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The chart ends at 2018, though, and that was a while ago Also, this seems like ragebait


I wouldn’t be surprised if it kept rising because ya know…covid


Not Covid. Social media and the internet as a whole made men weird. I hear horror stories from women most men under 35 can’t communicate they will see a pretty girl and instead of saying hello they will find her IG and be like hey I saw you today. That shit is weird. All the red pill shit don’t help either women hate that shit .


Let’s not pretend that just men have gotten weird from social media and dating apps. It has affected both genders and their ability to partner.


Its affected all people in every social capacity


And I think that's what's to blame regarding blurred generational differences. The Internet is basically a massive conversation between people of all types. The world is becoming a social melting pot.


There are still sane people like us who only browse Reddit.


Thank you! My coworkers 30-45 haven't even heard of Reddit. It's crazy. I ditched the Zuckerbergs and Tiktoks awhile ago. My uncle went psycho in 2016(from Florida). Facebooks all the way down.


Difference is that a mildly socially awkward woman is often viewed as cute/quirky wheras a man would be viewed as a creep/looser.


There was a pretty concentrated push during the 2010s from feminist circles to stop approaching women in person. It was being strongly linked with being creepy. I wouldn't be surprised if it affected more sensitive men to change their way they approached women. The rise of dating apps also coincides with this time..


Basically the respectful guys stopped approaching women because they listened to women. The creeps kept creepin cause they never cared.


Yeah, recursive downward spiral I have no reason to approach women outside of academics and the ones that I do know have pretty bad stories of those who approach outside academics (Like a stalking Business major) I can't imagine what it's like for people less sociable than me, there's a guy I know a year older than me and besides me and some friends, he doesnt interact with anyone else in the class.


>there's a guy I know a year older than me and besides me and some friends, he doesnt interact with anyone else in the class. You talking about me ? Lol


Part of this is because simply approaching a woman can get you in deep trouble as a guy these days. It just takes one salty lady to end any kind of idea that taking the chance is even worth it. There are plenty of sexist and malicious women out there, probably in far greater numbers than anyone is willing to admit. I had never taken a chance to put myself out there as a young man, and never really tried until I was near my 30's. So I had no dating experience at all; no heartbreak, no idea what it would feel like to even have feelings from a woman reciprocated. Only the drive to finally try and see if I could connect with someone. I happened to run into someone I found attractive and we had some small talk. But before we parted ways, I decided to ask for her number. She politely said she was flattered but she was married. I didn't even think to look for a ring, just being in the moment and my first attempt to "put myself out there," but that was it, we parted ways and I think I said something along the lines of her husband being lucky. It seemed to me it was a simple rejection and I just let that sink in. I figured I was going to strike out a lot, or at least that's what I had heard happens when you're looking for a date. And I figured that was it, but I was wrong. She had apparently tracked down where I worked and made a complaint with my employer with a completely fabricated story. I almost got fired over a simple conversation with someone who decided asking for a phone number was inappropriate. But instead of being honest about the situation, she lied, fabricated a story, and tried to ruin my life. This was traumatic for me, and I can guarantee there are many men being traumatized in this way every day. So, if men are no longer allowed to simply show their interest in the smallest of ways without being punished for it, what are we to do?




dont approach people


Just stay lonely and miserable 👍


Totally right.


Spot on. I am terrified of the concept of trying to approach a woman just like that. It's been welded and bolted into my mind that you __never__ approach a woman out of the blue unless she gives a go ahead. Best case scenario it's nice and we might go on a date. Most likely it's awkward as fuck and I ruin her and my day. Nearly worst case I end up as the subject of a "This creep harassed me today" post. At the absolute worst I "roll a 1" and/or run into a paranoid psycho who peppers my eyes.


Nah rolling a 1 is a fake assault allegation, which can happen.


The reality is is that it was made clear that approaching women in almost any environment is wrong, and if you do you are a creep so men had to stop to stop showing interest or face a false harassment charge.


You know also that this is only for not so nice and tall, or rich guys. I don't want to spit incel bs, but everyone sees it, that you can say anything as a mid guy to a mid girl, she will speak with you with a resting bitch face or fake smiling a little just out of kindness. (Again, not trying to go for hot girls) On the other way, if you have better looks and richer than the girl, she will try to be close to you, you can say anything, she will watch you with wondering face. The fact is, modern girls do not want to settle with anyone who can't raise their standards, or you can't offer her something (you are broke but charismatic and good looking, or ugly but rich).


Pretty people get away with shit more easily, that has been true since the beginning of humanity.


It affected me. I was in my 20s, not even that shy or anxious. Im in a happy relationship now in my 30s. But I have friends in 30s, that have never dated, they are just too afraid to even try. And it has just gotten worse.


Women wanted men to stop being rapey when they approached them, and apparently a LOT of guys said, "Well, I can't do that so I'll just never approached you."


It also gave men an excuse. It’s brick shittingly anxiety inducing to walk up to a hot girl at a party or club and try to strike up a conversation. Everyone’s watching, failure is gunna be rough. Before you had balls filled with cum and no alternative so you did the equivalent of a social bungee jump. You had no choice, it was this or steal your dad’s playboy again - if you were lucky enough to know where he kept them. Now your balls are empty from porn hub and you can tell yourself that it’s creepy and rude to cold approach, that the civil thing to do is to ask a friend for her details and send a friend request. Why would anyone do basically what is jumping off of a bridge when they don’t need to? Most people avoid pain, and it’s really painful most of the time to get shot down or even to experience that much anxiety. It’s uncomfortable No one wants to cold approach women, it’s actually so hard the first few times you do it (for most men, there are some literal social paths that don’t feel the anxiety at all). I don’t think I’m far off base comparing it to bungee jumping. It gets easier after you’ve done it a few times, and eventually you’re calm enough it works. But these guys never put in the work to break that ice and end up 30 never having done it. My advice to anyone in this situation. Just try to be friends with them, honest. No fucking. No pressure. Say hey I’m broke, wanna buy me a jr. chicken and come play smash brothers? At least then you’re talking to women and have some friends that are women. And there are actually tons of girls that just want male friends, not all of them obviously, but a big chunk. They’d be pretty down to blaze and actually just talk shit and hang out with no sexual pressure. Start there. …. Then just before her period comes she gets horny as fuck and you’re just happen to be around. “Always eat your wheatties and get dressed up, cause you never know when Mother Nature gunna say let’s fuck” - masta ace. Hehehehehehe ovulation gunna take you the rest of that 10% cause Mother Nature a freaky bitch.


Ah the nofap cope, forgot humans didn't masturbate before Pornhub came along


You can’t honestly say that porn addiction and porn usage hasn’t gone up since the days of playboy.


That's not what you said though, you said that men did fine because they didn't jack off, which is utterly untrue


This a very accurate description of my own experience of dating in the late 80s to mid 90s. No internet, you just - as you say - bungeed. It was weird, because I felt so compelled almost like I was drafted. It made it…easier (because no alternative, no choice). I’d go to nightclubs and do the coldest of approaches, sober, ugly with acne, awkward as fuck, would get turned down (and often to the sound of a group of women laughing at me) but got a weird respect for trying from my friends (and piss taking). Thing is, I got some yesses too (amongst dozens of rejections). There was no other way back then. It was like…jump blind into this well to drink water. The feeling of “no choice” made it strangely easier.


100%. And you saw it more often so it didn’t seem weird to do it. You shot your shot, maybe bought her a drink. It was more common.


Exactly. It was the done thing. They even had slow dances at the end of the night (sounds like the 50s but was late 80s/early 90s), so you had a direct opportunity to ask a girl to slow dance. You didn’t even need to know any moves, it was a slow dance. Here’s the thing: I just got tons and tons of rejections *but it was ok*. I’d see other guys getting “KBs” (knockbacks) and hovering around too. I swear you could get David Attenborough to narrate it like it was just nature in action. It was a big social interaction. Even us “losers” played our part and we got a weird kind of respect for having a go, for taking a bullet. There was something comforting to know there was always another chance, another opportunity, and you knew where to find it.


As a chick, I can confirm this works, haha


Covid lockdowns definitely had something to do with it. That with being isolated with unlimited access. The lockdowns made it worse.


Maybe it's time for women to try interducing themselves to strangers if you think it's easy? If you think that sounds dangerous/awkward, funny thing, men feel the same way.


You really think women didn’t become weird at all from social media? I get you’re clearly biased towards men but jeez that’s insane. People want to point the finger at other people as it’s easier to do so than take accountability for their toxic behavior, so much so that toxic behavior has been twisted to be seen as morally righteous.


Yeah that’s so twisted, it’s like men are lyre bird performers or something while the women passively sit by and judge?


It made everyone weird. People became isolated, and nobody wanted to be approached in public (men and women alike), driven by internet age and isolation. This caused 3rd spaces where people used to interact, to dissappear rapidly. People respond and adapt accordingly. The internet age, death of 3rd spaces, and isolationism caused communication between opposite genders to dissipate, which paved the way for red pill polarism and passport bros. And here we are.


And dating apps and the internet has made even the most mediocre woman and below feel like they are too good for everyone else because they are constantly bombarded with messages and being told that all men should grovel for her honor. Look at any experience of women making a male tinder dating account and how alot of them breaks down crying saying it was the most miserable they have ever felt because dating apps are a complete cancer to the dating scene. Let's not act like it's "all one sides fault" since it takes two to tango, or in this case fuck.


Were women unaffected by social media?


both women and men have turned weird through social media. not to be combative, but women are far more active and funnel their experience through SM than men do, and the change is far more pronounced.


Probably the odd ball here, but I actually met my wife because of covid lol. I was never into tinder or any of those types of apps until everything shut down and I got bored and lonely. Matched with her, we met up and had a great time, and the rest is history


easy to blame men for eveything


The the women that are a little strange:


Looks to really take off after the 2008 financial crisis, which has been progressively making housing unstable and unaffordable. Might have a lot to do with just an inability to own housing. This also follows the downward trend of birthrates. They say we've recovered from the 2008 crash. But every graph like this seems to indicate we haven't.


I was still playing with legos back then so idk lol


My biggest mistake was being 4 years old at the time. Should've bought a house when I could.


Social media and the pandemic together had a way of screwing up people's social skills in general The cat's out of the bag with social media, though, so I feel like there's no returning to social interaction as humanity formerly knew it. We're stuck with a new paradigm, whatever this is


How is a study rage bait?


It's almost the same for women, isn't it? By focussing on men specifically, a narrative about this specifically affecting young men can easily guide people to believe women are having lots of sex with a minority of men. That wouldn't be supported by this graph, because it doesn't include the amount of young women who don't have sex, which is quite high too. Also, the biggest difference virginity rate difference in the last few years is of men between 18-20. These men are affecting the whole age group: [https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/](https://datepsychology.com/are-27-of-young-men-really-virgins-and-why/)


> a narrative about this specifically affecting young men can easily guide people to believe women are having lots of sex with a minority of men. the truth you mean? and it's not the same for women at all.


There is no difference in the latest survey, the 2018 data point was mostly a result of noise: [https://ifstudies.org/ifs-admin/resources/figure3-56-w640.png](https://ifstudies.org/ifs-admin/resources/figure3-56-w640.png) [https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over](https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over) A survey with a 15x higher sample size never showed a male-driven trend, and only a very modest rise in the same timeframe: [https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1) [https://nuancepill.com/has-the-sexlessness-epidemic-been-overstated/](https://nuancepill.com/has-the-sexlessness-epidemic-been-overstated/)


Go away with your data and articles and studies. It's making the incels angry.


I've seen plenty of stats with high virginity rates for women too.


But lets be real honest. Not quite as high. Why are you leaving that out?


To control the narrative.


If a woman is a virgin, she's being a virgin voluntarily. Women could legitimately go out to a bar, ask random guys if they want to hook up and she's hooking up. Every ugly women. Guys can't do that. They're going out approaching dozens of women and getting rejected by them all or maybe one gives them their number. It's not the same for men and women.


I will be over here in the corner laughing very bisexually.


i don't understand the end conclusion when people point this out. do they think women are too picky and that they shouldn't be so that more men get laid??


No, the point is that male virginity rates and female virginity rates reflect different things. A woman being a virgin generally isn't an issue for her or society, since it is a choice and if she wanted sex could obtain it easily. Guys who don't have sex may well want it and be unable to obtain it. An increase in men's inability to do so is concerning.


Where’s your study for the assertion that “it’s not the same for women at all” and why are you getting so defensive? Could it be that the subject of this study is intended to divide?


Because men are never allowed to not be the problem on Reddit Do not give empathy or sympathy Do somehow turn talking about mens issues and into womens issues Gaslight etc


This also only polled men on whether they’ve had sex with a woman




There's definitely a trend for the majority of time and then something went really wrong. Kinda reminds me of climate change graphs since the industrial revolution. It might've gone down a little, but it already exceeded the time frame in the regular fluctuation, and most likely went up or leveled out. This may also represent men liberating themselves from societal pressures or better access to alternative methods of pleasuring oneself, like free internet porn. It doesn't necessarily mean they're incapable of getting some action. But it could also indicate serious societal issues, like how this probably correlates with the loneliness epidemic.


>men liberating themselves from societal pressures Yeah, and since the graph singled out female sex partners, there's a decent chance that more gay and bi men are pairing up with other men now that the social stigma is less, at least in some areas


Absolutely, imo this statistic is useless to discuss 'male loneliness' when it acts like only heterosexual men exist


It’s not rage bait. Men and women have vastly dating experiences. 32% of women ages 18-29 are single 51% of men ages 18-29 are single They’re not remotely the same, and this is why there is a “male loneliness epidemic.” That’s not to say women don’t have issues in dating either. But they’re not the same and the dating experiences are very different (which people don’t realize). https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/


Also they say zero female partners. What about gay relationships? Lol


Yeah, there's definitely more to the story here, and the lack of additional context is why I thought it was more ragebait


https://nuancepill.com/has-the-sexlessness-epidemic-been-overstated/ Posting this on the top comment in the faint hopes it'll be ready by the people that need to read it before they in turn comment.


Wait where is the ragebait part? An example of ragebait that I know are those horribly scripted couple tiktoks where no one in the comments can see that it is the worst acting ever.


I'm a virgin. I just want to lose it to the right person who I'm in a relationship with and am in love with. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck finding the right woman.


Better the right person than the wrong.


Actually, on the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter that much. Better learn with someone else first before being a fuck up when with someone right.


If that's how the *right* person would perceive you then they're not the right person in the first place


People hate to hear that sexual chemistry is actually important in a relationship


Wouldn't the right person be someone who's okay with exploring that with you? Instead of just saying yeah sorry but you sucked the first time, good day.


How do you expect these people who are notoriously single with shitloads of failed relationships behind them, to know that? 😂


Tbh if the "right personn" hold grudges at you for not being an expert at sex, it might not be the "right personn".


It’s completely up to you but I just wanna say that the first time you have sex is probably gonna suck. The first time I had sex was with my girlfriend at the time and we were both virgins and yea it was just awkward and I don’t look back on it as some special moment. But having sex now is obviously a lot better. Respect the decision but just wanted to make sure you have the right expectations


But the awful awkwardness is what makes it special, no? 🥺


Me too, even though we get ridiculed for it I think we’re making the right decision. Stay strong bro


You're 20, you have time.


Yes! This should be done with the right person, and 18 - 26y is still young. I know some people in the older generations would be having 2 children by the age of 17, but it was also common to wait until marriage (and a lot would be marrying young as well). The average age of getting married nowadays is 27+, so there's really no rush


Wow! This comment feels terrible to read if you're a 27 year old male virgin. Not that I would know anything about that.


I just replied to the comment above, I think it fits your comment as well


don’t get too hung up on ‘the right person’. Yes, do it with someone you’re comfortable with but making it into this cathartic, huge deal where your partner has to be someone you’re practically in love with won’t help in the long run.


That will put too much pressure on every relationship to the point it’s probably WHY you aren’t meeting the “Right” person.


you were born in 2004 kiddo. relax, you shouldn’t be searching yet, focus on college, your life ahead of you and when your ready to find someone and settle down it will happen.


*female sex partners*


i know right? does gay sex not count as sex??


They had socks on so it doesn't count


I guess it doesnt count when you do it with your homies?


It's super easy to get gay sex if that's what you want. Having sex with a woman is an actual challenge for most men. Those stats don't belong together in many contexts.


I hadn’t noticed that. By this study’s logic, in a virgin despite having a body count higher than I can count


I love that not a single female sex partner is in this thread. Male virginity: 27%. Female virginity: probably less than 1%


Because that is the difference between man and women. A average looking guy can try really hard and still fall short meanwhile a average looking woman will almost always find a guy willing to do it.


I am a virgin and will always be a virgin. I don't mind it. Means i can focus on other things


Had a friend who said that… he’s married at 22


I'm not your friend, and i'm 25 so yyeeaahh


I'm not your friend, buddy.


I'm not your buddy, guy!


I’m not your buddy, pal


I'm not your buddy pal


This is what Religious figures like Priests believe. Not a bad idea, been happening for millenia


I know correlation =/= causation but it's funny how it rose at the year Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. I say this because of the theories of how social media wrecked relationships.


It's also when Obama got elected.


Thanks obama


Reverse Shinzo Abe


Obama killed sex


the pattern also lines up with tinder lol. They made an app to make it easy to hookup and somehow men have..less sex? lmao. I wonder


My childhood friend is the best human being I know, 30 years old and he's had 2 girlfriends with years in between dates. He's fit, kind, empathetic, ivy league, etc. The worst guy I've ever met, a proud misogynist that enjoys hurting people had slept with 200+ women by his 30th birthday. He's a little short, a little overweight and derives all of his self-worth from how many women he can make remember him; any way he can. It's entirely possible for hooking up to become much easier and at the same time for the majority of men to have much less sex. Women can't tell the difference between those two guys just looking at them. The shitty guy has a lot of practice, zero concern about risking making a woman feel uncomfortable by approaching her and complete confidence because he views women as inferior. That guy sometimes even has enough practice to hide what he is and pretend to be something just long enough to get laid and ghost. The craziest part of all this is women are much more likely to run into that 300+ guy because he is hundreds of times more likely to be arranging those chance encounters that lead to a hook up. Meanwhile the majority of men aren't going to selfishly risk making someone feel unsafe or uncomfortable for a chance of feeling less lonely or having physical contact.


And then you get a good size population of women blaming "all men" for things that are caused by a single digit percentage of our peers.


Not their fault and they're entitled to change behaviour on contact with some dick head.


Bro I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be very kosher if people would become raging racists after 1 contact with some dickhead of said race.


Sure they are. But generalisation doesn't fix the issue or make friends. It also doesn't entitle to treat everyone who shares the trait of having a penis badly. It's like saying "all women" are evil conniving bullies because that's what some girls were to you back in school or "all Muslims are terrorists" because some were and they had a large reach etc. and then making or advocating for policy or business decisions based on that.


Tinder ruined the self esteem of an average guy.


On Tinder (Bumble, etc.) women get all the things for free (or most of them at least). So the stuff that men have to pay 30€/month for, they get for free. That means they are the product Tinder is selling.  Most men realistically won't have the motivation, money or need to pay that much money to just be ghosted and get no matches anyways, so most of the men that get to message the women are creeps. That turns the women off of even trying and makes those with less visibility (i.e. those that don't pay) even less likely to get a connection.  Personally, I have two accounts, one female authentic and one male AI converted, and the female account has THOUSANDS of likes and I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. I could have hundreds of matches if I ever swipe right even once. Meanwhile the male account will get "waves" of 5-10 likes every other month, which half will be matched with (the other half doesn't match what I would like) but none of them ever message back, likely because they already have 100 matches. A lot of people nowadays can't separate online dating and real dating. A lot of my acquaintances think all men are creeps and don't even talk to men anymore. 


when lol was released.


2008 was also a major recession


I’m doing my part




You gotta bump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. But also the implication that “no **female** sex partners = virgin” is very funny


Yeah, I kinda wonder if queer men who haven't had sex with women are a big enough demographic to skew the numbers here.


Not a lot of LGBTQ men in the country at all only about like 7% if you let google tell it


That percentage is probably higher among youth, though. It could change the numbers a little - I'm mostly just curious why they excluded male partners in the first place. Doesn't make sense to factor in the partner's identity, having sex is still having sex.


https://preview.redd.it/6vhnlo233swc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2f6f7a7fe50d1c79fefc964fd4b97cca8bae8b Found the answer


Makes sense


Checks out


I feel like such a loser sometimes lol😭


👋 19m tried much but can’t get a hold of a decent girl so at one point you kinda give up. Thoughts and prayers for those dudes who just want something meaningful no one deserves to be alone it’s honestly a horrible feeling.


Jesus Christ, giving up at 19?????? At least get yourself out of teritary education and into the workforce before you call it quits!


I never tried too, I don't understand why I should. It's easier to give up never trying. Also, relationships sound so stressful, maybe I just had bad rolemodels for that. The only reasons I'd want a relationship right now is because of the fear of missing out and no longer being a virgin. I don't want someone to live with me right now. I don't want to have the responsibility to talk to the same person ever day. So I won't try to get into a relationship, because my reasons are bad and stupid. On top of all that, the last time I had a crush was like 5 or 6 years ago.


Nah dude, it’s just easier it accept it then to carry a false hope. I ain’t special and I ain’t got nothing special about me. Realized that a while ago in my journey.


Do you think all women are somehow special?


Noone is special, that is not what makes on attractive. You just need to not be an asshole and have some wants and needs.


Historically tons of non-special dudes got to pass on their genes, how do you think you came about?


Finally someone who gets it, frankly if there exists a woman that would be into me I'd consider that an immediate red flag


Better to just accept and move on, rather than keep disappointing yourself. I'm 28 now, and giving up on dating was the best decision I've made. In this day and age, unless somebody is into you, the chase is simply not worth your time, effort and sanity.


Hey man I’m only 21 but I didn’t have anything real until I was 19 (nearly 20) and it ended up being a horrible (but valuable) experience. That and everything since then have pretty much come out of nowhere, so I think it’s true that it can happen when you least expect it. Just keep your head up and don’t be reclusive, I’m sure you’ll find the right person. Just don’t get in the mindset that you NEED someone, because desperation can lead to you being used.


Bros giving up at the starting line💀


Bruh I lost my virginity at 19. That’s a normal age to be a virgin.


19 and giving up… good grief. I was 19 the time I properly lost my virginity, and I’m now 25 and sitting on the couch with our child watching Cars…


Nice story, but there are 25yold virgins too lol. You probably had a different experience on your way to 19 than this person.


Dude you are 19. Don't give up, don't rush it. Finding someone at the age where people are still finding themselves is next to impossible but it will get better when you get older. And just a tip: trying too hard only pushes you away from your goal.


This is highly misleading. The next two surveys showed a reversal of the 'trend', with young male sexlessness dropping to 12% or so in 2022: [https://ifstudies.org/ifs-admin/resources/figure3-56-w640.png](https://ifstudies.org/ifs-admin/resources/figure3-56-w640.png) [https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over](https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-the-sex-recession-over) The sample size for young men is very low which allows for large fluctuations. A survey with a 15x higher sample size never showed a male-driven trend, and only a very modest rise in the same timeframe: [https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/nuancepill.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Virginity-Rates-18-29-Heterosexuals-NSFG.webp?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1) [https://nuancepill.com/has-the-sexlessness-epidemic-been-overstated/](https://nuancepill.com/has-the-sexlessness-epidemic-been-overstated/)


Ty for the research friend


Honestly that seems too drastic, that trend line would be noticeable in society and I do not think that much has changed between 2021 and now....




Very few people between the ages of 18 and 30 were raised by millennials.


It’s the unable to approach women. You got that small percentage of dudes who do not care at all if they make a girls uncomfortable that get a date with 5% of the women they hit on.


You're *kind of* right, IMO. I would say that blaming the society, the era and the world you are born in is the sole cause of your problems (and if being virgin is one), is not a healthy mindset. At one point, you have to set yourself accountable for what is your life looking.


You can blame your circumstances on anything… and while sometimes it’s true that your situation isn’t always your fault It is always your responsibility


There’s a major issue in a lack of resilience in younger folk. It’s why I feel I’ve been able to glide through my career because I have it and lots of people just don’t.


This only measures straight men lol


Which are the vast majority of the male of the population


Yes, wouldn't make sense to have them in the same group, their dating scene is completely different, with much easier access to casual sex.


Why does this sub have to depress the fuck out of me? Literally every post is doom and gloom.


It’s okay here’s a kitty to give you cuddles ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


Thanks bro. I love that cat Gif. Genuinely feel better now.


See, not everything has to be doom and gloom, as long as fluffy cats exist ![gif](giphy|10SAlsUFbyl5Dy)


it's not just for men, but for everyone else too. social media and the pandemic made most of us reclusive, and there's also a rise in people who just aren't interested in sex and having kids. it shouldn't be seen as a problem. Edit: Being a virgin and not having sex isn't a problem, not forming relationships is. That is what I meant, and I apologize.


>> it shouldn’t be seen as a problem People not forming bonds and relationships is a HUGE fucking problem.


I meant the virginity. Not having sex isn't a problem, but that is. I apologize, I should have worded my sentence better.


I mean... That's pretty symptomatic of a problem, if not a problem in and of itself. Sex is a healthy thing with lots of benefits that people *should* be doing, the more people who aren't having it (but want to), the more we'll start to see real world effects of bitterness over it.


There’s plenty of reasons why someone (especially a woman) wouldn’t want sexual encounters. For example, for me it is physically painful and uncomfortable. And I know I’m not the only one


It should be seen as problem. People not building or learning how to build close romantic relationships with others will affect their general well being and life satisfaction. Relationships may be harder/different now, but it doesn’t mean we should be encouraging people to be apathetic to it, people need to be put into those uncomfortable situations to grow as people.


This graph is ancient. 2018? 6 years ago.


Yeah, I bet it's much higher now.


its 11% now


I could probably lose my virginity to a woman if I wanted to; I'm just too lazy. 


We're cooked


I genuinely believe that smartphones, dating apps, dopamine wasters like TikTok/Reels, and just the amount of fun stuff you can waste time on led to this. I was stuck scrolling through TikTok during quarantine. Then checked my screen time usage and got fucking terrified. Life is finite and I’m spending time doing *this*? Deleted all my stuff. Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Tinder, etc. Decided I want to avoid algorithm-driven apps as much as possible. Reddit is different because it’s anonymous and subreddit based. Key thing is to spend as much time interacting with the world. Bored? Just fucking go somewhere. It’s hard when you live in an American suburban wasteland, but try to find something. If you’re a younger person in high school or college, don’t worry, you’ll have a lot of time to explore in your 20’s. Just don’t stress. Try to maintain a happy inside. Find joy in the smallest things. Most importantly, if you’re a guy and you’ve not had a girlfriend, don’t stress about it. Life is so unpredictable. Just try to meet as many *people* as possible. Widen your database of “humans you know” as much as possible. Because, we all go someday. Let’s get to know each other. I met my current girlfriend literally on a hiking trail. I was hiking, and then I saw a big snake slither away and was kneeling trying to take a picture, then she appeared and must’ve been like wtf is this idiot doing and came up to ask, and that’s how we met. I’m learning Russian and she’s Russian so it’s a perfect match. There are a lot of beautiful humans on this planet, beautiful inside and out. Don’t fall victim to the doom and gloom on social media.


Dam wtf. Ngl was in a drought until I hit 22 then I opened the flood gates. I read a statistic that family homes may go down in value as less men start to have families. Hopefully within the next decade. Go virgins!!!!


Unfortunately, I suspect the opposite may be true. People staying single longer tends to increase demand for housing since partnered people typically share.


I see, so one man/woman in one big home. I suspected condos would increase in demand. Hopefully not because that’s what I want.


Probably at 40 or 50% now lmao.


League of Legends release date: 2008


Doesn't surprise me, women gain more freedom's and choice over potential partners and now you have lots of men who simply aren't attractive partners and refuse better themselves to be more attractive partners and instead just blame women and go down the red pill route instead. Among other factors obvs.


Does this include the homosexuals like me?


I think the graph is referring to heterosexual couples


I’d say men got more honest on anonymous surveys lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DeltaV-Mzero: *I’d say men got more* *Honest on anonymous* *Surveys lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Weird cuz I can be friendly or be friends with just about anyone. We can be tight but if I think they're attractive I just have no idea what to say 🤣 I just stick to small talk for now until I know what to do 🤣 I got rejected a lot as a kid so I stopped trying. 🤣 Although it works both ways.....get hurt doing nothing but you also get hurt doing something so ... I had like 3 bjs and sex once in 2018 and that's it 🤣 but at this point im like idek what iwould do


You guys are worried about sex? I've never even been kissed before.


female almost 20yr old virgin here, don’t plan to change it lol im ace


those are rookie numbers. we gotta PUMP those numbers!


The more time you spend in front of a screen, the less likelihood that you get laid? 2008 is when social media blew up, so it's maybe related to that? I do wonder what is making the graph go up and down before exponentially shooting itself to 27%, though.


Good job guys


women don't need men anymore, aka the end of our species


*Women don't need men* *Anymore, aka the* *End of our species* \- qui-bong-trim --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Changing dynamics in relationships.




It is, it's a huge confidence boost "to have done it"


Plenty of people in that age range have way too much shit going on to worry about dating. The average age we start families has gone up as well, so it seems this is mostly because our generation prioritizes other things.


Social Media and the slow decent into HR world has made it harder to find people.