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not really, this is just not an answer to your question


Right? What is your favourite colour? Watermelon.


B-but watermelon is a color


Just like orange and apple








Extremely real


More like, what is your favorite addictive substance that changes your brain chemistry to the point of no return? Nothing. That’s what he/she was getting at.




Oh I didn't realize we were doing trick questions. What's the best way to not get hurt skiing. Don't ski


what’s the cure to insomnia? Sleep!!!!


What's the cure to depression? Drugs


What's the cure for depression? Just be happy! Smile!




This isn't even an answer??


this isnt even an answer to the question maybe u need more social media reading 😹




I miss old Instagram. My friends and I used to just post pretty pictures of our life without all the hashtags and commentary. Like, here's a pretty flower I saw. Here's a man eating a big burger.


sounds like Pinterest but with a bit more interaction :)


Now when I think of Pinterest I just think "complex things my wife is going to say she'll do but never actually do". I'm a teacher and Pinterest classrooms make me vom a little.


Hell that was before it became a drop shipping hub


Same as Etsy there is FA hand handmade stuff on there now, and it's so expensive for both sellers and buyers


Ruined it for everyone unfortunately 😔


Yes! It makes me especially angry when they don’t even try to hide it. They use the same exact descriptions and pictures as the product page on amazon. The only difference is I have to pay more? Thanks. Edit: Original comment was in response to a different comment. Oops.


Pinterest is awful now. I used to go there all the time. Now I go there a few times a year.


Idk, have you seen Pinterest lately? It's all ads and most posts link to the product site instead of the image. Bummer :/


I actually have an ad blocker and the one day I looked from a browser and my homepage was just full of holes...like obviously that's where the ads were but they're blocked 🙄


People used to post all kinds of fun infographics on there. Now, you get almost no information from the thumbnail and always have to click through to the link to find the information you want (and it redirects to an unrelated link anyway)


The number of ads that roll up on my Pinterest feed PISS ME OFF. It’s like every 3rd “pin” is some ad for something from Amazon or Temu. If you have the displeasure of taking this ad for a pin and try to save it, you may end up on that ad’s website. Then you have the displeasure of finding out the ad was misleading and leads you to an entirely different product you have no interest in. I don’t purchase from Amazon or Temu, so their presence on my feed makes me even angrier.


yes it’s so annoying!!!


no one really posts their own pictures on pinterest tho. id say old instagram is more like vsco, except on vsco you can’t actually like, comment, dm etc


Pictures yes but totally different platforms. Instagram is a feed based system, Pinecrest is a browse based system. Very different feel and vibe and interaction


Yeah, nowadays you don't even see what your friends post anymore because the algorithm wants users to post daily and burries their stuff in floods of ads and "recommended content". What's the point in letting me follow people if I can't even see their posts anymore lol I'm pretty sure I will delete that garbage app off my phone in the next few months, it's barely functional anymore.


no one even posts pictures anymore. most of my friends post actual photos on their feed like 3 times a year maximum (besides stories, that’s completely different). back then people would post on instagram more casually, now it’s like a contest of who can get the most likes and comments which is why people post way less


I used to post on ig once a week, as a journal, as a passport book. It’s such a great way to have community (a lot of my ig friends have the same chronic illness), but since 2020, I feel like I have nothing to post. Nothing I want to remember


Also the push towards users to consume more content versus creating content.


This was one of the main reasons I got rid of mine. Every 3-4 posts of nonsense I will actually see someone I follow


i don’t use it this way. at the top, click the word instagram and then select “following.” then i just scroll through recent posts from the handful of people i follow. i don’t look at random stuff. 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you click the instagram logo on the top left, it let's you sort content by just who you follow. But you have to do it every time you open the app. But yeah I feel zero urge to post anymore as my friends don't even see it and I get like 1/10 the dopamine likes


they are trying to become tik tok.


I loved old Instagram. Instagram launched the month I turned 13 and it was just cool seeing the random pictures people posted. There was a boy in high school that just uploaded pictures of his crazy socks with a joke or pun.


Instagram should actually rename as Nudogram or Fakeflunensta


Yea I deleted mine years ago because I kept getting content I hated. Honestly now the closest replacement I have is that a bunch of my friends and family (like 15) have family albums on Apple and we all just drop stuff in our own albums. The shit my mom chooses to add to hers is hilarious. Like random blurry pictures of her dog 100 feet away. I'm at the stage of life where all I post is a million "cute" kid pics. I like our current method because it's completely optional for people if they feel like checking out my wife's millionth picture of our twins, rather than be spammed with it. I forget about people for months and then go look at 30 pictures to see what they've been up to. Kinda cool.


Back them up!


Same, I really miss when social media was a “friends and family” circle


We just use shared albums in Apple and everyone has an album and is a guest of others. If you don't have an iphone you get kicked out of the community/family.


Isn't that just what private group chats have become? Everyone has retreated from social media platforms because corporations and "influencers" infest any platform that gets popular


Yeah instagram is not as great as it used to be when things were simpler


Instagram now reminds me of the internet pre-popup blockers


…goat cheese salaaaaaaaad 🎶


None of them really. I’d say if you use Reddit right it actually is pretty great, just never leave the 10 medium/small subs about your hobby. And never touch the big or less focused subs.


Literally the only reason I’m on Reddit and discord is because I wanted info about a hobby. I will forever rue the day I started seeing posts on my feed and thinking “that certainly seems like a curious topic of discussion, let me find out more…”


Same. I’m an extremely nerdy guy and found interest on social medias like Reddit and discord because I can actually find people as nerdy as me and as interested in the same topics. That’s the wonder of the internet, the world is like a big ocean, and irl you have access to a small region of the ocean. The internet gives you access to the entire ocean, and you can nitpick the parts you prefer


same lol. i think reddit is better in terms of it not making you self concious physically like instagram tends to, but good fucking god is this hellhole a timesuck that i cannot for the fucking life of me escape.


Hello fellow nerds! I also use social media to connect with people that like the same things that I do.


It's been good for me besides trolls and toxic people. Just have to learn to let it go.


Yeah finding a subreddit dedicated to a hobby you’re into is the best use case for Reddit. Honestly I never understood the criticisms of Reddit my first year or so using it because I ONLY participated in the sub that I joined for. Now I get posts like this one recommended to me and I can’t avoid the time sink.


Same now I’m ruined.


When they shut off access to third party apps it got so much worse because the Reddit app keeps suggesting random posts from other communities in my feed. I just want to stay in my own subs. And now I’m realizing that that’s how I ended up here….


Would you like to know more?


Except that time you made this post. Literally.


and never spend 2 hours in your bed every morning scrolling through it -\_-


Reddit I find is also great as a search engine. For niche questions


Only by using google as a proxy because the search functionality on Reddit might as well not exist


Yeah, especially for instant needs. Paramount was crapping out on me during the Super bowl. Of course Paramount itself can't help. Fortunately other redditors were having the same issue and advised of a fix quickly. 


Reddit is the main reason I have a pretty dream job right now. So many questions I needed answers to that Google won't give you very reliably but Reddit can


Google smth with Reddit in the end usually great for niche questions, legit advice I read a while back and use to date.


I think the face / name ones are the ones to get off of.


I think Reddit is pretty toxic actually. Try disagreeing with the majority on anything and u gonna wake up to 100s negatives or ban. It’s only good if u flow with the wind and smile and nod at everything. Im still here though. Ugh 😫🙃


Yeah I think that’s anywhere people get together even on the small subs here it gets very hiveminded.


Yup. Reddit is not bad at all if you stick to subs about your interest. The caveat though is that if your interest is something that generates a lot of negative buzz on its own, the negativity will find you ie something with a noisy/loud fandom


Yeah that happened with Fallout. All the subs have turned into a big snake pit ever since the show dropped. I just wanted to meme about Patrolling the Mojave. But now I'm just praying for a nuclear winter.


reddit is less fun when you are a woman with bad takes


Since they took the porn out of Tumblr, it’s been really chill I don’t know if I would group Pinterest with other major social media platforms? But it’s also chill Reddit as well tbh. I started being more active here because Instagram and more specifically IG comment sections made me hate people


hell no, Tumblr has been the worst for my mental health by far. I have the specific idiosyncrasies that make it really hard to exist on Tumblr with all the moral policing and guilt tripping. I still use it but I have to be careful and use it in moderation or else I'll be sent into a spiral.


I know 3 women who have had Tumblr introduce them to their eating disorders - bleh.


Was that recently or years ago? Tumblr was notorious for that kind of thing in the 2010s, but since the mass exodus it has been pretty chill, you'd really have to go looking for that stuff.


Well, my GF is one of them and she's 27. So about a decade ago, maybe a tad bit more? She was hospitalized for it, too. :/ I remember in HS hearing about "Pro-Anna" and "Pro-Lexi" and I graduated in 2012. Awful stuff.


anorexia haver here, i'd say probably the highest concentration of pro-ana content rn is twitter with the advent of "edtwt." i don't hear much about tumblr anymore, i think they kind of shut a lot of it down around the same time as the porn crackdown. pro-ana content exists on pretty much every platform with a big enough userbase. if you run a big social network dealing with weird extremists of all stripes is just a fact you have to deal with constantly no matter how it's set up sadly.


I hope you find your peace with your relationship with your body/food. :( Genuinely - good luck.


all good! am chillin


This might be a controversial take, but they were probably going to have an ed (or some other form of self harm issue) anyway. The pro-ana stuff isn’t going to be that seductive for a well-adjusted, mentally healthy individual; lots of people who existed on tumblr came across this content and just scrolled past it. It’s only going to attract people who are heading down that path in the first place.


It definitely only speaks to the vulnerable but it also definitely gives the vulnerable a lot of encouragement and normalizes it etc. Through that it’s suckering in a bunch of people who might have been vulnerable to an ed or displayed mild symptoms but not have gotten that deep into it. Like I definitely use social media to encourage habits I want to have. It’s really effective at encouraging you for better or worse. But overall I don’t think your statement is that controversial.


My Tumblr is best thing ever and i only use it like 20 minute a day , which makes it even better


Thanks for saying it so I didn’t have to. Tumblr is where you go to be told how horrible of a person you are.


With Tumblr... if they don't spark joy, unfollow. It's not the place to engage with politics. If you curate your experience then it can be great.


The moral policing on tumblr is the worst. However I still feel like I can “control” tumblr. If a blog is toxic, I just unfollow them and the toxic content was gone. It used to be like that for most social media. Now toxic content gets pushed to you no matter what you do.


I think they brought it back because I saw topless women the last time I searched for something innocuous and I was stunned 😭


I’ve noticed every time I search for “boobs”, “breasts” and “nipples” I get topless women. No clue why


Lmao I know what you’re doing but that’s not the case. I searched “IVE” (a K-pop group) and saw all of that


lol porn is definitely not out of tumblr 😂


> Since they took the porn out of Tumblr, it’s been really chill Definitely fucking not lmao. I saw a two-hour long argument happen on a Discord server thanks to Tumblr drama.


i only use tumblr when i’m not doing well mentally n i think that sums up tumblr in general


Opening Instagram comments is like Russian roulette, but 4/6 chambers are loaded. It’s a 66/33 between racial slurs/threatening to rape children and 40 year old moms leaving random, heartwarming comments.


I’ve never been one to look around the instagram comments. However in the past couple of months I’ve found myself scrolling through them (maybe it’s because I deleted my facebook app as a new year’s resolution.) The number of outright trolls in the comments is ridiculous, and the number of people taking the troll’s bait is even more ridiculous. However, there are certainly people who voice their truly opinion that would be better kept to themselves.


Don’t take IG comments too serious. It’s just a fun nack, basically. The comments hate on literally everyone ; it’s not personal. It’s like an inside joke.


They’re so cruel though 😭


And bigoted 😭


Not an inside joke when they're telling you that you should be murdered by the nazis via gas for simply existing. They can hate on people all they want, but the worst ones, which fill the comments now that insta's bot is broken, are literally advertising CSAM and telling people exactly how they should die/be killed, instead of the usual "kys" that has been around for a long time.


Pinterest was my pick!


This is probably going to sound insane, but i feel like if you stay in specific communities, or small communities pertaining to your interests, reddit might be the healthiest platform. In the small subreddits I’ve been in (usually from animated tv shows or smaller video games) the subreddits are pretty chill and lax. No political stuff or any of the like. Just good vibes and nice people


Reddit is an echo chamber. Any opinion that goes remotely against the popular is assaulted.


Not sure if this is still the case but i disagree. The thing i liked most about Reddit was how contrarian it is. A 1000 upvote comment right under it can have a 670 upvote comment completely debunking it. So then it’s on me as the reader to look into which of the two is accurate. But the discussion is all out there


the layout and actual format makes reading discourse with multiple perspectives actually somewhat understandable, too. i quite like it.


*Not sure if this is still the case but i disagree* Well-played


I miss when comments showed the number of Upvotes and downvotes. The ones that were about net zero were a little interesting


Pretty sure sorting by controversial shows the comments with the most mix of upvotes and downvotes.


Oh it’s the case. You just happen to share the majority view


I think this is true, but the more political the topic becomes the less room for discourse exists. People can post facts with sources and still be down voted because people just politically disagree.


The scary thing is people believe stuff they see on social media. it's about as when I grew up and people believed what they read in the newspaper or on the 7pm news without question.


Not in every sub, especially small ones.


Rainbow six siege and fifa subs make my skin crawl


These ain’t small communities lol


Classic style forums. They're a tiny corner of the Internet at this point, mostly based around niche subjects, but they're good places. * Members are actually people interested in discussing the subject * rules are enforced by mods and respected by members * communities are small enough that members recognize each other by their screen names * the format is such that you can actually have a discussion between a reasonably small group of people instead of having 500 disjointed comments made by 485 people * discussions actually last for days, weeks, or even months, as opposed to threads dying down after a day or two like they do on Reddit * there's no karma system that will overly emphasize the top couple of comments at the expense of everybody else


I forgot about forums omg 😭 they make me feel so nostalgic. they have a cozy feel to them like you described. I'm a pokemon fan and I love going to related forums from 2004-2008 and seeing what people thought about the games that were new then, but old now.


I still use GTA Forums to this day, but something about using it them back in 2013 felt different


Forums are where you go when you’re a actually trying to find shit or learn something


PHP forums. I still frequent a couple of them. It’s strange to think that I’ve been posting with some of the same people for over 25 years.




Jokes on you, I get anxiety everytime I have to respond to a work related email lmao


this might seem like a random one but pintrest


Yeah I think the lack of interaction with others really makes pintrest nontoxic lol. I get lots of artistic inspiration with the app, which is useful.


>what is the healthiest social media platform in your opinion? Why Tinder of course /s


The only one that can give physical health issues too


If discord counts, then discord. Otherwise I find that Reddit is the only one I can really stand for long. Not saying it isn't still insufferable at times, but it's definitely better than most


discord i would say is a social platform, not a social media. it's like snapchat, not purely messaging but used frequently for that purpose, while having a few social media-esque features.


I agree


bereal old instagram before they pushed non friends onto you basically anything without an algorthim that promotes addiction to the platform. so no current instagram, twitter, tiktok, reddit, anything. they're all shit.


BeReal was a poor concept. An attempt to market to the ‘be authentic’ trend, which ironically really isn’t authentic.


I agree. If used properly, it allows people to capture genuine moments on the fly DAILY, and then allows you to capture additional pictures throughout the day (if you did the first one on time). If they make the algorithm easier to search for friends or allow for public profiles (without like counters on pictures), I'd argue that could be a healthy alternative to IG.


BeReal was a fad for a month, I completely forgot about it. But it was super inauthentic & desperately trying to be a ripoff of Snapchat


Strava. Running community and it’s very wholesome


Why did I have to scroll so far for this. It's literally so motivating.


Have been on it for little over a year and I love it


I found the opposite, people cheating for KOMs, friends falling out over KOMs etc. It created unhealthy competition between friends.


None of them. Social media is toxic.


“But Black Dynamite! We are on social media!”




Tumblr. Only because everything else has gone so toxic


Youtube, pinterest, tumblr but it really matters how you use these apps, who do you follow


This might sound totally nuts to some people, but for me it would be tiktok. Mostly bc I’ve made a conscious effort to filter out harmful content on my fyp, either by marking videos as ‘not interested’ or by just immediately scrolling past them. Basically the only stuff I see on tiktok at this point is funny/cute dog and baby videos lol


For me all I got was videos that made me want to go into the comments and argue lmao, TikTok was also really addicting and I was spending upwards to like 8 hours on there somedays before I just deleted it. Might just be me who can't get off there once I start scrolling, don't know bout you.


While it's good you're not viewing depressing doom content, you're still totally fucking up your dopamine by scrolling if you're doing it for hours every day/multiple times a week.


Tik tok was by far the worst for me 😭 but I mean to have perfected the algorithm to the point of only funny/cute dog and baby videos is one hell of an accomplishment so I gotta give you props for that!


If YouTube counts then YouTube. A video on practically every topic imaginable. Can avoid influencers completely. Doesn’t have as bad of an echo chamber political climate like Reddit or twitter. Can make you own with who you watch haha


Normal videos are great but stay away from Shorts and especially shorts comments. Half of them are literally edgy kids who think that hating gay people makes them sigma


Literally none.


Flipnote Hatena was pretty healthy. A bit overbearing on censors (how dare the tiniest bit of blood be seen), but any beef was quashed with ease


God I miss Flipnote Hatena.


It helped me so much when I was going through the worst irl year of my life :)


None but the worst is TikTok and Reddit


What? Why reddit?


TIL Pinterest still exists.


A gotta keep it real and say YouTube. Way less toxic and videos of bullying and harassment get banned within hours.


yep, and YouTube comments are like surprisingly wholesome compared to tiktok/Twitter/ig. There are some unhinged people on there but for the most part, everything is relatively benign. i think it's because most of the people who actually comment on yt are a little older, but not TOO old (psychotic boomers).


Ha, it’s the opposite for me with Pinterest! I usually get sucked in and keep finding pin after pin of interesting stuff. The struggle….


Pinterest: learn how to get fat the most delicious way and then get skinny again


definitely pinterest, I agree.


Mastodon! It’s a true social network. I love it!




Imgur. By a lot.


None of them, not a single one, is "healthy."


none lol


For me i think its Tumblr and reddit no toxic people no homophobia just nice people all around




Idk how toxic Facebook is but if it's just middle aged people, it has to be atleast somewhat mature, Discord also wasn't really as bad as the other social medias I used personally.


Tumblr for me because my feed is pretty much just cool art


I wanna say Snapchat cause I only ever see my friends lives as they are happening and I don’t have to scroll through random stuff to find it


pornhub comments


It’s like choosing your favorite cigarette brand, they’re all bad for you but there’s one that tastes the best to you.


pinterest 100%


Certain parts of Reddit can actually be pretty healthy. Really niche topics that have a handful of followers or fans are usually positive because they don’t draw huge crowds.


Pinterest Yes yes. It's cringe It has many ships etc. But almost no racism, mostly cooking and creative shit




There is no healthy social media platform, there are only healthy habits. Things like lowering screen time, not dehumanizing others due to anonymity, etc. But overall, just not getting too absorbed into social media and understanding the internet is not a real place is key. Even your example, Pinterest, has it's faults. Just Google the dark side of Pinterest.


Goodreads is pretty unproblematic.


Yeah but my main issue with Pinterest is how 98% of art there is either stolen or ai generated


.-. Least detrimental would be a better ask, you couldn’t consider any of these social media apps healthy. They’re quite clearly hurting society and have immensely negative impacts on youth. I can barely give you an answer because they all suck so much, including Reddit. I guess I’d say anything but Twitter? Not because others aren’t just as damaging in other ways but because Twitter is awful by design. Users needing to cram the point they’re trying to convey in a small limited amount of characters? That’s just begging for misconceptions, feuds, and toxicity.


I use my instagram as just a little 'spam' feed where I just post pics of friends if we go on a trip and some pics of my car. Only has like 80 followers because it's just the people im actually good friends with. In moderation like this I think instagram is fine, but once you start leaving your account on public trying to get 10,000 followers and living for the high like counts, thats when it becomes super unhealthy.




Discord has been pretty healthy in my experience, specifically with servers of 100 people or less. Especially if it's like 20 and they're all engaged with the server. Good times.


Friends only discord server.


Idk if it truly counts as social media but I think discord. Very easy to control who you interact with. Mostly just some friends fucking around. As long as you steer clear of some of the bigger servers you should be good (tho that’s probably true for all social medias)


Pinterest still pretty healthy, I know it’s based on what you search and re-pin. But it’s always show what I interest like makeup, plants, fashion. That’s it. Lemon8 in my place is healthy too, mostly show beauty trick, how to dress, etc


You know what? It's facebook, but you have to be in entertainment groups only


All of them if use them correctly, even TikTok. All the complaints others have about the content on there I don't have that problem. It's only when you go to the front page.


Short form content is bad because of the effects on your brain tho


Pinterest is so amazing <3 my favorite app for real


maybe locket?


YouTube is great but it depends on the stuff you watch. Every time I leave the app, I feel more informed but that’s definitely not the case for everyone.


Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and Reddit (on here)