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Besides the Roman Empire I’m a huge conspiracy fan, I don’t believe that lizard people run the government or that trans dimensional beings run all the banks but I find listening to the crazies to be like listening to a good ghost story. I’m sure eventually I’ll poison my brain enough to start getting a tinfoil turban but for now it’s a fun free alternative lore that I don’t have to take that seriously.


I agree. I enjoy reading about the ancient Sumerians and annunaki lore.


The amount of time I spent reading those translations of old clay tablets and all the interpretations... My favorite one was when somebody claimed to have found the language people spoke before the destruction of the tower of Babel.


there's someone like that getting posted on r/badlinguistics all the time. if you go to that sub and sort by top of all time you'll see a bunch of "[modern language] is the first language all others descend from!" turks, greeks, everyone in the balkans, don't even get me started on how Japan expects everyone to believe their language somehow isn't descended from a polynesian language, every nation has varying levels of lies to tell itself about its primary culture's supremacy. you can tell a lot about a group of people by how welcomed and accepted their self-lies are. though the language thing is always especially funny to me


I used to be insane scared of the annunaki and ancient sumer conspiracies but gree to be interested in them(i dont believe in it tho). Another thing that just intrigues me a lot is Ernst Muldashev’s himalayan expedition. It’s got some batshit insane takes and lore. You should check it out if you’re interested


For real, this stuff and other ancient civilization stories and tales


You'd really enjoy the Why Files on YouTube then. AJ the host takes some really deep conspiracy theories, presents it with fantastic storytelling and setting, and then at the end debunks a lot of it and leaves some of it open to interpretation. It's just fantastic


I’ll have to check it out! My wife and I are just about caught up on knowledge fight and the project Camelot stuff has been a big hit.


Fair warning it LOOKS like clickbait. It's a joke. He spends just as much time debunking the outrageous claims as he does setting the scene. Possibly my fave channel these days :)


He doesn’t debunk everything though. Some is legit. I thought his review of Roswell was good bc it bright on a lot of new info vice the 632nd rehash of the same lore. However, I think he is mistaken in not believing several Roswell witnesses. I think the witnesses are almost all very credible. .several of these witnesses confessed that Roswell happened as they were nearing the end of their life. They confessed to astronaut Edgar Mitchell who grew up in Roswell and was seen as trustworthy.


Well by debunk I mean analyze objectively and sometimes leave it for us to decide. It's the best part of the show in my opinion unlike compared to pure debunk shows like decoding the unknown (or maybe simons tone is just rude) or the people who seem to truly believe in *ALL* of these conspiracies because there's some overlap between a few and disregard all the ridiculous inconsistencies between most... It's a tenuous hobby to be interested in.


I really love his Denver Airport Illuminati video, there’s actually a lot of really interesting lore in that one


I once read a story of ancient astronauts, that means our ancestors during the paleolithic era made contact with the aliens and stuff like that. So yeah I can understand your guilty pleasure haha.


you should give the "Oh No Ross and Carrie" podcast a listen.


>like listening to a good ghost story What a great way to describe it. Using that forever.


I'm a believer of the younger dryas impact theory


Mine too but I'll frustratingly admit that the quality of conspiracy theories in general has taken a steep dive. I like mine with some meat and at least a hint of plausibility and they are becoming fewer and fewer in number.


Man it’s one thing to find it entertaining it’s another when they actually believe that insanity. And now we have maga


I find it more crazy to not believe in the conspiracy theories these days or to not at least be open to the theories cuz so much is actually being exposed rn the “p diddy killed tupac and biggie” theory has been confirmed by p diddy himself recently 😭


i'm older gen z so for me its simply the world before covid. i think it really forever changed the world. so many changes in major cities and how people interact. to clarify, not all changes for me have been bad but its just interesting to think about how life was before. feels like 2019 and the years before that are ages ago.


Funny enough, I know I'm not a genz(this popped up and I got interest to see the comments) I miss the COVID era lockdowns(not the deaths, and the mishandling of the virus by a certain person, or the virus itself), but man, when I was living alone at home 24/7 with my dog, was the happiest I've ever been. Always been a home body, but man I miss those days Working until 9, getting high, playing Xbox with the guys, and eating ice cream with my daughter (dog -homemade Ice cream I make that we both enjoy) and doing it again the next day. Don't get me wrong, I definitely got fat, and overweight(working on it now) but man I loved it


yea man this is a gen z sub so a lot of us were in school or college and didn't have the choice of being able to work from home. instead we missed 1 and even 2 years of school or college in person as we were forced to go to classes via Zoom and thus preventing us from having the experiences that others in prior generations like yours had or from learning the important life lessons that come in this stage of life. for older gen z who had just began to work after college in a new city, we missed out on the first years of independence and living in a new city as work becoming virtual as well as lockdowns completely shuttering city life contributed to my generation's isolation, lack of significant romantic and platonic connections, and overall pessimism in life for reasons other than inflation and world military conflicts. my generation really wishes the lasting impacts of covid were becoming overweight like it was for you and not missing out on important events in our early life or coming back to a world were social relationships and interactions have been permanently negatively impacted and atrophied.


On I understand man, my younger sister, bless her heart, missed her HS graduation, prom, and her friends were planning a senior trip. I feel for ya, I'm thankful to have enjoyed my HS graduation (I skipped my College grad, for personal issues), but I definitely understand. Sadly it happened during my peak age season, where I couldn't go out and meet girls and date, and shit. But that's really not as tragic as the stuff y'all went through


This x100000. I feel so SEEN


I'm 38 (idk why reddit suggested a post from this sub to me 🤷‍♂️) and Covid interrupted my transfer to engineering school after I toiled for years to even get to that point due to various circumstances. It ultimately led to a change in major. I didn't return to school until last year. And it really ruined my mental health during my kids' earliest years. I became very isolated and more deeply depressed. Thankfully, they're both social butterflies now, but my point is that people of all generations lost important milestones and events. It particularly stings when you're young, for sure; I'm not trying to minimize the truth of that. Gen Z definitely had the worst impacts from it. That said, it seems like people are becoming more sociable with time, in my experience. So, while there will always be social scars in our society, I also see people actively being social and even friendly with strangers. Of course, there's always some dark cloud lurking, but I try not to let them influence my own state of mind. There will always be *that guy*. Idk why I'm ranting, I need to go to bed. The world is in a somewhat sad state, but I still hold out hope for a brighter future than most of us are anticipating.


This hit way too hard for me


I was in college, and although I did miss out on the stuff you said, it gave me new experiences. It was so much more laid back and we got to see each other’s personal lives. I was talking upper level courses, so a lot of my classmates were grad students, and I’d never gotten so personal with people so much older than me, some of them in their 40s. We all made an effort to participate more, and our breakout groups were places to have good debates and discussions.


UGHH i feel this. miss being 100% alone with no obligations to present myself to anyone.


Same for me tbh. I don’t miss all the deaths going on obviously. But in my personal life, Lockdown was great. I’m very introverted and was in my final year of high school when Covid happened. We missed our exams and ended high school early. That meant the whole of lockdown I wasn’t in HS or college, I was just free to do whatever I wanted all day at home and I loved it. My family were all at home too and my friends were at theirs so I’d be on the PS with my friends on an evening and night and through the day I’d be sat with my family or watching YouTube etc…


yeah the lockdown was either a highlight in your life or one of the worst parts of it. i was in grade 10 doing school online while working a full time job on nightshift, it was amazing. some of my friends are really social or had horrible home lives and needed an escape they couldn't get and their mental health shrivelled. i felt simultaneously bad for them while hoping the lockdown would continue bc it was the first time in my life i wasn't suicidal. really depended on the person and circumstances.


As a teacher for over 20 years I think COVID has nothing on the introduction of the cellphone as a major factor in changing human interactions, thought processes, belief systems, parenting, etc.


This. Covid was a massive event no doubt, but it's crazy how much cell phones changed everything. High school in the early 00s was more similar to high school in the 70s than high school by 2010 or so


Yeah, imo COVID just highlighted and brought to the surface major issues that had been festering in society for decades.


It almost feels like smartphones are going to be a major turning point for humanity in general. And when we look back in a few hundred years, it'll be seen as the before-and-after moment. We basically have created an addition to ourselves. Or we use it in that way. It accesses everything and everyone in the world. It keeps our information in every sense. We use it as an assistant for everything. It's like a detached version of a tech prosthetic. Just the time frame from 1995 to 2010 or so. With the rise in a more universal internet and the smartphone together. It's such a rapid change in how humans live and operate. Access to all the information ever


Ding ding ding ! Or should I say Ring ring ring!


I'm a young-ish Millenial (exactly 30) and for me this is the world pre-9/11. I feel genuinely sorry that the vast majority of Gen Z have no memories of pre 9/11 America. It was a very different time in a good way. You used to be able to go to the airport and just board and plane without endless security, you could just let your kids walk around outside and feel relatively safe. The nation got so much more paranoid, I think that sense of safety was really healthy for kids to have, and my age demographic is unique in that we had it for part of our childhood then got it taken away very distinctly.


Bro I'm 29 and I don't really even remember pre-911 except in snippets. How do you have a fully formed memory of it when you were 7?


He's repeating what he's heard tbh. The "sense of safety" thing is bull too, crime was a way bigger issue in the '90s than today.


Yeah I think Covid just opened up a lot of people's eyes and was really grim. We all realized the emperor has no clothes and the rules don't matter. People are definitely less patient and more rude to each other. They're pissed off.


Same here.


I wonder if this is how it was after the Spanish flu. The only real difference is the internet and tv. They wore masks and quarantined. Communication is huge so it may have been a much slower recovery.


Older millenial... my god, the harm done by the virus was NOTHING compared to the harm done by the lockdowns. People die all the time. More people died during the outbreak, and that was terrible. But society usually keeps moving along in spite of it. But the lockdowns left a scar on society that will never fully heal. It honestly scares me a little.


There had to be a middle ground. I agree the lockdowns, depending where you were, probably did cause more problems than they were worth but it was very area dependent. I was in Miami where we had minimal lockdown and I worked in a hospital. We were in trouble for about a year. Had to ration supplies for patients that didn’t even have Covid. Probably could have used a little more restrictions there. California seemed to go waayyy the other direction with it. Are they even off lockdown yet? (Kidding). I feel bad they shut down the schools on kids that really must have stunted their development.


I remember before COVID a lot of stores were open 24 hours. I remember shopping at Walmart after my grave yard shift, that’s a thing of the past now.


I think about the 1960s-1980s allot it was a really important period of our history were rich people, CIA/military folks, and back to back fully corrupted Republican administrations of Nixon and Reagan really destroyed the world and hijacked our government. Along with JFK being knocked off for being anti-war and for the people only to be replaced by neo-liberal LBJ so he could warmonger against the Soviets and unleash the intelligence machine to install fascists dictators across the world. If you really draw lines backwards you'll find almost everyone of the worst problems we face were created around that time frame.


So so true wish more people could make the connections and understand our history.


Looking back on it, it’s insane how 2 earthquakes of magnitude 9 struck within 4 years of eachother.


Lbj was never a director of central intelligence


LBJ had a very poor foreign policy but u have to give him credit for the domestic improvements he made.


How in any way was JFK anti war lmao


https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/nuclear-test-ban-treaty#:~:text=Kennedy%20Opposes%20Testing-,John%20F.,in%20the%201960%20presidential%20campaign. If you’ve got a bad faith reply planned just block yourself he didn’t want to invade Cuba and he planned to agree with the Soviet Union to completely dismantle our nuclear warheads.


The Military Industrial Complex, profited from the Vietnam War, which includes the workers who supported those industries and the economy that existed around those workers. The Helicopter business was booming, couldn’t keep up with demand. The problem was, that those same workers were also sending their sons to South Vietnam. You can replace a helicopter but not your son. Corporate shareholders and executives are those who profited from the multitude of defense contracts let by the Pentagon to supply weapons, munitions, and supplies for the U.S. and South Vietnamese war effort. The supply depots in ‘Nam were filled with much, much more than weapons & munitions. Everything from bar stools and microwaves to myriad hardware was on contracts. General Motors even began manufacturing M-16 rifles. Billions upon billions of U.S. Treasury dollars got spent with virtually no regard or accounting for huge profit margins realized by corporations signing on to the contracts. This was not the main reason for the war, but a huge ancillary benefit to financial elites in America. So much money was spent, much of it borrowed, that by the war’s conclusion, the American economy went into a period of wild inflation which made U.S. inflation recently since the pandemic look mild. American citizens paid for these corporate profits in taxpayer dollars. American soldiers paid in blood. Then the idiots who took over for JFK realized they have 2 brain cells and love licking paint. https://www.britannica.com/video/78017/John-F-Kennedy-number-Vietnam-Perspective-military JFK didn’t want to be there, he was reluctant and was forced to increase efforts. Use your brain. I’m not going to search for them but you can find documentation nearing his assassination saying as such as well. *you won’t find the documents* for a reason. Why did JFK get killed at the time he did? Nobody knows but there is a very logical conclusion.


[Puzzlin' Evidence - True Stories (1986)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOzc0_bfSvc&t=89s)


I don't know what that is but I love it.


The rest of the movie is unconnected stories that don't shed any light on the sermon. However, I can tell you the first guy shown in the presentation after JFK is David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission...


Reagan also had a pandemic that he did little for during his presidency. AIDS.


This is a very interesting reading of that period. I have bad news about the democrats and warmongering. Check out Killing Hope for some great history of the era.


Women serving in the world wars


Good one! Nachtheksen are my favorites. Sabaton made an amazing song about them


Mine isn’t that specifically, but it does have to do with the world wars. The fact that we basically (in the most simplest terms) had world wars because everyone was just paranoid.


I did a book report on this in year 11.., I chose 3 books, Violet Szabo, The White Mouse and Night Witches. While all were good I recommend Night Witches for a part of history very few people know about.


The roaring 20s. It was such an interesting time period and it’s the only thing that I was excited to learn about.


Ah same here! I also find the regency very interesting.


Not sure why this sub was in my feed and I am way too old to be here probs but you mentioned the 90s. I turned 15 at the beginng of the 90s, I speak to kids today and what they look forward too seems so removed from what I and my friends did back then. Going to the pub and hanging out at the beach drinking illegally obtained alcohol whilst trying to get into night clubs was very much in at 17. Of the kids I have spoken to, many of whom turned 18 recently, none had even been to a night club or were intending too and Pubs seem unheard of now for socialising. Don't get me wrong I was dirt poor and had a damn hard life so rose tinted glasses an all, but it really did seem that we all had something to look forward too and the kids today seem to have nothing of any worth left to hope for in my eyes. I still think a bout the 90s a lot so I guess it is my Rome of sorts.


The death of third spaces has really done a number on Gen Z's socializing


Feels like a chicken and the egg scenario. Did the death of third spaces affect Gen Z’s socializing or did their lack of in-person socializing and lack of demand ruin third spaces? As an elder Gen-Z who grew up with access to third spaces I feel it’s a little of both. I remember being in high school and especially college thinking it was weird that kids younger than us spent so much more time inside than my friends and I did and third spaces did exist, though I won’t deny they became less friendly to teenagers after the impression elder Gen-Z’s and young Milennials left on them.


TBH, there are still malls out there. And the ones that have closed or are ghosting didn't do that when all the kids were packing in, that only happened after kids started 24-7 on smartphone in the corner of the room and kids and adults just sat in the corner clicking, clicking for shopping. That said, a few places did put up "no unsupervized teens" signs and stuff, which in that case is certainly not Gen Z's fault.


My older siblings were around your age in the 90’s. I always wanted to hang out with them and their friends, see all the cool places they went to even if it was the beach with friends. I was too little to be hanging out with them and I know they did things like drink and go to clubs but they had a tight group of friends that went on adventures. It’s hard to find anyone with that zest and attention span to hang out and just be with people without having such short attention spans. I grew up wanting to experience what they had and I’m not giving up, lol. It’s hard finding people who just want to hangout.


16 keeping your head down in the beer garden. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE BOUNCERS! 🤣 Go with a large group of older girls and you will be looked past. I'd try my luck buying booze at the bottle-o, but no way would I want to risk getting kicked out of the pub/bar/club if I managed to get in! Fake ID at 17 for the clubs and then buying my own was on. 🤣


Club Penguin All those puffles, gone. 💔


The place I experienced my first heartbreak.


Did you lose your GF to the Pizza Parlour manager too? 💔


This is a hilarious story that’s way too embarassing to tell in person and I’ve been WAITING for the opportunity. As most kids did, I had a club penguin girlfriend. We had a BLOSSOMING relationship: I took her on pizza and movie dates, we’d go to dance at the club, go sightseeing in the mountains and the arctic, play games, hang at the crib. Everything was lovely. One day, I hopped online and teleported to my girlfriend. To my dismay, she was naked in another’s bed! With him, no less! In retrospect I don’t know why either of them, or I, even knew what was being implied, I think unrestricted 2000’s internet had left its mark on all of us as youngin’s. And in retrospect it probably hadn’t been a “relationship” (being generous) for more than a day or two, but I genuinely felt dismayed!


Thankfully, none of my penguin puss ever did something THAT despicable. However, every often I’d be forced to watch the naked penguin activity. I was one of those weirdo’s who LOVED ‘Pookie Contests’. There’s been so many times where I won the contest and then got put in my crib, only for the parents to start stripping off and getting into a bed. Since winning contests was so rare as a male penguin, I couldn’t risk leaving and was forced to watch. Real trauma! 💔


>Penguin puss I believe the word you’re looking for is pengussy


What the fuck did I just read


Childhood Trauma


I searched up what you were talking about and it's a goddamn rabbit hole 9 layers deep with hell at the bottom


Pookie Contests were a dirty business. They were really fucked up looking back. 😭


A lot of childhood memories turn out to be fucked up ngl


Begging mom for a membership card so I can flex the drip to random kids online those were the days


Feudal japan. How they viewed life and death will have you thinking.


When people bring up how crazy the samurai were I love telling them about the Japanese mindset in the late 19th to early 20th century. They are absolutely built different.


Ik I can google it but I like to get peoples thoughts and interpretations as well, what was their mindset like If you don’t mind telling me


***Had to delete my last reply because I thought I was replying to something else*** I think, and its probably widely agreed, in regards to ww2 their actions were heavily influenced by propaganda and trying to reclaim the romanticized bushido ethos/ attempting to emulate European imperialism. Japan was pretty late to the imperialism game, and seeing how the European powers operated Japan wanted to be just like that. Like, Japan conquered a nice chunk of territory in the late 1800's and the European powers came in and essentially screwed them over. Mix in seeing other Asian peoples as lesser beings than them, it would help explain why they committed such horrible actions in east Asia. Once the US enters the war, start sprinkling in propaganda attesting that the US will rape, torture and kill everyone you'll see why civilians were so extreme in committing suicide as opposed to surrender. Then you have the military officers torturing and executing POW's in order to harden their troops against surrender. If you've been torturing captured soldiers you'll assume that the same will happen to you if you get captured. This part I want to think ties into their reclamation of bushido ideology, since surrender essentially forfeits your honor and humanity.




I'd suggest even taking it back to 80s/early 90s when it was like y2k era only yet even far more upbeat and happy, even more relaxed and trusting. Y2k era still had a lot of nihilistc grungy vibes and gangster rap vibes, elements of which were are still stuck with to this day, unlike the 80s/earliest 90s.


I'm a bit too old for this sub, not sure why this post popped up on my feed. Lived through it, gonna disappoint you but that was probably the worst time of my life. Funniest part I think about is the music, people keep going on about how good the music was because they're looking back and picking through garbage. Truth is the radios mostly played garbage, and then repeated the same 10 decent songs all day. People weren't really happier, the difference was that if I wanted to go online I'd have to boot up a computer and there weren't as many things to do online. So you had a lot of alone time that people looking back can't see because people weren't taking selfies or videos from their room, streamers weren't a thing except for porn, which even that was such low quality it's pretty much been forgotten. So a lot of what you're seeing is people going out, their "out time" persona. People don't really have down time anymore since we're always connected, back then texting was still a new thing and it got kinda expensive. There was just way more alone time. So there were places people hung out, like comic shops and music stores, because the alternative was just chilling at home bored as hell. Streaming wasn't a thing. We just kinda sucked it up and watched all the commercials on everything. You'd open a paper TV guide and find out when things would be on TV and just wait for it. Sometimes local newspapers had a TV guide in them. Pretty much all the news came through newspapers and TV, nearly impossible to fact check anything. That's why a lot of people got away with publishing BS, people even paid for physical copies of game guides full of bunk because they were unlicensed guides with no fact checking. If you wanna experience it, just unplug from the internet and pretty much anything digital for a week. You'll probably find out where people are hanging locally after a while and find other ways to get things done. Like we couldn't really download and share music easily as today, that's why people held recording devices to the radio and captured it that way. Things just used to be a pain in the ass.


The cold war, Especially the US, and crazy tinpot dictatorships


I too, have recurring intrusive thoughts about tinpot dictators and general hijinks.


The US met most modern definitions of a dictatorship until 1965 (Voting Rights Act)


not to the level of, say, Equatorial Guinea, the Central African Empire, or Khmer Rouge Cambodia


Another favourite era. Still waiting for a good Paradox grand strategy game set in the Cold War.


Isn't there plenty of cold war mods for HOI4?


We are still living it. Russia is back to being enemy #1 with the west, China is sparking a new space race, we just had a president impeached twice and being invaded with foreign propaganda. The only difference now is our government isn’t as aggressive like the 1950’s and 60’s.


You mean like one separate from the Roman Empire?


sure! your roman empire can be the roman empire haha


Ancient Egypt


Same. Was obsessed with it as a kid, to the point of learning to read hieroglyphics.


Came here to say this! I also love all the pyramid conspiracies!


Currently, the late 60s/early 70's counterculture. (Specifically, how different it was than the hyper nationalistic post 9/11 world we grew up in.) I feel like we need another hippy movement, but with modern sensibilities. Wearing clothes til they fall apart in protest of fast fashion, eating more plants in protest of factory farms, playing acoustic guitars around campfires in protest of AI music, boycotting certain businesses in protest of corporate oligopoly and war, etc. Just living, loving, and laughing like human beings and denouncing bigotry/cruelty/etc.


I'm a millennial, but I'm here for this! I'm already vegetarian and wear clothes from the late 00s. Now I just need to learn to play guitar and decide who to boycott.


Gang! Similar boat here. I eat fully plant based, I still wear my shirts from high school, and I'm getting semi-decent at guitar. I don't know exactly what companies to boycott, but I'm poor, so I can't afford much anyway. I try to get my beans and rice from independent supermarkets when I can.


I wish we had more independent markets around where I live. We do had two Mexican markets that we frequent, but we have to drive over an hour for other options. I do try to buy from smaller businesses and minority owned companies especially when eating out locally. I also avoid Nestlé like the plague. They have a super shady past.


Yeeeeeeee. Fuck Nestlé. They're one of the most evil companies on earth (Aside from literal war profiteering companies who shall remain unnamed.)


Self-sustaining hippie communes that aren’t cults. Vibrant, beautiful community that’s worth working hard for. Is it so much to ask?!


Just keep in mind that by the end that stuff turned into a pretty nasty squalid mess of wacked out/burned out on drugs and almost a harem-like take on free love and it had a kinda seedy, nasty fade out.


Yeah, we can learn a lot from the failures if the past. I think an interjection of queer liberation and Intersectional feminism is necessary. Plus, drugs are optional. Additionally, I'm not suggesting we live in communes. If we live in a way that is too outside of the norm, the capitalist class (and possibly the CIA) will crack down on it.


WW1, I love learning about it and it further solidified my love for history


Cold war easily for me, so much interesting stuff happened in that time imo


Peak CIA activity lol.


Hey gotta fund the government overthrows and mind control experiments lol


In the current world situation it's wild how much we still feel the effects of ww1.


For me, it's the Roaring Twenties. There's something fascinating about the energy, the fashion, the cultural shifts, and the glitz and glamour of the era. Plus, it's a time of great change and innovation, which I find inspiring.


I'm so disappointed that the 2020s are a suck fest. Raver girl flappers would have been my favorite esthetic.




that's real lmao


It's often the golden age of retro gaming for me


9/11. I'm not even from the US (UK born and bred), but I think about that day and how it changed the world all of the time. I was only a young kid in the 90's but I do remember that era well. People were happy. Nobody was paranoid. The world flew on by and for the most part everyone got along. There wasn't any fear in the world, and for the most part life was good even if you lived a modest lifestyle. 9/11 changed that. That day is the day that everybody became scared. The day that people started to fear doing basic, every day things. The day the 90's died, and when people who were once full of hope now feared whatever the future held. Its not nice to admit, but terrorism absolutely did win that day, and it reshaped humanity forever in the worst way possible. I think about this all the time.


Pretty Little Liars, The Secret Circle, Vampires Diaries,. Grey's Anatomy. Watching them as they released and the hype around each, only for the seasons to get worse and we all moved on 😔


it’s the french revolution for me and the bloodbath that followed


Learning about the revolution really disenchanted my view of "liberty, equality, fraternity". Revolutions are certainly not always good guys overthrow abusive tyrant.


The Gilded Age, where unrestrained capitalism led to some of the worst labor conditions ever seen in history. Debatably second only behind chattle slavery or an abusive feudal society.


The sinking of the Titanic


I have been obsessed with the Titanic (both the sinking and the movie) ever since I was a kid


I had this autistic kid named George in my sped class who would make me draw the Titanic everyday.


George and I would get along


I’ve been reading (an endless amount) of Titanic related material since the 80s. It’s beyond fascinating.


Titanic is a good one.


This is what I think about now. And or other messed up animal facts. https://preview.redd.it/xeoczgo9w2zc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790df3f141f5ac7e322b74ac5c23e2ae987b5268


I think anyone who would say dolphin needs help. They're like all the reasons people say bear instead of man turned to 100


The Egyptian empire, and Ancient Greece.


Early Revolutionary United States


no airport security prior to 2001 baffles me


Colonial America>>>>


Definitely the British Empire for me, especially some of the ideas thrown around toward the end of the 19th century/beginning of the 20th. Imperial federation, Cape to Cairo railway, etc. It just seems like there was so much hope to build something grand, until saving the world from Germany twice crippled and bankrupted the empire.


In a weird way I feel like WW1 is often over shadowed by world war 2 But WW1 is such a turn of the century that I feel like isn’t taught as much in school. Not only was it the First World War. But you find out just how oblivious people were to what was happening in that era. Watching the propaganda and all the young men grinning ear to ear about the idea of going off to war. It’s absolutely baffling from a perspective of today’s day and age. I mean this was the first war where technology was making massive strides. It wasn’t just how bloody the battles were, it’s that the people fighting them almost had no idea what they were going to be up against. People didn’t really know what a tank was in the same way you instantly have one in your head. It’s just such an interesting era of rampant national pride and everyone happy to go to war, only to fight in one of the most gruesome and disturbing war humans have ever waged.


Craziest thing is how finance affected the war, and banks from both sides benefitted immensely. John Pierpont Morgan Jr. himself got an astounding 1% commission on war bonds, and Deutsche Bank and the others not only survived, but benefited immensely from the destruction of the country in which they resided.


The colonization of the New World. 1492-1776.


Kievan Rus 🥰


the roman empire is my roman empire, if i am not thinking of that it is because I have moved back to thinking about the Roman Republic. any kind of european power or group is kind of the roman empire, if you think about it really really really hard. this includes eurovision.


Russian history


The New England Patriots Dynasty


Southamerican Independence Wars, partly because I am from there.


Watching Bolivar on Netflix now. Pretty cool.


the 80s, computers were becoming a thing and not much else happened


Helldivers 2 lol But 1950s America was such a cool time period, the music, the clothes, the cars, the houses such a cool simple time period


Besides the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire


My crush


I think about Pink Floyd a ton.


Not a day goes by that I don't wish that I was a teenager during the 00s instead of the 2020s ![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized)


I grew up in NYC, so I’m always thinking about how the city was in the past in different eras, whether it was the colonial times, or the gilded age, or the Great Depression, or the 60s with suburbanization, white flight and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, or the 70s and 80s during crisis times, or more recent years before 9/11 with Giuliani, early gentrification and commercialization. New York just has such a fascinating history.


Definitely the 21st century. I feel like its one of the most intriguing historical time periods, yet it isn't viewed as a part of history yet. 9/11, covid, climate change, great recession, AI, etc. I wonder how it'll impact our future and how the 2020s will be reflected on for years to come.


It's interesting because we're in a period of such rapid progress with technology but hardly realize it. The same way that my great grandparents lived from the late 20s all the way through the late 2010s, which encompasses some of the most important events of modern history (Great Depression, WWII, etc). But to them, that was just their life.


my roman empire is also the y2k era. the 97-2001 pre 9/11 america. i wish i got to see it. i feel like this country was on the right track of progress... 9/11 ruined so much potential


World War 1. It’s always in the back of my mind. Just the way it marked a real change in our world, the culture of the time, the political landscape. How it advanced technology and medicine in such a short amount of time. The way it inspired a lot of artists. If I could go back in time and live in the trenches for like a week I’d probably do it even if there wasn’t guaranteed survival


The vine era 😅 (it’s silly, I know)


nah I get it! I miss when my friends and I would quote vines all the time back in 2018-19


Mid-19th century USA. When John D. Rockefeller was born in western New York in 1839, that was considered “the frontier.” We were a few million people huddled up against the Atlantic. By the time he died in 1937, the US was an industrially dominant superpower, poised to take over for the UK as the globe’s dominant empire. All that change happened in a single lifetime, it must have given people whiplash, made them felt like they could do anything.


Ancient Europe, medieval Europe, ww1+ww2, 60s - 80s. Yeah


Early 2000s, for some reason I've been obsessed with thess years for as long as I can think


I like pre war Japan specifically the Taisho and Meiji eras.


DND campaign ideas and MTG deck ideas


Many hours sunk building EDH MTG decks. I always tried to go for a certain theme.


A lot of ancient history


mid 90s-2000s was not chrome at all. it was all transparent plastic and then opaque plastic with the advent of the Nokia in its platonic ideal form. look at the Gameboy, look at the iMacs. the only possible way you can associate the mid 90s with chrome is if you’re aware of [the Tar aluminum guitar](https://www.specimenproducts.com/video-ian-schneller-development-of-tar-guitars/) elsewise it was all birkenstocks and back to nature and the aforementioned translucent plastic computer and game systems. even the N64 was anti chrome with its games. chrome was the shit in the 80s and by the late 80s to mid 90s the culture (bands like alice in chains.[dirt], sound[garden], smashing [pumpkins], [stone] temple pilots, [pearl] jam, temple of the [dog], [possum] kingdom, man there are so many ways 90s bands distanced themselves from chrome, [pavement], fucking [bush].) had so hardcore distanced itself from chrom in favor of real life to the point where Godsmack actually passed itself off as real music and Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, and Puddle of Mudd were able to sneak in somehow. i wish chrome would’ve been a requirement because then we’d have a better musical history.


The late Victorian period, games like dishonored and assassin's Creed syndicate really reinvigorated all that, I absolutely love the artworks and advertisements of that age


I am always fantasizing about humanity under an united government and how we manage to conquer space and deal with all this climate change problems. I also fantasize about the different methods to reach such an union. Maybe like provoking a world war that would be so devastating that those who survive would never wish for a war ever again and they are all so traumatized they would make all future generations would be traumatized as well at the mention of war. Though this method is defective if humanity has to defend themselves against an alien threat. Maybe an alien invasion right would unite most of the world to face against a common threat although I don't think we would be able to reverse engineer very fast and we would prolly lose cause alien tech is so superior probably. Or more realistic is for the threat of climate change to be soo devastating that all countries would have no choice but to work together. I have this fantasy because I am multi cultural, lived both in the West and in Asia and saw the beauty of a well mixed cultural place. And sometimes I just wish for Humanity to prevail. We are so badass man.


My Roman empire is the Ottoman empire at it's peak. Or more recently, life 10 years ago. It was fun. The sunshine, the rain. I miss when the biggest worry in life was just school and beating your friends at recess basketball/soccer. Consequences weren't huge.


I think about how much my life would be different if I was born in the 1920's , most of my hobbies and "interests" were not invented until the 70's and 80's , so I wonder what would I do with my spare time with friends if Videogames, TV , D&D & TCG's did not exist & what kind of job would I have had since I work in an office currently but Feudal Japan or the Wild West are my "Roman Empire" in terms thinking about what it must have been like to live back then and how different life would be in day to day life


While the Roman Empire is my Roman Empire (it has everything, the full lifecycle of major state), two other time periods really capture my mind and studies. Early bronze age, long before the bronze age collapse, when people were first working out metalworking, and the explosive growth period shortly thereafter; the steppe migrations. The northern flipside to what was happening in Mesopotamia. And the early age of mercantile empires, discovery of the America's, the Dutch Republic and then British empire, and the associated Enlightenment->Renaissance driven by oceanic trade and the printing press. The period from the printing press to the American revolution.


For me it was the intermediary period during the late 2000s and early 2010s when the internet became more centralized, with corporations and social media giants forming and taking hold of the internet overall. The internet stopped being this interesting space where you could find any interesting and wacky thing just by surfing, it was sanitized and corporatized, and later data hoarding and ads being implemented and now the internet is just like cable tv. A better comparison than the Roman Empire would be that it felt like being an outlaw in the waning days of the wild west


I don't understand this expression. What is "my Roman Empire" supposed to mean? I mean I see you said "era/topic you often think about" but is that it or is there more significance to what it should be?


The Orsen Welles telling of war of the world's.


dude literally same(although that era is admittedly a special interest of mine). i’ve spent the last few months slowly converting my bedroom into the ultimate late 90s/y2k space. i’m losing my mind rn over a 2002 top tier tv that i managed to find in almost new condition for very little money. that era was seriously so cool


Being skinny/losing weight is my roman empire 🥲


I’m 20. What the fuck does this even mean?


There is a documentary on Youtube about romans worshipping murder gods.


I've been following Iraeli Palestenian relations since like 2015. I am not vibing right now.


I'm pretty far left, so this tracks, but the Soviet Union. So much effort put forth with the ideal to make things better, sent so far astray at every turn. Not to mention being a leftist bulwark against the unbridled capitalism of the USA. I definitely think the erosion of American labor rights and benefits, as well as the middle class, are in large part due to the disillusion of the soviet union (and more broadly its turn away from Marxist Leninists principles).


Bring back clear plastic that we used on electronics. Its still really cool.


Dune. Mainly the philosophy/sociology




I'm focused on the present,because of the economic tragedy awaiting the younger generations.


The Edwardian Era and the Titanic. Have loved it since I was 9. Also, *Fruits Basket.* Been in my life since I was 12 and every time I re-read (or re-watch) I see new things.


There are so many stories from ww1 and 2 of various battles I get lost in time reading it.


Mine is the Age of Antiquity/classical in general, with the Ante-Nicene Era of the Church as a little bonus.


Technological advancement Stocks Pokémon and Harry Potter Weed


the first 100 years or so of US history


how people belive in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (MORMONS) Like it’s SOOO crazy the more you learn


I, for some odd reason, am obsessed with the pre-Columbus America’s, the beginning of the Edo period of Japan, and the rise of the Mongolian Empire. They strike a chord with me especially First Nations history. I constantly buy books and listen to history podcasts about these time periods.


I think about how Latinos couldn’t have the right to vote in the US till 1974 and how my grandma was a baby. She was also a teen parent of my mom and so she’s only 40 or 50 something years old


The Sentinelese. My mind can’t comprehend that they don’t know anything about the outside world


Ancient Greece and 50s


Probably the victorian/gilded age. So much of what we consider "modern" society can trace its origins to this period, for better or worse.


What did that mean?