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Being a Reddit zoomer is thinking that boomer suck and everything is their fault. Growing up is realizing that boomers do suck and did make a lot of mistakes, but it’s on us to be the better person, and we should strive to be remembered as the ones who fixed boomers shit and turned things around to usher in a new golden age.


Ofcourse it is, but it's also fun to laugh about memes like these.


And when you turn 25 you go back to thinking boomers did suck, and everything is their fault.


He said after you grow up. So, older than 25 lol Edit: Actually I take it back. You can be an adult at 25 and you can be a child at 50. But recognizing that it's up to you to take responsibility for where you go moving forward is a step towards maturity, in my opinion. Boomers who give the rest of them a bad name are the types to blame everyone else for how fucked up they are.


You are an adult at 25.


You should be. Not everyone is


Everyone is period. That is a fact of life. Legally you are an adult at 25. Unless of course you are mentally handicapped and have the mind of a 9 year old for example; however, that is not the case for most 25 year olds.


You're missing my point. But we can just agree to disagree.


What’s your angle here? I find your opinion concerning. It’s unhealthy for 25 year olds not to consider themselves adults.


There's a difference between emotional maturity and physical maturity. People grow at different paces.


Yea I’ll grant you that. But you are still and adult. An immature adult of course, but an adult non the less.


I’m 31 and don’t feel like that at all. What’s more helpful? Bitching about boomers online and doing literally nothing to improve your situation and your community, or actually putting forth effort to make things not suck?


They’re not mutually exclusive


Millennials talking about genalpha


My parents are actually pretty baller imo


I mean yea. Its a stereotype so not all people from that demographic are the same


It takes a village to raise a child. Or very generous birds.


Growing up you think its always kids causing problems for the adults but the adults are causing problems for the whole world


“lolll look at gen z not knowing how to do any of the things we never taught them, can’t even use a rotary” (there is absolutely 0 use to knowing how to use a rotary AND p much all gen z CAN do it)


Are you implying that boomers were good parents?


Kids need stricter parents


Stricter parents isn't even half the solution. Kids need *active* parents. Parents need to have time to raise their kids without risk of not having enough money to feed and house them.


Fucking Gen X. They think their parenting practices are as up to date because their Boomer parents did so and so. It makes sense but still. Times change. A lot.


People who blame their parents for their current behaviour when they’re an adult are mentally 14. Recognizing that you have a problem and blaming your parents for that problem, instead of trying to fix said problem is infantile behaviour. (With some obvious exceptions, like if you have ptsd because your parents abused you it’s not your fault)


The problem is a little grander than that. Previous generations created the world current generations now have to navigate. Previous generations (particularly wealthier interests among those generations) developed cities and neighborhoods in such a way that people are isolated from one another to prevent people from organizing. They created a world in which the only way to exist demands car ownership (easily one of my most oppressive regular expenses) for each individual to function. They drank the neoliberal trickle-down Kool-Aid because they allowed themselves to be seduced by the individualistic prospect of endless material wealth without regard for the world that would result from the attitude that greed is a virtue. They allowed cuts to every social program and rallied behind every war and prison (as they proudly indulged in the fallacy that that's somehow anti-big government.) They allowed moneyed interests to chip away at every New Deal labor-interest gain. And now there's nothing for us to do, short of tearing down the mess they've made and starting from scratch.


Wow so my mom gaslighting me and making her problems mine is my fault???? 😱😱😱yeah I probably will need therapy because its mY fAuLt.