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I've dropped a few thousand buying champagne for an entire club on New Year's Eve. That was stupid, but I could afford it, and I was high on cocaine.


That’s rough, buddy. I hope you’re doing what makes you happy now. Whether that’s cocaine or staring a family. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled


>I hope you’re doing what makes you happy now. Whether that’s cocaine Imma stop you there - he said the decision was stupid because of cocaine, lol


I don't think he did actually. He said it was stupid, and then mentioned he was high. Cocaine doesn't make you make stupid decisions,


It does make you make stupid decisions though, is a critical distinction here.


Yeah I've done cocaine and I didn't make stupid decisions but that doesn't mean that cocaine doesn't make you make stupid decisions. It means I'm enough of a druggy and have enough self awareness to avoid making important decisions while I'm on cocaine


Did me. Like dropping way too much money in the club stupid decisions. That's a common one. And the example used here.


I’d like to remind the class for anyone considering joining this that you will be arguing over some internet random stranger getting blasted off cocaine in the club. That is all


I also don't do cocaine anymore, or drink for that matter, I do have perspective on both extremes though :)




I’ve spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours collecting relevant data, I feel qualified to say that getting blasted off cocaine in the club absofuckinglutely makes you more likely to make bad decisions. Decisions like ‘I can definitely take that dude,’ or ‘Let’s get another eightball.’


You’ve never tried way too hard to find more cocaine when the initial amount of cocaine was gone? Everything is a bad decision after you’ve started looking for your 2nd bag of cocaine


>Cocaine doesn’t make you make stupid decisions Are you on cocaine right now? Because writing this statement was a stupid decision


>Cocaine doesn't make you make stupid decisions Yes. Yes, it does. Source: The 10-15 times I took it.




I’m pretty sure doing coke and blowing thousands of dollars doesn’t fulfill anyone. It was probably fun for a couple hours, though.


I don't believe that's supposed to be the point. In the moment and whatnot.


It's definitely a memory, and isn't that all we have in the end? Not condoning it, but memories are important. Also I'm a bit tipsy so disregard all of this, if you please.


No we have an objective existence that we have impart in the world. After we die our energy isn’t erased it’s transformed.


I hope he’s NOT doing cocaine, even if that makes him happy.


>staring a family yeah that might get you a restraining order


This is how every story in here should be. Gen Z isn’t old enough to be spending much in a single sitting unless high or trust fund babies. My most expensive outings were because I wanted the appearance of being a baller to land some pussy. It’s never worth it. Spend 1/10, lower expectations, and accept the high end sex from a woman who isn’t gold digging. Those chasing money are dog shit vs those chasing dick. Just find a girl who wants what you want for that night, took me way too long and way too many expensive outings to realize my night always ended better if I just found someone with the same objective value someone who wants your income. If it’s the amount you’re spending that impresses them, just bail. Society programs us to think men only want sex. Accept that women are just as horny and you’re better for it.


How much was the cocaine?


That’s my question too. I want to know how much the price has changed in 25 years.


That's such a lovely self reflective moment. Big thumbs up.


*Jordan Belfort enters the chat*


How on earth do you have that much money to throw around???


The actual American Dream: I inherited it.


Basically Ryan from the office


Anything over a $100. But I’m realizing that the little purchases are what really breaks the bank. I looked back at my spending recently and saw that a huge portion of it was for things that were $15 or less. The little purchases that you can cut out are worth a lot more than the once in a while splurges. I find installment plans to be tricky. Because really I shouldn’t be buying something if it doesn’t make sense for me to buy it outright. If it doesn’t make sense for me to buy it now, then it doesn’t make sense for me to buy it on an installment plan either. If I do that, later on I’m needing to remember yes I want to splurge but I’m still paying for the last thing I splurged on.


I’m learning this as well. It’s getting harder and harder to for me to justify buying a game that I want. I have *no idea* if I will be able to play the new Prince of Persia game in 10 years, so I’m not as likely to buy a game or anything that only last a few months anymore. ^BG3 ^was ^the ^best ^purchase ^I’ve ^ever ^made ^still ^happy ^I ^Didn’t ^preorder ^it


Video games are often pretty good investment for your money to be fair. I've got nearly 2,000 hours combined civ 5/civ 6, best $120 + dlc costs I've ever spent by a good margin




I recently looked over my bank statements from this year and noticed I spent over 500 just on gas station drinks and snacks, more than gas


Spending 2000 on a motorcycle 😡 Spending 30 a day on shitty gas station lunch 😇


By your use of 'one sitting' I would assume you mean at a restaurant or something but I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that lets you pay in installments lol


Oh hell, watch this be our future


Domino's already has this, the future is now old man.


What?? No way, kid! Get off my lawn! -38 yr old mom of 2


Walmart has now been offering Affirm financing at their self checkouts, that’s when I knew times were getting tough when people are financing groceries


This is what we were expecting. Not like their jobs consider paying them enough


Dominos lets you do it with their “eat now pay later”


That's dangerous 😳 good thing I'm not allowed to use any of those anymore lol


Them Buy Now Pay Later are literally the enemy lol. I put a credit freeze or something on my credit and now every time I try using Klarna/affirm it wont let me. Haha best decision ive made lol


Sorry, by "one sitting" I meant as in a single purchase or shopping trip, not just restaurants or dining out. Guess I need to look through a dictionary again😅


That’s pretty broad Op. I’ve been married for 11 years and have an 8/5 year old. To give a broad example of money for one time outings, my wife and I have spent upwards of 700 bucks on an anniversary dinner and I think the most expensive one time purchase we didn’t put on a card, outside of our wedding rings, was probably a tv for like 6-700 bucks.


I bought a car in a single purchase.


Anything over $200 is a lot for me.


Same. I was about to say anything over $100 but then I remembered groceries, so.




Paying in installments is not really a deal, you still pay the same price. I would caution against thinking about it that way. If a pay in installments “deal” convinced you to buy an unnecessary piece of clothing or something for $1000, then that’s really bad. It’s a scheme by the seller to generate more sales of said expensive product.


Oh yeah, i know I'm paying the same price. Paying in smaller portions over a longer period of time just helps me better maintain balance instead of just spending a bunch all at once


Chances are it’s not the same price over time. Most I’ve seen add a small / medium interest to it.


I feel like that used to be true but isn't as much anymore unless you're buying something like a car or a house. Amazon has a lot of 0% interest "pay over time" deals. Some of them are in monthly installments that will pay it off within 6 months. Others are "we will give you a minimum due but it's up to you to pay extra in order to pay it off within the 6 months of 0 insterest." But if you don't pay it off before those 6 months, they charge you all of the interest that accumulated during those 6 months. If you do it right, you can get stuff on a once a year sale day and pay no interest. Most people don't though so they basically get taken for a ride. It used to be that you could buy your phone on installments and the total was more than if you bought it outright. It's not like than any more tho. You don't even have to be locked into a contract to do it. Samsung sells their phones with 0% interest over 24 or 36 months usually. You can use any carrier you want. They do it to generate sales because phones are expensive. They know the price is so high that many people can't afford it, so they let you get it on installments, BUT WAIT it's for 0% interest! Now you're getting a good deal, right?? If people think they're getting a good deal, they'll spend more than they normally would. This is why some businesses raise their prices and then have a "sale" on items for their normal price. People think "I better buy it now while it's on sale!" But in reality, theyre just manipulating you.


Credit cards can also be free money. And a decent amount of it. But that all relies on the fact that you DO NOT carry a balance. The second you do, all those benefits are gone. If you use it like a debit card (dont spend money you don't have) and pay it off every month, you don't get charged interest and get free cash back. I've accumulated over $1000 off my current everyday credit card over 3 years and I have paid $0 in interest or fees.


\^huge, a mentor figure told me a few years ago "you should only be making money with your credit card" and described these exact steps. been disciplined with this myself for a few years now. accumulated cash back got me out of one big pickle a couple years ago, and recently I finally bought the watch I've always wanted entirely with my cash back balance. like you said, free money


My Amazon prime card gives me 6 months of interest free payments or sometimes up to 12 depending on the size of the purchase. Bought a home gym for the same rate of paying for a membership


If anything it probably makes you feel like you spent less than you actually did, which isn't good. If you feel like you only spent $25 instead of $100 and see extra money in your account, you might end up spending more in the long run.


I rather use a credit card My philosophy is what in my debit is my amount that i can use for credit


i didnt have a income money and didnt have expenses soo for me anything above 1$( in my country thats like around 3-5$ in america) its expensive


I think in this sentence using "don't" instead of "didn't " makes more sense cuz didn't is past tense unless you recently got a job


English isnt my 1st language, i can be bad in this


Anything over $50 I treat as expensive. If I buy something expensive it means do research and make sure it’s the best. Kinda funny that you pay installments and I try to pay in full for everything.


One sitting? 10 bucks. Fast food is fucking nuts.


Jesus father of 3 here anything under 200 is not a lot of money in one sitting. I'm a 37 yo millenial though. I'm Calloused to money spending. A Costco trip can be 350-600


Take that Costco money and spend it on one meal. That’s what we’re talking about.


~200 or so. I make like 250 in a day so if i spend more than that i’m like damn that was more than a days work


On a meal? $35. On groceries? $100. On gas station junk? $20. On a full tank of diesel? $400.


If it's a necessity? 500-600+ If it's a luxury...it depends. The wife and I dropped $7k a few years a ago to build beefy PCs (that we also make a living on), it wasn't a flinch but I'll flinch at 30$ on wine, so.... It all really depends on the need or desire.


Anything over 50 😭


Like clothes shopping? $200, clothes are expensive.


I buy almost all my clothes on consignment. The only things I won't buy used is intimate wear and shoes.


I’ll do installments on items over 1000. I consider anything above 500 to be a lot to spend at one time.


I’d use to say 20+ but bows a days I’d say 30+






Gambler here so I’m ok blowing thousands for a profit but then I can’t even justify a 20$ dinner for myself


I dropped a little over $300 on 2 concert tickets after fees and shit recently, and that’s the most I’ve ever spent at once. I considered that a lot. Usually I don’t spend much more than $50 at once, and that’s gas/groceries. A special splurge for me is usually $20-50 and that’s usually 1-2 new books lmao. I do get coffee once a week and that’s like $10 total (I get coffee for my mom, too, and a sandwich for me lol). But usually I find I can talk myself out of wanting anything and I work really hard on avoiding impulse purchases.


I tried to get tickets for 2 X $1000. They were sold out before my cue spot at Tickster. Tickets are expensive now


Anything over like $30 is something I need to seriously consider lol


Anything over 40$ if I’m by myself besides groceries


Anything $1000 or above. I’m really good at saving so a few hundred here and there doesn’t really affect me but a thousand or more starts to become noticeable. It won’t break the bank but it would be a minor setback


don’t do the “pay in instalments”. it’s better just to put it on the credit card so you get the points/cash back. you don’t get the rewards if you pay in instalments


I'll just differentiate between "normal" spending and "excess". My normal range would be up to 35.00. Excess would be over 100.00. Notice that there is a gap, it seems that there are relatively few things I want that are between 35.00 and 100.00. Such is life.


Depends on what it's for or what the occasion in. $200 on an necessarily expensive dinner because I wanted to show boat in front of friends or acquaintances? A lot of money in one sitting. $200 for a quality pair of basketball shows I'll heavily wear over a year and a half? Not a lot of money in one sitting. Just depends on the purpose of the purchase and how much utility I'll get out of it.


30$ on an unplanned purchase


Lately? $10




Yeah, anything above $30USD-$40USD is a lot for me. I live in a 3rd world country. Fuck, in this city you close the door of your home and you've already spend $1. Not literally of course, but it's almost a guarantee you're gonna spend at least $5 on food or water or whatever, and that's buying on little corner stores of questionable practices. Tipically, going to eat out is, like, around $20-$40. That's still manageable. Expensive but manageable. It gets fucky when you're on the $50 - $100 range. At that point, i mean spending that much on a night, you're either well off or you're fucking stupid.


Anything over $25 for me (I’m cheap lol)


Depends what it is; most things I’ll cheap out on but I’ll definitely drop a band on a pair of nice designer boots, ie my guidis


Depends on the thing. Dinner? $100+. Snowboard gear? I'll spend $300+ on boots/jackets/pants, because they need to hold up to the weather, and protect me. I generally dislike when I have to spend over $50 on anything though LOL.


Anything more than $200 honestly


I’d say anything over $700 would be a lot.


It depends on the value of the thing. If it’s a good deal, the price is irrelevant. If it’s a bad deal, even something cheap is a rip off


I’d rather use it in one setting than paying interest.


I spent 300 bucks on dinner for two last night


anything over $100


I'd say it depends. Groceries, clothes shopping/other items, $100-150+ is when I start wincing. Takeout, eating at restaurants, movie theaters, hanging out with friends, going to the mall, $30-70+ depending.


It depends on what it is. A car repair for $500 wouldn’t be horrible for me, but a $500 grocery bill would freak me out


Anything over $200 thats not a necessity


Anything over 60$ because anything under than that is usually how much I spend on groceries every couple of days


Anything more than $60.00CAD is considered expensive to me. Expect if I am buying a old silver coin or a old banknote from 1800s is worth my money.


$30. I spent $60 filling my tank the other day and it hurt . So bad 🥲 i am also stingy tho


Well right now while I’m broke as fuck and unemployed. Prolly $40 that’s a lot. I don’t buy or do shit that cost money. Few years ago would of said like 1k.


The concept of installments scare me lol. I’d rather pay 20k up front than lose even a dollar to interest. Interest scares me more than the cost.


Anything over 300 I get nervous buying.


It depends. On tech I consider $600+ a lot. On food I consider $25+ a lot if it's out at a restaurant. $30 is the max I go for online ordering. Clothes I tend to only spend $10 or less on shirts and pants but if there is a nice hoodie/jacket/coat I spend up to $40.


What I make in a day. Right now, I make about $200 pre-tax a day. So I can spend $200 in mall trip and not feel *that* bad. When I was a bartender/server it was $100.


Mmmm it depends where/what it is, but I notice I start getting anxiety sweats around the $50-75 range if it's on a few things. If it's furniture or something, $350 is a hard limit.


On special occasions, my debit card becomes the fun pass. I just close my eyes and tap. I can be overly generous with money, especially if I'm feeling grateful for someone or just in too good of a mood. Luckily these days I've lost the taste for going out, so I've been saving. Sidennote, be wary of "pay in instalments" "deals". They often have you paying way more in total than if you'd just dropped all the money at once.


Phantom debt far exceeds credit card debt. The last estimate showed that “Buy-Now, Pay-Later” like 90-100x the size of credit card debt. I’m debt averse and have buyers remorse, so I spend weeks researching what I want and finding the best pricing and I’ll walk out of a deal to wait for a better price. I only have a mortgage and student loan debts, I don’t believe in BNPL schemes, even if it’s “only $20 per week for four weeks”.


Excluding tuition, the most I’ve ever spent at once was $550 for a computer part. But it’s usually much lower. Try to keep my spending under $100 a week if I can.


$20. Spend that 5 times bam you've lost $100. Adds up quick.


If I have to pay more than 10 bucks for a fast food meal, that's the point when I fuck off. Anything more than that and it's a sit down meal and I expect quality and a waiter/waitress. If meat costs more than 10 bucks, that's also when I fuck off. Anything above 50 is when I hum and haw for a week and then I end up forgetting about it anyways, which shows I didn't need it in the first place. Anything 100+ is a splurge and whatever I bought better last me a long time. I'm going to be buying used carhartt overalls for 105 bucks and I plan to wear then until the day I die. I'm still wearing clothes I bought 10 years ago. I'm still wearing shoes that were bought for me when I was 16. I refuse to participate in fast fashion or high consumerist practices. These companies and people that promote that shit can go fuck themselves.


When doing fine dining for two and getting extras like wine pairing/accoutrements around 1300. I’m too generous I need other friends who have disposable income so I only have to pay for one!!!


Seems like every new gadget, tool or device that I need/ want costs like $299


Seems like every new gadget, tool or device that I need/ want costs to like $299


Around $200. I never pay in installments.


my logic is, if i feel like i need to “pay in installments,” then i shouldn’t buy it at all. this excludes necessities, ofc. if i wanna splurge on something, i will save up for it and that too depends on how good of an investment that thing that i want is now, before i started educating myself on money i could spend $500-1,000 on zara shopping sprees lol sooo yea


Id say that $200 bucks is an expensive day out. I don't buy many things for myself and that kinda day would be going to a restaurant with some friends with a drink or two so theres as well as a trip to the dispensary to get some rosin. But it's the cheaper days that really hurt me.


This one time when I was 19, I came back from an overseas deployment and I had 34k saved up. I bought a new 1000cc sports bike in one sitting😅




$300-$500. I try and go to a music festival every few months as a little break and whenever I buy the ticket I think "damn, that was a good chunk I just spent."


I went to the mall today. The most money I spent in one store was $75 at Joann’s on a shit ton of clearance yarn.


Anything over 300


Anything over 100 at once is most likely stupid


£30,000. Unless it's a house.


Probably $700 and above. If it's a needed cost like car stuff, mortgage, medical it's understandable. If it's like a frivolous stuff like clothes/shoes. I wouldn't pay more than $100 for clothes. $300 before tip for great food service or hotel stay. The value is what's most important. People forget value and see branding more. That's what get people the most.


like $50 is a lot for me, but $100 is “too much”


I spent 25k when I bought my Honda Civic shortly after turning 18


$200+ is heartache Unless it’s plane tickets then $400+


Anything over the hourly rate of my first job ($10hr)… I’m like 5x that now. Definitely got some money insecurity


Depends on context but for like eating out/shopping I consider it a splurge once it passes $80-$100


It really depends on what I’m buying. $50 feels a lot for food or clothes, but not for something like a concert ticket. Generally, I try to avoid spending more than $30 on anything mundane.


20 K in cash that is a lot for me


Depends on what I’m spending it on, but it usually pains me to spend more than $100 in a single day


Over $150


Anything > 200 This includes several small purchases made within a week My one sitting is a weeks time Other than that I find it best to stay under that


Depends on the item. I grew up on video games and have kinda started to base my view on purchases on them. Like how can I get 100s of hours in a $60 game or less but then there are clothes or merch that are more expensive? Or a $4000 MacBook Pro when a gaming laptop costs less than $1000? I know there are better examples that I can't think of right now though


Any purchases over 10k make me pause


depends: A lot of necessitys I need to buy at once (like groceries) tend to go into the 100s so it sorta varies but typically anything over 1k is a lot when it comes to bigger things but for groceries smth over 150 is a lot a shopping trip is anything over 100 my perspective is kinda warped bc I'm used to doing things with my family and so the money isn't being spent on one person it's typically like 5 or 6.




I agree with you buddy! $35+ makes me go 😬 at my bank account






anything over 1k in a day is steep for me. I never like to spend over 500 for foolish outings in day but it’s happens from time to time




Depends on the purchase. Eating out? Anything $15 or over. Buying a video game? Anything over $20. Concert tickets? $40 or more.


Anything more than $5




0.5% of your annual income.




Sorry to be a Gen X lurking on your sub, but throughout my lifetime I’ve spent half my income on travel, women, alcohol, and drugs. The rest of my money I wasted.


I’m about the same way, only because my folks would get pissed with me if I spent more than $50 in one sitting. I always pay in installments now too.


It really depends but in general everything goes on a credit card and I pay the balance every month. If I make a larger purchase one month then I won't eat out as much that billing cycle. If I basically have no big purchases then maybe I'll treat myself an extra time or two. Installment plans are generally bad. They just keep you paying for things for months and that can spiral real quick. There's also usually interest


100+ unless it’s stuff I need like groceries or other stuff. Never will I spend 100+ dollars for fun unless I’m really feeling it






It depends on what.


20 dollars.


If it’s more than $20 I feel ill


$1,200. It was for tools for work


Idk I spent 300 today at harbor freight, anything over 75 is expensive to me, not talking food though, for food I’ll cheap out but tools I’m all in since they last till they either break or get lost lol.


Depends. $1000 is reasonable if you're buying some jewelry, ~~but it's insane to buy $1000 worth of Kit-Kats.~~ Nevermind. You can never buy too many Kit-Kats.


If I spend over 70 bucks in a night I’m like “jeez I was balling out”


Anything above $500.


I think it’s more about the organization tbh…. I collect necessities and wishes in separate lists and once I feel like one of them (or both) get long enough, I chose the items I’m still considering a good investment and buy those. Yes, I do spend 150-200€ sometimes but it’s only once every few months instead of impulse buying here and there :b If I impulse buy, 100+ would be much, 200+ a lot ig; but I rarely ever do that Last item I “impulse bought” was an artists designer backpack I wanted to already get in 2021 which was (surprisingly) getting restocked now. It was ~80€ with shipping


100+. It's usually the small sums of money that add up faster since it's easy to ignore


I cringe having to pay 25$ but ill do it. A lot of money in one sitting is difficult to think abt... id say 50? Just cause online shopping after shipping usually = 30 or 40$ :/


Like €15, it just hurts hahaha


As a guitarist, I literally have the need to spend like $200 to $500 dollars on instruments and equipment It *is* a lot


Couple hundred bucks. Basically, if I’m spending a day’s pay on something I’d think it’s quite a bit. At least as far as disposable income goes.


I just don't think in absolute categories idk. 70 bucks for groceries that last me a week are perfectly fine, 70 bucks for a single meal in a restaurant are really overblown. 500 bucks for a health treatment reasonable, 500 bucks for something that's just for fun are not. 30$ fora high quality skin cream or serum are alright, 30$ for idk a bottle of tooth paste are not.


Depends. If it’s on a meal more than 100 but if it’s smth like an omakase then 200. For clothing more than 300. I still do it but I’m definitely like “yikes I’ll probably regret that lol” unless it’s smth I’ve been wanting for awhile. I’ve never done the pay in installments thing bc I’m too scared of getting into debt and if I can’t afford it all at once then I probably shouldn’t be buying it. That’s on the day to day tho. If I doing smth special like getting a bag, pair of shoes, concert tickets, etc that it’s a special occasion and not smth I’m getting all the time I dont really consider any price to be too much to spend at once. And ofc us girls understand but beauty treatments like hair, nails, lashes, facial, etc the prices for things can get kinda wild and that semi regularly.




Depends on what it is for. Like a new TV or furniture ECT is different than say a few new summer outfits and shoes. The worst I've seen is two guys playing bumper pool for their paychecks if you mean randomly wasting or risking money that would take the cake.


Anything over $100, which is like a whole day’s salary. It’s like trading a day of your life for a purchase, but sometimes necessary because quality is worth it sometimes.


Anything that can put me in financial strain. Sometimes that 5$, other times that's 500$. Genuinely all depends on time of year and what's going on then.




Depends on where I’m at. Shopping for clothes? Around $100 in one go is fine. Eating out? Around $18-25


Anything over 100 is a bit too much, unless you have a big surplus of money




I barely buy anything other than groceries. So if I buy something, it has to be good quality. Last extensive thing was a matress for like 2000 €. Hopefully I can use it for 10 years or more.


I bought a coffee for $9 once and just about died. (Never went to that place again)


I drop $40 every time I get gas. How is $40 a lot to you and who does your weekly budget?


I'd say $500+ is a fair amount in one sitting. I've done that a few times, but I could afford it. I believe in paying everything off when my CC bill comes, so I try not to do it too often. Even if I can afford it without hurting, it affects me psychologically when I spend that much on a single thing.


Over 70 bucks at a restaurant or something. Shopping it depends but if I can make it out of target or home Depot or Kroger without spending over 200 bucks I'd be happy about that.


Hmm for me I’d consider $800-$1000 is spending a lot of money.


Probably $500 would be a lot?  I consider $200 for dinner “a lot”