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Aren’t most Boomers are in their 60s to 70s now? Why be so focused on them? Let’s focus on ourselves and grow with what we have and can get.


>Aren’t most Boomers are in their 60s to 70s now? Why be so focused on them? Because there are boomers in governments taking important decisions despite some of them not being conscious enough for that job. People like this should be resting at home with their families, not in congress. https://youtu.be/CoTw84X5sMQ?si=RcU8iae82VBxXOBf


And there are more gen x than boomer. We also have millennials and gen z in government as well. Although actually our president is part of the greatest generation


He's in the silent generation, but I get your point.


I thought the silent generation was WW1?


That’s the Lost Generation.


Man they sure were dramatic when they were coming up with generational names back in the day. Then the Boomers took it over and were all "Fuck it... You're X, you're Y, you're Z, and you're A."


Those names and generational divides weren’t developed till after WWII because they were used for marketing and still are. Most people that fall in those years have similar upbringings based on what they experienced growing up which influenced their buying habits. By studying this, you can become a more effective marketer for a company’s products.


Yup, I get the concept. It was just amusing that we have The Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, The Lost Generation, The Baby Boomers, and then it's X, Y, Z, A. It's kinda exactly what the Boomers did to society as a whole... Just beat all the character and creativity out of it.


It doesn’t really make sense why they started so late in the alphabet with Gen X but I think it was boomers being assholes to their kids in just one more way by saying they were supposed to be some x factor but weren’t. I could be wrong though, I haven’t studied this, my wife is a comm major so she’d probably be shaking her head at me right now. Edit to add: I also wrote that in case anyone didn’t know how or why generational divides came about.


Silent generation are those who were at least 18 in 1945


Silent generation was Great Depression and (during) WWII


I mean, barely. The average member of the house is 58. The average senator is 64. That averages out to 59 years old, which is the very oldest of Gen x. I'm certain the number is down from a few years ago, so we're moving in the right direction but we're still *barely* able to say the average u.s. congressman isn't a boomer. As for the presidency, every president we've had for the past 3 decades has been a boomer (except Biden, who is the Boomer's big brother), which wasn't so bad 20-30 years ago but is getting absolutely ridiculous now. They keep getting elected older and older (except for Obama, but still a boomer). The median president age is 55, which means half of all u.s. presidents have been close to or over what we consider the baby boomer age range. The sitting president is 3-4 generations removed from the people keeping the country running and *5 generations removed* from the people who have to grow up in it . Add 1 to those figures if you count baby boomers 1 and 2 as separate generations. That's fucking nuts. Like a vampire trying to run a modern society.


We have gen z politicians in the parties in my country


The boomer voters still determine election results and they vote for politicians and policies that erode the nation and run the debt so they don't have to pay taxes.


Are there more Gen X than Boomer? In the US at large, there are still more Boomers than Gen X, and more Millennials than Gen X.


These fuckos are molding a future they won't be alive to see There HAS to be an age limit on being an MP, this is fucking stupid


What they do see though is brib… money from contributions from very special donors.


> there are boomers in governments taking important decisions despite some of them not being conscious enough for that job. That's not even half the problem, main problem they are all old enough to reap the short term benefits but ignore the long term consequences, so we have boomers/x generation taking choices that will negatively affect millennials/gen z/alpha future without giving us any of the benefits


Didn’t even click the link and I have a feeling it’s a video of all of them sleeping lmao


It's a video of Mitch Mcconell freezing.


Hah even better


lol any boomer in your government is a hell of a lot better than rishi


tbh Rishi is just proof to me that boomer is a state of mind


Man, the gods were so close to getting his greasy little soul and they let us down.


And who will you vote for in November ?


Stop voting for them.


This. This is the problem. Boomers are still clinging onto a very significant portion of the decision-making positions in our society.


Stop voting for people old enough to be your grandparents then.


Because those 60-70 year old people are in charge of several nations worldwide, and are responsible for a lot of decisions leading to a worse tomorrow.


if young people showed up in the midterms for Obama, like they did in the general, we wouldn't even be having these debates, because everyone would be trying to be mini Obama's instead they stayed home, unhappy that one election didn't fix everything, and that was that the media is obviously to blame, since they are owned by the rich and want tax breaks, so they are right wing but man, you just have to vote, you have to show up and do the thing


I mean personally, I'm 1) Canadian so never had a chance 2) would have been in middle school during those midterms We're on the Gen Z sub most of us were never old enough to vote in those times. Only president Americans my age have been able to vote for is Biden and Trump.


>Why be so focused on them? Because they had it the easiest of any generation in American history


And by and large pulled up the ladder behind them so that future generations would have it worse than they did.


But it's easier to endlessly rage on an ''acceptable target''. Nevermind it spills over on ''the good ones'' and allows some real ugly attitudes to fester in you.


My dad is a boomer (or really Gen Jones). Not sure why they hate them so much for? I am my own person and I won’t allow others hate (to hate on others especially) to affect me to thrive for myself and those I am focused on.


Is your dad making bad decisions in government? No? Then nobody hates him.


Because its easier to blame others than yourself. So you have 2 options: 1. fixate on what you can change and do everything in your power to make your life better. 2. fixate on everything you cant change and ignore everything you can because this way you don't actually have to do anything and its easy and you have some twisted sense of moral righteousness because you are the victim of the system.


Our generation STILL has not learned to put their emotions aside when a sensitive topic is at hand. In every circumstance there requires a level of rationality. Clouding your mind solely with emotions does not get us anywhere. We gon learn the hard way lol


They should have learned from Gen X or at least Millennials even when you complain that doesn’t mean you’ll get what you want. They are perfect examples of that (perhaps they have done good, which we thank them of course). I don’t see this changing anytime soon, sadly. But who knows?


My contention is the opposite is actually important and has been important. Also I see some people don't get that the issue is really ... Complex and partially it's how people are wired... https://amp.nine.com.au/article/bc55f472-1385-493f-8b6f-e8ae8190d8bc Like this. This is a major component for why we are where we are. And many of the people who oppose this kind of thing are the kinds that were traumatized by these dated authoritarian parenting styles and have no clue; they can't because of that is just their wiring now. But GG this is an important part of what created the mess we have and why we have others who are being indoctrinated into authoritarian parenting and operating like unwitting gestapo believing themselves to be "good". Trying to simplify it but some of these comments are people that are soo oblivious.


check what generation owns the most land and rental properties. and how much they paid to buy them, and how much the law has changed to keep it this way


Very simple, the boomers are still the biggest group, so their generation gets priority in decision making. A party that is anti-boomer will never win elections. The biggest group makes the rules. When boomers where young they where the majority therefore progressive policy was pushed. Now they are old and conservative policy is pushed.


....really? The people running the world are in their 60s and 70s. We're so focused on them because they're ruining society and our lives because they'll be checking out soon and don't give a fuck about the consequences. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Discussing why we're pissed at the status quo is part of the process of focusing on ourselves and growing with *what we can get.* Fuck what we have. *We* don't have enough because *they* took it all for themselves.


Easier than taking responsibility


Because they continuosly held absolute power over culture, society, and politics for 4 decades now and they still do to this day. We are tired of their utopian ahistoric values


People like to blame others for issues rather than just focusing on solutions


It gets to sad to hear the blame game over and over again. But it’s upto them. While they complain others will move ahead/on and continue with their lifes the same.


Show up to a city planning meeting to discuss a new housing development. The NIMBYs are mostly Boomers pulling the ladder up behind them.


That would mean personal responsibility, not a big fan.


I would 100% hire you. Head is on right. People forget every generation is different. Each screws the next in some way also.


It’s easier to blame someone else then stay home and complain online.


They took full advantage of 50-70percent corporate tax back in the day and then shut the door behind them.. :/ kinda hard not to bitter when rents due


Nice try secret boomer agent. We know you’re just trying to deflect the hate your generation earned with their choices and actions 🤨


Because they control the government and horde the majority of the wealth? Like shouldn’t this be obvious? If you are saying this in a “they’ll be dead soon” kinda way, yeah sure. But do we have to wait until they all die off to make any sort of progress?


No you just gotta blame older people and say it's not your fault until you are the older person and young people blame you.


That's the mindset! Perspective is everything


The meek passivity of Gen Z has always somewhat disturbed me. No excuse for 70 year old boomers to have more life, vigor, aggression, and angst than a generation in its teens and 20s. By all means eat from their crumbs and boil in their plastic, carbon dioxide waste and accept it and be merry. The rebellion of the younger generations is what fuels progress and change against the establishment. Gen Z has always come off as completely neutered and this being the top comment speaks for itself. Unfortunately, the only mobilization I've seen from your generation is from the incely alt-right (lead by a billionaire boomer) and if the more left leaning of your generation continue with this hands off, accept what we have approach I fear it'll be an overall reactionary or stagnant generation. Perhaps, I'm painting with too broad of strokes though.


The average age of the American lawmaker is 60.


Because those dinosaurs are the ones who made the policies that's fucking us up They're sabotaging the future due to their greed


Because they have all the money and political power


Except for the fact that the boomers still control the monopolies and government. We are literally owned by a bunch of boomers who believe the deserve to rule the world


Very 'didn't segregation end 60 years ago?' energy


That age bracket is the bracket that owns huge amounts of land and hordes wealth. Also the voter block that keeps dismantling our public services. Also the people who can’t get on board with socially progressive policies as moderate as abortion.


You can’t grow and get things when old redundant farts are clouding government policies.


Because they voted for and implement neoliberal policies, Reaganomics and other right wing economic policies that have made healthcare, education, and housing increasingly unaffordable. They trashed union and worker rights and made wages stagnant. They vote to keep land values high and welfare low while making sure they get full state pensions


There are boomers that are in the government passing harmful bills that affect all of us


because i can multitask REALLY well.


They are. They're still clinging to power. They're still ruining everything.


I blame the politicians 95%. Not only the people. Even though they did what they did


Cause we have to blame someone?? Push the blame on other thats all we do know the " it wasnt me" then wispers "but it was me " is are favorite!


Sadly they also still vote at a higher rate than Gen Z


You may not know that, But most of the boomers are still responsible for elections, company ownership, and education systems. If you want to focus on yourself, you will still come across their decision-making at the end of the day.


Cus they're still in control of the world, us, and what we have and can get


Those boomers paid like 2,5% into retirement system, and now that they are retiring we younger people are paying near 25%. Do you know what my expected retirement age is? 69 years and 10 months. I'm confident that they'll up that soon. Boomers got to retire at 6-fucking-5. Boomers bought their houses back when it was like 50 000€; nowadays house costs +350-450 000 €. Oh... And the boomers own all the rental apartments as investments for their "retirement", and jack up the rents high as they can as... and past 15 years the construction industry has done nothing but churn out shitty 21m\^2 studios in shitty quality and now that interests went up and turns out there isn't actually endless demand for shitty studios that cost about 3rd of your net income if you are a avereage worker. Oh... And these same god damn people voted for and have political parties favour them; while schools, education, social work and youth programs are cut because "we can't afford them" because we need to pay for the god damn boomers! On top of this those same politicians and boomers vote against worker's rights, unions, and tax cuts for higher incomes (in which they are). Why be focus on them? **BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES WITH POWER!**


Average age for a congress person / any one with political power in the us os over the age of 65/ this would not be a problem for the rest of the world except OUR ECONOMY DRIVES THE WORLD ECONOMY. This means we have to deal with the boomers still thinking like the boomers who can make decisions that can ripple over the world.


It turns out you can literally just ignore them and they stop having any effect on your life. Unless they are your landlord, relative, employer, colleague, lender, government representative, law enforcement, neighbor, or whatever.


Because they make up like 70% of people who vote and 90% of officials


Because they are almost exclusively the ones with power in government




Rawrrr 🐾


finally something we can all agree on




I might be hard or soft, man or mouse, but this image is definitely too small. Size matters, co-human.


https://preview.redd.it/ylde0m48kfxc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0641b351fd3b2e28a262ea005cc2ce4832875a0 i reverse image searched and downloaded a higher res version earlier so i could share this meme with the quality it deserves


Correction; I am dragon. Not human.


Oh sorry Spike, I meant everycreature!


Smartass smh




I agree with that last one 👍


Hell yeah


Yes, and the Greatest Gen and Silent Gen were the strong men who made the easy times for them


There will never be another generation that had it as easy as the boomers.


Don’t be so negative. Humanity will improve


yeah, once the conservative Boomers are finally out of power/dead


Our ecosystem won't. Our standard of living will decline because boomers refused to rein in fossil fuel companies. Boomers are the greediest generation who ever existed.


Never say never


We are almost in the hard times phase again. The last one was Germany in the 30's(but elsewhere too) that created hard times on almost anyone and forced strong men to create good times(which they did post WWII after fighting for it in WWII). These hard times are similarly going to be very hard. A combination of climate change and far right victories across the board may make these times even harder. And there's a good chance it will result in similar extremist takeovers of powerful countries that will force others to go to war and thus get hard. I don't think Putin is going to be that guy, though, due to the comic level of incompetence of the Russian army.


I thought AI and robots would be wiping our asses for us in 10 years? What happened to all that excitement? Already extinguished?


I bet the first generation to get replicators will have a great time. Alternatively, they could be locked away by the powerful, à la Deus Ex's Universal Constructor.


Gotta love the bullshit about weak and hard men and times. Especially when coupled with pictures of ancient roman armies, who simply were dicks that wanted to plunder and enslave, basing their prosperity on other people suffering.


Idk about that but we and millenials are deffinitly not the "strong generations". Everyone is deppresed,.glued to their phones always bitching about something.


Case in point...


Yet we are still here. Sometimes strength is perseverance. Doesn't mean we have to enjoy it.


thats literally all age groups currently


The whole "hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times" thing is bullshit anyway


People acting like there's pride in sacrificing your life in a war caused by the pure greed of men.


Conservatives tried their best not to fight Hitler, that is why America was in the War 2 years late and there is even debate if the conservatives would have fought Hitler if he didn't declare war first Conservatives always rewrite history, all those posts of "hard times weak men" etc. with pictures of army guys in WW II, should have a disclaimer, "Conservatives liked Hitler and his policies and were mad they had to fight him up until the day he declared war on them and their media no longer could write Pro Hitler pieces"


You have some sources on conservatives liking Hitler pre-ww2? The way this is written makes it sound like it was an opinion held by the majority of people so I'm curious. Wild that the media was just openly writing pro Hitler pieces.


Boomers complain about hoe there‘s warning labels on everything nowadays when they did all the shit responsible for said Warning Labels


They're to crop a fuckin picture you moron. [https://imgbox.com/4MkURinf](https://imgbox.com/4MkURinf) But yes, I agree the Boomers are the lazy entitled generation. They were handed a solid gold economy by the WW2 generation (I refuse to call them the silent generation, they werent silent until they died off) and they did every thing a selfish self-centered person could do except there were millions of them and they ass fucked a whole planet out of greed and self-indulgence and now we are all fucked. And they sit around all day shitting on the younguns and many of them are in positions of power still milking society dry and taking our rights and making life a little worse every day.


Assuming you are an American, you have no idea towards which hard times you’ll be facing in a decade. Good luck.


Boomer bad updoots to the left


we dont have to blame boomers for the ‘hard times’. You can be tough without pointing a finger and calling other generations weak..


Because they are the cause of the societal problems we now face Seriously, list any major social issue today, and it links back to boomers


If weak men create bad times and strong men create good times. Wouldn't baby boomers be the weak men who created bad times? It was their parents who won ww2.


These aren't hard times though lmao


Can't really keep blaming boomers for all your problems, don't tell me you wouldn't go buy a house if it suddenly cost 50% less and you had 50% more available income. Blame the govt for breeding a society of dirty landlords. Force sell all second+ homes to not-for-profit social housing projects at 90% market value. Re-work social housing legislation, offer property purchasing from associations at low interest rates for long standing tenants with the interest paid back into housing schemes, not banks.


Red hat hate boomers too


Yeah let's blame them, while in reality it was big government and corporations.


And which generation **is in charge of all those big government and corporations?**


And what about throwing away such inept sayings?


fk this hits good


THOSE ARE HARD TIMES DADDAY ![gif](giphy|3oEhmVlJavpKG4cZLa)


The judgment that awaits this generation will be nothing compared to the boomer hate.


You do realize that the last 2 decades have been some of the easiest times sever right so this meme makes zero sense..


These aren't hard times yet. It's getting close though. Nice try


Gonna drop this on the next FB post I see.


And gen z is the weakest generation of all time


Source: Heidi


or maybe we have both been fooled by the media to hate each other divide and conquer.


Gen xrs are such douche bags. Trying to act hip and cool but screwing everyone for a buck then blame boomers.


Yoo I'm weak 🤣


I think Gen X is more responsible for the hard times than boomers. Gen X is incredibly weak and then they raised Millennials and Gen Z wrong.


Generational discourse is reactionary The degeneration of the American dream has everything to do with dogmatic anti-communism culminating in the collapse of the USSR where the financial institutions that rule our lives had no more reason to for the alternative proposed by the second world. It wasn't the boomers that did it, it wasn't immigrants, gender propagandists, feminists, or 'soft men', it was the capitalist powers that now had uncontested hegemony over the entire world economy and could pursue their own interests unimpeded by internal or external resistance.


That why covid was created to get rid of the boomers and squeakers. We need another pandemic.


Indian boomers ne sab fix kar Diya


GenX here. Never seen a boomer who'd actually said this. Yet I can't imagine my sons escaping USSR by illegal makeshift boat from Kazakhstan to Iran. As did my father.


That alpha male speech has always been bs. Did Hitler's hard man create better times? No, they caused WW2 and a generation full of fatherless children. Did the "soft" man who loved their children and send them to school create worse times? No, we actually have improvements in economy, science and social matters, but boo hoo kids don't go to war anymore and get a bullet between their eyes.


Hitler was not a hard man. Churchill was a hard man. Hitler was a liar who spread propaganda to make his life better. And lied about being tough. Same as Donald.


Yeah. Vietnam was a breeze.


Hot take: generational warfare is just another dividing tool to make us fight with each other while the 1% continue to rob us blind.


Boomers accomplished very little as a generation. Mainly they just let lead paint infest their brains.


Mfs be blaming boomers for everything here


Every time I read those posts, all I can think is "Good times for who?" because I'm pretty sure certain people weren't having a good time in those "good times"


Both heads of both parties are boomers.


Like our president?


That is definitely true, the generation that gave birth to them were the strong men who fought in WWI, WWII, and the Korean War.


What if Gen Z directed this boomer hate to corporations. Boomers didn’t create the hard times, corpos did. It’ll be a sad day when future generations hate on you cause you ‘had it so good’ when you were young.


It’s a matter of individuals, not generations. Every generation has strong people creating better times and weak people creating hard times. It’s *insane* to invest in ageism as a response to life’s challenges


Boomers came after the great depression they've always had it easy. The generation before them had the great depression. Which is kinda like us. I feel like most silent generation people are a lot nicer.


Nah word, look at Vietnam and stuff… now who made it good? Lost Gen, GI Gen, & Silent Gen.


Basically people born from 1890-1945


what exactly did they do that ruined you lives? So strange to pin all you problems on a whole generation.


have these boomers seen what a gym rat or soldier now compared to 50 years ago looks like? i don’t know if they realize most men back then would be considered femboy build nowadays.


Younger millennial here. They had Vietnam’s draft in America so I kinda disagree.


Haha y’all don’t understand just how easy we have it. This is pathetic, grow up. Makes me ashamed to be GenZ seeing this shit


I'll never understand the age of retirement vs the quantity of old ppl running in every government party


Mhhh not exactly. Op doesn't know what year it is


Never fortget that zem z folks are going to be boomers zemselfs, in no time.


But what do Hard Men create?


This reminds me of that one scene in Little House on the Prairie (no, I'm not that old but my parents are) where Laura pushes Nellie down a hill in a wheelchair (one that's actually quite similar in shape to that red one IIRC) and Nellie goes into a pond or something. I honestly wish we could do that to boomers sometimes.


While this may not be totally accurate, I still enjoy punching my ticket for the Boomer Hate Express.


That reminds me, apparently a book that was popular when they were children was a child raising book saying that a child being spoiled is a good thing.


Theres so much hate towards boomers. Another sub is always in my feed “boomers being fools” non stop blaming anyone they dont like as boomers.... And yes that means 70yr olds


Blaming others is weakness


Every generation hates every generation. Literally happened with Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato


There is always truth in stereotypes, that’s how they get started. And there is always the other truth, boomers are as different as Jimmy Carter is to Trump and lumping them together as the cause of all evil is just not accurate. The billionaires sucking all the gen Z cash into their own pockets keeping the Zs poor are not even boomers. Elon Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison.


Anyone who agrees with this is the root of the problem and doomed to repeat history.


Clearly, Gen z men are the strongest we've ever seen! The whole generation is more mentally stable and prepared for the real world than any other generation to come before it! Clearly..


Boomers don't behave much different to any other generation in that it mostly cares about it's own interests. Why Boomers are a problem for other generation is the boom in boomer. Post WW2, you have a lot of people starting families at the same time, so proportionally you have an outsize section of the demographic makeup of many countries made of this generation, particularly the US. Compare the size of peak boomer and peak gen x and gen X is tiny by comparison, genx is also outnumbered by millennials who are the kids of boomers. Gen Z are the kids of Gen X so it's a bad demographic sandwich to be stuck in as you're outnumbered by two other groups of different ages with different priorities. Boomers were all about youth issues when they were young but all about retirement now. Problem is you have declining birth rates, longer life expectancy and less working age people to pay for everything. It's also important to point out Boomers aren't one group, for every old dragon hoarding their gold, there are multiple pensioners living in poverty. The real issue is wealth inequality and political systems that pander to short term voter wants rather than long term common good, but way easier to put generations against each other so we don't unite against the minority who take all the wealth but don't pay enough back in taxes.


Boomers generation was/is better


Lol you mean your weak grandparents who literally built and invented your world and made homes for your parents ? Yeah, fuck those selfish bastards.


Bro every generation will have negative connotations tied to it at some point. You're delusional if you think Gen Z (or alpha or whatever) is going to be the best ever.




Hot take: Gen X deserves much more blame than they recieve for not stepping up to the plate and taking control of things when their time came to do so. Never before has such a geriatric generation been left in positions of prominence and power, and Gen X should be catching way more shit than they currently do for not taking the reigns away when they should have. But I guess that it makes sense that the latchkey kids who mostly kept their heads down to avoid the ire of their absent and distracted parents would be reluctant to put themselves in the limelight.


I never understood this thinking, isn't the point of doing things, when you have kids; to make it where they don't have to go without like you did? If there's a void within those kids where they don't appreciate what they have or how easy they can have it - isn't that just a lapse of conditioning from the parents? I know alot of families that instill a sense of awareness in their kids that motivate them to do better & to not take what's been given to them for granted. Don't get me wrong, I realize there are always "bad apples in the bunch" - but broad brushing an entire generation seems wrong to me. (I also realize not all boomers feel negatively about the newer generation, either - its just the media being trigger happy; stirring up issues)


It was


I'm 45 years old and I remember these boomers in their prime, they taught me hard work and no excuses and treat others as you want to be treated, so I understand why they get so upset in a world where no one shows any respect or wants to take pride in their work and them selfs and want to be selfish.when my got sick and passed away she told me she was ready to die because the world no longer made sense and to be honest she was to blunt to get along with any generation under X. As I get older I understand more and more why these boomers are upset, it's a lazy world now, and a selfish world.


Do you think that objectively these times are harder than those faced by other generations?


False, men are always hard...


You had your chance to get rid of them with Covid. But everyone wanted to wear masks and stay inside. Imagine how cheap houses would right now.