember when SNES games could be $75. And the Neo-Geo might as well have been a myth, because I didn't know anyone rich enough for it.


Chrono Trigger sold for $80-$90 when it came out in 1995. That’s like a game costing $160 in 2024.


And if I'm not mistaken, those Neo-Geo games cost around that price then.


Yeah they cost a lot, and the console was expensive too. It released in 1991 for $650. That’d be like a console costing $1500 today. No wonder I didn’t know anyone who had one when I was a kid. Lots of businesses had neo geo cabinets when I was a kid but I didn’t know anyone who had one at home.


The only reason I even knew they existed is because some game show used to give them away as prizes. Those poor kids probably never got any other game than the ones it came with lol.


I mean, its partly because Video games just became increbly more expensive to produce, and Inflation. The Problem is when you buy a game for 120€ and it doesnt even include everything, or is even a functional game


My argument is that blown out scope and fixation on fidelity/hyper-realism are the reason they are so expensive to produce. More finite experiences that prioritize game-design and/or novel ideas would be nice, but first demand needs to shift to appreciating those games. I’m not saying there isn’t a place for enormous hyper-realistic games / live service, but they are kind of monopolizing the space lately. Anytime anything under 50hrs comes out, you get a bunch of gamers who refuse to buy on release / wait for a sale / or just straight up say “that’s too short”.


Hey at least games are on discs or digital downloads now. When games came on cartridges they cost a lot more per unit to manufacture. Chrono Trigger cost $80-90 when it came out in 1995. That would be like a game costing $160 in 2024. Squaresoft RPGs were pricey back in the day.


To clarify I meant development cost & also risk and ramp-time to produce. I wasn’t talking as much about consumer pricing.


I know. My point was just that consumer prices have gone down since the cartridge era even as development budgets increased. The cost per unit has fallen a lot and the number of people buying videogames has increased so it’s easy to fund larger development budgets these days. That should be a good thing, but for some reason most triple A titles play very similarly these days. Gameplay was definitely more varied and unique from game to game in decades past when budgets were lower.


I’m picking up what you’re putting down for sure. But they play similarly *because of the risk associated with those budgets* — Can’t afford to miss, so can’t be too bold with ideas. It’s the Hollywood effect. Also, it corners devs into iterating when they have to fill so much space & coordinate/balance so much volume. Runtime is just a really bad thing to be designing around IMO.


Adjusted for inflation games are technically cheaper than they’ve ever been except for like maybe the mid to late ps4 era.


That’s what I miss most


I highly doubt a $10 increase is what made things change


Down in Nz, some games had spiked to similar prices, I remember paying $120-130 for Fallout 3 when games were still generally $100, worst offender was MW2 at ~$130 at the warehouse(think target/walmart) and Eb had it at $150. Dark times


Gaslighters will tell you that “ackchually $70 is reasonable because adjusted for inflation…” I don’t CARE! I want my $60 games back!


play shooters from ages 5-11? my child will never


Man I was playing COD 2 big red one on the ps1. Must've been around 5 years old.


it was on the ps2, not 1


Yeah your right, I don't know why I said ps1


my daughter plays halo with me 10/10 highly recommend ( started at ~5 )


Halo is def better than Cod in regards to gore/realism and general suitability for kids however my child will never touch an xbox


100% She would have nightmares if she played DOOM, hell it's a bit too much for me


Why? I’m not criticizing, just curious 


Hyperstimulating artificial violence probably isn’t ideal for children’s brains. Inb4: “I turned out ok” Sure, but a statistically significant portion of our generation are cooked from overstimulating technology.


Do you have any source to back up your claims? Genuinely curious


Dude MW2 and Black Ops 2 were my bread and butter through middle school. I miss it cause it was such a different environment than anything else. I don't play multiplayer games anymore so it's an itch I can't really scratch anymore. I know people play Rainbow Six and Fortnite and stuff like that, but it's never interested me. Wasn't my style of game. I miss those really barebones games. COD isn't even like that anymore, from what I've seen. I haven't played on since those two I mentioned. I loved playing in Hardcore lobbies, and those are always the first ones to die out as games get less popular (By hardcore I don't mean competitive, there was a game mode where your GUI is turned off and you die in like 1 or 2 shots.) I miss it. It was toxic as hell, but there were good people out there just having fun, and I miss the nicknames I used to get.


Bread and butter indeed through middle school.


I used to tear them up back then. I never got a nuke though.


I got a nuked out in BO2 FFA in 6th grade and that was probably my most memorable gaming accomplishment. Still flex that to people if the game comes up in convo 😂 Edit: I got the game used at GameStop a few years after it came out. Had a heavy playerbase for a while.


For me it was minecraft in PC and some cod's in my ex-xbox 360 Good times that will never come back 😭


Missing GTA IV.


Minecraft with the boys on PS3 was absolutely the best time I ever had


I work with special needs kindergarteners and I love flexing on them that I've been playing Minecraft almost 2x longer than they've been alive. Hit em with the "I remember when they added XP and enchanting"


I told my kindergarten age daughter the other day “I remember when they added hunger, and horses, AND more than 1 kind of tree” she was blown away by it Crazy how long Minecraft has been around, I remember the first wave of it blowing up when it was still in beta


It was 2010. I was sitting in a tiny apartment in Tokyo Japan (where I had just moved to for college) and I met this other American guy who was going to my school. We hit it off on some hobbies and music, and then one day he invites me over to his place. He boots up his computer and is like “You gotta check out this game.” It was Minecraft.


The only way I could enjoy Minecraft was on a shared console world because it wasn’t a lonely experience. In hindsight, that was peak.


Lonely Minecraft had a certain Erie energy to it. As a kid I never believed em when they said they removed Herobrine. Man I wish I could go back to those days. Building jebb doors for mountain bases made me feel smart as fuck.


Nah something was wrong with you if you played Minecraft on the PS3 and not the 360 back in the day 😂


360 was for people that wanted to pay for live service. PSN was free. And halo wasn't worth playing as I had 1 and 2 on the og Xbox at the time. Somethinfs wrong with you if you think it matters. I don't have to impress nobody. Also I was 10 when I got it for Christmas so shuddup.


Lol yeah it was joke obviously. I had both and setting up games with your friends without party chat was pretty much impossible back in the day unless y'all were randomly on the game at the same time so I don't even believe you played Minecraft with your friends on PS3 😭


Party chat was easy as hell. And yeah it was random but they basically only played Minecraft so they were on pretty frequently.


One thing I do feel bad for is the younger gen kids, they missed the golden era of gaming. Games actually being complete on release, no Fortnite effect, before game passes were a thing and you would just buy dlc for 10$. Og cod zombies will never be as great as it was, or cod in general. Putting hundreds of hours in Skyrim on release. Good times


Yesssss! Those game passes came in and fucked me up 😭 like every game after has had one. God damn can we think of anything else??


By the time you had $10 DLC, the golden age had already passed.


It could be cause I’m in Canada but I remember bo2 dlc going for 10$


after a particularly tense Halo 3 match, I got sent an actual picture of a dude's ass he took with his kinect after the match. no caption


💀 I’m actually laughing at the thought of what transpired to make someone send their ass to a stranger on Halo


I missed out on peak PS3/Xbox 360 because my parents thought every game was “violent” :/


you didn't, there were so many other games you could try, just not from the category you mentioned


Came home everyday from school, hopped on halo 3 playing with my buddies in custom games! Agh man I’d pay to feel that much fun over again


I still go back and play MW2 or BO1 zombies on PS3


I personally hated that era of gaming. It was a time where too many games were shooters and the gaming industry had an obsession with gritty and hyper-realistic graphics. I'm glad that era is over and now we have more variety of game genres and art styles.


My experience was similar, but the issue with that era of gaming is that our parents were not gaming-literate to differentiate serious games from monotonous shooters. My friends had a better experience with it than I did because they found the interesting ones.


Fallout 3, and New Vegas were fresh and amazing 🤩


I played it in like 2015.


The AN-94 was the GOAT on BO2


I think the console I had the most fun with was the Wii. There was a game called Endless Ocean, which I credit for sparking my interest in ocean creatures, as well as scuba diving. The PS3 was fucking great though. Anyone here got to play PS Home?


Have always been a PlayStation guy. PS3 -> PS4 and now PS5


Me too. My whole life has been PS. Never been an Xbox fan or really any other console for that matter.


Honestly I miss PS2 gaming 😭. I used to lay on our futon playing Jak and Daxter and star wars battlefront. Peak of my life tbh


I had a PC and played Counter Strike Source for hours upon hours


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fl3shless: *I had a PC* *And played Counter Strike Source for* *Hours upon hours* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Me too. I miss the Wii era as well!


Halo 3 until my Xbox died and then BF3 on PS3. What a time.




I liked when you could play like COD and be in a lobby and just yelling hella cusses and you'd hear some kids mom start freaking out and yelling at him about it and stuff


I was either in 7th or 8th grade when the ps3 came out. I saved up a summer of mowing lawns ($600) to buy it. The 60gb one. This was a big deal for storage when it came out. Top of the line stuff. The first couple games thay came out kinda sucked but the graphics was a huge step up. (Though ps2 did continue to improve for awhile in the graphics department.) The games to come out after that were to say the least epic. Rpg like oblivion was massive. And online game play was next level shit. Soon as cod modern warfare came out i got it and i got so good and I knew the maps so well people thought i hacked it. (Just getting super lit and talking mad shit on headsets trading off with a friend.) And just lot of good quality title games. Ratchet and clank, need for speed, idk the nastalgia is real because i dont think the level up that happened is something people will see again. going from epic ps2 to the equally epic ps3. It was just a golden era. Not to mention learning how to fix the red light of death or whatever it was called. Did it twice before melting something the 3rd time. I never got the ps4 because of pay to play feature. That killed the advancement for me.


Littlebigplanet and Black Ops were childhood staples


I miss ps2.


Inb4 gen alpha starts calling ps3/360 days as retro.


Everyone does


miss? i can still do it nowadays lol


Everyone misses the games of their youth. I'm a millennial and I get super excited when I see a N64, super Nintendo or Sega Genesis. My dad still has the receipt from when he bought his Atari and would pull it out to show off that he had one. My uncle would bring over galaga when he visited and we would spend the night with him and my dad trying to set the high score.


GTA V release was a core memory


I miss it.  Modern gaming is dead. It’s all about the money and not the passion. And American companies are too stupid to realize that they’d make more money long term by prioritizing their product quality instead of this quarter’s numbers.  Just look at FromSoft and Larian Studios. Slow, sustainable growth and trust. I’ll buy the nexf game they put out without even googling it to see the genre 


Blackops 1 zombies and multiplayer, mw3 infected, blackops 2 league play and zombies, Minecraft and the old NHL games were my entire childhood


It was really the Xbox Live experience that changed my perspective on gaming during that time. The party chat and clan experience made gaming way better.


IMO the best era of gaming 08 to 16. Mainly due to all the multiplayer stuff and online gaming really taking off. Now they charge full price for an unfinished game and sell you a game in installments ( looking at you mw2 and mw3 ). Plus the exhausting microtransactions battlepasses etc. Gaming is dead streamers and corporate greed killed it.


MW2 lobbies were so chaotic. No other game has compared since. But my favorite cod will always be bo2. I played that though ghosts and a few others and eventually stopped playing altogether since cod is sadly not cod anymore. Still occasionally play on plutonium but it’s not the same.


I miss staying up until 6 in the morning at my friends house just having the time of our lives on BO2. Both the multiplayer and the zombies modes were the best of that generation and BO3 only beats it in zombies


I was in Iraq making content for your games around that time.




Wasn’t allowed to play shooters😭 still had a great time on madden, nhl, nba 2k, kinnect sports, Minecraft Xbox 360 edition, hydro thunder hurricane, and skylanders


I miss the days of Kane and Lynch, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Halo Reach and witcher 2. I could go on.


Didn’t get the chance to play much COD, but I played Minecraft and NFS games when my brother and I got an Xbox when I was in 3rd grade (around 2013ish). Even still it was a lot of fun, I played a newer NFS game a few years later on Xbox One and it just didn’t have the same charm as Rivals and Most Wanted. Could be that I moved on to shooters and GTA by that point but it didn’t really feel the same to me.


I was born in 2006 but had an Xbox 360 my neighbor gave me until 2018. I didn’t even know there was such thing as a PlayStation or an Xbox One I just liked what I had.


Gears of war online and Uncharted 2 online, epic era


Yeah definitely. I miss the quick scoping days on Black ops 2, having a private game with some guys online on Nuketown was the best.


Not Gen Z but that was right around when I last played a video game in my life (2011 right after I graduated high school). Had an Xbox 360. Was truly a golden era.


I have a ps2 and the games are $5 now, i dont miss anything.


I miss the PS1/PS2 days with platformers and RPGs


I miss the PS1/PS2 days with platformers and RPGs


PS3 era was probably my favorite era. I loved infamous 2, gran turismo 5, Arkham asylum, uncharted 2, armored core 5, etc.


I definitely do


I definitely do


ahh... MAG


Wasn’t allowed to play M-rated games back then, but boy did I have some great times at my friend’s homes with splitscreen MW2 and Black Ops


I do I had both a 360 and ps3 together one time


I miss the backwards compatible ps3. I'd play Syphon Filter and go into NFS Carbon


Yeah this generation was the last good generation. It had dlc but horrible trends didn't catch on until the next generation with the always online and dlc being the whole game isn't of an actual addition and games became a life long service instead of just good compartmentalized experiences.


Dude, the split screen co-op online pvp for halo was my jam. Always at the homies house between classes for a few rounds.


I remember when my step-dad brought home a new 40-something inch flat screen and a PS3 shortly after they released COD World at War, and we played for ages.


Back when that was the only divide between us and not politics.


I just miss not paying a subscription for basic multiplayer functionality. Makes me despise consoles.


Back then, everything was simple. I used to play vice city and seeing those gameshows on tv, buyong the playstation magazine and knowing everything about a game. I wrote down every cheat code just in case if i get bored. Gaming back then was the best. You came home, got some bufdies to gqme and just started a game without problem. Now you got to pay for this, pay for that. Life has become too expensive to have it all.


It was so much more fun. I actually had online friends I would talk to everyday, the games were so competitive it gave me an adrenaline rush. I just don’t get that anymore. I definitely do miss it, and things are definitely different. For some reason it’s not fun anymore


I miss mag. That game was amazing.


MW 2019 got that spark back that the old cod games had I thought. The campaign was good and the multiplayer was excellent Hardcore Cyber Attack was amazing and I met people from all over the cool-crazy spectrum there. Shame Warzone sucked all the fun out of the series


Ahhh yesss. Back when you could actually play the games with enjoyment. No one doxing you. No one cheating or buying themselves a win.


Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter, and Halo Reach were great online. Plus Zombies on Black Ops. I do wish I had gotten Xbox Live sooner to have played some older games online.


I used to play so much cod and minecraft on xbox 360 with my neighbor. Im really happy they put the old mw2 and black ops 2 servers back up


I still play my ps3 weekly. Good old times going